A Friend of the Family (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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Do not believe the bad reviews
wissia23 January 2023
This is not an easy watch and might not be for everyone. It is a very well made, well paced series that tells quite the unbelievable-but sadly real- story. There's not much more to say or the risk it's to spoil it: my take on the bad reviews is that throughout the series you constantly want to switch it off, as frustration towards individuals or the "system" (church, law, police, hospital, etc.) mounts. This is no fairy tale, that doesn't mean it's not with watching, or that actors didn't play well. All protagonists were extremely believable in their roles, with that slight edge of surreality that actually adds up to the realism of the story.
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katefrichardson8 October 2022
I would highly recommend watching "Abducted in Plain Sight" on Netflix as a prequel to watching this. You will get a WAY better grasp of everything that happens with this story from start to finish. The fact that Jan Broberg herself introduced this show in the beginning tells me Peacock is asking for permission before telling any true life stories on screen too. BRAVO to everyone involved in this production. So far... I love Anna Paquin, Colin Hanks, Lio Tipton is outstanding and Jake Lacy as "B" is just as terrifying as I remember. I'm looking forward to McKenna Grace's performance. I know this happened in the 70's, but even today... this is a truly crazy story that I believe everyone needs to know about... to know what to look out for, and how to avoid it.
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People don't realize how different things were back then!
tracyhenson-5357518 December 2023
Some reviewers can't understand how these ppl were so naive and why they handled things the way they did. This happened in a whole other time. There was no internet to learn from. The 6 p.m. News didn't teach about pedophiles. Ppl generally thought ppl were good and trusted those they went to church with. These ppl had no clue how to deal with this or what to do. Ppl didn't have social media to share their stories and teach others.

Children were more easy to manipulate back then than now.

I also don't understand the negative comments about Anna Paquin's acting. I thought she did a great job. She was portraying how many family oriented, religious women behaved back then.
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Fascinating and unbelieveable. But a necessary watch.
jennlaurens-5414711 January 2023
I first watched "Abducted in Plain Sight" - which, still, remains the most disturbing portrayal of this incident out there whether in book form or live action. You can't beat the interviews with the family - just can't. Where this show seems to be created to straighten out some storytelling timelines ( and that IS important in this particular story ) and the acting is top notch, the mood and tone of the Netflix docudrama "Abducted in Plain Sight " better captures the ultimate tone of dark, disbelief that enshrouds this story - better than A Friend of the Family. This is a VERY dark story with long term ramifications for all involved and the Friend of the Family almost keeps the entire story in a too rosey light. This man took absession to a new reality for this family, and the music and editing and lack of showing his actual ( n ot literal - we don't need to see him raping an 11 year old ) intimate interactions with his victim is odd, especially since there was a very long, complete scene with Jan's father "assisting" Berchtold in a sexual "relief" act. I felt the poor father's anguish. We only glimpse Jan's anguish as outsiders because of this lack of "showing" vs "telling" which every storyteller knows is the #1 rule. Show, don't tell. Takeaway: If you want to really understand the complexities of this very unfortunate event in this family's life, watch both and read the book - between the three is better understanding of HOW this happened, WHY it happened and, as a parent/ grandparent/ relative - whatever - how to spot this kind of manipulation so you and yours aren't victims.
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Spellbinding, creepy, and Jake Lacy is outstanding as the villain!
Chartreuse18 October 2022
Based on actual events, this Peacock original is excellent retelling the harrowing story of Jan Broberg, and her 2 childhood abductions by Robert Berchtold. The casting was very well done with Hendrix Yancey as Jan Broberg at 12 yrs old, Anna Paquin as Gail Broberg and Colin Hanks as Bob Broberg, Jan's parents, Lio Tipton as Gail Berchtold and Jake Lacy as Robert 'B' Berchtold. Honestly, it's only been 4 episodes but I am really enjoying how well it has played out so far, not shying away from the uglier parts of the story. Mckenna Grace's episodes have not even aired yet so I don't how other posters on here can critique her acting. Jake Lacy should be nominated for an Emmy portraying the seductive and manipulating 'B'. He has delivered a strong, believable, and cringeworthy performance. Unfortunately, pedophilia has always been timelessly present in our society and isn't going anywhere. Thanks to Jan Broberg and her family for allowing her account to be told and courageously shared from so many decades ago.
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I didn't want to like this
jkvsampson12 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hadn't planned on watching as the story is so creepy, however I caved and I'm glad I did. The acting is great especially from the children given the subject. I am impressed by how they are putting you in the parents position and showing you how convincing someone can be. The parents of Jan (the girl who is kidnapped) are very naive and easily trusting of their church friends. When I watched the documentary on Netflix I thought "how could this happen!?" Watching this show I find myself thinking "these parents are so dumb!" Yes they are naive but seriously no grown man needs to be hanging out with a little girl!
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marymcfarland-018669 October 2022
Unbelievable though it may be, even at my age, I was unfamiliar with this story.

