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Still such a good film.
Sleepin_Dragon1 August 2023
It's tough for Daniel, a teenager, who's moved with his mother from New Jersey to California, unable to fit in, Daniel is bullied and beaten by a group of boys from a local karate school. Daniel is rescued, mentored and trained by Mr Miyagi, Daniel gets a shot at taking on the bullies at their own game.

This one one of my favourite films growing up, it really is a triumph over adversity story, with Daniel taking it straight to those that bullied him, and turning the tables.

If you're a fan of those feel good 80's movies, then I'm convinced that you'll enjoy this, it really is an easy going, uplifting experience. It's loaded with iconic scenes, such as wax on, wax off and the ultimate kick scene. This film is definitely worth your time.

This film helped bring a martial arts story to the masses, prior to that, you could argue that many of the martial arts themed films had something of a niche appeal,

It always saddened me that Ralph Macchio didn't have a great career after this film, you would have thought that this would have set him up, it didn't, fortunately Cobra Kai had helped to redress the balance.

The follow up films and the remake are all below average, and perhaps better off avoided, if you've not seen Cobra Kai, I would recommend it, it truly is the great follow up that this film deserved.

Worth seeing.

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History and time give this movie a different feel
A_Different_Drummer25 June 2017
Done by the same director as Rocky, this unusual "feel good" movie became a hit in 1984 and generated two sequels before the mania died and the franchise imploded.

I remember the phenomenon from the 80s yet as a "prolific reviewer" for the IMDb now (which, for buffs, is not the same thing as a "Voracious Eater" from the Claymore series) I now see the film differently.

I see a very competently done film that is literally lifted off the ground and carried to the finish line by the extraordinary one-of-a-kind performance from a (then) 50 year old Pat Morita, an actor who essentially spent his entire career doing "asian walkons" and offers us only this one role as a chance to see what he actually could do. Given half a chance.

Macchio and Shue were competent (the former had some momentum from Happy Days/Laverne and Shirley and the latter was beginning a short career as a type of "brat pack" teenage star) but it was Morita who owned the film and kept your interest.

Unfortunately the historical record even on the IMDb does not reflect any of this. Shue actually won an award for a completely forgettable part and Morita not only did not win anything for this film but the only nominations he received were in the "supporting role" category. This is clear "color blindness" on the part of Hollywood. He has almost as much screen time as Macchio (I counted) but because his career was merely bit parts before (and after) this was the prevailing mindset. The film would have failed without him.

As a footnote, I was not able to identify precisely why he was cast in the role, but historically Okinawa has indeed been associated with its own unique brand of martial arts and, in the martial arts world, short stocky older men have long been acknowledged as champions even though in the films of our present era someone of Morita's age or body-type would never even be considered for such a part.

The two sequels were much weaker but the demand for them was great and, when there is money on the table, Hollywood will always oblige.
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Exceptional teen film from the 80s
Agent108 August 2002
While John Hughs' films may be the standard for teen flicks in the 1980s, Hughs' films were just a few of the great and unique teen films to be released in that decade. Coupled with Back to the Future, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, the 80s was a rather unique time for teen movies. The Karate Kid just happened to be another one of those films. With the immortal Pat Morita leading the way, this film was not only touching, but put a whole new spin on the `zero-to-hero' story line which we have all seen too often. Ralph Macchio may have had no career after these film, but at least he proved to be comparable as Daniel (san). Sure, the ending and outcome proved to be a little predictable, but the film was still a winner.
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Certainly one of the top movies of the '80s, if not all-time.
lging345 January 2004
"The Karate Kid" is the tale of Daniel Laruso (Ralph Macchio), a young man who, on the heels of his mother's finding a new job, is uprooted from Newark, New Jersey, to the sunny shores of California. Daniel's mother has visions of a new start, a new life with the sky as the limit. Daniel, however, quickly finds that, for him, the West Coast holds nothing but hard times.

With the comforts of his rough, middle-class neighborhood thousands of miles away, Daniel tries to make friends and blend with the well-to-do, upper-class kids in his new home. At first, Daniel seems to do alright but, before long, he crosses paths with Johnny (William Zabka), the tough, rich leader of a group of karate students who attends Daniel's new school. To make matters worse, Johnny is the ex-boyfriend of Ali (Elisabeth Shue), a girl Daniel is pursuing.

Enter Miyagi (Noriyuki "Pat" Morita), an aging handy-man who works at Daniel's apartment building. Struggling for friends and failing to fit in, Daniel finds support in Miyagi. After enduring several beatings at the hands of Johnny and his gang, Daniel comes to learn that Miyagi, in fact, knows karate. Following a vain attempt to speak with Johnny's karate teacher (Martin Kove) about being left alone, Daniel is suddenly entered into the All-Valley Karate Tournament, where he will attempt to win the respect that Johnny and his gang have taken.

As he trains for the karate tournament with Miyagi, Daniel learns invaluable lessons about life and love. And brought to the foreground of this karate story is Daniel's pursuit of Ali, who truly is the single person who gave the new kid a chance.

On many levels, "The Karate Kid" is an uplifting movie. It illustrates how a lonely, out-of-place kid triumphs against the odds, and the movie doesn't need computer-animation or special effects to get its story across. But, for me and anyone who loves '80s movies, the "The Karate Kid" has to be appreciated for its nostalgia trip back to "better times." For that reason alone, this movie is a classic.

