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BBD-323 January 2000
This is my all-time favorite portrayal of Elizabeth Tudor, perhaps one of the greatest women to have ever lived. Glenda Jackson acts the role so well, one begins to believe in reincarnation. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Jackson was a trained shakespearian actor, therefore, adding the glamor of shakespearian oratory to the equally impressive story of Elizabeth. Why not--since they are both integral parts of the English renaissance.

I believe this movie captures the feel of the times and the personal and political crises that Elizabeth faced, with tremendous accuracy. Historically this movie appears to be completely accurate in its factual representations, something that cannot be said for "Elizabeth and Essex" (Bette Davis) or "Elizabeth" (Cate Blanchett).

Worth watching again and again.
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One of the Best Miniseries Ever
LaurieMann24 May 2003
I saw this over 30 years ago as a teenager and thought it was superb. I don't think I've seen it rerun since, but Glenda Jackson's astonishing performance has always stayed with me. I just got the DVD set and it's stunning, even better than I rememberedit. The research and writing are much more intelligent than almost anything currently produced (the BBC produced it).

I had a love/hate reaction to the Cate Blanchett Elizabeth a few years back; I loved it because the performances and cinemetography were great, but hated the many, many historical errors in it. If you like movies that are both well-made and historically accurate, you can't get any better than Elizabeth R.
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Queen Glenda
Harold_Robbins21 December 2005
Before the first episode was over I'd forgotten I was watching an actress - I felt as if I was experiencing an audience with a Queen! Glenda Jackson so inhabits the body and soul of Elizabeth I that all other interpretations of the role are diminished and it's impossible to think of anyone else in the role, even Bette Davis in her two films, PRIVATE LIVES OF ELIZABETH & ESSEX and THE VIRGIN QUEEN.

While it's perfectly true that production values have come along way since this early Masterpiece Theater effort, the writing and acting are of such high quality that you won't mind; this one certainly helped set the standards for subsequent series and performances.
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Outstanding biography of Elizabeth I
dirkgambit25 March 2002
"Elizabeth R" is an outstanding biography of Elizabeth I of England. The performances by all of the actors, most notably the fantastic performance by Glenda Jackson in the title role, are all exemplary. After reading Alison Weir's excellent and detailed biography of Elizabeth and then watching the series again, I could see how accurate the series was and how much of Elizabeth's life they were able to cover in detail. (I would recommend anyone who has enjoyed watching "Elizabeth R" to read Weir's biography). Also, the series is a good follow up of the (also excellent) series "The Six Wives of Henry VIII". Some actors cross over from one series to the next in the same roles, giving a sense of continuity. Anyone who has an interest in the history of England's monarchy should enjoy this incredible series.
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An amazing adaptation, supremely talented cast with Jackson the undoubted star.
Tudor_rose13 May 2006
'I pity any student forced to watch this series', remarks a reviewer of this miniseries on this website. Well, I am a student and I certainly don't concur with this statement at all: having been fascinated by Elizabeth I as a child, (first watching this in my early teens) and having now studied Elizabeth and her reign at undergraduate level, I find it no less brilliant,charming, or committed to careful detail after many many viewings. It is, in fact, a tender and very accurate portrayal of Elizabeth's life, from the young queen to the aged one, treating her life with sympathy, insight, humour, and a heady dose of power and romance. The costumes and set are excellent, and in short, for many,Glenda Jackson really - and deservedly so - *is* Elizabeth I. Long after the film has finished, her portrayal will stay with you. Don't miss out on this, whatever you do, buy it and watch it, you certainly won't regret it.
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brontew25 November 2000
One of the best mini series ever shown on television.

I am a lover of British costume drama and love that period of history and so must admit a bias

The series is written by depicting a significant event in Elizabeth's life in each episode - First as the young Elizabeth and the dangers she faced. The subsequent episodes show the early years on the throne and Elizabeth's early relationship with Dudley, her forays into the marriage game, the events surrounding Mary Queen of Scots' last days, the Spanish Armada and the last days of her reign and her relationship with Dudley's step son Essex

Unlike the movie Elizabeth, this series is highly accurate. Each time I watch the episodes I pick up more details of the research that has gone into the series. For example the costumes are based on portraits of the Queen and gowns depicted in them. The inside scenes are based on the actual make up of Tudor palaces relatively small wood panelled rooms, not large stone Gothic chambers.

