Saturday Night Fever (1977) Poster

Karen Lynn Gorney: Stephanie



  • Tony Manero : You know, you and I got the same last initial.

    Stephanie : [sarcastically]  Wow. Does that mean when we get married I won't have to change the monogram on my luggage?

  • Bobby C. : I have a friend. He's a very good friend, and he got a girl pregnant. And I wanted to know: if you had to make a choice between getting an abortion and having to get married, what would you do?

    Stephanie : Well, who would I have to marry?

    Bobby C. : You'd have to marry me.

    Stephanie : I think I'd get an abortion.

  • Stephanie : Nice move. Did you make that up?

    Tony Manero : Yeah, well I saw it on TV first, then I made it up.

  • Stephanie : You know all about the bridge, don't you?

    Tony Manero : I know everything about that bridge.

    Tony Manero : Know what else? There's a guy buried in the cement

    Stephanie : Really?

    Tony Manero : Know how it happened? While they were working on it, pouring the cement, he slipped off on the upper part of the bridge and, you know, fell in... Dumb fuck.

  • Tony Manero : Why are you such a cocktease?

    Stephanie : Don't you call me no goddamned cocktease!

  • Stephanie : We went to see Zeffirelli's 'Romeo & Juliet'.

    Tony Manero : Oh yeah, 'Romeo & Juliet'? I read that in high school.

    [they get settled into their table at the diner. Tony tries to sound profound as he makes an observation:] 

    Tony Manero : You know one thing I never understood about 'Romeo & Juliet' is why he took the poison so quick, I feel like it coulda waited or somethin'.

  • [Tony is in Stephanie's apartment] 

    Stephanie : It's the first time I've ever let a known rapist in my apartment.

  • Joey : You had coffee with Joe Namath?

    Stephanie : Yeah! He asked me what it was like to be 21, and I told him I didn't know, 'cause I was just twenty.

    Joey : Then what?

    Stephanie : That's all.

    Tony Manero : [with his mouth full]  Ain't that enough?

    Joey : Hey, don't you never chew, Tony? Don't you never chew?

    Tony Manero : [annoyed]  Hey, when my mother dies, I'll give you the job, all right?

  • Stephanie : You know who came into the office the other day? That singer David Bowie.

    [pronounces it as Boo-ey] 

    Stephanie : .

    Double J. : Isn't he a fag?

    Stephanie : You mean he's a bisexual.

    Double J. : Yeah, he swings both ways; men and boys.

    [someone laughs from behind the counter. He turns to them tough] 

    Double J. : What's so funny?

  • Stephanie : I'm sick of guys who ain't got their shit together!

    Tony Manero : Well, all ya need is a salad bowl, and a potato masher,

    [he mimics stirring in a bowl] 

    Tony Manero : and you got your shit together!

See also

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