Hand of God (TV Series 2014–2017) Poster


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Great show.
jabandrade14 January 2021
Series nothing short of excellent. Great cast, especially Ron Perlman and Dana Delaney, in a story developed intelligently in layers that were being presented gradually at a precise pace. The only flaw is that Amazon has not delivered a final season and a satisfying and really conclusive ending to the story. Still, it's a lot of fun.
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One of the best pilots I've seen in a while
Zubacz30 August 2014
Review based on the first episode: I sincerely hope this show keeps up the tension and atmosphere of the pilot. Apart from The Killing, there aren't many TV shows which revolve around broken and unlikable characters. It just isn't pleasant to watch stressed, struggling and often unpredictable people. Yet, such TV leaves you feeling like you experienced something emotional. Among all the ugliness, even the smallest pleasant act or scene can mean a lot; when our tiny hopes for a positive resolution are fulfilled, we appreciate it all the more.

The acting and cinematography are great. The interactions are realistic and the viewer understands each character. Every scene seems important and keeping focus is rewarding. Not knowing what to believe, whom to trust and what the motivations are, is a necessary part of such a show, however what subtle hints we do get are delivered very well.

I don't want to praise this show prematurely, considering we have only seen one episode, however if it keeps up the twists, plots and great characters, I am sure it will be a success.

Considering the amount of people who feel the irresistible need to tell others their views on religion, I suppose a lot of viewers will express strong opinions about the themes of this show. I hope others will not be dissuaded by those opinions. This is a clever show, definitely not aimed at advertising anyone's beliefs or conversely, offending anyone else's.
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An actual season review and not just the pilot.
chunkylefunga7 September 2015
The show starts off with an interesting concept and builds up many questions that we hope will be answered in throughout the season. Whilst you cannot fault the acting in the show, the overall storyline unfortunately becomes somewhat convoluted with a few curve balls seemingly chucked in for the sake of prolonging the storyline. Not to mention a few unnecessary side stories.

My major complaint is that the hand of God becomes much less prominent as the show goes on, it would have been nice to push this further with the protagonist. It seems more that the idea was used to draw viewers in and then once you're in they switched it to more of a general detective show. Don't be afraid to push religious boundaries and taboos guys, this could still become a great show if you do.

Overall I'm say this premiere season has been decent but nothing spectacular. I wouldn't bother with season 2 if the quality stays the same, but with a few tweaks and polishes I may be drawn back; so watch this space.
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Excellent Show and Superb Acting
jane_hill-205694 September 2017
I was really surprised to see the negative reviews from the reviewers and Rotten Tomatoes. Of course, no show is right for every one, that is why we has thousands of different shows to watch but for me, this was a great show. Continued to keep my attention and made me want to watch the next episode immediately. Wonderful work from Ron Perlman and Dana Delaney (and I'm not a huge fan of hers). The supporting cast were very good as well.

I will admit there are parts of the show that drift off, are derivative and just all-around don't make sense, but those are small. In the end, the show is compelling, interesting and an excellent series.

It's a shame, there will be no season 3, it deserves it.
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Insane ... but in a good way
A_Different_Drummer21 September 2015
I think I am at the 900 mark or so for reviews, a stat which should amply qualify me to review this series.

No, it doesn't.

This one is unpredictable, and off the wall. It is a series about insanity written in such a way that even the viewer cannot fully believe what is on screen .. and that is a good thing.

And the writing is not the standout -- the acting too is stellar, Ron P always excellent and Dana D (of Lois Lane fame) looking better at her age than anyone has a right to look.

To say I was transfixed would be an understatement. I am hooked and will be watching the other 9 episodes faster than you can say "Born Again."
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Smart, Well-Acted and Complex. Watch it.
SeatontheAisle30 August 2014
I loved this pilot and anxiously await the next installment. I really appreciated having to think and pay attention, I thought the acting was top notch across the board (the most I've ever liked Dana Delaney or Ron Perlman) and the plot was intriguing and leaves this one with a lot of places to go. I felt for a father trying (and failing) to cope with the loss of his son. We see a man who has done bad things trying to change (and it will be a slow process) and STILL making mistakes. The sense of doom as Pernell and KD hurtle down a path the audience knows they shouldn't take, and then the twist at the end leaves you saying "Now what?!"

I think it is interesting that most of the one-star ratings reviews I read complain about one of two things: 1) It's too pro-Christian or 2) It's too anti-Christian. Which is it? Maybe it's not so clear cut as that. At no point did I feel like this was supposed to be a champion of either camp. It's just the frame for this particular story. Flawed people grasping at any reason they can find to justify their actions. This didn't change any view I already have about Christianity or religion in general.