Being a mini series the events of her reign can be given more depth. The actors and writers have more time to develop the characters and show the changing relationships between the characters. There is time to show the Queen's development from the young queen depicted in Elizabeth the movie to icon Elizabeth created for herself over time. The series is fascinating to watch for the transformation in each episode for the aging of the queen from the young puritanical princess, with simple clothes and no make up to the aged queen, who has to virtually put on a mask of make up to be seen in public.

The mini series shows the enduring relationships the queen maintained with Dudley and Cecil.

Glenda Jackson produces the definitive interpretation of Elizabeth, warts and all. Elizabeth was not always a "nice" woman, but she was a great queen and the series shows this.

For anyone who enjoyed Elizabeth the movie I strongly recommend that they watch this series.
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Accurate history coupled with superb dramatization
lyonizer25 June 2000
I recently viewed this series again as part of my research for a play I am writing about Christopher Marlowe. I am pleased to say that serious historical sources - primary sources - were consulted by all six writers. Detail after detail in all of the episodes are supported with source material. Elizabeth lived such a rich and fascinating life that the facts provide more drama than a lazy writer could ever belch out of his imagination. Sound, lively history. One of the five best programs ever on television.
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Historically Correct Mini Series
vetternancan17 January 2005
Only the BBC could produce such a historically correct mini-series on this fascinating character. Although Cate Blanchett did a very good job portraying Elizabeth, Glenda Jackson nails the character on a lesser set and with fewer flattering camera angles. Jackson becomes more Elizabeth and less Jackson as this very long series plods on. If you want lots of swordplay and action, pass on this one. This is for someone who enjoys reading history biographies, not historical novels. Although production values are a bit dated, you will not be disappointed by the detail of the story and the portrayal of the main character by Jackson.
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Elizabeth R
trosa-124 April 2006
This is a great historical account of one of the most incredible women in history. A descendant of incredible lineage (all cousins to be exact) the daughter of the most ambitious Anne Boleyn, was in fact Henry VIII's best prodigy as a true and fair leader of England and its people. Henry could have wanted no more of her (nor seen better from a son) had he been able to witness Elizabeth's ability as Queen.

Glenda Jackson is able to give us a view of Elizabeth as if it were Elizabeth herself we were watching; at least Elizabeth as we believe she would have been. True to the word of some of the critics within, no one really knows for certain what Elizabeth may have sounded like or for that matter the tenor in which spoke. But that matters little in this most true account of the Life of Elizabeth R. One takes what is portrayed by Glenda Jackson and the rest of the cast as the most likely of truths. After watching the full series, you will feel as though you were in court with Her Majesty, Elizabeth I.

If you haven't seen this you should.

I loved this series growing up and after so many years of wanting to see it again, I have purchased my own copy of the series on DVD through Amazon.com.

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This is the BBC'S doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.
Scaramouche20044 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Since cinema and television cameras first started to role, it seems the subject of Elizabeth I, has remained a constant favourite, with filmmakers throughout the generations obsessed with bringing to our screens bigger and better adaptations of this extraordinary life.

From Errol Flynn and Bette Davies in The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex in 1939, to 1953's Young Bess starring Jean Simmons and Stewart Granger with more recent adaptations starring Helen Mirren, Cate Blanchett and Anne-Marie Duff.

However one performance and one adaptation that quite literally leaves all the above basking in its shade is Glenda Jackson's portrayal of our late Queen in the 1971 BBC mini series Elizabeth R. This Epic Biography spans Elizabeth's entire life from her tumultuous teenage years to her death in 1603 after finally forging her great legacy.

Historical accuracy is for once put first and is complimented by great costumes, beautiful locations and expert performances by everyone involved. Even the extras must have been specifically chosen for being the best at their craft.

