The Big Door Prize (TV Series 2023–2024) Poster


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Why are so many people entering their Social Security numbers into a public machine?
tsegat3 April 2023
So far I am really enjoying this show. The idea is relatively unique; it rather reminds me of something you might have seen on Twilight Zone years ago.

So far Apple TV has come up with some of the most original programs on TV today. Of course, not all have been winners, but most of them are creative and binge-worthy. There is a reason Apple has received so many Emmy nominations the past few years. They take chances instead of churning out the same old programming.

It might seem a bit slow in the beginning, but it is worth hanging in there, as there are some great characters and unexpected storylines. Of course, throughout, you are wondering, where did this machine come from and what is its purpose? Is that purpose for good or evil?

All that said, I have to say that even though I know it is a fantasy/sci-fi show, I really had a problem every time a customer typed in his/her Social Security number without hesitation. Now THAT is truly fantasy!

As other reviewers have mentioned, this really is not a comedy, so don't expect any great laughs. Just go with the flow and see where it takes you. It probably won't appeal to everyone, but it works for me.
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Interesting concept but no delivery.
NYCrules118 May 2023
It starts off well and really enjoyed the first 2 episodes. But as the weeks went buy it never really delivered on its potential. By week 7, I was just staying with it because I had watched this much let's see how it ends. Then the last 3 episodes were just terrible ending with nothing more then tune in next season to find out what it's all about. Honestly I could care less about a second season. I can't see myself watching it again. Hollywood writers are so hung up on creating series that can last for multiple seasons. That's why I like British shows because they usually wrap up a storyline at the end of a season. Sometimes one season can be enough.
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Season 2 even better than Season 1
laurahart-4677822 May 2024
We watched Season 1 and quite enjoyed it mostly because of the excellent character work by a strong ensemble. Yes, you had to suspend belief, but that seemed obvious from the premise before watching a single episode. We are loving Season 2. If you enjoyed the characters in Season 1, you will really love how they are developed in Season 2. You see so much more of the hearts of each character and the connections between the characters in really lovely ways. No, it's not a comedy like Schitt's Creek, but if you loved the small town sense of community and connectedness from Schitt's creek, you will really love Season 2 of The Big Door Prize.
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Not a comedy at all, still good
mikelpcl30 March 2023
Not sure why they promoted/labeled this as a comedy.

I guess the marketing people saw Chris O'Dowd and they assumed it was a comedy (and not in the Greek sense)?

You will not laugh with this. You might smile a bit during some sweet and tender moments, but no funny moments.

Expect comedy-seekers to be very dissapointed and give real bad scores.

Sci-fi people will give a fair score (as mine).

A machine shows up in a town, which uncovers people's "potential".

You'll have many theories about how it determines the "potential", but it definitely shakes these people's small-town lifes.

It's well paced, keeps you watching without boring you, throwing a bone now and then, being smart (not "really smart", but smart enough), it doesn't feel gimmicky, all flows fine,...

It's not rivetting, and it's very definitely not a comedy.

It's not brilliant, but it does feel sincere and is well done.

Clearly better sci-fi than most of the stuff out there.

Will watch future episodes.

Thanks to the guys making it.
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Intriguing, Quirky, and Uneven
ooh-8161329 November 2023
As others have mentioned, if you're looking for an obvious "realist" explanation for anything here you'll probably not enjoy the ride. That's kinda the point. It's not totally surreal mind you, but there is a great deal of "suspension of disbelief", which will turn people off. For instance, It starts plot driven, but actually ends up being mostly character studies. And of course, not all characters are equally interesting...

However, some of the card reveals are quite intriguing, and there are enough chuckles along the way to make this a fun watch. Some ideas are well executed and remind me of the Oracle talking with Neo from The Matrix. Other times, the motivations or ideas are just a mess. (You'll know which episode I mean.)