I've enjoyed few movies, if any, more than "The Karate Kid." I highly recommend this flick to anyone who loves a touching, uplifting story, or to anyone who simply can't get out of the '80s!!!
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A fine classic
lucaslw-9314525 December 2023
It's a solid movie, Miyagi is a great character, he's got fantastic dialogue. Daniel isn't perfect. He's a bit prickly and ungrateful to Ali, it's a part of his defense mechanism, but it does make for some uncomfortable scenes.

The movie doesn't impart any profound life lessons on viewers, but there's enough to be heartwarming and enjoyable. Action in this movie is OK. It's just barely passable, but this was made in the 80s, so I'll take what I can get. Soundtrack is pretty solid, some good tunes matched up to the scenes.

Ending and resolution are abrupt, probably the weakest part of the movie but at least it makes for a happy ending.
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not just a teen movie
turd_furgusen23 December 2004
A lot of posts focus on the 'coming of age' aspect of this movie, but the very overlooked part is the role it played in helping to alleviate many of the stereotypes a very Asian phobic America was after WWII, Korea and Vietnam.

They make a point of showing Miyagi in a US Army Uniform--and a War Hero-- and makes references to detention camps Miyagi's family was sent to (a horribly dark period in American history)...where Miyagi's wife was being sent (pregnant) and where she and his unborn child (son) ultimately die during childbirth. There are also a few scenes in which ethnic slurs are used by rednecks toward Miyagi.

Taking this into light, and taking the fact that Daniel has no father that we know of in this movie, the name Daniel-san (sounds like Daniel-SON) helps demonstrate a father son bond that is overlooked. Much of the conversation between Daniel and Miyagi is about Miyagi's great father in Okinawa, because Miyagi has acquired all this knowledge and wants to share it. Daniel substitutes for the son Miyagi never had and Miyagi substitutes for the father Daniel doesn't have.
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You're the best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you down, Karate Kid! You truly kick ass!
ironhorse_iv31 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Hoping, once again, for another massive box office hit, like his 1976's film 'Rocky' did, director, John G. Avildsen & his crew, mimics a lot of the tropes and themes of that fighter movie for his new film, 'the Karate Kid'. The risk was successful, as this underdog sport movie, about a young man, Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) standing up for himself, against his high school bullies, by joining a karate tournament was a smash hit with most critics and audiences. However, it's not a perfect film, as there is plenty of stuff that, worth nitpicking, that could had made the movie, a little better. One of them, was honestly, making the various lengthy, menial chores like waxing cars, sanding decks and painting fences that Daniel had to do in the film, seem to have more meaning to it than it portray in the film. After all, they come across as too out there & unorthodox to be relate to karate. Also, it seems to me, that Daniel already knew, many of the defense moves that Mister Miyagi (Pat Morita) taught, beforehand, in his YCMA training days; as the fight choreography, between Daniel in the beginning and the climax, are not that different. Heck, if you think about it. The unorthodox training really didn't improve, his fight game. He was still, getting beat up. It seem like Miyagi didn't do much. Even the crane technique that Miyagi said, if done right, that nobody can block, could easily be defeated with a good shove to the chest. Another thing, I'm doubtful that any decent karate judge would have allow that move to be used in the first place; seeing how it's an excessive blow to head. Nevertheless, I know it's just a movie. I just wish, the movie was more open on exposing more on, Mr. Miyagi's past, here, rather than, him, lying, ignoring the question or changing the subject. The reasons, why, is, it come across as not very mentor/student-like. This is where, I thought, 2010's remake of the same name, did a little better. At least, in that movie, the sensei is a little more open to talking about his past, and why he lives, a shut-in life as a maintenance man. Here, it's come across, as very jarring for the audience, to see an old maintenance man, shroud in mystery beat up, kids, without getting arrested, & heal people with little explanation. How in the hell, did he get to Place A to Place B!? Something is missing, here. I hate that, a 1986's sequel had to be made, just to answer, those questions, when, they should had been part of the original movie. At least, thank goodness, that drunken mourning scene was in the film, rather than being cut, because it's the only thing, keeping Mr. Miyagi was being a shallow old wise man stereotype. With that say, I still never understood, why Mr. Miyagi's chose to help Daniel. Maybe the idea is that Daniel, is the closest thing to a son he ever had, but even then, it's a little vague. Nevertheless, I really don't think, joining a fight tournament will stop bullying. If anything, all that competition would probably, would cause more harm than good. If anything, Daniel should had left them, alone. After all, it seem like Cobra Kai & Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) forgot about him, until Daniel provoke them in the Halloween Dance. They are just misguide teenagers, not exactly hardened psychopath criminals. If anything, Daniel is much to blame for his beatings. Regardless of that, I still think, the acting from Macchio was good. He's boyish good looks and high-pitched voice, really did, make Daniel into a likeable hero. As for Pat Morita; as much crap, I talk about his character, I still love his portrayal. He still deserve the Academy Award nomination. He made the character, fun to watch, even if his character, was not that complex. As for chemistry of two, share on screen, it certainly look like friendship. You can feel the special bond between them, with the 'wax on, wax off' screen, being one of the highlight. As for the supporting cast. I found Zabka to be alright as a villain, as he is suffering from conflicting ideologies about life, however, I really didn't like Martin Kove's performance. He was a little too over the top, as sensei, John Kreese. It really took me, out of the movie. Yes, I know, certain fans, love his goofy cartoony performance, but for me, I thought, it was unbearable hokey. As for Elisabeth Shue as Ali Mills, Daniel's love-interest. I found her to be, alright. She's loving, but her character wasn't that developed. She came across, as a manic pixie dream girl, with her romance parts with Daniel being filler. Honestly, if take that romantic clichés away, it would, probably make 'Karate Kid' into a stronger movie. Trust me, when I say this, the movie was already, having pacing issues; with the climax seeming a bit rushed. After all, it seem a bit jarring to see Johnny, being alright in handing the trophy to Daniel, after being kick in the face. Cutting scenes like that, would indeed make the film, better. Despite the movie's visuals & cheesy music like 'You're the Best! Around" by Joe Esposito being highly dated. The movie holds up, remarkably well, since the 1980s. People are still quoting and watching this classic. So, go ahead, Wax on! Wax off! After you're finish with that, go watch the Karate Kid, again. It's worth watching.
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Terrific 80s's underdog story!!!
flicklover30 December 2004
I being a child of the 80's have a soft spot for this movie. Yes it is predictable,but what makes it a great movie is the performances by the 2 main characters. Ralph Macchio is great as a teenager that is bullied at his new school. But the movie belongs to Pat Morita as Mr. Myagi. He plays an old apartment maintenance man that befriends Macchio. He becomes his karate teacher, but they develop a great friendship that makes the movie all the more enjoyable. The great thing is that the movie shows that the old man comes to need the kid as much as the kid needs him, it is a touching relationship. All the rest is standard Rocky film stuff, but what Rocky and this film have in common is that the characters are people we care for, so all the climactic scene stuff works.
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Rocky Jr!
marcotiero26 June 2020
Last night I watched this on Netflix, I hadn't seen it as a kid and as an adult, you can appreciate different nuances in a movie. At a certain point I realised that Daniel was basically Rocky for a younger audience. The speech, mannerisms, jokes all felt like Rocky, and they both happened to be underdogs in fighting events.