Glenda Jackson becomes the definitive Elizabeth, whilst Ronald Hines and Robert Hardy don tights and ruffs as they portray Lord William Cecil of Burghley and Lord Robert Dudley of Leicester respectively and both with great aplomb.

Running at an epic nine hours in it's entirety, it is even easy to break down and digest, as each of the six episodes is in itself a 90 minute movie which can stand alone as a masterpiece.

Part One, (The Lions Cub) charts Elizabeth's dangerous journey through betrayal and the constant threats of execution throughout the reigns of her sickly brother King Edward VI and her tyrannical devoutly catholic sister Mary I, as she is forced to act the diplomat to ensure her survival; skills that will undoubtedly come in useful later in her life.

Part Two, (The Marriage Game) depicts a newly crowned Elizabeth I, fighting off her advisor's who wish to see her married to an eligible suitor, to not only secure a Tudor heir, but to ensure political alliances overseas. Despite her own personal aversions to marriage, Elizabth is torn between her own demons and the well being of her people and country.

Part Three, (Shadow in The Sun) sees Bedchamber diplomacy taken to a new level as Elizabeth is presented with her most eligible suitor yet, a French Duke who is brother to the King of France and will ensure a long and trusted alliance between the countries, but her advisor's are split on the issue, each advising her accordingly to secure their own ends.

Part Four, (Horrible Conspiracies) tells an accurate account of the much fabled tale of Elizabeth's relationship with her Cousin Mary Queen of Scots and the plots hatched by her and her conspirators to 'dispose' of Elizabeth in her attempt to sit upon the English throne.

Part Five, (The Empire of England) follows Elizabeth into war; a war brought about by Mary's Execution as the mighty Spanish Armada sails towards the English coast to avenge her death, invade the country and remove the 'murderous' Queen once and for all.

Part Six, (Sweet Englands Pride) An old and dying Queen is greatly flattered by the attentions of the young, dashing and heroic Earl of Essex. But when Essex shows signs of rebellion and treason, it seems the Queens final hope of personal happiness eludes her once more. Can she save her throne from the ambitious Essex before it's too late.

Highly recommended to all those lovers of English/British History and one that comes heartily recommended by me. The best Elizabethan yarn ever.
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The First Elizabethan 'Costume' Film I Saw
GalaxyGal29 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not rating it so low because it was bad; I just can't remember all the details. "Elizabeth R" was one of the first miniseries on WGBH-TV's "Masterpiece Theatre" in 1971 (the other was, if I remember right, "The Six Wives of Henry VIII"--appropriate that, really). I was 10 years old, watching on an incredibly small black-and-white portable TV, but I knew what I wanted--those costumes. I wanted those incredibly lush, ornamented, heavy, hot, corseted gowns that Elizabeth wore as queen. Since then, I have always been attracted to 'period' films, historical re-enactments, and Shakespeare (but that's a whole 'nother topic).

The costume designer on "Elizabeth R" was Janet Arnold, one of the first well-known clothing historians and researchers. Her research and publications changed the way historical costumes have been treated in movies since then. If you have any question about the truth of my statement, rent "Shakespeare in Love" and pay attention to the garb. It holds for fantasy movies as well--Peter Jackson knew very well that "The Lord of the Rings" would succeed or fail based on how real he could make Middle-Earth.

About Elizabeth I: There are many movies about her, and many great actresses have played her--from Bette Davis, to Glenda Jackson (here), to Dame Judi Dench (SiL), to Helen Mirren, in 2006's Showtime entry, "Elizabeth." Depending on the era in which the movie was made, some events are highlighted, others downplayed. Just watching any of these films is a treat.

I don't know if there are added features about the costumes in the DVD package of "Elizabeth R;" it's on my short list of films to get. I hope it holds up to scrutiny after all these years; it made a lasting impression on me when I first saw it.
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Astounding in its scope.
rcole19585 June 2001
Don't be put of by the typical BBC production values, this mini-series is astounding in its scope.

If you don't know much about Queen Elizabeth before watching this series, spend an hour reading brief sketches on her father Henry VIII and mother Ann Boleyn. Also, be sure to read about Elizabeth's younger brother Edward and older sister Mary, both of whom who preceeded her as England's King and Queen, respectively.

