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jwhitus25 July 2005
I saw "Sky High" at a preview screening tonight, and I must say I was pleasantly surprised! A lot of laughs for kids and grownups, a couple of good plot twists, and a nice message for the youngsters. Kurt Russell steals the show as an over-the-top super hero, who wants nothing more than for his son to follow in the family business. Kelly Preston looks amazing as his flying super hero wife. A great group of kids play the Sky High students, with cool effects to help them into their roles... and some nice parables about life in high school. I expected lots of eye rolling and lame super hero humor... but there was no lameness, no eye rolls, but plenty of good laughs and sweet moments. Parents, feel free to go with your kids to this one!
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Surprise, surprise
sidlone31 July 2005
Well, I must say that this movie was surprisingly good for it being a Disney Kid Movie. Now it won't win any Oscars, but it really kept up the Disney Tradition for being a clean and fun film. It was wonderful to see Kurt Russell on the screen again with Disney. The acting, again, not an Oscar performance out of anyone, was clean and sincere, very believable. The sets and special effects were, well, good. The diversity and conflict between students of the school, once again... good. There were some very witty and dry remarks about high school life as well. Good writing. I say the most surprising thing about this film was that it was just plain old fun! It had the patrons laughing as well as I. My 7 year old and my 3 year old loved it and it was still adult enough with a strong enough plot to keep the parents interested as well. All in all, it made for a fun afternoon.
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harmless family movie
SnoopyStyle4 July 2014
Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano) is a regular teen except his parents are two of the greatest superheroes around; Steve Stronghold / The Commander (Kurt Russell) and Josie Stronghold / Jetstream (Kelly Preston). Along with kids of other superheroes, he starts Sky High except he doesn't seem to have a superpower. He's relegated to study being the sidekick with his lifelong friend Layla (Danielle Panabaker). He is embarrassed at his lack of power and sheepishly lies to his parents who have great expectations. Gwen Grayson (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) is the popular girl on campus. Student Warren Peace (Steven Strait) is angry with Will for The Commander putting Warren's father in prison.

This is a harmless little family movie. It could have been edgier. There are a lot of high school drama being played out but the movie never really pushes it. It's strictly a Disney teen movie or a simplified John Hughes movie. With the cartoon color style, this is more silly than compelling. Although it's not silly enough to be actually funny. Angarano is fine but he doesn't really stand out. For the lead, he needs to be much more charismatic. The character can be nerdy but he needs to be a charismatic nerd. Panabaker is adorable enough for the puppy love story. Generally this is like a well-made movie on one of the those kids TV channels.
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Superheroes Aren't Just Born, They Have To Be Molded
bkoganbing17 November 2009
Sky High marks the return of Kurt Russell to the Disney Studios after over two decades. Back in the Seventies before we had Cable and Disney channel on same, Kurt Russell would have been the hero of just such a film. As it is Russell and Kelly Preston play a pair of superhero parents to Michael Angaramo.

And Angaramo is just a normal kid apparently, his superpowers just haven't kicked in yet. But kids like him if they turn into superheroes aren't just born that way. The powers are there, but they have to be taught their use and that's why Angaramo is ticketed for Sky High.

Superheroes to be go to this school up in the sky which apparently has avoided all radar and satellite detection, but given who goes there and runs it, that's understandable. But the kids go through the normal high school experience as filtered through the world of the Magic Kingdom. Teen age budding superheroes of both sexes have all the normal angst issues the rest of them do.

Angaramo has two girls after him, girl next door Danielle Panabaker and teaching assistant Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Since his powers don't kick in initially, Angaramo is assigned to the sidekicks class, but he actually bonds with them.

Sky High is a typical Disney film with overtones of Grease and Harry Potter combined. Such seasoned players as Lynda Carter as the Principal, Bruce Campbell as the coach, and Cloris Leachman as the school nurse seem to be having a good time with their parts as well as Russell and Preston.

I did like young Steven Strait as the brooding Brando/Dean like teen who is understudying Johnny Storm the Human Torch. That young man was really having some issues in the film.

