Good Sam (TV Series 2022) Poster


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This should show on Hallmark
bosporan24 March 2022
Wanted to enjoy this - Sophia Bush was a great character in Chicago PD. Here she has neither the gravitas nor the conviction to pull this role off. Some voice coaching could help her to greatly extend her acting range.

The set-up is intriguing - father/daughter conflict around the philosophy of and the actual running of a hospital. The delivery is weak with a series of exaggerated relationship drama befitting a teen show. Sooo many triangles. Father/daughter/mother, son/father/mother, father/daughter/best-friend, protagonist love triangle ... A complete mess of strands overloading the viewer each episode with no safe haven from which to tie it all together.
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dislike start
SnoopyStyle16 May 2022
Dr. Sam Griffith (Sophia Bush) takes over as chief surgeon after her father Dr. Rob 'Griff' Griffith (Jason Isaacs) gets shot in the hospital. It's six months later. Griff wakes up from his coma and wants his job back but Sam is not about to let it go.

There is nobody to root for at the beginning. That is the central issue with this show. Sam is an annoying try-hard. Her dad is a psychopath. Her mom is full of secrets. Non of the other doctors are nice. It's a lot of unlikeable characters. I do grow to accept Sam over time but it's too little and too late. It gets cancelled after 13 episodes.
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I liked it at first.
G-Joshua-Benjamin7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
May be spoilers below.

Alright, I don't get into all the drama shows that are on. They are just the same stories. But I like to give new things a chance. Thus, I saw this show was coming on and set it on our DVR. Here are my thoughts.

The set looks interesting. Everything had this kind of white, grey look. If this was filmed in Canada that would explain it. Whenever I watch a show from there it has the same color scheme. I dug it.

The girl is working at a hospital. Her dad is the main surgent. Something happens and she is in charge. But he comes back. He does not want to let her be in charge and keeps trying to stand above her and take over whatever she says or does.

The idea seemed interesting I guess but I asked how long that could go on before it gets repetitive. Was there not already a show like this before?

Halfway through the episode it already started to get old. First, the guy isn't in charge and cannot do anything there. He can't do anything with a patient. He can't give orders to any doctors. So why is he? The other doctors start to listen to what he says over his daughter. Why? It makes no sense. They couldn't. He has no say over anything. Then his daughter gets mad. Blah blah blah.

You find out something about a friend of hers later. I just rolled my eyes. It's a bit nuts.

It just seems to me that those of us who have been around long enough to watch years of TV, already know everything that will happen on the show. Is there a point in watching it? I will again. Just to see if it has an interesting take on the same type of story.

I have very little faith that this show will go for more than four seasons. Even going past two would really surprise me.
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Good Sam is Not Good.
MovieFreak86-415-91253120 January 2022
I decided to check out this series for a few reasons. 1. I like checking out new medical dramas, because Medical Dramas are one of my favorite types of TV shows. 2. I actually recognize some of the actors from other things.

But the only good thing about this series I can say is, it's not the Worst Medical Drama I've seen, but it's not the Best either. It's just Ok. The show focuses to much on the fight for control of the hospital between Father (Jason Isaacs) and Daughter (Sophia Bush), and not enough on the medical stuff.

After three episodes, I don't know if Good Sam is good enough for me to keep watching.
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Give it a shot... it has potential
mccabe-shannon26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this a shot because of Sophia Bush (fan from OTH, I never got into the Chicago shows, much to my mother's dismay). I watch a few other medical dramas (the resident, new Amsterdam, the good doctor, Transplant) and at this point I think those are still better (The resident is slipping considerably, and the others have slipped a bit). I think the central storyline is something different- daughter vs father for chief and mom heading up the hospital (divorced and remarried to a man much younger) and so far the peripheral characters are fine- I don't care much about them yet as people (I just finished the 3rd episode) but casting seems good.