You may have to look hard for a copy of the series, or ask your library to find it for you, but it will a wonderful 9 hours of viewing.
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A Long One Woman Show
August199121 December 2003
I bought this DVD collection because of reviews here and elsewhere. I enjoyed 'A Man For All Seasons' and 'Elizabeth'. So, I attentively watched all episodes of this series.

If you're new to high-end BBC dramatic series, you must understand that production design stops at costumes. The sets are studio flimsy. I found the dialogue to be modern Shakespearean pretentious. (No one in fact knows what words Elizabeth spoke nor with what accent she spoke them.)

I pity any student forced to watch this series. But I strongly recommend it to anyone, captivated by a history book, and dreaming to see the characters on a screen. And while I prefer the series "Claudius" and "Les Rois Maudits", I have to admit something: Glenda Jackson's play is a tour de force. Ultimately, this series is worth it because of her. Margaret Thatcher said that she went home some days and cried. Acting, Glenda Jackson makes this comprehensible.
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bunny-1417 October 1998
An amazing series with beautiful costumes and scenery.Glenda Jackson is stunning as Elizabeth Tudor. Very acute telling of the life of Elizabeth before her reign and throughout as Queen of England. A must see.
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Sublime mini-series with a tour-De-force performance from Jackson
TheLittleSongbird22 January 2012
As somebody who admires Glenda Jackson and takes an interest in this period of history, I adored Elizabeth R. To me, it is one of the best mini-series I have ever seen. I loved how absorbing throughout the story is with such believability, tension and poignancy in the drama, how compellingly real Elizabeth and the rest of the characters were and how intelligent the dialogue was written.

The music is lovely, the series is beautifully directed and the support acting from Robin Ellis, Ronald Hines, Stephen Murray and Robert Hardy is very good.

What made Elizabeth R for me were the sumptuous costumes and settings captured lovingly on camera and the real tour-De-force lead performance that is Glenda Jackson's. You don't see Jackson, you see Elizabeth, that is how good her performance is.

Overall, one of the best mini-series ever. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Elizabeth R
monakayk6 July 2006
It has all been said in the other post about this great film/mini series. And also said about Glenda Jackson's performance as the 'Virgin Queen'. This film should be a requirement for any History student to watch. It is factual and actuate. The entire cast does a marvelous job with their roles and mesh together splendidly. I watched this film the first time on TV in the '70s when it was broadcast and enjoyed it thoroughly. I have seen it again several times and enjoy it each and every time. When Glenda Jackson was cast again in the role of Queen Elizabeth I in MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, opposite Vanessa Redgrave...I was thrilled. Glenda almost stole the entire film. With the few scenes she was in opposite Vanessa..she made that film a hit in my opinion.

The only thing I can add are these 3 words: Glenda IS Elizabeth I!
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Outstanding Performance and History of England's Greatest Monarch
classicalsteve25 May 2008
Before Ben Kingsley as Gandhi or Denzel Washington as Malcolm X, Glenda Jackson walked in the shoes of Queen Elizabeth I in 1971. Or, better stated, Jackson, along with her cast, crew, and the BBC, transported television audiences to another era, another time when chivalry still existed, religion and politics were intertwined, and the world was lit only by fire. However, many of the old Medieval sensibilities were being displaced by an enthusiasm for discovery, science, culture, arts, and tolerance that we now call the Renaissance, and Queen Elizabeth I was the central figure in England's contribution to this rebirth of culture. Jackson's performance and unparalleled historical scholarship bring the era back to life and have ensured Elizabeth R's ranking as one of the great screen biographies.

In addition to the superlative performance by Jackson, the entire production conveys the atmosphere of mid-to-late 1500's England. Former Hollywood offerings of the same subject, particularly the ones starring Betty Davis, had a fairy-tale ambiance that made the era seem more otherworldly rather than historical. By contrast, the 1971 BBC production brings the viewer right into the middle of 1500's England as if you are walking around the halls and chambers with the personages from the 16th century. Instead of seeing the monarch upon a distant throne in a palace hall, the viewer feels adjacent to these people, many of whom have become almost iconic. Conversations with the likes of William Cecil (Lord Burghley), Queen Mary I, Philip II of Spain, and of course Queen Elizabeth I herself are at a human level rather than at a distance. This intimacy creates a reality that fosters a closeness with the era, although these people lived 400 to 450 years before our present time. In short, we better appreciate that these people lived and breathed, loved and hated, wept and rejoiced, much as we do now. There is something about the whole production that feels like a Shakespeare play, which seems most appropriate.

