- Tony Manero: Would ya just watch the hair. Ya know, I work on my hair a long time and you hit it. He hits my hair.
- Fusco: You can save a little, build a future.
- Tony Manero: Oh fuck the future!
- Fusco: No, Tony! You can't fuck the future. The future fucks you! It catches up with you and it fucks you if you ain't planned for it?
- Tony Manero: Look, tonight is the future, and I am planning for it! There's this shirt I gotta buy, a beautiful shirt.
- Connie: So tell me, are you as good in bed as you are on that dance floor?
- Connie: [a few minutes later, after having danced together] So when is Connie going to get her answer?
- Tony Manero: You know, Connie, if you're as good in bed as you are on the dance floor, I'll bet you're one lousy fuck.
- Connie: Then how come they always send me flowers the next morning?
- Tony Manero: 'Cause most guys don't know a lousy fuck when they've had one. Or I dunno. Maybe they thought you was dead.
- Tony Manero: You know, you and I got the same last initial.
- Stephanie: [sarcastically] Wow. Does that mean when we get married I won't have to change the monogram on my luggage?
- Frank Sr: [commenting on Tony's four dollar raise in salary] Four dollars? You know what four dollars buys today? It don't ever buy three dollars!
- Tony Manero: I don't see no one givin' you a raise down at unemployment.
- Frank Sr: Four dollars? Shit!
- Tony Manero: I knew you'd piss on it. Go on, just piss on it, alright? A raise says like you're good, you know? You know how many times someone told me I was good in my life? Two! Twice! Two fuckin' times! This raise today, and dancing at the disco!
- [Gets up and walks out of the room]
- Tony Manero: You sure as fuck never did! Asshole!
- Tony Manero: She can dance, you know that? She's got the wrong partner of course, but she can dance.
- Joey: So then why don't you ask her?
- Tony Manero: Fuck you.
- Joey: Which position?
- Tony Manero: Hey, you know you assholes almost broke my pussy finger.
- Gus: Oh yeah, you wouldn't know which one it was.
- Bobby C.: I have a friend. He's a very good friend, and he got a girl pregnant. And I wanted to know: if you had to make a choice between getting an abortion and having to get married, what would you do?
- Stephanie: Well, who would I have to marry?
- Bobby C.: You'd have to marry me.
- Stephanie: I think I'd get an abortion.
- Frank Manero Jr.: Tony, the only way you're gonna survive is to do what you think is right, not what they keep trying to jam you into. You let 'em do that and you're gonna end up nothing but miserable!
- Tony Manero: I'll dance with you, but it's not like you're my dream girl or nothin'.
- Annette: You want a dream girl? Then go to sleep and have a nightmare.
- Girl in Disco: [Tony Manero makes his way onto the dance floor at 2001 Odyssey, dancing with two girls] Kiss me.
- [Tony ignores her request]
- Girl in Disco: KISS ME!
- [Tony kisses her]
- Girl in Disco: Ohh, I just kissed Al Pacino!
- Joey: Hey Tony, Double J's been in the car twenty-five minutes with some chick!
- Tony Manero: So?
- Joey: So, I can't get the selfish prick out!
- Tony Manero: [to Annette] These guys can't do nothin' without me.
- Tony Manero: Are you a nice girl or are you a cunt?
- Annette: Can't I be both?
- Tony Manero: No. It's a decision a girl's gotta make early in life, if she's gonna be a nice girl or a cunt.
- Stephanie: Nice move. Did you make that up?
- Tony Manero: Yeah, well I saw it on TV first, then I made it up.
- Annette: Ain't ya gonna ask me to sit down?
- Tony Manero: No, 'cause you would do it.
- Annette: Bet you'd ask me to lay down.
- Tony Manero: No, you would not do it.
- Tony Manero: I gotta have an afternoon off, and I'm takin' it.
- Fusco: If you do, you're fired.
- Tony Manero: I'm DOIN' it!
- Fusco: Then you're FIRED!
- Tony Manero: Then fuck you, asshole!
- Fusco: ...And the horse you rode in on.
- Tony Manero: [after looking at a shirt display, he walks into the store and talks to the salesperson] Hey, you guys do layaway?
- Haberdashery Salesman: [Not looking, doing his inventory] So long as it don't turn into a 20-year mortgage.
- Tony Manero: Alright, look, I wanna put down five dollars for the blue shirt in the window
- [Puts a fiver on the guy's clipboard]
- Tony Manero: Hold it for me.
- Haberdashery Salesman: [as Tony turns to go] Hey, wait for your receipt.
- Tony Manero: [still walking out] I trust you.
- Haberdashery Salesman: Please, no, don't trust me.
- Detective: [after Bobby fell to his death off the Verrazano Narrows Bridge] You guys think maybe he killed himself?
- Joey: No.
- Double J.: No man.
- Tony Manero: [after a brief pause] There's ways to killing yourself without killing yourself.
- Detective: Alright, you guys can go.
- Joey: [as Double J, Joey, and Annette go back to the car, Tony thinks for a bit and walks right by them] Ton? Hey, Tony?
- [He doesn't respond and keeps on walking]
- Stephanie: You know all about the bridge, don't you?
- Tony Manero: I know everything about that bridge.
- Tony Manero: Know what else? There's a guy buried in the cement
- Stephanie: Really?
- Tony Manero: Know how it happened? While they were working on it, pouring the cement, he slipped off on the upper part of the bridge and, you know, fell in... Dumb fuck.
- Annette: We went out once.
- Tony Manero: Yeah once was enough.
- Annette: Why?