There are plenty of unlikable people here (as in every good story) but plenty, also, who I am rooting for as well. They don't go about things the way I would--but I already know how THAT story plays out. I want to have an experience far from my own and far from the expected.

It's not for everyone--nothing I seem to really enjoy is. Deadwood, No Country For Old Men, Breaking Bad, Assassination of Jesse James, Chopper, Animal Kingdom. This series has a lot of potential and I hope Amazon gives it the chance to grow and expand on what is an excellent beginning.

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One thing really bugged me
jhagen-3191810 December 2021
I admire the actors, Ron Perlman and Dana Delaney are excellent in their roles.

The story line is intriguing, but like most series, there are a lot of holes. I don't care about the holes, they mostly serve to advance the story.

The "ONE" thing that bugged me is the women's shoes. No matter the clothing; jeans, slacks, shorts, or dress, they all wear shoes more appropriate for the street walking ladies of the night. Except Crystal's mom, she wore flip flops.

This is my first IMDB review, not much meat to it, but the shoes became a distraction. I'll do better next time.
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worth a watch!
smov-6652030 July 2017
I was surprised by all the poor reviews on "rotten tomatoes".

Just signed up to amazon prime, tried this TV show out, was doubtful because of the bad reviews, however this show has been quite fun to binge - 8 episodes in, and loving it! Its got politics, ron perlman, ron perlman.

people may be touchy about the way religion is portrayed, but as an aetheist idgaf. It comes as real, and although some of the supernatural themes feel unreal, everything else is fken fantastic.
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No way is this a 10
marialamer20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Is this seriously what passes for 7-10 stars with viewers? Not in my book.

As a caveat, I only watched the pilot and based on the premise, I have no further interest. Ridiculous sex scene at the bank. Sure, get some and then give money to a shady character. The preacher man is a terrible actor, capable of only exuding smiles. Making an innocent police officer drop his draws to the mirror? LOL! I think not.

Telling said police officer that if he calls his rep, he will go on record as a possible rapist? Ridiculous! The formerly harsh Judge suddenly dismissing a case of brutal violence? Because "he has found God"? Ridiculous!

I find it amusing that the lowest star ratings were due to offense that the killing is in the name of God. It's just a crappy story, with mediocre acting and no nuance or sympathetic characters.
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Best show ever!!!!
ekr-2405113 April 2017
I don't normally like shows that the rest of the world seems to love. I have a hard time sitting down and giving all my attention to one show. I typically watch movies more, but my fiancé and I decides we'd give this show a shot, and man, I am SOOOOO GLAD WE DID!!! I am absolutely obsessed with this show. I find all the characters relatable in one way or another. Ron Perlman is so fantastic throughout, and not to mention that I am a HUGE Erykah Badu fan! I absolutely love her character, because I feel its true to who she is in real life. Fantastic show! If I could give it more than 10 stars, I would. I literally sob every time Ron Perlman cries. I will call my fiancé in the middle of the day crying because something happened in the show. Its just amazing! Everyone should watch it!! I hope there are many more seasons to come!!!
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It would be great if it was shorter
rodcr-7422321 July 2021
It could be fitted in one season or maybe 12 episodes, and would be a great story.

Yet, the acting is remarkable, as also some of the characters, vg mayor "Bobo".
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Great Series! Why was this cut short?!
darrel07627 September 2021
I loved this series. It took a few episodes to hook me, but once it did, inwas all in. The casting was perfect for this show. I became invested in each character. The story is definitely unique and well written. I lqould have loved more however. 2 seasons is not enough.
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Too much Vulgar Language!
jackiehgn28 February 2021
Great movie, great actors, but way way too much vulgar language! I mean Wow! There was so much cursing, the director could have shaved off several hours from the episodes if all the filthy talk was erased! No need for such trash talk... it just cheapens the entire movie!
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Totally unbelievable & Ron, Ron, Ron... Lucky Actor...
smartypantsz3 December 2022
Just really a load of unbelievable hogwash. I feel bad in saying that, because Dana Delaney is great in most everything she's done, including this. Ron Perlman was good in Quest For Fire, only because we didn't have to hear him speak and be his regular macho self. He's so unbelievably indigestible in this, being an arrogant, rich, religous-nut a$$h0le, it's just unbearable to watch. And Garret Dillahunt gets to show us his pumped-up body again, and act tough-guy macho. So tiring...