For those who can't make Rydell High or Hogwarts, Sky High will give you the best of both those worlds.
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Sky High
jboothmillard12 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I had seen a trailer for this Disney superhero movie and thought it looked relatively entertaining, and it had a good leading star, so I thought I might as well see if I'd agree with the four star rating. Basically Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano) is the teenage son of superhero parents, father Steve aka The Commander (Kurt Russell) and mother Josie aka Jetstream (Kelly Preston), and he is getting ready to attend superhero high school, Sky High. He hasn't told his parents however that he hasn't discovered if he has any super powers yet, but his best friend Layla Williams (Danielle Panabaker), who has her power, is just as nervous about what to expect as him. Not long after arriving Will has encounter with Warren Peace (Steven Strait), son of both a hero and a villain in battle with each other, and then he and all the other students going through puberty see Coach Boomer (The Evil Dead's Bruce Campbell) who judges them to be either heroes or sidekicks. Even though he is branded as a sidekick, Will is developing a crush on senior student Gwen Grayson (Final Destination 3's Mary Elizabeth Winstead), and he does eventually find his power of super strength at a good time. Meanwhile there is a super-villain who has managed to sneak cameras into The Commander and Jetstream's secret area of the house where the Pacifier is hidden, and Royal Pain wants this to take over the school. It turns out to be Gwen is Royal Pain, and soon enough she starts zapping everyone with the Pacifier, which makes them all turn into babies so she can take them away with her. Only Will, Layla and the gang of other super kids branded sidekicks are left to save the day using their abilities to take the school back and stop the villain. In the end, Will discovers his ability to also fly, the villains are stopped, Will and Warren become friends, and Will and Layla become boyfriend-girlfriend. Also starring Lynda Carter as Principal Powers, Cloris Leachman as Nurse Spex, A Bug's Life's Dave Foley as Mr. Boy and Patrick Warburton as Royal Pain's Voice. The special effects go well with the cheesiness, the casting of actors like Russell, Preston and Campbell is just about interesting enough, it may be a little predictable at times, but with self-aware sending up, it is an entertaining family fantasy comedy adventure. Very good!
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Soaring kids movie
SeminolePhenom14 August 2005
Will Stronghold(Michael Angarano) is the son of The Commander(Kurt Russell) and Jetstream(Kelly Preston) who are two of the most famous superheros in a world where superheros are everyday icons. Will, who doesn't know his power, attends Sky High(a school for superheros) as a freshman, and ends up becoming a sidekick, which socially makes him a "loser". He deals with internal struggles as well as girls and bullies while evil lurks from a distance.

The movie included a nice performance from rising actor Michael Angarano and consisted a nice family-oriented story that everyone can enjoy. It was funny at many parts but wasn't consistent enough to be considered a "great" comedy. It also consisted a few good performances from new actors like Danielle Panabaker and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. The movie definitely won't bore you although it is not amazing. Overall, the idea is original and the movie was entertaining.

I recommend this movie.
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Sky High indeed
vixxi31 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sky High exceeded my expectations and was surprisingly entertaining. I mostly loved how it was simple to follow, I believe a movie shouldn't have to require too much thought and I enjoyed just how fun this one was. It was a little predictable, but held my attention and interest nonetheless.

The performances by the young actors were fantastic, they have a good future ahead of them. The adults also did exceptionally well, and really helped capture the fun, young spirit of the film. I loved Layla and how she really fought against the Hero/Sidekick well as the other parts of the film which try to parallel regular high school against Sky High School. Even as heroes, the main thing they have to "fight" for is just to fit in and break the typical "groups" of high school.

It was very funny and the vague references to other superhero comics/films/shows were great, if you could catch them. There's enough action, a little romance and some great heart-felt scenes which all mixed together well. A great movie!
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Every possible stereotype, every cliché made its way into this movie
Goldvin2 August 2005
Here is a question. The movie is set in a high school, what are the chances that you will see someone locked in a locker?

There are two girls, one is hot and on is your friend. Of course, I knew which one he will end up with, but I did not not know it will happen that quickly and that trivially.

Do you generally feel an incredible suspense when a movie character is trying to cut a wire in order to prevent some type of a disaster and does not really now which wire to cut? If yes you may actually enjoy this movie.

Maybe school cafeteria scenes, in which the main character chooses to sit at a table with cool guys and not at the table with his friends, break your heart? Then go and watch this movie.