I am usually let down by these multi-season puzzle shows, but knowing the pitfalls I still think it has potential.
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Think Picket Fences with a Curious Mysterious Overtone
johnlewinski-843581 April 2023
Only three episodes have been released so it's too early to give a whole-hearted rating or review but here is what I can tell you right now. The townspeople are.mostly quirky and seemingly carefree for the most part which makes what starts to happen to them even more interesting. But I'm surprised this is called a comedy (even though there are some humorous moments) because there's something really weird going on in Deerfield.

The writing is good and the cliffhanger endings are great, making this a very bingeable show. The viewer will quickly become really curious to find out where the story is going. Since it's categorized as a "comedy", it can't get too dark- but it sure feels like it will go there. I'm a fan so far and intrigued almost as much as I was with Severance.
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Stop Calling It a Comedy
xvgpwq19 April 2023
Every time it appears on Apple TV they really keep billing it as a comedy and I'm completely baffled what you're supposed to find funny? It's not even funny in a way dry way like After Life or.even funny in a dramedy sort of way, although this is the closest category I would give it. Just don't go into it expecting to laugh, unless it's in an uncomfortable, slightly confused way.

Beyond the hard sell of comedy, this show is interesting in concept and delivery. At this point only 6 eps of season 1 have been released. It seems to be building toward something, which is what keeps you interested. The acting across the board is solid. This is definitely an ensemble cast, evidenced by the different eps being named after different town members. Rather than spoiling anything, I would say go in blind. This especially a show for you if you're into shows like the Twilight Zone, but with more heart.
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Moving and thoughtful
yooniverse3 April 2023
You're going to either really like it or find it dull. I think it'll depend on how old you are. If you are young, the future and your life's potential seem limitless, and a show about a machine that tells you your life's potential seem trivial and perhaps stupid, that people in this town would be so impacted by it. But if you are older, and looking back at your life more than looking forward, one may understand there's more to it. There is a reason why many people want to know if they've lived a full life, before the end comes.

The show doesn't tackle this subject with a heavy hand. It's light hearted, but serious when it needs to be. For some, it's satisfying to know you've achieved your potential, while others would find that upsetting; and some are excited by the possibility of something different, while others fear it as doubts and second guessing sets in. Each episode so far covers these aspects of "what if"through various characters who live in this town, and while these first episodes feel slow at times, it's thought provoking at the very least to watch them unfold.

While the show could certainly turn dark and more sinister, I rather enjoy the humor and the mysteries of how some people's lives are going to change and others who are trying to change.
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Not good enough
coreydelio7 June 2023
It had a pretty cool premise. There are holes. Like every other fictional story. Get a grip and stop lying to yourself if you disagree with the later. That's part of why fiction is fiction. It has holes that kept it from being real in the first place.

Somewhere around episode 5 I just lost interest. It stopped gabbing. Not for any particular reason, it just started to drag a little I guess. The charactor development was done. There was no explanation for the main thing at the center of this story.(I don't want to spoil anything)

If you have just a little better attention span than me this might grab you and take you along for the long haul. It's gotta be a solid 7 at all times to do that for me.
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Not Sure What It Wants to Be
jimparkercoogee29 April 2024
What is this show intended as? One gets the sense the writers, producer and director were all seeking to make different shows. Is it a comedy? It certainly appears to be billed that way, particularly with Irishman O'Dowd in the central role as a content-with-his-lot high school teacher in a small American town living with his gorgeous African American wife and their teenage daughter. But the arrival of a spooky arcade game in the general store throws the town awry. The game supposedly tells everyone what their destiny is (after they have provided their social security number and fingerprints).

It's an interesting concept but the delivery is a mess. If it's intended as a comedy it's not funny at all. But neither are the stakes sufficiently great for it meet the definition of drama. It might have been a nice and prickly satire of acquisitive, neo-liberal, 'you-can-be-anything-you-want-to-be' American individualism, but it doesn't really pick up on that either. Everything is just too cute and cliched to make you care about anyone. One is left with the impression that everyone involved was try8ing very hard, but no-one had any idea what program they were making beyond the central conceit about the truth-telling machine.

