Flowers in the Attic: The Origin (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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This series is a worthy take on the Garden of Shadows Dollanganger prequel
HorrorFilmHellion25 July 2022
This is best viewed after watching Lifetime's other productions of the Dollanganger series adaptations from the VC Andrews novels. Like the book itself (Garden of Shadows), the impact of Flowers in the Attic (Book or film) will be lessened if this is watched first. It is a story that is written in retrospect. With that said, this lifetime series is probably better constructed and more heavily funded than the Lifetime adaptations that come later in the timeline. It's competent, compelling, and well-scripted material, even as watered down with a PG rating. Hannah Dodd as young Corrine fits a spitting image of Lifetime's future Corrine as Heather Graham. Honestly, it comes down to this: The VC Andrews source material is fantasticly dark, but also very mature, and will probably never get the on-screen justice it deserves. This is the closest any studio has come to re-creating it on film. Until an MA or R rated version of all this material is made, and a network is willing to fund a complete season per novel, this is the best there is and it is pretty good all things considered. At this point, Lifetime is way ahead of the game on VCA adaptations, so might as well just keep sticking with this working formula.
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I'm skeptical, but willing to give it a chance.
lmhabig-2618810 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid reader of V. C Andrews books, I was super excited about this limited series! I just finished watching it and am so so on it so far, even though I'll continue watching.

First of all, the casting is TERRIBLE for most of the characters, although I enjoyed Kelsey Grammer as Garland Foxworth. Olivia Winfield is supposed to be more of a serious, plain-Jane type, so the actress that plays her is a good fit. However, Malcolm and Alicia are a different story. In the book, Malcolm is described as being so handsome, he's almost angelic. Definitely not the case with the actor; he's very average in looks and doesn't fill Malcolm's powerful persona at all; in fact, he comes across as a whining, petulant, abusive child, not a seasoned, cultured, well-traveled millionaire. The character of Alicia is described in the book as having 'cerulean' blue eyes and beautiful, long blonde hair. The actress has curly brown hair and is, frankly, nothing special to look at. She's certainly not someone who would or could make Malcolm's head turn.

Also, in the book, Alicia and Olivia are enemies, not friends, but the series turns them into friends and it doesn't fit the storyline. Also, in the book, Olivia's father dies, but does not lose his home and business. John Amos is supposed to be very menacing, not a nice, lovely guy as he is shown in the series. In terms of the storyline, the series left so much out of the book, but there's still enough there to make it recognizable.

I'm skeptical, but I'll keep watching because of my love for this story.
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Better than I expected, but.....
lorilshultz8 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have read this book series more times than I can count. This was my least favorite book in the series. In fact I never read it when I reread them. I thought this was actually a pretty good adaptation of the book, but of course they added things that weren't in the book. The main problem that I had with this is that they killed John Amos. As we all know he was a major character in If There Be Thorns. So without him how can that book even exist? I thought it was quite good up until that happened.
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Not since Texas Chainsaw have I been so disturbed.
talkteav23 July 2022
It's a nightmarish glimpse into what life was like for women in the early 1900s. Jemima Rooper's performance connects you to fear. I watch scary movies often, I have never been so scared for a fictional character. Max Irons is scary as Malcolm Foxworth, a dressed-to-kill predator capable of creepily deluding his victim into a false sense of security. The talented ensemble created a jaw-dropping atmosphere that feels scary and mysterious. After watching this first episode, I am unsure of my feelings toward the future Olivia and what she eventually will do to her grandchildren. What she did was unforgivable, but will I be more empathetic towards who she will become? Flowers In The Attic: Origins is a well-told story that only requires me to sit back and listen.

As always, if you made it this far, thanks for reading, and if you watch this series, let me know what you think.

Keep it interesting, Stay Channel Surfing!

Damian at TalkTeaV.
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Flowers woke up.
shelli-mathieu15 August 2022
They made it "super woke" because people didn't behave like or speak like this back when it's supposed to take place. I don't remember the gay plot line in the books. Even the words they say it's so 2022. But it works. It's still entertaining and the girl who plays Corrine is gorgeous.
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Camp Played Straight
cbentivegna24 July 2022
The twists and turns and family secrets (and forbidden affairs) are (on paper) as campy as it comes, but what makes this miniseries work is that everything is played straight when a lesser adaptation of VC Andrews' gothic novel "Garden of Shadows" (now called Flowers in the Attic: The Origin for the TV version) might have played it tongue in cheek. The earnestness works and the series expands upon the book by filling in blanks and showing more of the characters' motivations than the novel did. While the acting is slightly uneven at times, the performances generally work, particularly for the characters of Olivia, Nella (a character created specifically for the series), and young Corrine (who bears a striking resemblance to Heather Graham but delivers a better performance than Heather did playing an older version of the same character in the adaptation of Flowers in the Attic several years ago). The writing is clever and the direction and editing are often extremely suspenseful and sometimes haunting and scary. If your mind is open to watching and going along for the ride of a true old-fashioned miniseries family saga within the genre of "The Thorn Birds" and other popular miniseries from the 80s, then you won't be disappointed. Flowers in the Attic: The Origin is the most well-produced, twisted, and fun adaptation of a VC Andrews novel to date.
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whyhi26 August 2022
Read the FITA series and all the VC Andrews stories growing up. Loved them! Was soooo disappointed with the FITA heather gram series. HG IS AWFUL. The actor who played Kathy AWFUL. But the origin story series was actually surprisingly good!! Acting so much better. And did a great job showing how grandmother's disturbing behavior came to be.