It's just too much. The over-zealous, good-looking, 'charming' young preacher, the ever-so-intelligent, tough, sensitive call-girl 'with a heart' of course, and on and on and on...

Seen it all before, but somehow, this was just worse. At the end of the rth episode in the first season, Perlman's character gets down on his knees to ask the call-girl if she will marry him - and the episode ends as we await her answer. At that point, I said 'alright - that's it', and deleted the series from my line-up. I just couldn't believe it - nor did I care.

Avoid at all costs.
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Excellent pilot episode. Promising.
SamWam29 August 2014
This is by far the best pilot that Amazon has produced so far. It immediately draws you in and makes you feel what the characters are about. It is gritty, well written, and has a solid lead actor in Ron Pearlman. His performance is very grounded and natural. One of the best of his career in my opinion. The show explores pretty powerful themes and judging from the pilot, It does so in a way that is interesting and thought provoking. It is paced well and at the end of the pilot, It leaves you wanting more. Amazon needs to green light this to series and get it going as soon as possible. It could very well be the show that elevates them to the Netflix level of required viewing. It could be their House Of Cards.
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The best pilot from Amazon yet
katish730 August 2014
This was definitely the best pilot produced by Amazon so far in terms of quality of writing, acting and directing. Even just one of the best pilots all around.

Acting is very convincing from all of the leads. The story is very engaging and keeps you on the edge. It makes you question the main character's sanity, but still sympathize with him. There're a lot of layers to the narrative, but it feels all connected.

Marc Foster and Ben Watkins delivered!

I sincerely hope that Amazon will pick it up and produce the whole season with the same outstanding quality.
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An interesting premise. Now that it's going to be a full series, let's see where it's heading!
Dr_Sagan25 January 2015
I only saw the one episode (pilot) which would decide if this series will picked up or not. As I'm reading it will, so I'm curious to see what's coming next.

The show centers on Harris, a hard-living, law-bending married judge with a high-end call girl on the side, who suffers a mental breakdown and goes on a vigilante quest to find the rapist who tore his family apart. With no real evidence to go on, Pernell begins to rely on "visions" and "messages" he believes are being sent by God through Pernell's ventilator-bound son.

It starts good and its premise is very original. You may made up your mind really quick about what is going but prepare to be surprised.

The show looks good and seems very promising.

Ron Perlman and Dana Delany are good casting for their parts.

UPDATE: As I'm reading the show picked for a full season. So this is good news, because the show looks really interesting.
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Entertaining but difficult to believe
kaikawarren14 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The pilot episode started off great but as the series wore on, it became a little more difficult to follow characters. I understand that it's the screenwriters job to keep us entertained and there were many twists but it seemed to get carried away and it made the plot more difficult to believe as the series progressed.

The characters are fatally inconsistent. There is a trustworthy pastors girlfriend who seduces someone but is all about getting god's word out? At least be uniform throughout. Is she good or is she morally corrupt? One second Penell's daughter in law sees a video of a book then the next she's wanting to pull the plug. Besides if The Harris' want to keep him on life support, why does she want to pull the plug since they're rich and can afford it? Makes no sense. I can go on and on with discrepancies but won't.

Pilot started off well then lost a lot of steam as show moved on. The plausibility began to suffer in order to throw in many twists and turns which a lot felt forced. It was entertaining except when the believability lacked which made me want to stop watching. Not sure if I'll give season 2 a chance.
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Enjoyed It! Ends After Season 2.. What A Bomb!
artieup-570-92070712 October 2016
Some viewers are straight out Baseless for their reasoning that this show wasn't Good and should be halted! If I am not wrong, The Average viewers gave this Series A well received 4 out of 5 Stars.. That can't be misleading to those who have their personal opinion about this show needing to be stopped at season 2.

Well, Each to their own, but the ratings should determine how a show should move forward, and this show had very good public reviews. I guess some viewers can't handle certain realities of crooked Judges and certain race relations.. That's my opinion. Oh Well, I'll move on as life does... Twisted Plots but Entertaining Show.
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Good not great - Hand of God
annotate-19 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The ending was "choose your own ending." So, I say Jocelyn was aiming to profit from PJ's program. Why else would she have given Crystal a phony encryption key? And she may have been in on all of it with Nathan Brooks.

Keith 'KD' killed Pernell for his attitude towards Tessie and Pernell's taking all of her money so she would need to depend on him. The look on KD's face when Pernell told him he was responsible for taking all her money. And where did KD get the money he gave Tessie? From the broker?

