Freeridge (TV Series 2023) Poster


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A quick and fun binge watch
eiracornelius3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I binged watched this all in one day on my day off. I have never seen "On the Block", but I didn't feel very confused or anything watching this as it's just a spin-off of that show. The series is pretty camp, in my opinion. It is also one of the shows that despite how awful the characters can be at times, they are so raw and relatable that you find that you can't hate those characters even if their actions are pretty horrible. I teared up several times watching this. Especially watching Cameron's speech about how he was made to feel gross about his sexuality. It hit very close to home. It's also just a fun and easy watch, so I do recommend i if anyone wants to try it out.
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Very entertaining
aseshad22 March 2023
Honestly at first it felt off, especially seeing what the show had done with existing characters such as Ruby's parents. The show tried a bit too hard to be goofy and in turn lost a sense of seriousness/ adult that omb had. Omb didn't really feel like a goofy teenage show it was entertaining and serious at the same time however the spin-off feels like it's trying to hard to cater to the new generation with crystals and spirituality being waaayyyy too important to the plot

But the show was very entertaining, binged it all in a day and I also originally thought the gang plot line was too thin but it ended up thickening, hopefully s2 will have a more serious aroma.
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This is so trash
dojobreno3 February 2023
I really liked On My Block, its a fun teen show, the cast was pretty nice, it had a good plot, the characters were mostly enjoyable and the comedy was good. So i went to watch this mess with some expectations, but oh my, this is beyond awful. The characters are annoying and uninteresting, there's nothing to be curious about or even pay attention to in the story. In the original show Freeridge was shown as a dangerous neighborhood but they knew how to balance the teenager lives with the gang related stuff. Here it just feels like a boring ass place where nothing happens. Also its very cringe when they try to force some romance between characters because it feels forced, unlike On My Block. I don't recommend this crap to anybody.
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Potential Ruined By Stereotyping and Lacklustre Script
t-d-t-m829 February 2023
I don't know where to begin here. Talk about stereotyping. Talk about cliches a-go-go. The typical teenage rom com has been done so much now.

This is that for generation z but generation clueless. Utterly shambolic writing. Overacting. Overstaging. Constant fights. It's the same formula recycled for the entire season.

It's generic script-play and acting and it's not good to enjoy at all. I do not know why this was even commissioned. How the actors all seem hellbent on getting one-up on each other in various circumstances then realising their mistake and feeling the guilt is just so dull.

Diversity is great but it's dramatically and incorrectly overplayed and it's just not realistic at all. It's actually so stupid it's cringeworthy.

The only good thing is the camera work is fabulous and it's really nicely shot for this kind of show. There are moments in the show were I'm thinking oh this is a refreshing angle but then it just ruins it with incompetence and irrelevance.

