Life in Pieces (TV Series 2015–2019) Poster


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Cancelled? Say it ain't so!
Narce30 June 2019
I was so disappointed when I heard that this show had not been renewed. It is one of the few "comedies" on TV that consistently makes me laugh out loud. The cast is well-chosen and the writing is superb.

Here's the chance for someone like Netflix, Amazon or Comedy to swoop in and grab up an excellent series.
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So Long Modern Family
valloton5 April 2019
Where Modern Family excels in over-acting, towcramping scripts and far from believable charachters, this show is the opposite. It's funny, the actors are in their element . It's how you spell a believable "dysfunctional" family
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Cancelled!!! Can't be
phyllisstamoulatos29 July 2019
I finally laugh out loud and it's being cancelled. Love all the characters. It's original, fresh and watched by all age groups in our family. Disappointed!!
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Way to *not* go, CBS!
hosehead-428 June 2019
I've watched this show since it premiered and was very disappointed, to say the least, that it was cancelled. By all means, let's make room for more NCIS and CSI spin-offs instead! Epic fail, CBS. Life in Pieces was smart, funny, well-written and well-acted. I liked the fast pace and the four-story format. I guess some people just didn't get it or the network didn't know what to do with it. Either way, a dumb move to cancel it.
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Shellbug526-686-57120019 March 2016
I cannot believe all the negative reviews this show has gotten! It is well written and absolutely hilarious. The entire cast is superb, somehow James Brolin just keeps getting better with age! The show follows one family, parents their three grown children and their families. Every character on the show is interesting. Even the young kids are well written. They are wealthy and somehow it is still easy to relate to them. It is witty, sarcastic, and much funnier than most of the shows it is compared to, though I don't see why it's compared to anything, as it is very original. It is one of the few comedies my husband and I both agree on, laugh out loud funny! Give this show a chance, I don't see how you could be disappointed.
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flemeagle26 January 2020
What idiot cancelled this show. The funniest show I've watched. Better than modern family. Better than any current comedies and up there. The writer and actors should be very proud of what they produced in every episode. This is what is wrong with "the powers that be" in the television industry. They aren't in touch with the people and think they know what's best
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Gets better every week
mardee-36 December 2015
I really enjoyed the pilot but am enjoying this show even more as it progresses. I haven't watched a "laugh-out-loud" sitcom for awhile until this show - last week I almost doubled over during some of the segments. The entire cast is brilliant and pulls it off every week. I never knew Colin Hanks could be that funny! And I'm so happy to see Zoe Lister-Jones (who I loved in Whitney) and Thomas Sadosky (wonderful in Newsroom). Dan Bakkedahl is absolutely brilliant as are Dianne Weist and James Brolin. Even the kids are good, and I'm usually not enamored of child actors.

I look forward to each new episode, and really hope that it picks up an audience that will stick with it.
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Laugh Out Loud Comedy
dreamgavino11 November 2015
Nothing but respect and total love for this show... the entire cast is funny (Jordan, Colin, Zoe,etc.) and the writing is awesome! I love comedy shows that actually make me laugh out loud, and I was pleasantly surprised that each episode made me laugh several times. Other shows try too hard or not enough...other shows have a great cast but bad writers...this one has everything right (much like Goldilock's third pick in the house she trespassed in)...I also appreciate the fact that each episode is broken down into four yummy bite sized servings.. this fresh format helps with the flow of the show's comedic pace... Hope this show gets more love from viewers and critics
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Really funny series, great characters
biba_yu15 October 2018
This is one of rare comedy shows I have seen lately that has made me laugh out loud many many times per each episode. It is almost perfect comedy show with ridiculous but quite lovable characters, and intelligent thou silly but quite funny situations and quality humour. Never feels forced or contrived, quite good actors (even child actors, whatdoyouknow!), love Brandt, Wiest, Sadoski, everyone in general, and Colin Hanks is pleasant surprise too (who would say talent can be inherited?). I hope this show lasts and keeps its high quality.
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Fresh comedy. I'll keep watching
Dr_Sagan23 September 2015
It's not great but it's working.

You got some capable new actors like Thomas Sadoski (Newsroom) and Zoe Lister Jones (Whitney), plus some veterans like Dianne Wiest and James ("Barbra Streisand") Brolin.

Surprisingly enough Colin Hanks is credited first despite having the smallest and least distinguish role. I find him subpar, far behind the other actors of his generation.

The writing is quirky with a sometimes heavy tone on sex. Basically is a family comedy told through the separate stories of different family members.

You might not get frantic laughs with this one but the pace is good, the impossible situations funny in a weird way and the producers spare us from an annoying laugh track.

I don't if it will survive the season but I'll keep watching...

