Serving Sara (2002) Poster


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It Could've Been So Much More
HeavensMee26 August 2002
I watched `Serving Sara' on Saturday. I wish I could say it was a very funny film. I wish I could say that Matthew Perry doesn't look unhealthy for most of the movie. I wish I could say that Elizabeth Hurley was a good comedic actress. I can say that it's clear even when she's acting that Ms. Hurley is a very classy lady. She's also obviously comfortable in front of the camera. However, her use of exaggerated hip swaying and mouth expressions isn't effective in carrying the jokes. When I think of popular actresses who are naturally funny, I think of Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan. Both these ladies utilize their eyes and whole faces in delivering their comedic lines. As for the very likeable Matthew, the circles under his eyes and his drawn face made it hard for me to focus on his performance. His delivery was similar to his acting in `Friends', but in `Serving Sara' his appearance throughout the whole movie seemed subdued. Perhaps he lacked gusto due to the health crisis he was battling at the time of filming or maybe he was directed to be less `Chandler', and more streetwise and scrappy. As for the other two main co-stars, Vincent Pastore basically plays his character in `The Sopranos'; I couldn't detect any difference between his movie performance and television persona. Cedric `The Entertainer' caught my attention with his on-the-verge-of-a-heart-attack performance as the boss with a short temper and high blood pressure. However, his schtick ran out of steam rather quickly. I became unimpressed after his second remark about `that bitch' revealed a lack of original dialogue. Still, if you're a Matthew Perry fan, as I am, the movie isn't an entire waste. The actor's good nature shines through, even when his role calls for him to be something of a jaded character. I had a few chuckles at some of Matthew's more physical scenes and got to watch him for an hour and a half, so I left the theatre with a smile on my face.
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Fun film
jonsid5714 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fun film about a process server trying to serve a lady (whose husband is cheating on her )until she doubles it if he serves her husband . The film starts off slowly but then picks up . The film has some funny scenes one involving Matthew Perry and a bull and there is also a funny scene at the airport as well as at a hotel where they have no money and they ask for a room.

The ending takes place at a monster truck arena . Matthew Perry is great in his role as is Elizabeth Hurley who wears some sexy outfits too and is fun to watch . Vincent Pastore as Tony is a good villain . There is a an unexpected twist later in the film which I enjoyed.

I wasn't expecting much so I was pleasantly surprised . I would recommend the film .
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Squrpleboy11 May 2003
This is one of those comedies your mother brings home thinking it

might be "cute funny"; you know: no boobies, not much swearing,

little to no violence, and written in a way that everyone gets the

jokes.................and she'd be right.

Matthew Perry does his best NOT to be Chandler Bing in his role

as cynical process server Joe Tyler, and walks a fine line between

success and reliance on his old character traits. He swears, lies,

doesn't shave and wears a leather jacket, but every now and again

slips back into a motion or facial expression that is the essence of

Chandler Bing. Oh well, he's still the best performer in the film.

Liz Hurley, as a supposedly devoted wife, oblivious to her

husband's extramarital affair and suddenly served with divorce

papers, shows all of the emotion of canned tuna. Let's face it, she

is merely 'eye-candy' in the picture. And Cedric The Entertainer is

appallingly one-dimensional and insipid in his role as Tyler's boss

(he delivers lines like an urban Henny Youngman, for pete's


The real problems here are dialogue and comic timing though.

Every line (especially those given to/ by Perry) come across as so

completely scripted and placed within the conversations that all

the comedy of the actual words seem forced, and resultingly not

humourous at all. The dialogue also suffers from both not wanting

to step on the other characters lines, and in needing to spoon-feed

the storyline so completely to the viewer (which makes one feel

about 3 years old by movie's end). Then there is the 'tear-jerking'

story behind why Tyler does this for a living, and the horribly forced

romance between Perry and Hurley's characters to add to the

growing miasma of distaste in your mouth.

I never laughed once. My family chuckled here and there. And in

the end, as the credits rolled, my mother chimed in, "That was

pretty good." Our home theatre remained silent in response.