It's crap.
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Still a lot of heart!
jeremiahlhorton5 February 2023
The main thing that sucks about spin offs or sequels is that people compare them to the originals. Let's face it, the original On My Block series was and still is one of Netflixs greater shows I would binge on a daily. However, all things must come to an end and something new is presented. And what we have is Freeridge. On My Block was already diabolical yet realistic with very relatable characters and impressive story telling with some A+ acting. Freeridge takes diabolical and amps it up several notches. I'm all for it. As Jamal from On My Block was one of the major highlights from the original that pushed boundaries of realism and fiction in his arc alone. This show takes that and piles on top of it which is executed pretty quickly and in your face. As a fan of the series who is used to the og characters and the show alone, I gave this a chance and opened my mind to appreciate them continuing the universe for this show, Freeridge, is one hell of a funny ride from start to finish. It deserves a chance and a lot more support from fans of the original series. If On My Block is a 9 out of 10, Freeridge is an 8 out of 10, for bringing new and familiar characters, New plot, and extremely funny moments back on the screen.
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xoxokennedy-624096 February 2023
I recently watched the entire series and from the first episode I knew. I wasn't expecting it to be like on my block at all it was a whole different vibe. From watching other spin- offs ideally there are at least a couple main characters that make appearances throughout the series. There was none of that in Freeridge. There was really no aspects of on my block in the show. While watching Freeridge I felt none of the place "Freeridge". They didn't have any of the "gangs" or "landmarks" as seen in on my block and I just think for a show named after the place it wasn't real feeling like Freeridge. I feel like Netflix could've made the main characters more like able I only found one character that I liked and he has a supporting character. While with on my block I liked characters like Jamal, Rubys grandma, Monse and Jasmine. Also I felt like the relationships weren't written very well at all. Demi and Cam's relationship didn't make any sense as the actors had no chemistry on screen. Also I feel like the show could've been more mature it felt like a gothic Disney teen drama. Very poorly done...
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karencurtis-452335 February 2023
I was a huge fan of the original On My Block so I was excited to check this out. If course it took me a little bit to warm up to a new crop of characters but once I did, I really enjoyed it! I like that they put some nods in to the original show and had mentions of story lines from the original show that tied Freeridge in. It did take me a couple of episodes to really get pulled in to the storyline but I am glad that I kept watching! I would love to see a second season! I feel like it has the same heartwarming comedic feel with an undercurrent of dark reality that the original did. I'll give it a second watch for sure.
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whereismscarla5 February 2023
I watched this because I liked the previews. I finished it to write an accurate review. This is so cringey and I will not watch another season if it does come back. Netflix is good for keeping the wrong shows so it might be. The characters are kids so maybe I need to take that into consideration but the story is all over the place. They're supposed to be in high school but they're drinking with the adults, the uncle is a big child and acts dumb, the sisters are horrible to each other and say the most hateful things. They make me very glad to not have a sister. Gloria the older sister is bossy, horrible, hateful and violent. The younger sister, Ines is a manipulative lying little brat. The friends have no backbones. Thankfully it was only 8 episodes. But my suggestion: don't waste your time.
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This show is hot garbage
hisharley-148314 February 2023
I was so excited for this show to come out. Mostly because on my block had a great plot and twists and turns that was captivating and amazing to watch. BUT THIS WAS A TERRIBLE SPINOFF. Congrats you mentioned ruby and his family throughout the show but none of it was even remotely close to what on my block was, absolutely nothing good about it. You'd be wasting your time watching it. If you have high expectations prepare to be disappointed. They start off the show with a fight between sisters so you expect the plot to be somewhat similar and then bam horrible cheesy teenage show that's like all of the rest. I'm highly displeased and wasted a lot of my time waiting for the show to get better and it just never did.
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It's not bad, but...
craneno9 February 2023
This isn't the worst show I've watched, but it definitely has one of the worst lead characters.

Don't get me wrong, the actress who plays 'Gloria' isn't the issue, it's the character herself. She is OVERLY dramatic, sometimes funny but mostly, she's just downright nasty to the people she is closest with. Her overreactions to some of the antics made me dislike her, terribly.

The story itself, along with the rest of the cast, aren't terrible. I was entertained enough by them; however, what detracted from my overall enjoyment was the lead character, 'Gloria.' As I mentioned above, her character is quite insufferable.

I'm certain I'm not the target audience for this show, but if you're an adult watching with your tween / teen kids, be prepared to get frustrated and annoyed.
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Freeridge Review
htrsrz3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I Know this is just a spin-off of On My Block but I love this new core four Cam , Demi , Gloria , and Ines. I love the ups and down of Gloria and Ines Sisterhood and how the show makes you feel like the bond between the friends and how Demi and Cam start to have feelings for each other as the series goes along, but towards the end when their relationship is put on hold and they just stay friends for now I also like that because you could see that they were shifting away from each other, I also like how we got guest appearances from Ruby and Jamal's Parents and how Marisol Is Actually Mariluna.
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Definitely Not The Original
chocotaco-152606 February 2023
I was super excited to see that a new OMB was about to begin with new characters and storyline. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it past the 3rd episode. The characters in this new series don't stand out as individuals, and the storyline is meh. In the originalit tackled different social and lufe issues that teens and families face. From cuktural differences, to gang affiliations, different class, growing pains, dealing with trauma and coping with loss. While also giving us alot of humor. Each character was a standout in the original. In the spinoff, The characters tend to overact. I don't know why the main character is always mad and yelling. I found her become very annoying right away.
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dfanpage4 February 2023
First the onmb was great and I loved all of the seasons but the spin off just started it might of not been great but it's watchable obviously the first season isn't going to be loads of action and that like onmb the first season was not good but then it got interesting and interesting.