As a kid, I loved the fights and remember falling awkwardly over my ankle trying to copy the crane, however, as an adult, the fighting actually seems pretty weak for the most part (other than a couple of competitors who liked like they knew what they were doing). What I especially enjoyed as an adult, was watching the bond between Miyagi and Daniel grow. That was something very special to watch and for me, that's what made the movie special.
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"The Old One"
dee.reid23 January 2005
My love of "The Karate Kid" is limited to the fact that this movie, if it had been in the hands of a more fluorescent director, could have turned out a lot differently from the movie we all know and love from 1984.

Directed by John G. Avildsen (who also did 1976's "Rocky" - another underdog story) and written by Robert Mark Kamen (who would later co-author 2001's "Kiss of the Dragon" with Luc Besson, which starred Jet Li - another example of martial arts in American cinema done right), "The Karate Kid" is by far the best (and frankly, most realistic) incorporation of martial arts into a mainstream American film.

This movie came out the year before I was born, and only through word-of-mouth over the time I was growing up, did I know that "The Karate Kid" even existed. I got to view the film my freshman year in high school as part of a class, but the instructor watered down the experience so much that the movie lost its potency.

Now a few years later, I finally watch the movie without any intrusion from the outside world and I find a truly marvelous picture that's far better than its many stylized contemporaries, i.e. "The Matrix" trilogy, which is the best example of that trend.

Ralph Macchio stars as Daniel LaRusso, a new kid to a picturesque southern California community that looks a lot like something you'd see in a magazine advertisement. Daniel makes the mistake of hitting on Ali (Elisabeth Shue), who unknown to him, is the ex-girlfriend of Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka), and Daniel takes a pretty brutal beating from the martial arts-trained Johnny, that leaves him scarred but with his pride and dignity still in tact.

The number of violent clashes with Johnny and his brutal Cobra Kai martial arts friends continue, until Daniel is saved by Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita), the karate-trained handyman of his apartment building. Daniel insists on Mr. Miyagi teaching him karate, so that he can compete in an upcoming martial arts tournament; this requires Daniel to undergo some pretty unconventional training - "wax on, wax off; paint fence - side to side" etc. And in return, Daniel learns that there's a lot more to karate than just fighting and the "Old One" shows him that way.

"The Karate Kid" is a true gem of a film that's shamefully underrated. I'm glad that on February 1st of this year, this movie is finally getting the DVD treatment it deserves.

Macchio is convincing as Daniel, bringing a number of wide-ranging emotions to his role that at first may seem quite perfunctory as opposed to being dramatic. The real star of the show (at least in the minds of a number of critics, and the Academy), is Morita as Mr. Miyagi. He brings grace (almost rivaling Bruce Lee) to a role that could have been quite stereotypical, but is still very moving and dramatic.

Of course, what's a movie about karate without the fights? I should note that the action in this movie is very convincing, but is not stylized in any fashion, shape or form. It is very down-to-earth and realistic, and that may of course be a bit of a turn-off to some hardcore fanboys that may watch this movie thinking it'll be something like "The Matrix" (1999) or "Enter the Dragon" (1973).

The fighting here is in its own style and mode of action. A number of the fights are quite brutal, especially in the ones where John Kreese's (Martin Kove) Cobra Kai students are featured, as he frequently trains them the brutal way of "no mercy," which Mr. Miyagi is quick to realize is not the way of karate.