5/10. Not terrible, but nothing I'd watch again or recommend in

good conscience.
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Oh yes...
filmfreak-522 April 2003
I saw this movie, mainly because Matthew Perry was in it, and I love his Chandler Bing character. Now, I first feared "oh no, this is going to be some romantic mumbo jumbo", but NO. Ofcourse this film contains romance, but it's ok, cause it's funny as hell. Perry makes several characters in this movie, which are worth it alone. Hilarious and I can definately recommend it, eventhough the plot line is a little weak, but Perry and his co-stars makes totally up for it..
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Serving No Good Cause.
anaconda-406589 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Serving Sara (2002): Dir: Reginald Hudlin / Cast: Matthew Perry, Elizabeth Hurley, Bruce Campbell, Amy Adams, Cedric the Entertainer: Stupid comedy that certainly doesn't serve up decent entertainment. Matthew Perry is controlled by his job and by Elizabeth Hurley. He may be a server but he is still driven by another force. Simple plot has Perry sent to deliver divorce papers to Hurley but her husband is a rich cheating liar so she talks him into serving him divorce papers first so that she may gain half her husband's assets with Perry a promised one million. Thus begins a dreary road trip of useless clichés and a complete lack of originality. It is obvious that they will fall in love and nobody cares. Directed by Reginald Hudlin who also made another laugh lacking comedy called The Ladies Man. Perry reciting the loser gets girl role while Hurley is a prop for sex scenes. What is truly depressing is that audiences were more anticipating Bruce Campbell than the star studded leads. Unfortunately, as the husband Campbell is greatly reduced to a standard boring role undeserving of his talent. Strangely enough, Campbell could have sold this film on his own. Amy Adams and Cedric the Entertainer are also featured in this travesty. This film exist merely for its leads whose careers won't benefit from this. Pointless romantic drivel serves these actors with nothing but shame. Score: 2 / 10
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Decent Comedy
ecatalan9816 February 2004
I don't know why everybody is bashing this little movie. Granted, it's not an "extraordinary film" nor is it Oscar material, but it does get the job done, and that is to entertain for an hour and a half. Matthew Perry's character is not that far removed from what he does in "Friends", so if you like "Friends" style of humor, you'll have no problem enjoying "Serving Sara". The premise of a guy delivering court notices isn't very attractive, but the movie does a fine job in stretching this premise and making it funny. Liz Hurley looks, as always, hot and Bruce Campbell(EVIL DEAD) is funny as the Texas business Honcho trying to divorce his wife.

I actually had my reservations about watching this one, because neither the title nor the cast was that appealing to me at first, but again, I must confess that I did enjoy this little sucker and I'd be lying if I told you otherwise. 7* out of 10*!
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Didn't Match The Budget For A Reason!
ricklb-4354612 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off if you want to see Elizabeth Hurley looking beautiful, and strutting around in a ridiculous but sexy outfit most of the movie, you are in for a treat. If you think this is a comedy, or romance, or even action...You'll be disappointed. I think the plot had potential, but the dialogue is painful to hear, predictable to guess, and make next to zero sense. (I'll give you one example) Matthew Perry's character said he was a lawyer who just couldn't work defending lowlife characters for the money, so he quits to become a court process server... OMG you could go prosecution or another type of attorney (contracts, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, procedural, evidence, and property.) your character passed the BAR exam! It's non-stop lying with unrealistic scenarios. Also you'll genuinely enjoy the movie better if you'd fast forward every scene that has Vincent Pastore or Cedric the Entertainer in it! These guys are the definition of annoying! I felt zero romance, and frequently felt let down by the back story and dialogue through-out the entire film. I give it a three because Elizabeth looks fantastic, and Matthew's character gets better as the movie goes. All in all let down for me.
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99 Minutes of Good Entertainment
claudio_carvalho24 October 2005
In New York, the process server Joe Tyler (Matthew Perry) is assigned to deliver a divorce paper to Sara Moore (Elizabeth Hurley). Her wealthy Texan husband Gordon Moore (Bruce Campbell) is cheating her and also trying to take all their money for him. Sara offers one million dollars to Joe serving Gordon first, and he travels to Texas with Sara trying to accomplish his task. Meanwhile, the serving company sends Tony (Vincent Patore), the colleague and enemy of Joe, to serve Sara. A dispute begins with the oponents trying to serve the divorce papers first, to get financial advantages in the process.

