Saturday Night Fever (1977)
Karen Lynn Gorney: Stephanie
Tony Manero : You know, you and I got the same last initial.
Stephanie : [sarcastically] Wow. Does that mean when we get married I won't have to change the monogram on my luggage?
Bobby C. : I have a friend. He's a very good friend, and he got a girl pregnant. And I wanted to know: if you had to make a choice between getting an abortion and having to get married, what would you do?
Stephanie : Well, who would I have to marry?
Bobby C. : You'd have to marry me.
Stephanie : I think I'd get an abortion.
Stephanie : Nice move. Did you make that up?
Tony Manero : Yeah, well I saw it on TV first, then I made it up.
Stephanie : You know all about the bridge, don't you?
Tony Manero : I know everything about that bridge.
Tony Manero : Know what else? There's a guy buried in the cement
Stephanie : Really?
Tony Manero : Know how it happened? While they were working on it, pouring the cement, he slipped off on the upper part of the bridge and, you know, fell in... Dumb fuck.
Tony Manero : Why are you such a cocktease?
Stephanie : Don't you call me no goddamned cocktease!
Stephanie : We went to see Zeffirelli's 'Romeo & Juliet'.
Tony Manero : Oh yeah, 'Romeo & Juliet'? I read that in high school.
[they get settled into their table at the diner. Tony tries to sound profound as he makes an observation:]
Tony Manero : You know one thing I never understood about 'Romeo & Juliet' is why he took the poison so quick, I feel like it coulda waited or somethin'.
[Tony is in Stephanie's apartment]
Stephanie : It's the first time I've ever let a known rapist in my apartment.
Joey : You had coffee with Joe Namath?
Stephanie : Yeah! He asked me what it was like to be 21, and I told him I didn't know, 'cause I was just twenty.
Joey : Then what?
Stephanie : That's all.
Tony Manero : [with his mouth full] Ain't that enough?
Joey : Hey, don't you never chew, Tony? Don't you never chew?
Tony Manero : [annoyed] Hey, when my mother dies, I'll give you the job, all right?
Stephanie : You know who came into the office the other day? That singer David Bowie.
[pronounces it as Boo-ey]
Stephanie : .
Double J. : Isn't he a fag?
Stephanie : You mean he's a bisexual.
Double J. : Yeah, he swings both ways; men and boys.
[someone laughs from behind the counter. He turns to them tough]
Double J. : What's so funny?
Stephanie : I'm sick of guys who ain't got their shit together!
Tony Manero : Well, all ya need is a salad bowl, and a potato masher,
[he mimics stirring in a bowl]
Tony Manero : and you got your shit together!