But for some reason people can't let go of the old characters which they will probably show up on the future seasons if this gets renewed .

I honestly think the show is good I'll give it a 6/10 and I hope it gets better and better if they make more seasons.

People saying it's bad it's really not the show is good.
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Awful do not watch
flowmiles5 February 2023
When I heard there was a spin off of On My Block I was expecting big things seeing as it was so good but this just made me want to kill myself. Gloria is the worst sister I have ever seen and is such a selfish character seeing as she only believed it was a curse when it affected her life. I hate the characters and they really force diversity in the characters whether it's sexuallity or race. It is a horrible show I highly do not recommend this. I think this show could become better if Gloria was a actual decent person and didn't moan about her sister every five seconds. Also if they didn't force the romance.
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Because I loved On My Block...
spikeypoet12 April 2023
Because I loved On My Block, I thought that this'd be more of the same... how WRONG I was.

Firstly, this is far too Alphabetised; LGHDTV all over the place, and as always, ever since 2017, they're heavy-handed with it.

Now, I'm 100% straight, like 12:30. Overkill is overkill; I do NOT want to be force-fed Alphabet soup every goddamned day.

Even my love for the prequel couldn't convince me to endure another episode of this blatant agenda push.

Not happening. Which is a goddamned shame.

They did the exact same thing with BP2: Wakanda Forever, and it ended up being banned in China and the Middle East. Well done Hollyweird, we see you... Heavy-handed agenda-forcing means NO-WAY, in my book!
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Corny and Cringe
shaizagulzar17 March 2023
This is prob one of the worst shows i have ever watched... The characters are surface level and when they say they are upset it does not feel like they are upset which shows that lack of acting skills eg it would be better to show that Gloria is overwhelmed than having her say that she is. This also shows how poor the writers are. I am 100% sure i can write a better show that this with characters who actually look like they have emotion. One thing i hate the most that this show does is make the most surface level "emotional" scenes where the character say things that just sound extremely fake.
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It was really good honestly
ilovedogsakame5 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People think it's bad because people want it to be the same as omb which again this is a spin off version it's not supposed to be the same this is even less cringey then on my block like let's be for real here yes there were some moments that I hated but at the same time I thought the the show was really good and I think there should be a 2 season. Just because it isn't like on my block doesn't mean it isn't a bad show people were hating on this show even when it wasn't out yet and they still haven't even give it a change I think people need start giving shows a chance before they start complaining.
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extremely disappointing
fmdzgwgsf16 February 2023
I watched this because i enjoyed on my block a lot, but this was plain ridiculous and cringy to watch. All the characters are extremely cringy and super extra. So many scenes make absolutely no sense and so many serious issues are dumbed down completely. The main character is just plain boring and cringy and the side characters aren't very interesting either. It's a complete disappointment, especially after watching on my block first. Overall it's a pretty crappy show and the jokes are really really bad. They could've done way better than this and i was genuinely hoping for something a little better than this.
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vaymarcelldawn18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think it was a great tv show, I love it. Some things were really great, some not so great, but the positives outweigh the negatives. Lets start with cons. I wish Demi was a tiny bit less cringy. Andre was overly extra, like a squirrel on cocaine. It's dumb that they killed ********, it was so sad. They could've left them alive. I wish some of the main characters of on my block could've made an appearance like my homegirl jazz. Ines is a lil dumb, but that makes sense for a young sibling. Now the pros. Gloria a very complex but well known character. Her grief, anger, struggle, is portrayed so well and honestly touched me. There are some cheesy parts but that's normal for a first season of a show. I think for a first season it was really great. Most all the elements were there. Highs, Lows, Laughs, sadness, suspense, drama. I pray that some how ******** survived and is alive in season 2.
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Couldn't make it past ep 3.
jaquala-061371 March 2023
It's just so corny and seems forced. The jokes were flat, the lead characters were boring. I definitely miss ruby and hamal. I was so bored with the show we gave up watching. I hope they don't waste time on a season 2. Idk why they thought it was smart to close out on my block in general. The show was epic. Sad to see it goo. Then again it's so Netflix to get rid of good shows and shows that are trash manage to stay getting renewed. Also the storyline was super flat.