I liked a lot this chase movie that slightly recalls "Midnight Run". There are many funny moments, Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley show great chemistry and the IMDb User Rating of 4.6 is quite unfair. Every time that I see the beautiful and delicious Elizabeth Hurley, I recall the amazing choice of Hugh Grant for Divine Brown. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Serviço de Sara" ("Serving Sara")
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Possibly the worst film of 2002!!!!!!
jotix10028 August 2002
Matthew Perry should feel lucky he makes millions on his daytime job, "Friends". He should forget about feature films in the future. Not only is this the most inane comedy in many years, but it just proves that Mr. Perry is someone made for TV and the masses. An actor, he is not.

Never mind him. He's a Larry Olivier next to Elizabeth Hurley. She also should stick to her Estee Lauder ads. Hello, Hollywood: you would have done much better with a pair of unknowns and saved tons of money since both the principals suck big time together.

This pair has as much chemistry on screen as olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The director? He should give the studio his fee for this piece of unadulterated crap.

I was lucky that I didn't have to pay to see this film, but I pity those who have to shell their money to sit thru' this piece of garbage. This film belongs in "arty" film festivals everywhere where kitsch is really appreciated.
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M.Perry saves the movie
Affirmative_Dave3 October 2008
This movie is originally based on some good ideas. And many elements of it are not so predictable.

But, unfortunately the direction and the script are so bad, that all in all, the average result is a rather clumsy movie. Most of the actors do a lousy job (direction problem) and the lines do not match well the situations.

Nevertheless, thanks to Matthew Perry the movie is still watchable: 1. His enjoyable jokes, à la Friends. 2. His perfect play. 3. His match with E.Hurley.

Elisabeth Hurley is also enjoyable (and so sexy...).
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The biggest joke is on those who paid to see this
grantss4 March 2016
The biggest joke is on those who paid to see this.

A process server, Joe Tyler (played by Matthew Perry) is given the task of serving divorce papers on Sara Moore (Elizabeth Hurley), the wife of of a wealthy Texas businessman. To do so he needs to contend with her attempts at evasion and the attempts of a colleague to undermine him.

You would think that the comedy of Matthew Perry and the allure of Liz Hurley would make for a decent movie. They do the best they can, but are massively undermined by the script writers. The movie is not funny. The attempts at jokes are incredibly bad - even Perry with his great physical humour, timing and delivery can't make them work. You can't polish a turd...

On the plus side (and it's the only plus), Liz Hurley does light up the screen and is a good distraction from the woefulness of the remainder of the movie.

Interesting to note that the supporting cast includes Amy Adams in one of her earliest movies.

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Not Such a Bad Comedy
RoodyMan28 January 2006
Frankly, the amount of stars this movie received on this site is sickening. I honestly found this movie to be an adequately comical film, and can't see how it only received 4.8 out of 10. Now, obviously it wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but I did find myself laughing at it quite frequently. I really can't think of anything major that would yield such a low score. The acting was good, the cast had Mathew Perry, Elizabeth Hurley, Jerry Stiller, Cedric the Entertainer, a cameo from Mike Judge, and someone who I believe deserves to be in many more movies, Bruce Campbell. The story was sufficiently original, and the movie had, a brilliant, yet unforeseen twist towards the end. The only thing I could possibly think of for people giving this movie such a low rating, is that people tend to over-analyze comedies way too much. You can't expect a drama movie to be the same as a comedy, it just doesn't work that way. Personally, I would like to see this movie again, and feel that it deserves a better rating on this site than it obtained.
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Perry serves up some laughs
studioAT6 June 2010
Serving Sara is another of the movies that Matthew Perry made while at the height of his fame in the sitcom Friends and despite some of the reviews you read on this site it is actually a light-hearted and enjoyable movie.

Although it is clear that Perry is trying to distance himself from his role on the previously mentioned sitcom there are enough traits of Chandler to keep fans happy while also offering a slightly darker character.

Perry has good chemistry with Hurley and the film's pace moves from one elaborate set piece to another with ease while Bruce Campbell and Cedric the entertainer also provide some good laughs.