Lately, alot of complaints I have seen about shows are they are trying to be too "woke" and diverse. And on a lot of shows I do agree with that because it's forced on the viewer. This does have some of that (younger female that is more open minded and considerate vs "the man" and traditional ways of thinking, the makeup of the class is diverse, biracial relationships, age difference relationships highlighting how women are treated worse after a workplace affair than men, etc etc etc) but it's not quite as pushed in your face as a lot of newer shows.

I am a bit confused though. Chief goes into a coma, his daughter is named his successor. His daughter who is best friends with (and appears used to be part of) the resident class who makes up the doctors we follow... but they wouldn't mass a resident chief of cardiothoracic surgery. Where are the doctors who have finished residency? If Sam was still a resident she wouldn't have even taken her boards yet for cardio so she couldn't become a chief? Even if she did finish her residency and was a few years ahead of the other residents we see. It's unlikely, even with family connections.

I'd like to know more about Sam to make me really care about this fight of hers. And other than family drama where this is going.

It definitely needs to step up its game to contend but it has potential and I'd like for it to get picked up for a season 2!
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trademarcdesigns6 January 2022
The premise is not only preposterous, it's an HR nightmare: surgeon Dad supervising resident Daughter, then same-said Daughter supervising Dad when he returns to work after spending 6 months in a coma. Meanwhile, Mom is supervising both of them, and they're both romantically (sexually) involved with other residents under their supervision. I'm sure I saw this on General Hospital... The first episode strongly smacked of House - trying to diagnose a mysterious illness, which they manage to catch in time, and perform a bleeding edge procedure to save the patient's life. And the residents vote on how to treat the patient! That's just not how medicine works in the real world.

If you like daytime soap operas you'll love this, but if you're looking for engaging drama, change the channel.
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Good cast, good story, just needs some time to gel
spine_979 January 2022
People are harsh in the prior reviews. The pilot was ok for a medical show. The medical pieces were well researched, Sophia Bush is great and so is Jason Isaacs. The situation is a little unbelievable but the tension between them seems real.. The diversity in the cast is nice to see and it's a lot more realistic than Grey's which I had to stop watching years ago. I based my rating on what I think it could be with a bit of time.
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I really wanted to like this show
doujyr8 January 2022
I loved Sophia Bush in Chicago PD and was sad when she left that show, so I watched this hopefully. But the whole thing is just so contrived. Omg it's hard to actually articulate my disappointment at how contrived and artificial the whole thing is. Although I wanted to watch it for Sophia I couldn't even finish the first ep.
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C'mon guys, it's not that bad...
ViewingBoch17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People here are judging this harshly so I'll ring in with my own review of this.

This is honestly a little more accurate than Grey's Anatomy and that was all sex, sex, sex and sex....... But this a breath of fresh air.

I don't really like these types of medical dramas because they tend to be silly and ridiculous but I found it to be extremely good, especially the conflict.

Apparently there's a doctor who's name is Sam who wants to move to a hospital because she's being put down by her boss, Dr. Griffith.

But it isn't until he's shot we find out it's her DAD.

After presumed dead Sam takes on the role of her dad's position, but her father wakes up after six months and now Sam has to deal with the struggles of proctoring her dad.