If KD did not kill Pernell someone else should have. And hopefully Nathan got his before Pernell was killed by KD. After that it was business as usual for the rest of the flawed crew.

I enjoyed the show but it had a lot of plot holes of things that wouldn't have happened in 100 years..
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Great series destroyed by the network
VapAndrei29 January 2017
What a great first season. It's edgy and keeps you wondering until the end. With a perfect cliffhanger ending, how can you not expect a second season?

Of course, amateurism runs Hulu and they took like 6 months to renew the show, then what did they do? Postponed the second act for March 2017 (first season kicked off in 2014).

Almost 3 full years for another season? Gonna predict this will be the final season of this great show - let's pause the show for 3 years, get everyone disengaged, lose a bunch of viewers, then cry about the ratings!

Way to Go HULU for bombing your own series.. your single good show! Retards.
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Great Story Line
deniseraley25 October 2017
Love the story line of this series!!!!! Hated the foul language, every sentence had to have F--- in it. Why is that? It doesn't make the show better it cheapens it and makes you want to turn it off. Is that language really necessary? This would have gotten a 10 had it not been so foul.
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A gem of a TV serie for us with an interest in bigger issues mixed into good TV entertainment.
jangamre12 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For those who like original TV universes like Sons of Anarchy, it's impossible not to relate to Ron Perlman. He personifies at least a couple of generations of father figures in his complex and contradictory characters, and I love his presence in SOA. I only recently learned that when his character in Sons of Anarchy died (inflicted a small period of grief on me in 2015) - he became fully involved in a new universe with Hands of God at Amazon. I follow Perlman's own words "one of the best TV series he has ever been on". My fallout is no more complicated than that Amazon Prime is new to me, I have only started using the service in the last year. Therefore, the joy is great to see him in the role of "Judge Harris" in this series. Really contradictory and original twist on THE big and difficult questions. This type of larger drama - which also integrates religion and philosophy in an open way - I have not seen since the movie The Matrix. The wonderful opening scene where Harris babbles away in tongues as a completely saved Pentecostal... However, Harris does not remain as pentecostal for very long - even if his supernatural experiences continues. The series puts its your own wondering and belief system in the driver's seat and provides no easy answers to demanding questions. Little spoiler ... the interpretation from Harris' tongues in the opening sequence is exposed in a Pentecostal way first in episode 2 season 2 as part of the investigation. The interpretation (with a clear religious message) is mixed with the younger generation's message of freedom for the individual and both saving the world from environmental damage and from big companies that will control you. My homage to Ben Watkins; Well done, this is refreshing storytelling, original, well written and well played. A little gem of a TV series for us with an interest in bigger issues mixed into good TV entertainment.
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Interesting concept, gratuitous sex
jengfarmer28 March 2017
I really liked the idea behind this show - it explores the idea of madness versus religious experience - which is quite a brave thing to do. The story line is emotional and it's often pacy and gripping. Characters are not pigeon-holed as simply saints or sinners - and what interested me the most was trying to work out whether the show even had a moral compass or a particular religious standpoint. However, some (all) of the characters ARE ridiculous. It's no gritty real world exploration - (Bubbles from the Wire is now a mayor in a suit attending masked balls!!!) and hence the low-ish score. Its all a bit too glossy, US, nobody lives like that, talks like that, even thinks like that, to really do the concept justice - but 10/10 for an original brave idea and making it watchable. Oh and did I mention the totally unnecessary sex scenes? Yes they literally suck. There is a particularly agonizing one where they talk dirty in a restaurant toilet. I nearly had to switch it off I was so embarrassed for them.
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Just Depressing Religious Fanatacical Crap
Phantom_Duck30 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Prominent Judge's son and daughter in law are the victims of a horrible home invasion and rape, son shoots himself in the noggin and fails, just a vegetable in a coma.

Judge (Ron Perlman) goes full 5150 and gets baptized by fundamentalist charismatic preacher with a bogus Christian church. Found naked in a fountain, speaking in tongues. Then becomes Born Again vigilante idiot.

This show is just ugly, depressing and has the entertainment value of watching puppies and kittens being euthanized. After watching it, I wanted to shoot myself. At least I would get it right.

I love Dana Delaney, fell in love with her on China Beach, and Ron Perlman as Clay Morrow in SOA is incredible. But what a disjointed, utterly depressing pile of crap. If misery and mentally ill religious fanatics hallucinating the word of God are for you, look no further, the Rapture has arrived! Even devout fundamentalist Christians won't like this show.

Not drama, a tragedy, a tragedy I wasted an hour watching this pilot.
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