It is just plain flat. You can pretty much predict what happens next. The main character is a teenager whose parents are superheros, but he lacks any superpowers, or I should say, does not know his superpowers. In movies like that, you know right away that he should discover some of those eventually, but usually one should expect some sort of struggle, some twist, or other surprise that would give him those powers. In "Sky High" it is simply banal - he just gets them. Well... I am sorry, to be exact I should say (not without an irony) that he actually does have to fight to get them.

Worst part is there is almost absolutely no humor other that you hear in a typical kid's TV comedy shows. The only thing close to being funny was the girlfriend's father remark about the guy with six arms.

I was surprised to see so many comments praising this rather mediocre picture. I can suggest one simple game you can play when reading the comments of the people who gave this movie 9 or 10. Can you tell which ones are truly sincere and which ones are written by promoters? Which ones do you think are written by professional writers?

I usually give mediocre pictures a mediocre vote, but I gave 1 to this one since it is really the top of mediocrity.
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Low Expectations Proved Wrong!
kitcatcher27 July 2005
I got to go see Sky High at a free preview last night. When I saw the commercials, I wrote this movie off immediately. It looked like a strictly-for-kids, stupid-but-cute, teeny-bopper funfest. Blech!

I was pleasantly surprised! I love going into a movie like this with low expectations and being proved wrong. I am a hardcore comics fan ("weenie" I believe the earlier reviewer said) and I still found a lot to like here.

The movie has a better take on what a superhero world would actually be like than many "serious" movies. It was almost like a kids version of the "Astro City" comic book.

The jokes really made Sky High for me! I wont spoil any for you but I will point out that the cast included Bruce Campbell, Kevin McDonnell, Dave Foley and Lynda Carter!

If you're a comics fan, go see it! If you've got kids and want to have a fun evening, go see it!

I am kinda hoping that this becomes Disney's next live-action series.
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Light fun but very familiar
oshram-31 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Sky High inhabits that sort of murky area of a being a spoof and a straightforward story at the same time, a la Galaxy Quest. Though lacking the genius of that film, Sky High nonetheless carves out similar territory.

You've discerned the pitch from the trailers: Will (Michael Angarano, frighteningly resembling a teenaged Brian Wilson) is the son of the two greatest superheroes on the planet, The Commander (Kurt Russell) and Jetstream (Kelly Preston). He's headed for enrollment at Sky High, a special school which caters to the children of super-powered people. The dilemma: Will has no powers to speak of, so while everyone expects a great deal of him given his parentage, he has nothing to show for it.

Of course this being a Disney film, Will has a pining best friend, Layla (Danielle Panabaker) and a coterie of nerds who stay loyal to him up until the point he becomes popular (teen movie plot #4). There's also the 'hot' girl, Gwen (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), who of course becomes involved with the son of the world's greatest heroes.

The first half of the film –well, no, most of it, really – is ripped straight from Harry Potter. The kids are from a special lineage. They go to a special school for people with neat powers, driven there on a special bus. There are bullies; the hero is put upon by expectations of him; he must prove himself against a jerk out to get him. There's even a sorting hat, in the person of Coach Boomer (Bruce Campbell), who decides whether the new kids will be hero or sidekick. My favorite of the oddball faculty was Mr. Boy (Dave Foley, perfectly cast), the sidekick or 'hero support' teacher.

Sky High is fun despite its obvious borrowing; Russell in particular is enjoyable as the dad who never quite grew up, an amalgam of Superman and Batman and an eternal teenager. Preston makes less of an impression but has a few good scenes, mostly when sparring verbally with Russell. Angarano is fine as Will; he's not charismatic enough to carry the film, but with all the eye-popping super-hero visuals and an interesting enough supporting cast, he's fine. The big surprise for me was a character named Warren Peace (Steven Strait), a semi-bully who ends up having surprising depth.

There are some good chuckles in the film and it's a fun diversion, pretty harmless, but not up to what I expected given that the geniuses who create Kim Possible – Robert Schooley and Mark McCorkle – were the primary writers on this. It's cute throughout and clever in spots, but a tad predictable, and the similarity to Harry Potter pops up so often you almost wonder if J.K. Rowling will sue (not that she needs the money). I enjoyed the movie, but you could easily wait for a DVD rental on this one. Light fun, a bit of fluff, better than most of the kiddie fare out there at the moment, but nothing earth-shattering. I'd rather they go back to working on the far-superior Kim Possible, myself.
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Dreadful Warning: Spoilers
Just when I thought that the superhero movies couldn't get any worse, I saw this lame, pathetic rip-off of "Harry Potter" and "X-Men", that completely misses the point of what make those stories so popular in first place.