Queen Elizabeth I of England, the last monarch before the isles became known as Great Britain, was a pivotal figure who understood that a new era was dawning. In addition to the debts and deficits, her country was being torn apart by its own Reformation when Henry VIII split from the Roman Catholic Church to form the Church of England. His religious revolution, which not only resulted from Rome's refusal to consent to his divorce of Catherine of Aragon but because of the protestant waves that were influencing his people, dissolved almost overnight when his daughter Mary I became queen and briefly reinstated the Catholic Church. And she had a bad habit of burning people who did not convert back to the old religion.

Queen Elizabeth I re-established, with the consent of Parliament, The Church of England and brought a certain amount of religious toleration uncommon in her era. Although she was still quite distrustful of "Papists", those still loyal to the Pope in Rome, far fewer saw similar fates as the Protestants during the reign of her half-sister. In fact, when compared with other European monarchs of the time, Queen Elizabeth I sanctioned far fewer executions. She encouraged trade, the arts, particularly the performing arts. The late 1500's until the early 1600's is regarded as England's Golden Age of theatre with the likes of Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Johnson. And scholarship, as in Italy a hundred years earlier, became an all-important aspect of Elizabethan life personified by the works Francis Bacon. And of course it was an age of geographical discovery as attested by Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh.

Simultaneously, court intrigue was also an on-going quandary. From the moment of her crowning, Rome issued a death-warrant for her, and those loyal to Rome were persistently plotting to overthrow her. Despite her reputation for mercy, traitors whose mission was to assassinate the Protestant queen in the name of bringing the Roman Church back to England would endure a fate worse than death if arrested. Her most controversial act, the execution of her cousin Mary Queen of Scots, was not without cause. Recent evidence suggests that the queen of Scotland knowingly may have been involved in plots to overthrow England's monarch. Biographies written prior to the 1990's have often characterized the Queen of Scotland as an innocent victim.

Queen Elizabeth I has literally become the symbol of all that is superior in English culture. The BBC production Elizabeth R is a living testament to that symbol. Her reign has become ever-associated with one of the greatest ages in all of humankind, and, using a camera lens, Elizabeth R brings this age into closer focus for better viewing and scrutiny. The Elizabethan Age is still 400 years away from us and getting farther, but at least Elizabeth R brings us back there for a moment.
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Good Queen Bess
bkoganbing6 July 2008
Glenda Jackson after having appeared on the big screen as Queen Elizabeth I of England in Mary Queen of Scots was permanently etched in everyone's mind as Elizabeth Tudor after this fabulous BBC mini-series. Forget Bette Davis, Flora Robson, Florence Eldridge or Cate Blanchett, when you look at Glenda Jackson you are looking at THE Queen Elizabeth.

Every inch the regal monarch, England's greatest and last ruler because after her, the Scotch and English monarchies were united and James I became the first King of Great Britain. Glenda plays Elizabeth with vigor and authority, a woman who never thought she'd wind up Queen, but was ready to sacrifice everything for her realm and the welfare of its people.

As in Mary Queen of Scots the contrast is always made between Elizabeth and Mary Stuart who put her own passions and happiness above the good of Scotland. In Mary Queen of Scots or Mary of Scotland, the figure of Elizabeth is the shrewd villainess who lies and deceives Mary. Here Vivian Pickles is shown as one rather empty headed woman who is an easy mark for the machinations of Sir Francis Walsingham when he tricks her into signing on to a conspiracy to kill Elizabeth and take the throne for herself. A conspiracy of his own making. Pickles is also memorable in her role.