"The Karate Kid" gets a perfect 10/10.
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A Teenager from New Jersey Fighting to Survive in California
Uriah4328 August 2022
This film begins with a young teenager by the name of "Daniel LaRusso" (Ralph Macchio) having to relocate from New Jersey to California because his mother "Lucille LaRusso" (Randee Heller) has accepted a job offer on the other side of the country. Naturally, having lived in Newark all of his life, Daniel is not happy to leave his neighborhood, but things start to look up when he meets an attractive girl named "Ali Mills" (Elisabeth Shue). The problem is that Ali has an ex-boyfriend named "Johnny Lawrence" (William Zabka) who still has feelings for her and--being an arrogant bully--does not like it when she gives any attention to someone else. Not only that, but he is also a black belt in karate and surrounds himself with other like-minded teenagers as well. However, after getting beaten up on several occasions, Daniel finds a unique friend named "Mr. Miyagi" (Pat Morita) who not only mentors him like a father, but also teaches him a style of karate taught to him by his own father in Okinawa. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this is one of those films that manages to capture that awkward transition from being a teenager to adulthood and the struggles a boy sometimes has to endure along the way. On that note, although I liked the performance of Ralph Macchio, I thought that Pat Morita played his character to perfection and pretty much dominated every scene he was in. Be that as it may, I enjoyed this movie and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.
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Chronicle of the Downfall of a Champion
Illini_Wrestling_Fan30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny Lawrence had it all. Cheerleader girlfriend, a group of popular friends, a sweet dirt bike, and a leadership role at an afterschool program with the local martial arts studio. More importantly, he was the defending All Valley Karate Tournament champion.

Things begin to spiral when new arrival Daniel, possibly with ties to the New Jersey mafia, starts to befoul Johnny's paradise. When Johnny makes the mistake of spending one night out with the guys, Daniel tries to stalk Johnny's lady, Ali, all across the beach with his corny soccer ball gimmicks and knowing looks over his wiener-roasting spit stake.

Thus Mr. Lawrence's spiral begins. Though Johnny successfully defends himself from Daniel's cheap shot thuggery in an oceanside confrontation, Daniel will not be deterred from his obsession with the defending champ. Whether staking out Johnny's home dojo, trying to force-feed horse-history lessons on the school quad, or trying to bribe Ali with cafeteria munchables, Daniel continues his psych-war campaign which sadly has its desired effect.

In one of the worst examples of harshing someone's mellow ever captured on film, Daniel ruins both Johnny's halloween costume and sweet green persuasion in an unprovoked aquatic attack in that most sacred of shrines, the public restroom. Finally at the end of his rope, Johnny harnesses his cardio training and precision striking to attempt to put an end to Daniel's abuse once and for all. However, it was not to be. Johnny sinks further into his personal abyss after being assaulted by a deranged handyman.

Emboldened by his Okinawan ally, Daniel once again tries to interfere with Johnny and Ali's relationship. Just as the star-crossed lovers reunited with a passionate kiss at the local country club, Daniel managed to ruin the moment by intentionally spilling a huge platter of spaghetti, destroying a waiter's only tuxedo in the process.

Somehow our imperfect hero Johnny manages to persevere through Daniel's demented parlor games, making his way once again to the finals of the All Valley tournament. Sadly capitalizing on a questionable disqualification, Daniel somehow makes his way to the finals as well against the incumbent title-holder. Milking a pseudo-injury for additional rest time, Daniel fake-limps to the mat for the final showdown. While we will never know if there was a deleted scene involving bribes to the shoddy referee, the calls made in the final best-of-five battle remove any doubt that Daniel either paid or blackmailed the official just enough to cheat his way into a 2-2 tie before stealing Johnny's trophy with an illegal kick.

The film culminates in Johnny's Christlike forgiveness of Daniel's transgressions as Mr. Lawrence hands over the ill-gotten trophy to Daniel, a symbolic crucifixion with the crown of thorns represented by Johnny's ever-present headband.

If you read this far you can probably tell I love this movie. 10/10.
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Classic martial arts movie with the intimate Pat Morita and Ralph Macchio
ma-cortes28 December 2007
A teenage named Daniel(Ralph Macchio) aware that Karate is his salvation, he battles an evil nemesis, facing a violent young group trained by a Karate expert(Martin Kove) . A Japanese handyman named Miyagi(Noriyuki,Pat Morita) teaches him martial arts and combat in a Karate contest. Meanwhile, Daniel falls in love beautiful young girl(Elizabeth Shue).

This agreeable movie, a sort of junior version of 'Rocky', develops a sincere and deep friendship among two protagonists, the rockie young boy and the wise old man. Using more than his fists, Daniel learns about himself and the sense of life. Sympathetic and likable acting by main actors: Macchio and Morita. Furthermore, appear as secondaries, Larry Drake, Chad McQueen, Larry B Scott and Martin Kove. The film contains adequate cinematography and long-standing score , though with excessive disco-music, by Bill Conti, usual of trilogy. The picture is well directed by John G Avildsen. Since then , Avildsen has mixed more karate Kid and Rocky films with such feel-good message films as ¨Power of one, Lean on me¨ and again Rocky V. It's followed by three sequels,Karate Kid II(1986) where the protagonists travel to Okinawa, Part III(1989) where Daniel again battling nasties enemies. And 'The next karate Kid'(1994)by Christopher Cain which introduces a new kid , girl, with the two times Oscarized Hilary Swank. Rating: Enjoyable film for its close characters, well worth watching.
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An adequate movie with a good message
neenahhh29 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the 2010 version of this film first, so I'm a bit biased towards that one. I did like this film, but there were too many things that I didn't find particularly interesting.