The thing is that, despite all my love for Disney animated films, with the only exception of "The Chronicles of Narnia" I can't stand live action Disney films, mostly because they are incredible boring and lame, filled with stereotypes, dumb jokes and corny melodrama. "Sky High" has all that makes me hate the live action films of Disney: Incredible stupid and clichéd characters (Let's see: The loser who ends being a hero, the politically correct girl, the token black kid, the evil popular classmates...It's like the writers are not even trying anymore)

"Sky High" is a terrible, terrible film. It's dumb, crummy and boring. My advice is: Don't waste your time in this atrocious film. Watch "The Incredibles" instead.

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Could be a sleeper!
Joejoesan28 July 2005
I think Disney misfired with the very poor The Pacifier and had higher expectations from the Herbie movie. But they'll do surprisingly well with this kids flick, I think. Perhaps we even have a sleeper here.

When I saw the Sky High trailer I thought I was going to see the next installment of Spy Kids. Okay, there are a lot of crazy special effects in this movie, but the story is actually driven by the nice performances by almost all the actors instead of lots of SFX.

The film is about young Will Stronghold (charming performance by Michael Angarano), son of the two most popular and successful superheroes in the world, The Commander (Kurt Russell) and Jetstream (Kelly Preston). Will is about to go to Sky High, a school especially founded for superheroes, but there's one problem: he doesn't own any superpower. Instead of being a superhero, his highest goal seems to be the one of sidekick. So how can he survive at school being the son of the world most famous super duo? And how will his parents react when they hear the bad news?

Sky High is a very entertaining family movie with lots of good hearted humor. Early in the movie Bruce Campbell (oh yeah!) steals the show as (ex-hero, now teacher) Sonic Boomer, who has a 'Sorting Hat' scene in which he determines which student will go to hero class and which ones will study for sidekick. Kurt Russell gives a great tongue-in-cheek performance as proud daddy who thinks it's great that his son defeats all the bullies at school but has to condemn it in front of his wife. And that's the opinion of a someone who isn't actually a fan of the actor himself. The original little ideas dry out after the first half of the movie, but who said that all family movies should have Oscar power?

Sky High is a movie about friendship, falling in love with the wrong girl, falling in love with the right girl and trying to succeed in your parents footsteps. Very entertaining for the kids, and some nice laughs for parents too (during the Sidekick lessons given by ex-All American Boy for instance: lots a references to the Robin from the Batman TV-series). Great 80's soundtrack as well, with covers from songs by The Smiths, Talking Heads, Tears for Fears and even Till Tuesday and Modern English.
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Good for family
Redstar528830 July 2005
OK it wasn't a blockbuster, but how many kids movies are. Few. The movie itself had a nice plot, nothing too complicated, but there were times when even I was surprised. Good for kids and their parents, there were definitely kids and parents laughing alike. I think this movie contains some actors who are really starting to blossom into their careers, at the same time Kurt Russell and Kelly Preston add some familiar faces to this charming movie. You like superheroes, I don't think you'll be disappointed. My only criticism would be that some of the effects were a little cheesy. However, the kids in the audience did not seem to mind.
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A watered down done before movie
Aerials3787 September 2006
WoW you guys can't be serious... this movie was horrible. Everything that this movie stands for has been done a million times... and a million times better. First of all the main character was a total pussy which took away from the whole film. Next all the characters were hard to believe. I could go on and on... the whole execution of the plot was just as horrible. The only thing that really interested me to see this movie is I am curious to see what cool super powers they came up with. yet they were all either totally worthless or had been done a million times before there was no orginallity. Also you only see a few powers being used when the main character first enters sky high (which is usually the coolest part of these movies) yet you hardly see anyone using their powers and it sure as hell isn't entertaining.

on and on I can goo it's just a horrible movie... maybe the kids will like it if they have never seen a movie with superheroes in it... thats all i can give it
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Very Entertaining.
Mr_Sensitive6 October 2006
The movie that design for pre-teen but end up to be fun for the whole family. Staring Michael Angarano as Will the son of the legendary Super Heroes was send to the Superheroes school unfortunately he is the only one without special power.