Over-hyped, try-hard American pap.
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Thoroughly enjoyed the binge!
debbieonstjohn1 April 2023
It starts off a bit slow but with so many characters invested in the story, it ramps up quickly. Really strong cast and great conversations about how people might react and perceive life changes when given one word. No spoiler alert, but the last word is very thought provoking. Great writers! Chris as always is such a wonderful, likeable person that is so gentle with his thoughts and words that I want to sit and have coffee with him. All the school students' different personalities and perspectives give the show a lot to work with in future episodes and I hope it keeps its momentum for more seasons.
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Funny stuff! And serious too.
laragianessi7 June 2024
What a unique premise! The open-endedness allows for interesting scenarios. The characters are FABULOUS, especially the character of Gorgio! So funny!! I almost gave up on an episode or 2 but Gorgio is FAB! Cudos.

The others are funny as well. I saw that someone wrote that this series isn't a comedy. IT IS! And a drama. It's entertaining, has a wide appeal, not raunchy at all and has meaningful themes and sub-themes. The show takes a look at life from various perspectives. It is worth watching. Go at least 4 episodes in, as it really begins to take shape. Can't wait to see where it takes us!!
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10% interesting premise, 90% cringe
dalcazar-112 April 2023
This series started off ok. I liked the premise of the story, and they could have taken this somewhere interesting, but after the first two episodes it devolved into a collection of cringe filler that meanders around a non-existent plot

They try to sell this as a comedy, but it's just not funny. They claim it's a drama, but most of the characters are clowns. The script is pretty bad as well, with cringe scenes that go on for minutes when they should have lasted 14 seconds.

I stopped watching after episode 5 since it doesn't appear to be headed anywhere. This is mindless drivel, and a waste of time.

Did I mention the cringe?
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Started out so well
TomatoesareRotten15 April 2023
In the first two episodes we're laugh out funny, but it's now treading in glue. There is about 20 characters who shouldn't have been cast, but the majority of them ( that were ) don't do themselves any justice at all. Had high hopes for this because ODowd deserves a bigger platform, but his Mrs pulls the script even further into the shallows. Several , peripheral, characters drag it even further into the shallows ; mother "I'm a trained dancer " wrecked a whole episode on her own. Are the writers on a break when this garbage gets airtime on Apple TV ? Is anybody out there ? I await an answer in vain ?
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Season 2 is melodrama.. not mystery....
NullUnit11 June 2024
The first season was about the mystery the machine brought with it, the comedy everyone's "purpose" caused.

Got a bit silly with everyone just handing out SSN willingly to some random electronic device. I mean, I guess there's no identity theft in this make-believe world. But okay...

I found season 1 enjoyable. It had mystery, comedy and a touch of human connections. Nice balance overall.

Season 2 is a sappy soap opera about relationships... I get the "human connection" aspect. And that has been part of the first season, but they went overboard with it in season 2.

There's practically ZERO mystery in season 2. Season 2 is NOT about the morpho at all. The audience learns NOTHING more about the morpho or the blue dots - except that many characters have them.

Season 2 focuses almost entirely on relationships -- the marriage, the dad starting to date again, the teenage romance. The, uhm, exploration of the mom. The coupling of the restaurant owner. The priest's flirting....

Sorry but season two is more "how Deerfield turns" and less "what is the morpho".. and it really kind of sucks. I was intrigued by what the morpho may be. But Season 2 provides pretty much no new information.

Season 2 was a disservice to season 1 viewers.

The ONLY mystery in season 2 is in the last 2 minutes of the last episode of the season... setting it up for season 3.

But.. it's being reported it's been CANCELLED and there will be no season 3. That's one heck of a cliffhanger to leave the series on. Guess people will need to grab the book if they want to know what the morpho is.