First of all, I felt like Daniel and Ali didn't really make the "perfect couple". They just didn't seem right for each other. There wasn't enough chemistry between them. And I'm sorry, but the kiss that they shared.. I just found that awkward.

And also, I found that the fights between Daniel and his bullies got a bit tiresome. I actually considered skipping them altogether. All the bullying scenes were practically the same. The bullies chased Daniel, until they got to beat him up good. I don't see the point in repeating those scenes thrice or more times.

I did like Miyagi's original ideas on teaching Daniel karate with the help of simple tasks, though. Watching the 2010 film, I thought it was really a clever idea. Sure, it did seem like Miyagi was just using Daniel at first, but boy, were we (and Daniel) proved wrong.

Even though I wasn't that engrossed with the film, I can say that the tournament at the end really caught my attention. That's when we saw Daniel's potential, talent and progress. I was cringing during the final moments. I felt sorry for Daniel. But it all seemed too fast. Maybe that's why I liked the 2010 version better. There was more suspense and really left the audience on the edge of their seats.

The main message of this movie, which is to learn how to stand up for yourself and to never give up, is really good and inspiring. I can see why lots of people, especially those who grew up in the 80s, really like this movie.
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I miss these movies
Darkmonarch20033 October 2004
I am a kid of the 80's, no doubt about it. This movie meant a lot to me back when I was growing up. I never really took karate and I wasn't really bullied, but it is great to remember a time when profanity wasn't needed for humor, or vulgarity, or shootings or blowing up buildings.

A time when the " good guy " would adhere to the rules and had morals. A time when the " bad guy " had no honor, but would rarely ( Hey, this was a PG movie after all, wasn't it? LOL. ) " Oh, I think nothing of cheating and being mean, because THAT'S what makes the audience dislike me and root for the hero, but I just can't use filthy words. " I miss that.

I love the movie because it takes me back to my childhood and a simpler time. A good guy and a bad guy, with the good guy coming out on top. If the " good guy " curses like a sailor, shoots everyone that gets in his way, and does everything vile imaginable, he's not really that good of a guy, is he?

Yeah, I'm " old school. " So what?
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Mercy is for the weak.
Hey_Sweden23 March 2019
Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki "Pat" Morita here essay the most iconic roles of their careers, in a martial arts drama that could only have been brought to you by the original director of "Rocky", John G. Avildsen. It centres on the same timeless appeal of rooting for an underdog against very long odds. It's formulaic, and predictable, to be sure, but it's a sure-fire audience pleaser, with winning performances all around.

Macchio is Daniel, who's moved from New Jersey to California with his cheery mother (Randee Heller). He's not happy about it at all, but he finds ample distraction in the form of a very cute blonde, Ali (an adorable Elisabeth Shue, in her film debut). This, however, incurs the wrath of her ex-boyfriend Johnny (William Zabka, otherwise known as the premiere 1980s movie bully), and Daniel takes numerous lumps. Then he finds an unlikely mentor in Mr. Miyagi (Mr. Morita), the eccentric but wise old handyman in his apartment complex. Miyagi teaches Daniel some of the finer points of karate, and also helps the put-upon kid to believe in himself.

Although a little over extended at two hours and seven minutes, "The Karate Kid" tells an engaging story that holds ones' attention. There is a lot of humour as well as heart, with some poignant moments for the sassy elder, who served the U.S. in WWII, but had his family sent to one of those detention camps. So Mr. Morita does get a solid and meaty role to play, as he ultimately becomes the father figure that Daniel needs. Macchio (perhaps a little old for his role at the time, but still baby-faced enough to make it work) is appealing - although the character is not entirely blameless. He does bring trouble upon himself at one point.

And what is a movie of this kind without its cheesy rock anthems (Survivor does the theme song, just as they did for "Rocky III" and "Rocky IV") and, most important, the quality of its antagonists? Johnny and his buddies come off as largely despicable, and feeding wrong ideas into their head is their tough-talking sensei Kreese (Martin Kove). Fortunately, we get to see many of these people take their own lumps, leading to the expected rousing tournament finale where Daniel takes on many of them, on the way to fight reigning champion Johnny.

While watching, you will notice a variety of familiar faces in smaller roles: Tony O'Dell, Larry B. Scott, Frances Bay, Larry Drake, Peter Jason. As the mother, Heller does come off as rather annoying at first, but soon becomes more endearing as she shows concern for her son.

As of this writing, this 35 year old franchise is ongoing: there have been three sequels (the third with Hilary Swank), an animated TV series, a remake (with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith), and the current "Cobra Kai" series, which apparently builds on the idea that some viewers have that *Daniel* is the true villain, and Johnny a victim.

Seven out of 10.
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Mr Miyagi is the mentor we all wish we had... A life impacting movie
joebloggscity17 September 2019
Is there anything more that can be truly said of this inspiring movie? Possibly it is the most unlikely hit movie that has generated a strong faithful following.

I rewatched it after 30 years on the back of falling for the Cobra Kai series, and loved it every bit as much as when I first saw it. I'm much older but find so many new things to relate to and remind myself of in life.