The story is the combination of the typical teen love story plus superheroes into it. It wasn't bad and somewhat quite imaginative and also quite funny and entertaining from time to time, despite is predictable.

The casts are the highlight part of the movie and though they are loads of character everything seem to be balance and every character does have its time to shine in this movie. And with so many character and action scenes you'll be sure never to get bored.

What I like about the movie is the sense of belonging between friendship, and love between each character and also it is fun to watch the Super Heroes academy and how does it all come about.

Reason To Watch: The Movie Is Really Lively.

Reason Not To: Predictable Storyline and Cheesy At Time.

Rating: 7/10 (Grade: B-)
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a mixture of x-men and your typical high school movie
MLDinTN8 May 2006
This was OK for a kids movie. It was like the school in the x-men movies. All these kids with super powers go to a high school in the sky. Each has an unique power. They are judged to be a hero or sidekick. The story centers around Will, who has the most famous super heroes as parents, yet he has not demonstrated super powers, so he is labeled a sidekick. The heroes are snotty toward the sidekicks, it's high school. Will becomes friends with the class president, Gwen, who seems just a little too interested. He gets his powers which are like his parents and helps save the day from the villain at the school dance.

FINAL VERDICT: Fun, entertaining, not a bad way to kill 90 minutes. I recommend it if you like fantasy films.
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A family of heroes...
paul_haakonsen17 December 2015
For a family movie, then "Sky High" turned out to be an okay movie actually. There is something for just about everyone here, ranging from superheroes, teen love story, comedy, villainy, and of course Bruce Campbell.

The story is about Will Stronghold, the son of two world famous superheroes The Commander and Jetstream. Troubled about his lack of powers, starting at the prestigious Sky High Academy for superheroes and wanting to fit in, life is a roller-coaster of ups and downs for Will. Especially because a diabolical plan is being set in motion by someone no one suspects.

"Sky High" is a good, wholesome movie for the entire family, and it offers action, romance, thrills and heroism in just equally great amounts.

While this is a superhero movie, don't set yourself up for a level of superhero and effects similar to movies like "X-Men" and the likes. It is a family movie, so it is accordingly set.

I was particularly thrilled with seeing the legendary Bruce Campbell in this movie. But I will say that all-round people were doing good jobs with their given roles and characters.

So let the family gather up and prepare to go sky high...
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Just good, fun Disney entertainment.
TxMike18 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The DVD has a very nice widescreen presentation, with excellent use of surround sound. Pictures are sharp and colors vivid.

Kurt Russell and Kelly Preston are just your normal couple living in the suburbs and selling real estate. They also happen to be superheros, called into action when the situation requires. He is super strong, she flies, together they make an unbeatable team. So their son Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano) surely must be destined for super great things also, since both of his parents are so super.

So, the main of this movie takes place at the high school aptly called Sky High, on a big structure floating high above the clouds (but not so high that you can't breathe, must be 10,000 ft or lower) by use of "anti gravity" technology. Will and his other friends who have super parents are incoming freshmen at this super secret school, where they have to demonstrate their "power" on the first day, to see if they will go into superhero training, or "sidekick" training.

There is nothing to be taken serious here. But the kids have the usual high school issues, with teachers and other kids. The big question is whether Will really does have super powers.

SPOILERS. Will exercises in his room, but isn't particularly strong. He can't tell dad, it would disappoint him too much. So, destined for the sidekick group, something happens that causes his super strength, like his dad, to sprout suddenly, making him the hero of the downtrodden at school. An evil infiltrator threatens Will, his parents, and even Sky High, but Will saves the day. In the end, he even finds out he can fly, after being flung off Sky High, falling into nothingness.
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Kurt Russell and Disney: Sky Mediocrity
jimmylee-110 September 2006
There really should be a secondary category of movies: the movies you watch when you just had your teeth drilled so you can't laugh out loud or think too hard because of the Tylenol with codeine the dentist thankfully prescribed. If this movie was rated by that scale, and I had enough medication in my system, I MIGHT agree with my nieces that this was "the best movie ever." Or, at least, in that category somewhere. And there would be an explanation for why I continue to find "Bring It On" so oddly fascinating.