Please have THIS cast remake the FITA series so there is continuity with the set/house and characters.
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Definitely, a true art form
rs-8961919 July 2022
I too grew up on these amazing books of V. C. Andrews. The prequel is even better than the OG that appeared on Lifetime. Damn, near perfection with the high regard of consistency throughout this 4 episode series..Well done Lifetime. Max Irons was phenomenally intoxicating as Malcolm, all because of his good genes Jeremy Irons.
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The Flowers are withered !
xcitenlady22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought surely I would enjoy this with all of the ethe twisting plot -, but the acting was subpar; the script is horrible and the characters switching understanding of who they are from scene to scene. They have no depth l; they are do predictable as is the storyline

I think most tune in for the salaciousness in incest, abortion, drugs, racial rape, marital rape and gay love but the acting is so horrible until you can hardly bear to continue.

The only good news is we see the beginning of the original best seller and best movie "Flowers in the Attic"
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No yellow flowers....
ginasharp13 July 2022
Love that Lifetime did "The Origin" - I read this series years ago and it makes me want to reread them AND it brought me to start watching Lifetime movies which I am NOW hooked on, lol This movie series is done so well, it is dark and twisted with lots of drama. I find myself oddly understanding and feeling sorry for Grandmother - how is this happening. Haha A must watch for people who love drama, suspenseful dark films.
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Melodramatic crap
jim-162-9387113 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just barely better than the Lifetime Dollanganger movies, which are some of the worst things ever committed to film.

The plot and thinly written characters are exactly what you would expect for this series - essentially identical to every VC Andrews adaptation, so that can hardly be blamed on this production, but several factors indicate just how little they could be bothered to care about it. Here are a few of them:

They couldn't be bothered to do anything to age up the characters over several decades other than sprinkle a little talc in their hair. No make up, no acting choices, nothing.

English actor Max Irons has little to do other than shout, since the character of Malcolm is devoid of any nuance at all, which seems like it would have given him time to work on his 'southern' accent. He clearly didn't.

The music. Oh my god the music. I don't believe the composer ever got anywhere near the film. They just asked for some random tracks that made it seem like the world was ending and then applied them randomly to the film with no regard to what was actually happening in the story.

Olivia gets rid of the saw she uses to sabotage the staircase and try to kill Malcolm by putting it in a fire. The metal saw.
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Far Better Than What One Might Expect...
gryffindor24931 July 2022
It is a shame to think that many people might skip this ambitious effort by Lifetime, thinking it will be one of their run-of-the-mill efforts, particularly their uneven adaptations of other books in the series. I first sampled it out of curiosity, thinking it could be some goofy, light summer fare. However, I was pleasantly surprised that this miniseries was shockingly good. I am as shocked as I would be had the Hallmark Channel has suddenly put something out that was of the same quality as THE THORN BIRDS. The acting, script, direction and design is excellent, and I believe this is worthy of Emmy nominations--this must have four times the budget of the typical Lifetime effort. This was a delicious, epic, fun ride through some gothic territory and well worth your time, particularly if you were a fan of the book series. If only they could give FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC and PETALS ON THE WIND (the two best books in the series) this much time and budget to tell their spellbinding stories.
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Flowers In The Attic:The Origin
jawjw-2200831 July 2022
I really really enjoyed this! I really hope they remake the 2014 Flowers In The Attic lifetime movie in the style of FITA:The Origin! All of my friends love it and have watched it and we all really want them to redo the original series! The writing in this is SOOO much better than the VC Andrews books and they fill so many plot holes. Absolutely 10/10.
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The best lifetime movie adaptation of a VC Andrews novel
lhevi28 July 2022
Lifetime did their thang with Flowers in The Attic The Origin (Garden of Shadows). I have been a fan of VC Andrews since I was a young girl. I read Heaven in fourth grade probably shouldn't have been reading her novels at that age but this author introduced me to the world of reading and I've been hooked every since. I almost did cart wheels when I found out that Lifetime was doing films of all VC Andrews books, but sadly I was disappointed. The casteel series is my favorite series from VC Andrews and Lifetime butchered it! I don't think I even got through Heaven. I didn't bother to watch the rest of the series. One day I had the television on basically watching me while I was reading and Their version of Flowers in the Attic was playing and boy oh boy was it good!! I really enjoyed it almost better then the original. So I decided to watch the dollanger series.. petals in the wind was just bland nothing like the book. If there be thorns was awesome and they stuck to the book which was great. I haven't watched seeds of yesterday because I'm nervous it would be a waste of time because besides the casteels series, seeds of yesterday is my favorite book. It always makes me cry every time I read it and I know Lifetime is not going to be able to do seeds of yesterday justice. I will watch it in due time. Flowers in the Attic the Orgin I must say is the best lifetime adaptation of VC Andrews books. Lifetime must've put some money in this one. The settings, clothing, characters was all on point! Loving it!! The film adaption did add extra plots in the movie but they were actually entertaining and welcomed so I didn't mind. Thank you Lifetime for finally getting it right! Now can you please redo The Casteel series??? Seriously we owe Heaven more than what we were given.
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meryt-7586710 August 2022
I stuck with it til the end. It was truly awful. The acting was wooden and deviated so far from the book to be almost unrecognisable.