The only downside of this film for me is how Perry's weight changes so often from scene to scene. It is sad to see this talented man at such a low ebb in his personal life. Thankfully the great man is back to his best now in Mr Sunshine.

Overall Serving Sara is an enjoyable enough watch that by and large provides strong laughs and a good performance from Perry.
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did they consult any actual lawyers before making this?
dvgulliver14 July 2006
This film is bad because the entire plot revolves around service of process, and it makes no sense. Granted, I went to law school and got A's in my civil procedure courses. But even a layperson can see the flaws in this.

In most jurisdictions, you can complete service of process in a number of ways. You can hand the legal documents to the person. You can send them registered mail. You can post an ad in the paper. You can post notice on the courthouse door. You can leave the documents with any adult who resides at the house of the target. You can leave documents in a conspicuous location on the property of the target. You can serve a registered agent, which in many cases is the Secretary of State or similar office holder of your jurisdiction. You can even walk up to the person, say "I have legal documents for you," and drop them at his feet. Even if you don't hand-deliver them, you have served process.

There is a reason for this.

If, as this film portrays, you can't serve anyone unless they take the papers from you, it would be impossible to ever sue anyone because most people would never take anything from a stranger. That would make it to easy for people to avoid ever suffering any consequences for their actions. Husbands could avoid ever getting divorced, and therefore ever paying alimony.

So remember folks: if, in your real life, you are ever a defendant in a lawsuit, you can lose by default if someone leaves papers at your feet and you never show up in court! Knowing all this, the plot of the film is eviscerated. What is left, that is, bad acting, bad sight gags, bad everything, isn't enough to hold the film together in any meaningful way.

Avoid this movie.
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SnowWhiteSal23 August 2002
After seeing all the promotion Mr Perry has been doing over the last week or so for Serving Sara I started looking forward to this movie more and more. I went in today after reading what some of the reviewers had been saying about the movie and I have to admit I was a little worried I would be disappointed but the reviewers couldn't have been more wrong about this one. Matthew Perry is a fantastic actor and I have to agree with everything Larry King said to Matthew on Thursday 22nd August on his show

KING: My late friend Jackie Gleason made a movie once with a fellow named Tom Hanks, and he told me, this kid, big. You going to be the next Tom Hanks.

PERRY: Thank you very much.

KING: I'm predicting it, Perry. You're a lot like him, you have that air about you, you look the type, and I think you're going to get major roles and this one, "Serving Sara," is just another springboard on a great career.

After watching this movie I can defiantly say Matthew is going to be the next Tom Hanks. His comedic timing in this film was superb and the accents... hilarious!!!! the whole film had me in hysterics.

Everything about this movie was fantastic... not much else to say except DO NOT listen to the people reviewing this movie who say it's not worth seeing... they couldn't be more wrong !!!

I give it 10/10
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Painful to watch.
dustin_wolford7 February 2003
I thought the bad Matt Perry movies were over now that he is out of rehab. He constantly tries to play the cool guy, which is uncomfortable for everyone to watch. He should have been the humorous fish out of water that people enjoy. After this film anything with the Matt Perry stamp on it should be direct to video. Anyone associated with this movie is suspect. Elizabeth Hurley should not have agreed to this movie, hopefully she got paid up front. The villain Hurley's husband is the star of a funny comedy-horror movie, but this character was barely two dimensional. I officially blame the director for putting this garbage together. A good movie can effect you. Well I was physically uncomfortable when they tried to develop a love story towards the end. In that respect is the only way this movie could be classified as good.
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Perry makes this film worthwhile!
the amorphousmachine11 April 2004
Reginald Hudlin, director of films such as 'House Party' (1990), 'Boomerang' (1992) and 'The Ladie's Man (2000), adds another comedy vehicle to his resume in 'Serving Sara'. However, this is a film that is reliant on the talents of Matthew Perry, and for the most part, it is he who saves this film playing yet another version of Chandler Bing from "Friends". Perry plays Joe Tyler, a process server down on his serving luck thanks to being undermined by his main competition in Tony (Vincent Pastore). Tyler is given one last important job; he must serve divorce papers to Sara Moore (Elizabeth Hurley) from Texas millionaire, Gordon Moore (Bruce Campbell). Serving Sara Moore seems like a harder task than possible, and when Joe does, she offers him a better deal where the stakes are higher and Joe can finally get out of the business once and for all.