Since there isn't another category, since I didn't watch this under medication, and since I've already seen "Arsenic and Old Lace," "Animal House," "Holiday," "the Lady Eve," "Blazing Saddles," and a number of other classics (IMHO), I have some standards to measure "the best movie ever." This certainly doesn't meet them. Although the basic concept was cute, the slow moving story made each twist easier to spot than cell phone use in silicon valley. Come to think of it, this movie moved at about the same predictable pace as "The Computer That Wore Tennis Shoes" and "The Barefoot Executive," so maybe this is the pace that Kurt Russell requests when Disney rings his phone.

So yes, I found the movie dull - ideal for the disability crowd - with the only dip in the dance being Major Pain's heritage, and even that might not have been a surprise if I hadn't dozed off. The characters were likable but also dull (rather like the Disney board of directors ...interesting coincidence); even the villains weren't particularly memorable. Only Danielle Panabaker sticks with me, standing out as an environmentally conscious sidekick.

If I devoted any thought to this movie (which under pain medication I wouldn't, and then these details wouldn't bother me), I'd wonder how this superhero business was managed. With all these kids, the town had to be absolutely mobbed with parental superheroes like the Strongholds trotting around masquerading as pharmacists, postal workers, etc. How would you decide which superhero should save the world today? Lottery? Think of the chaos.

And if you went to high school together, wouldn't you know each other's secret identity? Would you get married as superheroes AND as mild mannered postal workers? How would you keep the villains from telling your secret identity (or, at the very least, blabbing your algebra score)?

And what about those amazingly solid costumes that Kurt and Kelly had to wear? They look distractingly like the original corvette fiberglass shell rather than a real superhero costume. Why don't they make nail polish out of that stuff? No wonder they could stop a speeding bullet. I bet I know a few high tech corporations who would like to use them at executive board meetings.

I forgot about the movie's key redeeming quality: it teaches us several important lessons - thank goodness there are movies to teach us - about compassion, the value of friends (even if they're not heroes) It was heavy. No, that's quite right. It was heavy handed. Pardon my sarcasm, which I must have learned from Billy Wilder.

I found "the Incredibles" far and away more entertaining, in part because of the creative and amusing things that can be done with animation (if only I could park my car the way they were allowed to park the camper) and in part because it showed family dynamics with far more depth and humor ("Bob, it's time to get engaged!") than in this movie. And questions like multiple superheroes in town were solved. No outstanding issues, thank you very much.

But I think "Sky High" was supposed to appeal to the demographic I described - the just had teeth drilled, or not thinking, or never seen a decent movie before.

Oh, it did have a good soundtrack - for the parents - with some songs from the Talking Heads, Cars, & They Might Be Giants. Importing the choir for the mighty fight scenes so they could "ahhhhh" away was a bit much though.
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Great for all ages!
angelgem926 July 2005
I saw the advance screening of this movie last night and I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised! I went into this movie expecting a cheesy kiddy movie and ended up spending the next hour and a half being seriously entertained. The story is about a group of freshmen in their first few months at a super hero high school named "Sky High." There are all the familiar struggles of high school, such as fitting in, finding a date, and choosing between the friends you have known and loved your whole life and the new popular crowd. These high school newbies have the additional dilemma of learning to use their powers and live up to the reputations that their parents have established as super heroes. The movie is sweet without sending the viewers into a diabetic coma, and has a great message. The theater I was in was also full of little ones, who I never heard a peep out of! The movie is a great treat for the entire family and will make a great break from the heat or a rainy day activity!
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'Sky High' goofy, campy fun
eichelbergersports27 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Title is the name of the prep school that Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano, "Seabiscuit," "Lords Of Dogtown") attends in this silly Disney family picture.

It seems the 14-year-old is the son of superhero parents, Commander Stronghold (Kurt Russell, a tower of strength) and Josie Jetstream (Kelly Preston, who can fly at supersonic speeds), but has no such powers. Many of his friends have special abilities, some do not, but everyone expects him to share the powers his parents have.

When he does not, he is sent to the Sidekick Class (or "hero support"), taught by the hilarious Dave Foley (as Mr. All-American Boy), to learn the ways of the second banana.

During a fight with the son of his father's archenemy, Warren Peace (a flaming Steven Strait), Will's powers' emerge (he has the best of mom and pop), and he becomes the big man on campus.This newfound popularity attracts the beautiful Gwen Grayson (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), while eliciting the jealousy of longtime friend and neighbor, Layla (Danielle Panabaker).

