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Fifty Shades of Bruce
bazmitch2329 June 2019
Originally going to be a fake "how to" guide, Bruce had a "What if" idea. What if he did a movie with Richard Gere and Renee Zellweger?

It is almost like fan fiction, but Bruce has written himself as the John Sue.

Throughout the story, Bruce studies his role by joining a Gentleman's Club and goes on a night in Vegas with Richard and a sleazy ladies' man with unsuccessful results.

Bruce then discovers that someone on his new movie wants to get rid of him and why.

He also meets Liz Taylor and Jack Nicholson (Ted Raimi doing a bad impression of him).

Bruce fans will have fun pointing out the Evil Dead references and hearing Ted Raimi playing multiple characters. It's a shame that the voice actors for this audioplay are never revealed, but you can spot Ted and Dan Hicks if you know your Bruce movies. For all I know, Lucy Lawless could've played some of the characters.

My only problem with this audioplay is that some of the scenes are just filler. Some scenes drag on a bit such as Bruce writing a back story for his character, and the scenes at the Gentlemen's Club and with Liz Taylor drag on a bit. Also a scene where Bruce gets caught by security at an airport did to having a recordable pen. Which plays footage of him having a diahhrea attack sounds ripped off (pun intended) from Naked Gun.

But Bruce's ever so good one liners and the voice acting are on top form, plus it shows you how much being an actor sucks. You might learn something from this audioplay.

Bruce fans should check it out on YouTube, but it is so damn long, so make sure you have a lot of time. Despite that, this is pretty groovy. 😣 Sigh, I know....
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