This is a fun movie, especially if your expectations were reasonably low to begin with. If you are a fan of "Friends", then it's hard not to like Matthew Perry in this movie. Joe Tyler just seems to be another rougher variation of Chandler Bing. Elizabeth Hurley doesn't add much, but the chemistry between her and Perry seem to work okay. Vincent Pastore is quite funny as Joe's rival in Tony and he managed to give me a couple of chuckles. Cedric the Entertainer just doesn't entertain in this movie at all, and his scenes are especially annoying, and Bruce Campbell does okay as the Texan millionaire. I thought some of the scenes would really bring this film down a notch, but it was handled okay, and wasn't overly groaning or bad. The scene involving a bull was mildly amusing rather than completely excruciating as the critics would have you believe- particularly because Perry made the scene work! I've seen more cringe-worthy efforts in other comedies, and not once did I feel embarrassed for Perry and co, even when Perry was doing a really bad accent.

Saying that, the film still isn't that great and is pure fluff and so light that it doesn't really offer that much in the way of laughs or in it's story. Perry is just likable in this movie and handles the material well, but one wonders if he can ever separate himself from the style of Chandler Bing, where sarcastic one-liners and self-depreciating humour seems to be the key. The direction isn't that great, and the main problem with this movie is that in many scenes, you could feel the script's presence rather than have cohesive flowing dialogue. Some scenes felt a little unnatural particularly when the character would say something to himself after the scene is over. It felt a little obviously scripted in that respect! However, I had fun watching this movie although I wouldn't bother with it twice. It's a pure no-brainer, and quite likable. Don't take this movie too seriously, and you might enjoy it for the dumb comedy that it is- a non-memorable time-filler and certainly not Perry's best film, yet somehow, he holds this one together!

*** out of *****!
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Worst attempt at a screwball comedy I've ever seen
herbqedi29 May 2003
Insufferable mess about process server Matthew Perry trying to rescue a trophy wife from a disadvantageous situation. Actually, I've already made it sound better than it is. The plot specifics make no sense. Joe Viterelli is totally wasted as a moronic mafioso. All the characters are over-the-top caricatures. Everybody is both stupid, narcissistic, and cynically motivated. In short, the writing and direction are impossibly bad, and only Elizbeth Hurley manages to imbue her character with any credibility. Matthew Perry and his cohorts at the process-serving company are particularly incompetent in their roles. Perry is all over the map, and clearly had other things (drugs?) on his mind.

Avoid this sorry mess.
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Nowhere NEAR as bad as I had been led to believe
bassmanitram3 July 2004
You know, it pays NOT to take too seriously reviews that dis movies you thought might be OK. This movie had a weakish plot - but not as bad as some I could mention, a not too original character in Perry - its Chandler with a bit more attitude and a bit of fight - but, since I really like the Chandler character that's fine by me, and some pretty funny set pieces (the bull 'milking' scene was funny, OK!). The thing that brought it down was Ms Hurley - great to look at but wooden as heck - as always. In short, my summary says it all - its nowhere NEAR as bad as people led me to believe - a belief which prevented me from seeing it until now!
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Spitting Up
wes-connors6 November 2011
In New York during the Hanukah season, chubby process server Matthew Perry (as Joe Tyler) must deliver divorce papers to sexy millionaire's trophy wife Elizabeth Hurley (as Sara). She thought she was happily married. On the way to Texas, Ms. Hurley offers Mr. Perry $1,000,000 to serve philandering husband Bruce Campbell first (it has something to do with divorce laws and property settlement). Meanwhile, Perry's rotund rival Vincent Pastore (as Tony) follows them, hoping to serve Hurley. Exasperated boss Ray Harris (as Cedric) gets the best suits and most donuts...