Although as she got older and as Queen Elizabeth certainly had her run of the noble stud farm for her private pleasures, her first and only real love was for Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. Robert Hardy plays him here and we see him and Elizabeth both grow older and wiser together. She certainly could have married him back in the day, but was wise enough to see the political pitfalls if she did. Eventually Leicester realized them too.

This was true right up to the end of her reign and the last great crisis of her reign, the popularity of the headstrong and foolish Earl of Essex played by Robin Ellis. The last of a long line of people who mistook bedroom technique for mastery of the female monarch. That woman knew exactly where to keep boundaries.

Two performances worthy of note are Ronald Hines as her faithful first minister Lord Burghley and Stephen Murray as Sir Francis Walsingham, the man who raised espionage to a fine art.

Still the series belongs to Jackson and it's run sometimes on the PBS affiliates. Catch it whenever it is shown.
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THE Elizabeth
rick_wood6013 November 2007
I bought this series long ago on VHS, together with its historical predecessor, the Six Wives of Henry VIII. One hundred years of Tudor England fly by. Who says history is dull? I've watched both many times before. I still watch them, most recently Elizabeth R. True the presentation is somewhat dated and stagey. But this is not a wide screen epic, but a portrait of the woman and the times in which she lived. The more recent Elizabeth films are better at evoking the physical appearance of Tudor England. But as a portrait Elizabeth R shines, which is what the series intended to portray! Cate Blanchett is a wonderful actress. That not withstanding though, Glenda Jackson's portrayal remains THE definitive Elizabeth I.
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A Regal Elizabeth I
dragonswizardz1 April 2015
"Elizabeth R" is the finest historical and dramatic series ever to appear on Masterpiece Theater. Sumptuous in every detail and nuance, anchored by Glenda Jackson's superb performance, the outstanding ensemble surrounding her (especially Robert Hardy) and its historically accurate portrait of life in the reign of perhaps England's greatest monarch is worthy of the accolades it received.