The story is actually original for once for a medical drama, and actually showcases life OUTSIDE of the hospital. And isn't like a certain show, I'm looking at you Grey's Anatomy.... Anyways, give it a go with an open mind and don't listen to these people on here.
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greensouth20014 March 2022
Yes, I will confess. I am a sucker for medical television dramas. The obstacle that continues to thwart me is that I never seem to finish the series. E. R. Was completed years ago ( I want to re watch the series on HBO Max.), My status with Grey's Anatomy is four seasons behind, but I will continue, but the television to streaming Gods continue to throw multiple medical shows at me. My judgement on "Good Sam" is only based on my viewing of the pilot episode. The camera work and the cinematography of the show is top notch. The casting is great. Jason Issacs impressed me recently with his role in "Mass" which should have garnered him an Oscar nomination. Sophie Bush and the rest of the ensemble create some great moments. My slight problem is the tone and the script of the pilot. Was this set up as family type of drama? I wish that was set up as more of ah adult drama that would have been a bit edgier. I will keep watching and give it a chance. Right now, from the pilot, (my viewpoint only) a C+.
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Deserved to be
lsmcgraw-5096114 May 2022
Cancelled! What a poorly written, poorly researched show. Nothing feel good or uplifting about it. In real life, doctors and nurses show up to do their jobs and put their feelings aside, they are there for the patients. At a teaching hospital they are there to learn. On this show the residents are insubordinate and putting patients lives at risk. They seem to think they deserve a medal for doing their job even though they have had a bad day. Most of the characters were awful including Sam, just whiny, self centered and backstabbing to their friends and/or family. To the writers, next time do your research and learn how a hospital or anything you want to write about works.. this show was implausible and lazily written which is why it never gained an audience.
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It entertains, in other words, it does the job.
Harry_Pamiaqui14 January 2022
Of a registered humor, not suitable for perfectionists, but interesting. Perhaps focusing on flaws diverts attention from entertainment. It is not a reality show, the situations that do not fit the daily life are those that transport the imagination to the unreal World of television, and achieving that is an art, even more so when it comes to renowned actors surrounded by strangers. It is also an art to be able to overcome prejudices and repetitive rubber stamps that do not contribute to the evolution of clear thinking. That it does not compare with others is not of interest to me because if so, I would be seeing the other, entrenched in a cave looking at the universe through a hole. I liked it and I will be following up because it entertains, in other words, it does the job without the pointless tri-romantic bla-bla-bla complications of late medical drama series. Everything is according to the color of the glass with which you look.
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bkushka22 January 2022
Relationships on show are terrible and boring. Very unbelievable story lines. Sophia, please just go back to Chicago PD. Jason Isaacs go back to Discovery.
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Love Sophia Bush but the show is awful. Still looking for the 'Good'.
katiesewed20 March 2022
Love Sophia Bush, she makes a kick ass cop or other action actor. But this show, which concentrates on a constant sniping relationship with her tv dad, is horrible. The premise is horrible, and it doesn't come close to being a decent medical show. Who wants to watch a father and daughter constantly trying to one-up each other or stab each other in the back? She needs a good role like she had on Chicago PD. I know she supposedly had problems with one of the other actors on it, but you would think that she would have better roles to choose from. This show just needs to die quietly.
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sad really
clementine-8940921 January 2022
I LOVE Jason Isaacs and I feel so bad for him that he needed to get this job. Sophia Bush is just always the same......It's not that she's a bad actor......she just always acts the same.... The premise of the show is good, the execution is HORRIBLE!
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Fluffy soapy power struggle
VHSdynamite20 January 2022
You can go two ways with a medical show: a serious baseline with comedic touches like House, or a comedic baseline with dramatic touches like Scrubs. Both works. Good Sam is just a tonal mess that turns into soap.

The main character is privileged rich prettygirl, bland as they come. Plays piano and eats dinner in the lab because she's so perfect. She keeps whining abut her "best friend" like she's 14 and not a hospital fellow.

The ensemble diagnostics scenes and walk-and-talks are getting so old now.
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Nothing new, but enjoyable.
emariasheldon9 February 2022
Everyone else reviewing the show seems to have nothing but bad things to say about the show, but I've been enjoying it! The acting of the two leads is well done (Jason Isaacs is a legend), and the storyline is tired but still entertaining. The soundtrack is awesome, although I might be biased as a big fan of classical music, and the chemistry is there. The main issue is the script and non-realness of it all. I think if you got a heavy-hitter writing, it's be a huge hit.
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Jason Isaac deserves much, much better...
vs2320 January 2022
I tried very hard to get through a second episode of this series just as a sign of support for Isaac, whose acting is superb. Never made it. Even he can't overcome a preposterous and far fetched premise, a poor script, uninteresting characters, and all around mediocre to poor acting from the rest of the cast. He does the only real quality acting in every scene he's in, but that's simply not enough, especially in view of the particularly bad job done by the actress who plays the title character. She's downright lousy.