Despite the laughable "special" effects (campy and goofy, to be kind, catch the scene where Russell and Preston take on a giant robot), over-the-top acting, and a ludicrous plot, I had a pretty good time watching this. Nice to see a good supporting cast, including Foley, his "Kids in the Hall" co-star, Kevin McDonald (as a huge-headed mad scientist), Lynda Carter (as Principal Powers) and Bruce "Army Of Darkness" Campbell (as Coach Sonic Boomer).

The children will most likely have more fun than the adults, but there is still some grown-up humor that keeps us laughing. Everyone will also get a healthy moral lesson about labeling others. It's certainly not the best film around right now, but it isn't the worst.

I've seen plenty of those recently.
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Liked it better the first time... when it was a John Hughes film.
Blackavaar12 September 2006
This movie is a total ripoff of Some Kind of Wonderful with superpowers tossed in and a stupid plot twist at the end. It's so Power Rangerish it made me want to change the channel even though I was playing it on a DVD player. There are a few jokes that work and a lot that don't. The CG effects are bad, the acting by most of the teens in horrendous, and the few cool lines are answered with cheesy lines by the supporting actors. Bruce Campell was great in his own cheesy way as usual but most of the other actors couldn't pull it off. It was nice to see Lynda Carter in film again but I think she could have picked something much better. The direction is horrible the script is a total ripoff and even the camera work is sub par. If you like to laugh at how horribly awful a movie can be then check it out. If you want to see a good movie check out the original "Some Kind of Wonderful" instead.
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A lot better than I would have thought.
beenafleck28 July 2005
This has the makings of a completely unoriginal hour and a half: super-hero's, high school, special effects. Much to my surprise, it's funny, well acted, and original. Apparently, this movie was in production before the Incredibles was released. It's not a result of the success.

As someone who grew up during the Love Bug, Benji era of Disney live action kids movies, it's a nice change of pace.

It was well worth the time and $. A family movie without a lot of violence, language, or sexual "near misses".

Who'd a thunk it!
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Great family film!
NotMoreMovies31 July 2005
First let me start by saying this: Don't expect TOO much, this movie delivers what it promises in the more, no less! It's a lot like a kiddie version of Spider Man 1, which I criticized for being too "cutsie" when it should have been more serious. The producers must have read my mind and made their masterpiece, Spider Man 2, the best superhero movie I've seen since Superman 2, and I think it surpassed even THAT! Darn tangents, OK back to Sky High...

Here's why this movie works so spoofs the powers of many comic book superheroes perfectly! Instead of one hero *cough* superman *cough* with several powers, you have them split up between several different people. Most obviously between the Commander and Jetstream: she flies and he has super strength, so they always work together. Then you have people who have freeze powers, heat ray powers, transformations/shape shifting, speed, elasticity, etc. BUT what I like is, not all of their powers are equally "super," so they have a teacher who splits those with impressive categories into the "hero" category, and those with unimpressive powers into the "sidekick" category (or "Hero Support" in the politically correct sense :) ).

The heroes are then trained to save citizens and fight supervillans, while (and I find this part genius) the sidekicks learn how to use devices, scream warnings to their heroes, and deliver humorous quips at key moments.

There is very little real violence, most of it is extremely cartoony and humorous, so I would have NO reservation letting children as young as 7 see this film! There is only ONE case in which a foul term is used, but it's not a bad one and it should fly right over the heads of most kids. (It's "bite me") This movie didn't try to be more than it is or it would have been awful, but as it is, it's a perfect family superhero adventure that adults should be able to enjoy along with their kids! It won't win any Oscars but you'll feel you've gotten your money's worth.
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You basic superhero movie ripoff, with some incredibly fragrant fromage.
bentrimble2 January 2006
What do you get if you attempt to mix X-men, the Incredibles, the cheesy and stereotypical teen movies from the last century, with the quality of the Power Rangers? Sky High. The writer and director must have read all the failed "Undertanding Teens" books they could lay their hands on, and incorporated all the 80's Nancy Drew lingo. This movie is so predictable that I was almost able to say the lines before the characters said them. I cringed the whole movie. ALL OF IT. I would sooner light my 13 dollars on fire under me as I was tied to a stake than see this movie again. If you are considering going to see this movie your time would be much better spent standing in the middle of the highway at night wearing black.
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