The acting, storytelling, and writing is stellar. The way this series has captured the way "B" preyed upon, manipulated and groomed not only his own wife and victim, but the entire victim's family is absolutely riveting.

Having been a child in the 70s who grew up in a religious family, I can understand the naivety and trepidation of the victims. This is very well captured by the writers and actors.

Lastly, the actor who plays "B" gives an incredible performance of a psychologically damaged, manipulative, pervert, pedophile who gaslights everyone he encounters. Actually, all actors gave top notch performances.

Highly recommend.
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Should Have Gone All The Way
mrjeffmoore26 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While some people are saying this is too disturbing to watch, this series actually tames down the actual abduction and abuse. In the documentary, we learn that the parents allowed him to sleep in her bed unsupervised for MONTHS as part of his "therapy" after admitting he liked young girls. Seriously? You are aware that this man has unnatural desires and you allow him to sleep next to your daughter? He also listened to tapes while lying next to her that envisioned her as some magical wife in his life. They also admit in the documentary that they had sex several times during that time. So while this series is almost unbelievable, if you want to see how TRULY disturbing it was and how UNBELIEVABLY naive the parents were, watch "Abducted in Plain Sight" instead.
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Hell creepy and realistic
Moe_Wishah4 March 2023
I'm not sure if it's such a good idea to make shows like this because of the fact that it could spread ideas into sick peoples heads, but nonetheless, it's a great show with great level of acting that felt very real, and the events are perfectly unfolding in such a medium pace scenario The struggles of both families are real and the characters are extremely believable. I loved watching the show because it opens up your eyes to a lot of things that surrounds you whether it's in the neighborhood or the city or the country I just personally don't like any harm done to under aged kids and it's really painful to watch things like this that happened in real life.

A lot of unexpected and shocking events happen that were never expected.
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Just WOW!!
rvgillam-4473212 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Be prepared to have your blood pressure raised. I'm only on the 2nd episode and I find myself baffled at how clueless the parents are!! I actually developed a disdain towards them; even moreso than the antagonist. I yelled at the television a few times. Omg!! This is based on a true story. I mean... they claimed they loved God, but these people were so out of touch with reality they were basically aiding and abbeding the abduction of their daughter. They're so dumb that it's almost comical. To be honest, it is comical but it's not supposed to be. I laughed at the parents at the sheer audacity, and also at the lengths that the villain went through making up that fantastical story and implementing everything that went along with it. I will say he is thorough. He's showing out in that role.

This whole scenario is shocking to say the least. The mother was guilty of crushing on the kidnapper, and the dad was too much of a wimp to put his foot down. Then the creepy wife of the kidnapper was just a shady character overall. And the parents tolerated her. Ugh! Come to think of it, none of the characters are likeable besides the FBI agent. He's the only one that has common sense. I had to pause it for a moment because I was legit getting worked up. I got to the scene when they were in the Mexican prison and the predator bribed the federale for alone time with the girl (to continue to brainwash her) and was actually granted it. Wtf!! Like I always say, a good song and a good movie will always make you feel something. No matter the emotion. This definitely has me in my feelings. Worth watching just for the shock factor. Disturbing, but I can't NOT watch. Lol.
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How stupid?
partypest4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How stupid can these people be?? The dad screws around with his daughter's kidnapper. Then the mum has an affair with her daughter's kidnapper. The church elders knew exactly what :B: was and never called the police!! Jan actually believes the story of aliens and a mission. What 12-16 year old girl is this clueless? Their silly religion left them wide open for manipulation. WHAT THE ACTUAL F&^^!!!??? Truth is stranger than fiction I suppose. Boggles the mind the brainless people involved in this story. Sorry my rant is all over the place. I just can't fathom how truly braindead these people must be.
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Emotionally compelling portrayal of an unbelievable event
camerong-7335715 December 2022
This mini-series is a well executed telling of the events which befell an apparently good but very naive family in the mid-1970s. The whole story from beginning to end is as colorful as the Pacific Northest settings where it takes place. The acting in this well-casted production really gives the viewer a great picture of the pain and heartache experienced by the Brobergs and the inner struggle experienced by Jan throughout her entire brainwashing and manipulation. Jake Lacy resurrected the false charm and conniving abilities of Bob Berchtold while Colin Hanks showed us a picture of Bob Broberg and the personal pain of distraught father and conflicted husband.