UPDATE: My review was based on the Pilot. After I have seen all 22 episodes I'll say IT IS a funny comedy and I hope for a 2nd season.
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NO MORE musicals
dwelch-880456 April 2018
Love the show normally, it's very funny. Hope they don't continue on the musical path.
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Such a Shame
rosco-5685210 November 2019
It's a a shame when a clever well written show with great characters and great chemistry is cancelled. Yet mind numbing shows geared towards idiots (Pretty much anything involving Chuck Lorre) is kept on the air. Guess we also need more time slots for NCIS 12
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Give it a gets better each week.
alikat-8464619 October 2015
If I was to review this show after the first episode or even the second, I would have given it a 4 or 5 at best. However, I've always had a rule for new series. I give it four shows. If I don't care if I watch the 5th episode, then I delete it from the DVR. Well, this show is getting better each week. I really like the actors on the show so that has helped. However, the concept didn't take "flight" with me until last week. It was exceptionally funny and did tie in together in that EVERYONE has this family. They are finding their humor and their footing. I'll keep watching. The parents fell flat at first but now, they've taken on the persona that many of us have for parents. They are from a different generation and now, with their grandchildren, they are reliving their youth. To the chagrin of their own children. The children, all leading different stages of their lives, are hilarious. I'm giving this a 7 now because they still haven't brought out the full potential of their family dynamic and the humor that can be found. However, they are on the right track and honestly, it's possible this show will still find its mark while never becoming a full on comedy. I'm fine with that.
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Really Bad
MikeA-1423 September 2015
Regrettably "Life in Pieces" is burdened by really bad writing. This attempted rip-off of Modern Family has none of it's charm, humor, or truth. Every line of dialog rang false. The situations were silly, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the actions and reactions of the characters were absurd without being funny. I wanted to like this show and had high hopes given some excellent cast members, but this is the worst pilot I've seen in a long time. It's possible that after the usual problems with pilots (i.e the need to introduce the various characters and story lines) are taken care of the show will improve, but it's hard to imagine that it could ever elevate itself to adequacy. I suggest that possible viewers avoid wasting their time by suffering through even a half hour viewing.
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One of the greatest sitcoms in the past few years!
nivethanin31 July 2019
I absolutely cannot believe this show got cancelled. I binged it on Netflix just recently and couldn't wait for more. I just checked for the upcoming season date when I found out the show got cancelled?!? It's such a smart sitcom with a loveable cast. The writers and cast deserve better than this.
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Have not seen a smarter and funnier show ever !
timhofer-2230323 May 2019
The show is smart, funny and and tugs at your heart as you join this family and their life. The writers are very talented fitting in big topics in little stories. And the cast is as equally talented bringing to life the stories. Love this show!
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Love this show!!!
dalisavid-852801 August 2019
Ive been meaning to watch this show for a while. Now binge watching on Hulu. It seems every time I finally get into a show, it gets cancelled. Too many shows on TV, the good ones can't survive.
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Please bring back!
laurabyrneuk6 March 2020
Only just heard of this show and can't believe it's been cancelled! Too many good characters!

Please bring back.
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Best I've seen yet
rickbu-915-75981016 September 2018
Every actor is spot on in their respective role. Some of the best laugh out loud lines delivered by all! The child actors are superb. Believable and hilarious family situations. So far the best tv comedy I have ever seen to date.
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Smart and Funny
dob-2513721 August 2019
Such a shame that CBS would cancel this series. Well written and the acting was terrific.
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The best new comedy
tj-180408 May 2017
Life In Pieces is "laugh out loud while you're alone funny". I happened on to it one night and watched the first season in a couple of days. I love the quick vignettes. Nothing is too drawn out and this keeps the humor fast paced. There is not a weak actor in the bunch. Of course Diane Weiss has always been a favorite of mine. It's a great ensemble of characters. I want it to last!!!
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Good not exceptional
shama_musani16 March 2021
Easy and binge watchable show up to about season 3. The grandparents along with Tim's character become really annoying. I ended up forwarding their scenes after season 3. Greg and Jen along with Matt and Colleen's characters were relatable and really enjoyable. If you need something new to watch that's which and easy then watch it. It's good to a certain point.
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Why Would They Cancel This
megan-678828 August 2019
This was a show that was written perfectly! I have never seen a show that was broken down into four short stories that were all hilarious, yet still had a full plot line that went on for the entire season. The acting is amazing from the cast and I was so excited to see what was to come next.

It is ridiculous that they would cancel this for something new that is probably going to be a spin-off of something else that we have already seen before.

Someone PLEASE pick it up!
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A Refreshing Change of Pace
davedoepker-264-9187246 October 2015
I love shows that don't follow tried and true (and tired) formats. And I love shows driven by character development. Life in Pieces has both in spades. Each episode is comprised of four "short stories" - and these stories (or vignettes) stack upon each other to build a rich world with funny, nuanced characters...and after a few episodes this world really starts to take form. It's not the typical format where everything is tied together in a pretty bow at the end. Each short story lives and breathes its own life.

I recommend giving it a shot if you haven't already. It's not often the networks take a chance on something a little bit different. And it's not the Modern Family rip-off some claim it to be: it's a much different style, tone and type of humor.
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Not good
Viking13131321 September 2015
It's Modern Family meets Parenthood, but not as funny. (As Parenthood I mean). It tries tries desperately and fails to replicate the dynamic of Modern Family, while using the family formula from Parenthood. With the lost child who lives with mom and dad, the Claire and Phil clones with a growing family and the rest of the extended family. I just don't know how many ways I can say it was a disappointment. Brolin has never been a favorite, he makes a much better bad guy then he does a comedian. The remainder of the cast is ultimately forgettable as well, the mother is cliché and dull, the kids were given nothing to work with by the writers or the director. The story line of the first episode was boring. The writers broke it into four stories that all suffer from lack of originality, and humor. I would be shocked if this series makes it past the first few episodes.
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