The premise of the film is simple, but it is almost impossible to explain the impact this movie had on a certain young generation on its release. It was its run in the video market that made it the huge success it became, and so much of it has become part of pop culture be it in its quotable lines and simple action.

What made it stand out was that it clearly was the antithesis of all other martial arts movies of the time which were in a boom period on video rental, but they were all muscle bound and flying around at 100mph. The Karate Kid instead centres on peace, life philosophy, defence and self-betterment.

The crux is the central partnership between the central pair of Mr Miyagi and Daniel, which begins as teacher mentoring pupil but develops into a father & surrogate son relationship.

There are so many layers to this film, and the truth is that the karate is really secondary to all. Any action is short, simple and down to earth. The real fights are for the soul, against bullies and personal defeat. For Mr Miyagi it is a reawakening for him, for Daniel it is a journey of self discovery.

The greatest part is the acting. You simply can't take away from either of the two leads, the chemistry between them is just perfect. Pat Morita plays Mr Miyagi almost effortlessly but perfectly as the mentor to a young insecure Daniel, which becomes a father and surrogate son relationship. If anything the relationship helps bring Mr Miyagi out of his shell. For example, we see inside the soul of Mr Miyagi, and some of his inner torment (i.e. loss of wife & child), and Daniel becomes closer to him for it.

Mr Miyagi is the mentor & father all men wish they had. He practices & teaches peace & self-respect with humour & dignity. Something we can all learn from. His dry wit and personal reserve are humbling to see. Winning the tournament against the bullies is secondary, but the personal development is what comes first.

The Oscar nomination for Pat Morita for the role was deserved, and unfortunate not to win it, but his role has left a lasting legacy and is in the hearts of so many. I can only say to him thank you, and also to all who helped put this wonderful touching film together.
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Worst hero of all time
Matthew-Crowley11 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
You're an awkward teenager moving to a new city with your single mother. Upon arrival you feel disheartened about leaving your friends behind but meet a chap the same age as you. He kindly invites you to a party on a beach that night. Being a new guy in town, it may be sensible to asses the lay-of-the-land. Who's who, and what is okay amongst your new peers. But no, you decide you to show your soccer skills and get your swerve on with the best looking girl there, because she's not likely to be seeing anyone, is she? When said girls double-hard boyfriend makes an appearance you attempt your home, self-taught karate on him. Alas, he's been trained by an evil Vietnam vet how to do evil karate and kicks you up and down the beach. All is not lost as you still have high school to fall back on. Sadly, on your first day you realise every one you alienated attends your new high school. But don't forget you're a whizz at soccer. Surely the school team will be the mark of the turn around for your fortunes. As you show your skills in the try-outs, by not passing to anyone at any point, you are tackled. A tough tackle but probably fair, in any case you've earned a free kick. A good opportunity to dust yourself down and show your competitive spirit. Or you can storm off shouting at all around you how their school "stinks" and "sucks".

Despite all of this, there are two rays of light at the end of the tunnel. Beautiful beach girl has warmed to your "charms". Also, a kindly old janitor is willing to give you the time of day. So, you maintain a somewhat upbeat demeanour, except for when your shouting at your mother about how everything "stinks" and "sucks". It's the school fancy dress party. The options are limitless, Elvis, a vampire, werewolf, Liberace, Richard Nixon you can be anyone you want to be. Curiously you want to be a shower. The costume is cumbersome to say the least but people don't know it's you and that works in your favour. Beach girl thinks your ccccrazy. Things are looking up. In the gents you notice double-hard evil karate bloke smoking evil drugs in a cubicle. Fair to say a quiet retreat is percentage play here. Once again you defy logic and drench him with water. A chase ensues, but luckily you're in your streamlined shower outfit. Double-hard evil karate bloke and his chums are all dressed as skeletons. Somehow they catch-up with you at a fence. The mother of all beatings begins. They're chanting something "mercy being for the weak", oh dear. Things are looking bleak until a shadowy figure fends them off.

Coming around from the battering you taken you are greeted by the janitor. To your shock it was he who saved you. Well, fortune is finally shining on you. Pushing your luck you ask him to come to the dojo of evil karate. Having fought in a war, struggled to make a life in a foreign land, barely learnt the language, and lost the love of his life, the old man, who just wants to tend to his bonsai trees, regretfully declines the request. Weighing up all that has happened, he's taught you how to prune bonsais, given you one of them, fixed your bike, saved your life and nursed you back to health and put up with your incessant whining, you could thank him and be on your way. Or Jump up shouting "thanks for nothing man, thanks for nothing". Against his better judgement the old guy goes with you to the Dojo. There the evil sensei mocks you and the old fella. Irritatingly, the old guy fails to get these guys off your back. Instead he enters you in a karate tournament. You suspect this is payback for being such a whining turd. The old guy has just guaranteed you'll have your ass handed to you except now it'll be in front of hundreds of people. You plead to him to teach you good karate. To which he agrees. However, he seems have misunderstood your plea for training. Instead he seems to have heard "Can I please redecorate your house and gardens?". You're not falling for it and after a week of humiliation you down tools. As you go to storm off, the words "stinks" and "sucks" forming on your lips as you do so, the crazy old geezer comes at you. You fend him off with rudimentary blocks. From somewhere you have developed the ability not to get hit.