Netflix please get y'all act together. Keep upping the cost yet we don't get a lot for the money. We've been using prime and direct stream and getting better shows. Bring back untold stories.
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Gloria is the worst
isabarbosa-0124617 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the characters are likeable and learn to be better. Demi and Cam were pretty insufferable at the beginning but they learned to be better. Cam and Demi figured out go their desperate ways to be better people. Ines realized she was wrong when she lied to Gloria and grew. But Gloria was still the insufferable till the end. She stayed the same the whole show. Just a annoying character to said she would grow and change without ever fixing herself. She only focused on herself when Ines and her Dad wanted smth else for Día De los Muertos and the general way she spoke and treated Ines was unlikeable.
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Having so much fun with this show
sidneyseavers23 February 2023
Is this the best show ever created? No it's not. But from the first scene I started having fun. The opener is actually a fight which normally I dislike but it was so comedic you have no choice but to laugh. Quickly we are introduced to two main characters, family and friends. I was instantly sucked in like I was part of the crew and i knew their background stories. I'm also LOVING the fact it's minority (racial and sexual) yet I'm 4 episodes in & there have been exactly ZERO stereotypes or low bar racial jokes. There are plenty of other jokes tho sometimes it's a little corny but there is worse out there (re: anything with a laugh track). This is a goofy with a sprinkle of mystery coming of age teen drama, I'd recommend it!
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Good show - give it a try.
dejayshantel17 March 2023
  • Im feeling this . Definitely worth a watch and to give it a try. It's not supposed to be like the ONMB. It's about new friends and new adventures.already loving the new kids too! Especially Gloria and Inez. The sisters have a hard time being friends and sisters, but eventually they stick it out and show siblings are the greatest friends to have. I absolutely love the show so far and I hope Netflix doesn't boot it before we can get more seasons and adventures in FreeRidge. I can hope the show gains some popularity. Give it a shot, find the love for it as we did for On my Block. Because this has all the right stuff to make it a good show too.
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rptnds11 February 2023
Yes it was a tad cringey but let's not forget that on my block was as well. It's a lighthearted fun show that portrays a lot of things that do go on in teenagers lives like identity issues and family issues. I wish there were more components from omb but overall I enjoyed the show. There could be more plot as well and I think the audience would really go crazy if they saw some of the main characters from omb in the show as a cameo. I'd like to see cam show more emotions towards Demi and vice versa. Gloria needs to tone it down a bit, she's definitely the main reason for the cringe comments. Still, I give it a 9/10 rating. Better than riverdale that's for sure.
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It's Okay
vnation-001075 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What I feel about this show is it's okay but has nothing on the original but it also ties into it like the characters, that they talked about in the first one but didn't reveal. They reveal them In this one it's still entertaining I also appreciate them paying tribute to the original cast even seen a few familiar faces I'm not going to say to much I'll just say I don't regret watching it and should have watch it sooner. Sometimes I don't like when they remake stuff because it takes away from the original but I also thought on my block should have had more seasons so I'm glad they made a spin off.
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