Pretty annoying on Apple's part. Quality control in terms of writing or storytelling doesn't appear to be concern.
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Initial 3 episodes leave me wanting more
paul-allaer1 April 2023
As Episode 1 of "The Big Door Prize" (2023 release; 10 episodes ranging 30 to 35 minutes) opens, we are introduced to Dusty, who is celebrating his 40th birthday with his wife and teenage daughter. He is a history teacher at the high school in Deerfield, a small town. In a parallel storyline, the town's General Store is creating a buzz with a mysterious machine called Morpho, which for 75 cents seems to predict someone's :life potential". After much hesitation, Dusty gives in and tries his luck (or fate?) with the machine...

Couple of comments: this mini-series is the brainchild of creator David West Reade, the creator of "Schitt's Creek", and that alone should give you the comfort that this is a high quality series. The concept borders on a sci-fi premise (can a machine really predict, let alone set, one's future?), but the bigger impact may well be how the machine influences how people deal with its predictions, whether these are real or imagined. I fancied the concept from the get-go, and it helps that the cast, led by Chris O'Dowd as Dusty, is more than solid.

"The Big Door Prize" premiered this weekend on Apple TV, showcasing the initial 3 episodes. All additional episodes will show on Friday evenings. This series is currently rated 91% certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes for good reason, and I can't wait to see the remaining episodes! If you are in the mood for a high quality mini-series about "the meaning of life" and all that it entails, I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.
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nikkinewton-7314524 May 2023
I think most comments are missing the bigger point, are you missing out on your potential or life's dream? I find the show very interesting and plan to read the book. The machine is causing a midlife crisis, something we all will hit at some point in our lives. I love the cast and I'm on episode 6 and so far have found it funny and thought provoking.

The cards are giving the characters to opportunity to tap into parts of themselves they've suppressed. I have seen many couples who have been together for years and they mold themselves to be in the relationship sometimes ignoring their own desires. And it also shows that we choose to convince ourselves we don't want a certain path but indeed we do. Good show!
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Definitely worth watching
beachdiamonds24 June 2024
"The Big Door Prize" is a captivating and well-written TV show with a unique concept that keeps viewers engaged throughout. The premise of a mysterious machine that can tell people their true potential is both intriguing and original.

The acting in the show is top-notch, with the cast delivering strong performances that bring the characters to life and make the story feel genuine and compelling. The chemistry between the actors is excellent.

I'm hopeful for a third season. You become invested in the story and characters and want to know what happens to them. Hopefully, if the show does continue, the creators will address any lingering questions we may have and provide a satisfying resolution to the overall narrative.

Overall, "The Big Door Prize" is a show worth watching, with its strong writing, unique concept, and standout performances. While the ending may have left something to be desired, the potential for future seasons offers hope for further development and closure for fans of the series.
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Very disappointing
jasonsbainbridge13 April 2023
I'm having trouble grasping what this show is supposed to be about and why it exists...

Every episode I hope that they'll maybe address the purpose of the morpho machine or where it came from but instead we literally just get episode after episode of people just living their lives while casually mentioning the morpho... There isn't much intrigue or exploration into the mystery of the morpho it's just there and nobody really cares why.

This show is such a huge letdown based on the marketing. They really pushed it as a mystery with comedy elements but at the end of the day we are just watching people do stuff... It's boring. Watch Severence instead.
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Surprised by low ratings
mrkmwh16 May 2023
It's slow and building and I've been really enjoying it. You don't exactly know where it's headed and that's the beauty of it. It's supposed to be a comedy and it's funny, similar to Shrinking kind of way. Subtle humour, not a ha-ha laughing out loud needing a laugh track like a sitcom. It's a mix, it's different and I'm here for it. I can totally relate to the characters, what they're going through and how they struggle with things, life, relationships, questioning future or the past...