In the film Flowers in the Attic (the original) the actress playing Olivia was perfect (she was also brilliant as Nurse Ratched). This potrayal of Olivia was just wrong. I also noticed that Malcolm said Foxworth Hall didn't have electricity yet there were table lamps that were obviously electric ones. Max Irons' accent was dreadful and kept slipping. It has been a few years since I last read the book but I don't remember the Nella/Celia plotline, was that added just to throw some diversity into the series?
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Very good
My5terygi5l6 August 2022
I haven't seen The Flowers in the Attic series yet, so when this came out I decided to start with it. It is riveting. There are so many fingers in this movie, that it keeps you looking around the corner for the next "surprise". The actors do an amazing and hauntingly convincing job as their character's continue to grown and change. Throughly enjoyed this series.
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Completely botched the story
ashleywebster-5456322 July 2022
Lifetime absolutely did a HUGE disservice to this series. It's one thing to deviate here and there, but they added parts to the sorry that are no where in the book. They hardly captured the true essence of Olivia and Malcom's relationship.

This series straight botched the book. Definitely a slap in the face the readers of flowers in the attic.
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I couldn't stop watching
jcwjcw22431 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Everything you need in a dramatic miniseries. But also love the evolution of Olivia. The viewer takes the ride with her on how she evolves and devolves to become the crotchety old women of the original book/movie. One thing I didn't care for is how they literally write off the dad/Malcom in the last episode. One minute he's a prominent character and the next he's injured and rarely seen on camera again. Seems like there could have been a better way. Overall, a surprising good series, esp for Lifetime and their typically poorly-acted films.
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Can't stop watching
pempe-6653728 July 2022
Absolutely love the acting, story and characters. So well done. Never did an IMDB review before but could not resist. Brilliant. Lifetime this time you have outdone yourself.
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Absolutely brilliant
klyons-525047 August 2022
Start off by saying the cast is phenomenal! Such great villains, well played. Loved the way the story illustrates the beginning of why the Mrs Foxworth was cold and bitter and how Corrine grew up. Mr Foxworth hands down my favorite.
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Editor spent too much time in the Attic
jm_jordan25 July 2022
Not bad but one of the worst edited series I've ever seen on TV. Jump cuts that make no sense, whole story lines ( daughter going to ball and becoming pregnant,) that are covered in two scenes. I kept rewinding thinking I missed something!

15 yr old daughter played by a 27 yr old actress!?

And may I add, the music is awful!!

But in true Lifetime Channel form, very entertaining!!
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jmama0918 August 2022
Absolutely loved this limited series!!!! The cast was superb & the story kept me on my toes the whole time. We need more of the story with this cast! I really hope they will make another limited series or better yet a full series. I was torn that it was only 4 episodes. When it ended I was so wanting more. This story is captivating! I highly recommend it! Definitely binge worthy!
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Really started good in the beginning but then...
alinelunardy18 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode had me hooked even tho lots of it doesn't make sense. I really looking forward for the second episode but omg the kids and the storyline is just getting ridiculous. The actors and the actress who played the 2 sons and 1 daughter are awful. And then mal trying to blackmail his dad to get early access to his trust (because of his fiancée) by telling his dad he's gonna tell his mom that Celia is his daughter, and then he acted like his dad was the one made him blackmailing him. And then the mom condoning his son's twisted action and telling him "never be like ur dad" well excuse me? He tried to blackmail him first? Like...look Malcolm is indubitably an evil and twisted person, but don't make mal looked like he's innocent in all this. He's also twisted. The one who played Corinne, her acting is also awful and laughable. Very disappointed in the second episode. First episode was kinda unbelievable but i was still hooked. The second episode is just awful.
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Keeps you glued to your seat
filesimpletax20 June 2023
Came across the trailer while browsing YouTube. What a lucky find. I haven't read the books so it was quite suspenseful for me and I couldn't stop watching until the end in one sitting. Amazing acting, dialogues and cinematography for a Lifetime series.

It is quite a heavy story and left me a bit disturbed but 100% worth the watch. Max Irons and Jemima Rooper were phenomenal.

If you like shows with some mystery and darkness, I definitely recommend. The direction it took convinced me to pick a side, and then some.

Wish there would be an origin of the 'origin' and we get to see the story of the Foxworth's before Olivia's entry into the family.
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Drama on another level !
vittoriafraresso-059155 August 2022
I absolutely loved this series. Was so full of twist and tragedy. The whole cast were amazing. I feel a sense of loss after finishing the whole series. I didn't want it to end. I must add, the orginal flowers in the attic movies were so b grade. But the orginal is a whole better level of acting, producing, and directing. Well Done.
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