- Tony Manero: Annette the whole time we was out you were talkin' about your married sister. Then your second married sister, then your third married sister. I got the feeling the only thing you was interested in was being a married sister ya'self, I got bored wit' ya.
- Stephanie: We went to see Zeffirelli's 'Romeo & Juliet'.
- Tony Manero: Oh yeah, 'Romeo & Juliet'? I read that in high school.
- [they get settled into their table at the diner. Tony tries to sound profound as he makes an observation:]
- Tony Manero: You know one thing I never understood about 'Romeo & Juliet' is why he took the poison so quick, I feel like it coulda waited or somethin'.
- Tony Manero: [Bringing a can of paint to a customer] Okay, how much painting you planning on doing?
- Paint Store Customer: After these two rooms, I wouldn't paint my wife's ass purple.
- Tony Manero: What color is it now?
- Paint Store Customer: [Offended] You wanna know what color my wife's ass is?
- Tony Manero: [Undeterred] You brung it up.
- Paint Store Customer: [Backs off, and snickers a bit] Well, actually it ain't got no color. Just stripes. Them stretched stripes. What about those brushes?
- Tony Manero: [Pointing] Here, you see that second display counter? Over there.
- [the customer pats him like, "You're a good kid." before heading over there]
- Joey: [after he says he wasn't sure it was the gang they beat up on his behalf] Hey, what are you talking about? You said it was.
- Gus: No. I said it *probably* was.
- Tony Manero: Don't be pulling our legs now...
- Double J.: Wait a minute. Wait.
- [They quiet down a bit]
- Double J.: You said it probably was...
- Joey: That's right! That's what you told us!
- Gus: I said probably 'cause I wasn't sure, you know. I mean it could've been the Spanish...
- Bobby C.: [Punches the metal cabinet on the wall] You stupid fuckin' bastard! We almost got our heads busted in!
- Double J.: [Turns on Bobby] Oh yeah? Not you, lover.
- [Exposing him as the one who didn't fight]
- Grandmother: [the whole family's hitting each other at dinner. Nonna slams her hand on the table] Basta! Mangia, mangia!
- [Tony is in Stephanie's apartment]
- Stephanie: It's the first time I've ever let a known rapist in my apartment.
- [Annette just had rough sex with both Joey and Double J and is now regretting it]
- Tony Manero: Is THIS what you wanted? You proud of yourself? Now you're a CUNT!
- [Annette runs out of the car crying]
- Joey: You had coffee with Joe Namath?
- Stephanie: Yeah! He asked me what it was like to be 21, and I told him I didn't know, 'cause I was just twenty.
- Joey: Then what?
- Stephanie: That's all.
- Tony Manero: [with his mouth full] Ain't that enough?
- Joey: Hey, don't you never chew, Tony? Don't you never chew?
- Tony Manero: [annoyed] Hey, when my mother dies, I'll give you the job, all right?
- Fusco: [as Tony comes in the back door, referring to the paint he has] What did he charge you?
- Tony Manero: [Walks past him] Seven nighty-eight.
- Fusco: Oh that fuckin bum. Wait'll he runs out of something. Listen, do you know what to tell her?
- Stephanie: You know who came into the office the other day? That singer David Bowie.
- [pronounces it as Boo-ey]
- Stephanie: .
- Double J.: Isn't he a fag?
- Stephanie: You mean he's a bisexual.
- Double J.: Yeah, he swings both ways; men and boys.
- [someone laughs from behind the counter. He turns to them tough]
- Double J.: What's so funny?
- Tony Manero: [Tony storming out of 2001 with Stephanie] This place is shithole, a fucking shit-hole! The friends I hang out with are such assholes, I can't believe them sometimes... Everybody's gotta dump on somebody, nobody can do it straight right? My father gets dumped on at work, so he comes home and dumps on my mother right? And the spics are dumping on us, so we gotta dump on the spics of course. Everybody's dump-dumpin' on everybody!
- [He continues to walk with Stephanie]
- Tony Manero: Humping's dumpin' most of the time!
- Tony Manero: [walking into the entrance] Hey Pete, how's it goin'?
- Pete: Good my man, steady at sixty-five percent.
- Tony Manero: [walking away laughing] Ha, Pete, he's always busting my onions.
- Annette: What does he mean by sixty-five percent?
- Tony Manero: Oh, that just means he scores with sixty-five percent of the chicks that come in here.
- Stephanie: I'm sick of guys who ain't got their shit together!
- Tony Manero: Well, all ya need is a salad bowl, and a potato masher,
- [he mimics stirring in a bowl]
- Tony Manero: and you got your shit together!
- Tony Manero: [after Bobby leaves the room, he turns back on Gus] You know, you got some fuckin' pair of balls on you, you know that, Gus?
- Gus: Hey, c'mon. I had to say something, right? I had to lay somebody out for it.
- Tony Manero: What are you, stupid? You can't see who hurt you, right?
- Gus: Oh God, if I told them I didn't know who it was, they would've gotten off!
- Tony Manero: Yeah, well fuck you, Gus! You know what I feel like doing? I feel like breaking your broken leg! That's what I feel like doing!
- Gus: [Tony knocks stuff off his tray and they leave] Hey, come on!
- [Drops his head back on the pillow, quietly]
- Gus: Oh God I can't believe this fuckin' shit.
- Tony Manero: [His friends are congratulating him on his winning the dance contest. He feels they shouldn't have won] . You phony bastards
- [they're stunned]
- Tony Manero: . You know who shoulda won that contest. My own friends can't be straight up with me, ya gotta lie right through ya fuckin' teeth!