Please liberate this great actor from this abominable series and give him a decent project worthy of his talent..
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wcgray6 January 2022
Finally a refreshing twist on a medical drama. I've only watched the first episode and my mouth dropped several times! Keep up the great work and this fantastic show!
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Not bad but really needs to improve.
cpugs-7569910 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, the show has it's moments but I don't like the constant infighting between the father and daughter. Basically, the dad was like House (a well known and respected heart surgeon and head of the cardiology dept). He gets shot and ends up in a coma. Meanwhile, his daughter (Sam) is asked to take over the department and the day it becomes official, the dad wakes up. Obviously, he doesn't know it's been 6 months and wants to immediately return to his duties as a surgeon and department head. By law though, he has to go through a proctorship to ensure his skills are still there. The promotion his daughter was taking (department head) is put on hold to see how the dad does. The daughter agrees to proctor her dad but he questions her judgement and undermines her at every level (even in front of the patients). I doubt ANY hospital (or even patients) would put up with 2 doctors fighting over the diagnosis /treatment in front of the patient. Daughter requests tests to see if it's one thing, Dad SAYS it's something else (while the patient sits there looking confused and unsure WHICH doctor to trust). Then you have the rest of the department who are so used to following the dad, they automatically schedule tests and treatment he orders without following up with the daughter (the actual boss at the moment).

Hope it gets better.
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I tried, I really did...
dikayakoshka5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the entire season, and oh man that's it. Two girls (yes, GIRLS), that are supposed to be HEART SURGEONS, jumping up and down squealing like the nerdiest girl in high school getting asked to prom by the quarterback, because one of them got chosen as Chief of Cardiac Surgery, and this is being deleted from my library. People seem to really like Sophia Bush, but I never watched One Tree Hill or Chicago PD, so I don't know her previous work. In this, she sucks. Her voice is so annoying, and we should be rooting for her character because her father is such a jerk to her, but she manages to be more unlikable than he is. The writing is admittedly abysmal, but I should feel something positive for her. I love Jason Isaacs, but I hope this show is cancelled so he can find a better show. The only likable character on this stupid, unrealistic in any way, show is Caleb. Good Sam is just BAD.
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Loved it, brilliant script
deimante-9667718 January 2022
Fantastic actors from episode 1 they got me hooked and wanting more.

It's a great story a mixture between House and Grey's Anatomy with a bit of spice.

Can't wait to see more episodes and invest in the characters I find the first couple of episodes are like a taster and your not sure but as they go you just can't stop like a tub or Pringles crisps.

I read the negative below reviews which make me laugh that your could make such assumptions after 2 episodes, really?

I really hope this doesn't get cancelled because it's I want more 😊
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I REALLY want to love this...
Priss-13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
& every once in a while, I do! There ARE shining moments throughout the first two episodes. My problem is prob the same as everyone else's will be-he's an ass. & not a fun, funny, lovable ass. An entitled, majorly hatable ass. More than that, if she doesn't tell him to go shove it &/or punch him squarely in the nose VERY soon, goodbye bad Sam.
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Entertaining as a tv show should be
froggiecky11 February 2022
I find this show to be entertaining as any show or movie should be. It shows a not so great relationship between a father and daughter who are both heart surgeons. Very reminiscent of House. I am on episode 3 and quite enjoy it.
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Lower your expectations to Zero.
Almost_Soldout6 January 2022
To be honest I don't actually know what's worse here: poor acting, weak dialogues, bad script or is that all equally bad?

I didn't expect much out of it but it's actually below the lowest expectations.

3/10 for trying.
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