The other cast such as McKenna Grace, Anna Pacquin, and Lio Tipton really complement the aforementioned actors making this a dramatic machine. The pacing does seem to drag at some points because B's mentioning of "the Mission" is like a broken record sometimes. This film serves as a cautionary tale regarding who you choose to trust and I think this story's telling is way overdue. The Broberg's gullibility is pathetic but the time and place and person has to be considered. This is happening at a time when pedophilia was hardly heard about and before kids were showing up on milk cartons. Also, a white family man in the Mormon community established trust rather easily with those in his church. If this was happening back then, it can easily happen again today.
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Watch in small doses.
twin-chaos24 October 2022
I'm trying, I'm really trying to get through this series, but it's making me physically and emotionally ill.

I watched the documentary "Abducted in Plain Sight", so I was prepared for the content and it's mind boggling absurdity. However, it's just so difficult to watch, especially knowing it's based on true events.

Great actors, unfortunately they're playing absolute horrible and predatory characters. The esthetic of the era is done well.

The 1970's were a wild time. What sick and disgusting world we lived in and unfortunately are still living in. Being naive is no excuse to be so damn ignorant.

Watch in small doses!
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Not quite there
lousha-114 October 2022
It's an ok presentation of an unbelievable story. What I keep feeling though after seeing a documentary about the case is that this just doesn't add anything. It's telling the exact same information a 1 and a half hour documentary already told, only stretched into several episodes. No deep emotions, nothing really personal is coming through, it's like listening to someone in a monotonous voice read out an article. A long one. An interesting one for sure, but not enacted in any meaningful way. The case itself will evoke lots of emotions from a viewer, but that's strictly the story, not the series itself.
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Gross but wow
HumbleMensa13 October 2022
This story is really freaky and it makes me cross, which means the movie did its job causing an emotional reaction. The brainwashing and psychology involved is portrayed well, and is sickening, although not surprising given the storyline. So wrong and so icky, and that vanilla generation with secrets behind closed doors --it's obvious manipulation based upon control and lies that calm the masses to allow the unbelievable to happen. The actors are fabulous. The writing and directing are both spot on. Well done, well done and I think everyone should watch this...and let's hope as a society this layer of clouded belief subsides. I hope the victim(s) don't suffer repercussions for some of the truth revealed and I applaud the main victim for even allowing the story to be told. Hanks, Lacy, Yancey, Grace, Paquin, and Tipton alll give stellar performances.
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Entertaining and tragic
amlcart0y27 December 2022
Wow, just wow. First I want to go on record for those who are tying "Mormons" members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints into the terrible mistakes and choices that the parents made as though it's why they were so naive and blind. The prosecuting attorney in the series said it best, "I'm a Mormon too, but I wouldn't let someone do this to my daughter and get away with it".

I was saying this to myself through every episode. I am a member of their faith. While we teach as Christ did, to love your neighbor and to be able to forgive, we also teach to be on guard from evil, even from those who claim to be part of our church.

Why? How do you not see how creepy this neighbor is? Why would you let do and say what he did to you and still let him be near you or your family? How couldn't you see how evil he is? Why parents, why? Just wow. It is a story that should be told to wake people up about groomers and sex offenders .
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Always_green8631 October 2022
Aside from the fact this is a True story if this was fiction it would Still be shocking ..very in depth in gives you a interesting perspective on a story most of us haven't known I appreciate how well this was out together and easy to follow.. at times during this it was hard to believe some of these events occurred.

This is one of those shows Thts gonna have you remember plus also gives a you a look of how ppl views things in the 1970s .. the parents in this show start to make you mad but at times. Hard to believe they let this dude infiltrate they're whole family..this is highly recommended.
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Anna Paquin bad, McKenna Grace good
julieshotmail11 November 2022
The start of "A Friend of the Family" bewilders you with a premise that is stranger than fiction. If you are not previously familiar with the story, you would be confused with amazement that this happened in real life. However, once the shock wears off, the pacing gets a bit dull, and Anna Paquin hamming it up for the camera becomes too much. She is an Oscar winner; I do not know why she now has to contort her facial parts into weird angles. Nevertheless, there is decent acting in this series, particularly from Jake Lacey, Colin Hanks, and Hendrix Yancey as young Jan. Most of all, it is McKenna Grace that keeps me hooked waiting for her appearance starting in episode 5. She is so talented with a bright future, several accolades, and lead roles coming her way. As good as McKenna is though, she cannot save the show from the odd cadence and disjointed threads. Six episodes instead of nine would have been ideal. There is a nice sprinkle of authenticity throughout, thanks to the real survivor Jan Broberg who openly sanctions this show and even has a small acting part in it.
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The show is well done since it makes you mad (and you should).
gracieliamb10 October 2022
How stupid were this parents?

Even if you're religious, even if you're in the 60s, even if you are frustrated in your marriage, their behavior in every second of this episodes just makes me anxious and frustrated.