It's life of a small town where people know a lot more about each other than in a big city and I could imagine it happening in mine. It's fun, quirky and wholesome. Try it, you might enjoy it 🙂
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Hey, you put this up as Comedy?
eliotmess14 April 2023
This drama is done well enough. But The Guardian said: "That makes it sound weighty. It is not. It is funny, friendly and as beautifully light on its feet as you might expect from its creator, David West Read, who worked as a writer and producer on Schitt's Creek. He is hugely helped in this by the presence and immaculate comic timing of Chris O'Dowd..."

Covering for awkward inner states (recurringly) with made-over smiles isn't funny to anyone but a cynical car salesman.

I am interested in how the characters' arcs will play out, but regret that the structure continually flits from person to person, without intimate depth (yet.. after 5 eps), so it's harder to care about any single one of them. I guess that'd count as "light". But it's unsatisfying.

(Tip: Apple have cleverly programmed this at one episode released per week, so until the series finishes, you can't get the binge done in the 7 days' free trial.)
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Not a comedy. No drama. No interest
bobetjo7 April 2023
The Big Door prize is billed as a comedy but there are almost no laughs. Putting that bit of misrepresentation aside, I found that there really was no drama or suspense either.

The storytelling has wisps of The Circus of Dr Lo. A small town populace gets a glimpse of where they might be if they met their potential. A potential revealed by a mysterious machine which appears in the general store.

That's about it. Each episode concentrates on a different character. But not much really happens to them. Really. Nothing of interest happens. No superpowers appear. No new motivation to change life or circumstances happens. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
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Layered but still a bit bland.
jmarkvartova2 May 2024
With a concept that promises exploration of human psychology, this "comedy" feels more like a "Hollywood Housewife Drama". It tries to put layers in and mildly captures the guilty pleasure of the drama addict in us, but Modern Families does this better and doesn't pretend to be clever whilst doing it. The writing has no wit, and is full of cliches. Nothing is surprising, and the characters don't feel real. On the bright side, Chris O'Dowd is charming as always and does his best to make the writing and his character amusing. The cast overact, and seem like good actors so maybe the director did a bad job too. Overall, bland at best, and a disappointment at least. That being said, I've got to episode 8, so I guess it's inoffensive enough for me to at least finish the season.
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Just a drama
shauncore8087 May 2024
As others have said, this isn't a comedy. There are a couple humorous parts and some of it is kind of goofy, but besides that it's mostly the type of moody drama that already has 100 iterations on Netflix. The premise is sci-fi, but the vast majority of the time is spent on interpersonal BS that isn't worth filming. Or even watching. Wehhhh, my brother died. Not interesting.

It does have Chris O'Dowd though, which is honestly the only reason I checked this out. I'm on episode 7 and he's definitely one of the better aspects of the show. The show does what it does well but it's ultimately still a drama, and dramas can only be so good. The pacing of the show is torturous at times too. The interpersonal stuff isn't interesting to begin with, so you end up with these long, drawn out periods between already-irrelevant conversations. Over an entire episode, there will only be a few points that'll be relevant to the overall plot. The entire rest is personal garbage.

It's really not terrible, but it's also not particularly good. They need to make an abridged version that cuts out most of the personal stuff. Pretty sure they could easily cut this into an hour and a half tv movie.
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A show about awful people all told in a cheerful tone
generic230-121 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As if we can ignore the sh-y things they feel entitled to, the cruel ways they make choices and never feel guilt. A loser guy leaves his great wife, oh isn't it quaint and quirky! A narcissistic mother has no love for her wonderful daughter. These people do horrible things all with the air of a magical faux lightness. There's no one to cheer for here.

Don't understand the high ratings for S2 because it just gets worse with each episode. I wish I understood why anyone thought this made sense or how this got made and who were the execs on shrooms who Okayed this. I feel like my brain had to give up on understanding annything about halfway thru season 1.
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