As time goes by, you see less and less of the annoying woman who brought you into the world. Instead you spend all your time with the old man, who has no family or friends. This seems normal to you as you to struggle to make relationships. However, fit beach girl is still interested. Her friends try to sway her away from you but she's not having it. It's your birthday and the old guy gives you one of his 38 cars. Perfect. Now you can pick fit beach girl up and take her to the fair. All goes well. You even let her drive. When she questions this you deliver the flawless logic "Hey it's the 80's". Your training is moving on too. You balance on a pole on the beach and now you're ready.

The tournament plays out with predictability. Except for that eastern looking guy who clearly knew more martial arts than anyone else. I have a nostalgic fondness for this film but Larusso is such a terrible human being, he sucks all that's good from those around him.
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Think of it not as a Karate movie, more of a movie that happens to have Karate in it
stevenrotherforth10 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Karate Kid (1984)

After seeing the teaser trailer for the forthcoming Cobra Kai TV show I got all nostalgic. So I decided to watch this movie again expecting it not to live up to the fond memories I had growing up in the 80's. Unlike me this movie has gotten better with age. It can now be regarded as a classic. Much more than a guilty pleasure. The Karate Kid is a fine movie that is very well made.

For anyone who hasn't seen it the film tells the story of Daniel LaRusso played fantastically by Ralph Macchio. A young boy who moves with his mother to LA to start a new life. Unfortunately for Daniel San he soon falls foul of the local bullies. What's even more unfortunate is that the bullies happen to be Karate experts and they proceed to practice their moves on the new kid in town. Daniel then meets Handyman Mr Miyagi played to perfection by Pat Morita. Miyagi helps Daniel overcome the bullies by teaching him the true art of Karate. What develops is a very exciting and heartwarming story.

Directed by John G Avildsen this movie is as much a story about an adolescent teenager searching for a father figure as it is a film about Karate. Think of it not as a Karate movie more of a movie that happens to have Karate in it. The chop socky action plays second fiddle here just as the boxing did in Rocky. A movie also directed by John G Avildsen. In fact the actual martial arts action equates to about twenty percent of the movies actual run time. At 2 hrs 6mins this film is not overly long because it is driven by strong character development. Everyone involved puts in a stellar performance. Morita and Macchio in particular are superb. Watching their friendship blossom as they work to achieve their goal is deeply moving. This is because in a way they both need each other. Daniel is a boy without a father and Miyagi is a father who lost his child. Because of this moving subplot the payoff at the end is all the more enjoyable as they achieve victory together. John G Avildsen surely knows how to rouse the spirit.

The beautiful Elizabeth Shue plays Ali, Daniels love interest and apart from Mr Miyagi the only friend he's got. William Zabka stars as Johnny Lawrence the lead bully who actually is a flawed character. A good kid at heart who like his buddies have been brainwashed by nasty Karate instructor Kreece played with relish by Martin Kove. His performance here merits him a nomination for best villain of the 80's. As Myagi points out "There's no such thing as bad student, only bad teacher!" This movie is packed full of moments and dialogue that are now embedded into pop culture. Even if you've never seen this film the phrase "Wax on, wax off!" will still be familiar to you. If not then you must have been living on the moon for the last thirty years or so.

This movie is elevated by Bill Conti's fantastic score. Choosing him was the right choice just as it was choosing John G Avildsen to Direct . Conti's work on Rocky shows here as yet again he creates a score that will raise the spirit and get the audience punching the air when Daniel San administers that final blow. The movies soundtrack is also a peach, packed full of 80's classics that help stir up the nostalgia.

The fight choreography is very well done. The combatants perform as they would in real life. There's no Bruce Lee levels of intricacy here. The fight scenes are grounded and apart from the cheesy crane kick at the end they are mostly believable. But as I strongly stated before The Karate Kid is much more than just a movie about fighting in the physical sense. It's a touching, heartwarming story about a boy fighting the struggles of adolescence. A boy just trying to fit in. A boy searching for guidance from a father figure he doesn't have. The Karate Kid unlike the silly sequels that followed can now definitely be regarded as a true movie classic
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The karate kid
auuwws26 October 2020
A new and interesting movie, I highly recommend watching it
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Wax on...Wax the best movie ever!
XoX0BrItTnEy0XoX31 January 2005
This is a classic coming of age story. A story about a boy who has to face his fears, girls, and moving to a new environment. Daniel, who is a big up stater, clashes with the rich people of the Cali high life and learns that not all people are who they seem. The Kobra Cai, as they are called in the film, bully Daniel and Daniel just seems like he has no choice but to take revenge. So he learns the next best thing--KARATE. Even though he has no idea what hes doing. He goes with the flow. Mr. Mayagi teaches him respect, discipline, and anyone can over come their fears. This is one of the best films of the 80's. It even has classic names of the 80's, like Johnny, Daniel, Tommy, and my favorite, Bobby. So if you don't have anything better to do, then check out Karate Kid. You might even learn a thing or two about a thing or two.
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Final Boss
raben-811469 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can´t remember if I was reviewing this one before, but I can correct this one with nostalgia blindness. Daniel Larusso moves to California where he gets bullied, and he teams up with Mr. Miyagi to get his revenge at a karate championship. I am no karate expert, but which kid and teen did not love Asian countries, martial arts and Halloween dances? The movie is not showing the right message, and the movie is meme and parody worthy. But, the songs and music are classics the right way. This is a movie for the families that want some old school martial arts fun, but not some serious stuff like the Color Purple.
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The late Pat Morita, karate kid man
yuenw00317 January 2006
Metaphorically speaking, the late Pat Morita is the real life Daniel-san. Mr. Morita was humbled by the following incidents in his life: interned during WWI, suffered from a weak spine, short in stature and a stereotypical Japanese, nicknamed "Hip Nip" and casted for mainly comically roles in American TV and cinema. As if through divine intervention, the role of Mr. Miyagi was created, a natural and defining role for Pat Morita. Like the main character Daniel-san, who earned dignity and respect through karate, so too did Pat Morita earn dignity and respect as an actor for his role as Mr. Miyagi. The Miyagi character is a humble, soft-spoken, respected, Asian sensei (teacher.) He is humble not because he is weak and avoids being some bully's victim, but because he knows he holds the fate of all who bullies him in his hands. So it was that Pat Morita finally achieved through the character of Mr. Miyagi in the Karate Kid series what Daniel-san always gains at the end of each movie: dignity, respect, and honor to compensate for all the times of abuse, suffering, and humiliation.
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Wax on, Wax off
Calicodreamin11 July 2020
A classic underdog tale with crane kicks, waxing cars, and yelling bonzai... what's not to love?!
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Just horrible
AzSumTuk3 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie sucks, and it sucks big time. I don't care if it is supposed to be a cult movie. Nor do I care if many people love it. It is just stupid and overrated. And this, my friends, is not my opinion. It is just pure and simple FACT. That is right. That is what I wrote. Whoever liked this movie is just wrong. I don't know what would you like in it. The karate is pathetic. The story is ridiculous. The moral is absurd.