The poor girl was living under the worst anxiety daily thinking that she was on a mission and was about to be visited by monsters from another planet. A lie created by that lunatic and criminal.

The main guilty person here is the kidnapper indeed. But for example, her mother was about to stay away from that family as the FBI asked and she was all the time wanting to hear the kidnapper's voice and wanted to have sex with him.

The show is well done cause it really shows how stupid this people was and makes you mad while watching.
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More than idiotic!
suseagull-7082216 October 2022
Some of the story is so unbelievable, like the parents never having heard of a pedophile before and the FBI agent claiming it was new to him as well. Even for the time period that's soooooo naive. More than idiotic, the parents are definitely not good it protective parents. For example allowing others to prevent them from reporting their daughter missing for so long. Especially back in the 70s the FBI took child kidnapping extremely serious and usually put everyone on the street to find the child. And the parents more concerned about what the kidnapper might think of them than concern for the safety of their child!
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Absolutely enraging but compelling story of a textbook narcissist
meezerfan1238 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with other reviews that recommend watching "Abducted in Plain Sight," the documentary, on Netflix so that you understand the story going in since this adaptation does jump around in time quite a bit. That said, it is an incredibly compelling dramatization of a malignant narcissist and pedophile and what he did to a family whose strong religious beliefs led them to expect the best from people and at the same time, left them extremely vulnerable to manipulation. There isn't a weak link in this cast. Anna Paquin is excellent as a good mother who gets no validation from her strict disciplinarian husband, Colin Hanks. Hanks is spot on as the kind of rule-follower who believes that's all he has to do to get through life. Jake Lacy is the creep, but handsome and charming enough that you understand why he got his own way in situations where it is mind-blowing that he did. Lio Tipton plays his wife, meek with a side of just-as-psycho, and quickly makes us forget we first met her as a model. Finally, all I can say about Hendrix Yancy is this kid deserves an Emmy nomination - her portrayal of an abuse victim who still loves her accuser is so accurate that it is chilling. It is hard to watch because you know someone should be protecting this vulnerable child, but no one is! The show is making me want to yell at the TV which I'm sure is what they were going for. I hate that this is a true story, but the dramatization makes for A+ television.
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Need to see the documentary to undertstand
lesiopiwo15 May 2024
Watching this made me angry ! Great acting by everyone but hard to watch without being very upset. I have trouble understanding this. I need to watch the documentary about this to get more information and see why a 14-year-old acted this way. I completely understand that an 11-year-old child can be manipulated and brainwashed, but a 14-year-old?!?! Talking , believing in any Z's and Z's? I can't understand it, unless her growing up and her hormones played a big role, but this series lacks that, We don't know what they really had in common and that's a big minus of this series ! The parents were naive, very stupid at first, but a 14-year-old in 1975, not 1875, should have some wisdom? We should learn a lesson from this about how easy is influence a teenager and how silly they could act . Mostly , how stupid it would be to let a 14-year-old child make important decisions in his life !
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Unbelievably naive parents, bad acting
mandyethomas16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Paquin's acting is hard to watch--her facial expressions are very forced. Hanks' and Lacy's acting is also not their best. But mainly it's the naiveté of the parents that makes it hard to believe. Idc what decade it was or what their religious affiliation was, no adult is this naive/dumb. They mindlessly get rid of evidence, believe that a grown man lying w/ a 12 yo is therapy, the mom gets over him kidnapping their daughter and F's him *after* the kidnapping and after knowing about her hubby's handy. No way! I bet the parents used these lies to hide a worse truth, only thing that makes sense.
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A Riveting Tale of Deception and Trust
m-abtahi28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I recently watched the series "A Friend of the Family," which tells the compelling story of a seemingly charming family friend with a dark secret involving child abduction. Without leaving any trace, he preys on underage girls. The narrative unfolds as one of the abducted girls, influenced by the family friend's words, believes she has connected to a supernatural world, leading to a series of unsettling events.

The entire series revolves around the struggle to convince others not to trust these individuals. The directors of this gripping series include Rachel Goldbeg, Jamie Travis, and Eliza Hittman, and it was released in 2022.
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At last a great series
petercarlsson-922979 October 2022
This is a great series made by grown ups for a mature audience. The story telling takes have just the right tempo. Fantastic acting from everyone involved. Beautiful cinematography. The serious subject are handled in a way that makes you understand the times, and how little people knew about pedophilia in the 70s.

As said, I like how Paquin, Hanks, McKenna, Tipton and Lacey drives the narrative in a way that really makes you want to continue watching. Everything from the smallest part is well made and the attention to details are impressive.

This is how a story should be told, free from clichés and with respect for both the subject, the people in the story and the viewers. Quality tv.
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