How much you enjoy all of this may depend on how much you like Perry and Hurley. He was on a TV series called "Friends" (haven't seen it) which was popular, and she has sex appeal. Pretty in pink "other woman" Amy Adams (as Kate) wiggles her chest. The highlight may be a luggage conveyor belt ride which ends with Perry ripping off Hurley's pants. For gross fans, Perry oils up to deliver a prostate exam, and that's no bull. You can also hear the characters respond to funny commands like "blow me," "eat me," and "kiss my ass." Their replies aren't very imaginative.

*** Serving Sara (8/20/02) Reginald Hudlin ~ Matthew Perry, Elizabeth Hurley, Vincent Pastore, Bruce Campbell
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This movie had great potential
Naughtia_Nah14 November 2011
Serving Sara is a very easy going and charming movie. The two leading roles are played wonderfully by Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley.

Joe is a process server who meets Sara when he delivers divorce papers to her. Sara is chocked to know that her husband wants a divorce because she thought they were happily married. The papers say that she is about to lose everything in the divorce and she does not want to let that happen.

I thought this movie is enjoyable because of these two talented actors and their good chemistry. Although this was set to be a great movie, it wasn't nearly as good as I'd expected it to be. It's sad because the story has much more potential.
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OK Movie
adiwsusanto15 January 2008
I like Matthew Perry from his role in friends and who doesn't dig Liz Hurley sexy appearance & accent. The plot is simple & straight forward and you can foresee what would happen in the end. It's a classic situation where the victims will work together as a team to get back their common enemy. If you enjoy a simple movie, a good feel movie, Liz Hurley sex appeals & Matthew funny act, hen you would enjoy this. I watch this movie on VCD in 2002 and re-watch it again on DVD recently. The reason why I watched it earlier was because of Matthew Perry and the reason I re-watch it was an urge to remind me of what's this movie is all about. Yet, I think I have the same feeling both times. 5 out of 10.
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Funny Movie!
GOWBTW20 November 2007
Matthew Perry and Elizabeth Hurley serve up a very funny, and fine comedy romp in "Serving Sara". Perry plays Joe Tyler, a processing server who boss(Cedric The Entertainer) is more conniving than himself. He and his lackey Tony (Vincent Pastore) makes lots of money serving people. Upon making a serve, he meets Sara(Hurley) and gives him a offer he couldn't refuse. After getting his nose busted, the new partnership has begun. I like the part at the airport where Sara's jeans get mangled up at the conveyor belt. Then when they get to a cheap motel, she flashes the night auditor. The recipe of this team-up is revenge on her ex-husband(Bruce Campbell). Tony, Ray Harris' co-worker is more inept than helpful. He gets the paperwork done, but the time zone gives his the disadvantage. Revenge does have its price, but if it's right, it's a payoff. The result, living large and in charge! Great movie, great cast, so-so response from the critics. But I don't care! You got served! 3 out of 5 stars!
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Solid 7
RevvedReview25 January 2024
The first 1/3 if the movie is really fun. Perry has to do some creative thinking to outsmart both his marks and his rival service processor.

However, once Perry joins forces with Hurley, the movie's tone shifts to cheap non-creative sexual comedy. Even 22 years ago a lot of these jokes were predictable and trite.

Still, Perry's charm and Hurley's tease help get the movie over the finish line. It's a shame, as there was so much potential based on the first third.

Campbell and Adams both had decent roles that should have been developed more. Waste of talented actors as they weren't given much material. (What did Campbell's character even want in this movie?)
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Unrealistic legal portrayal, bad acting, only Elizabeth brings anything to this movie.
AnthmWright27 December 2007
I have not seen a Matthew Perry movie or show I have liked, mainly because I do not like Matthew Perry's acting. He is annoying and not funny to me.

Comedies are funny when they are based on some reality or are making fun of reality. This movie, however, was just plain ridiculous and a waste of time.

Elizabeth Hurley has been in much better and funnier movies, such as "Bedazzled" and "Austin Powers".

This movie used "service of process" as its plot. Whoever wrote the screenplay has no conception of the legalities involved and therefore the story has really no educational merit whatsoever. Serving Sara just was too stupid to be funny. It is the type of movie that some people will watch and think they may have learned something, like what is means to serve divorce paperwork, but will come away knowing absolute rubbish.

Lawyers like these kinds of movies because it keeps people stupid about the law.
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