Now I am going to write a few SPOILERS here, so feel free to skip my review if you haven't seen the movie.

First, you see the newcomer in town - the new kid in the school - getting beaten on a regular basis by the Evil Bully - the black belt owner. The reason? Daniel LaRusso interfered in an argument between The Bully and his ex girlfriend. Why? Because he was stupid. What kind of an idiot would interfere into an argument between a girl he has met just a few minutes ago and a totally unknown boy? What kind of an idiot would start a fight with another idiot who is obviously able to crush him like a bug? I mean, Daniel was as skinny as a toothpick and had no fighting experience at all. The Evil Bully was a leader of a bikers' gang - and you can't be a leader of a bikers' gang if you can't fight. If Daniel was not as as dumb as something very, very dumb he would have figured that out. He should have had also figured out that by interfering in their argument he can only make things worse for both of them. How would you feel if you were arguing with your ex and some total stranger interfered? Daniel should have shown some respect to Ali and let her solve her problems with the boy without getting in her way.

Second, after the beach incident he became the school wimp. Now tell me, do you really think that the most popular cheer leader in the school would show any sympathy to the school wimp? Would she like him? Even if she liked him would she show it? You know the answer. The answer is: "NO!" No 16 year old girl would risk her reputation because of the school wimp. Not a single one, especially if the school wimp is a total stranger to everybody in the town.

Third, Daniel pretended to know karate from the beginning of the movie. You saw him opening a door with a pathetic excuse of a "karate" kick. I liked to do that too... When I was 5. When I was 16 I already knew that if I say that I can fight and I can't I would get beaten by some bully. I knew that if I pretended to know something that I don't know the result would be devastating to me. Keep in mind that Daniel was not a normal teenager. His mother was single. He was the man in the house so he should have been more experienced than I was at that age. But he was not. He was stupid.

Now let's talk about martial arts.

First, you do remember the sensei of the Evil Bully, do you? The guy who liked to say "The Enemy Deserves No Mercy!!! ARGH!!!" Let me tell you one thing. No sensei would keep their dojo if they teach their students like that. Fact. Especially if they teach in a small town where everybody knows everybody. Do you think any parent would let their kids study with a man who turns them into criminals? If you do, then you are just wrong, sorry.

Second, there was Miyagi... Who was as much of a karate instructor as the school janitor was. He didn't teach Daniel how to fight. He told him how to wash cars. He trained him to paint fences. He showed him how to dance before the sunset. Do you think that is the way to learn karate? If it was that easy the painters would be the best fighters in the world... However Daniel became an equal fighter to the black belt owners just in two months. That would make any martial artist in the world very angry. You know, it is IMPOSSIBLE for anybody to earn a black belt in just two months. Even if you practice 25 hours a day you just can't do it. Even if you are a God of Karate you can't do it. Yet Daniel did it in just two months washing cars… Do you know how many kids start visiting martial arts classes because of movies like this? Because of movies showing martial arts as something you can master in a few months. After the kids see that it is actually very hard to earn a black belt and in two months they have learned absolutely nothing they quit the dojo disappointed and with low spirits. Which is actually quite dangerous and that is another reason for me to hate the movie.

What is the moral of the movie? Here it is:

You don't need to think. You don't have to be smart. You may be a stupid wimp and a poser and people will like you because you are The Protagonist in the movie. You don't have to put any effort if you want to learn something. You don't even have to practice the thing that you want to learn. But you will succeed just because you are The Protagonist of the movie. You will become equal to people who have worked hard for many years because they are Bad and you are Good.


The movie probably works as pure entertainment. But you can find better entertainment with another movie – movie with a better story and a better moral.
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