Glenda Jackson IS Elizabeth I ~~ no other actress has ever matched her outstanding performance. Equally outstanding is Robert Hardy's portrayal of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester. "Elizabeth R" is a feast not only for the eye but the heart and soul as well. It is a masterpiece.
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Elizabeth R
jboothmillard9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had already seen the great actress, star of Women in Love, play Queen Elizabeth I in the film Mary, Queen of Scots, it was sad to hear about her death at the age of 87, I had recorded this TV serial, which followed the successful The Six Wives of Henry VIII, I watched it shortly after she died, it was repeated on BBC Four. Basically, following the death of Henry VIII (Keith Michell), his only surviving son, young Edward VI (Jason Kemp) ascends to become king. It is a dangerous time for the young Princess Elizabeth (twice Emmy winning and nominated, and BAFTA nominated Glenda Jackson), after narrowly avoiding the suggestion that she was involved in the attempted abduction of Edward by Sir Thomas Seymour (John Ronane). Elizabeth becomes an unintentional figurehead for a Protestant rebellion led by Thomas Wyatt the Younger (Robert Garrett). Her devout Roman Catholic half-sister Mary I (Daphne Slater) succeeds to the throne following Edward's abdication. At the age of twenty-five, Elizabeth I is the new queen and is unmarried. Her Council urges her to marry quickly, particularly the man she trusts most, Sir William Cecil, Lord Burghley (Ronald Hines), to ensure the succession. The only men that interest the queen are Lord Robert Dudley (Robert Hardy), at first her Master of the Horse, and later the Earl of Leicester. Elizabeth meets her most eligible suitor, Francis, Duke of Alençon (Michael Williams), the younger brother of the French king. It is hoped a marriage will cement France's sought alliance with England. Elizabeth seems taken with the witty Francis, but there is opposition from Puritans in the country, while zealously anti-Catholic councillor Sir Francis Walsingham (Stephen Murray) secretly approves of it. Elizabeth faces tough decisions as her duties as queen clash with her personal feelings. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots (Vivian Pickles) is found guilty of plotting against Elizabeth and imprisoned for nineteen years. There is a clampdown on conspiring Roman Catholics, but Mary's actions inspire many attempts to overthrow Elizabeth. Elizabeth fears Mary's death will condemn her in the eyes of God. After Mary, Queen of Scots is executed, the feeble King Philip II of Spain (Peter Jeffrey) wants to avenge her death. Philip orders an unprepared fleet, commanded by the inexperienced Duke of Medina Sidonia (Gordon Gostelow), to sail to England. Even as Elizabeth rebukes the privateers in her council, including both Walsingham and Sir Francis Drake (John Woodvine), hoping for peace, the Spanish Armada invades England. The fate of the queen and the future of the country is now in the hands of Drake and the Navy. Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex (Robin Ellis) is admired by the people, along with Lord Charles Howard (Peter Howell), after successfully capturing the Spanish seaport of Cádiz. Devereux rises to power being made Lord Deputy of Ireland and crushing the uprising of Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone (Patrick O'Connell). But Devereux squanders his army, makes a humiliating truce with O'Neill, and returns to England without permission. Devereux's unsuccessful uprising against the queen results in his execution in London. The elderly Queen Elizabeth I is radiant in her final address to Parliament but dies soon afterward. Her last action regards the query of Sir Robert Cecil (Hugh Dickson) about her successor being King James VI of Scotland. Also starring John Shrapnel as Thomas Radclyffe, 3rd Earl of Sussex, Bernard Horsfall as Sir Christopher Hatton, John Nettleton as Sir Francis Bacon, Angela Thorne as Lettice Knollys, Lady Leicester, Hugh Dickson as Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Nicholas Selby as Sir Walter Raleigh, Rosalie Crutchley as Catherine Parr, Peter Egan as Henry Wriothesley, 3rd Earl of Southampton, Hayden Jones as Charles Blount, 8th Baron Mountjoy, Sonia Fraser as Elizabeth Wriothesley, Countess of Southampton, and Sarah Frampton as Lady Jane Grey. Jackson gives a superb performance throughout all stages in the life of the Virgin Queen, and the supporting cast are all good as well. I'm not going to pretend I understand a lot about royalty and the politics of the programme, and each episode of the series is 90 minutes long which is a little testing, but for the performance of Jackson, the period detail and costume design, and a good script, it is a worthwhile historical drama. It won the Emmys for Outstanding New Series, Outstanding Series - Drama, and Outstanding Achievement in Costume Design, and it was nominated for Outstanding Single Program - Drama or Comedy. Very good!
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The best on film about Queen Elizabeth I
AlsExGal10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This series of six 90 minute episodes helped put Masterpiece Theatre on the map back in the early 1970's and starred a very young Glenda Jackson as Queen Elizabeth. The acting is outstanding, and the series has the vast majority of the historical details down correctly. However, you are going to have to accustom yourself to the rather crude looking lighting and camera work that was typical of PBS production values of the early 1970's. In fact, unless there is some copyright problem at work I am unaware of, that is likely why I have not seen it on TV in 15 years. The series takes Elizabeth from shortly after the death of her father, King Henry VIII, in 1547, up to her own deathbed in 1603. The following is a brief description of each of the six episodes:

1. The Lion's Cub - The series begins in 1547 with the brief six-year reign of Elizabeth's sickly younger brother, Edward VI. Manipulated by his Seymour uncles, he prefers to debate religion with Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. His untimely death is followed by the nine day reign of the usurper, Lady Jane Grey. The people refuse to allow the true succession to be supplanted and rise up in the name of Edward's oldest sister, Mary, who ascends the throne. The majority of the episode deals with Mary's attempts to convert Elizabeth to the Catholic faith. Various plots and rebellions flare, and Elizabeth spends some time under arrest in the Tower of London. She is released when Mary weds the Spanish king, Phillip II. The marriage is not a success, and the pitiful Mary dies childless, leaving only one heir to the throne, her sister Elizabeth.

2. The Marriage Game - In 1558, the marriage of the new queen is the most pressing political issue of the new reign, as it is imperative that Elizabeth produce an heir. Foreign princes negotiate for her hand, but Elizabeth refuses to commit to any one of them. Meanwhile, her friendship with Sir Robert Dudley deepens, causing unease among her councillors. Dudley's wife dies by a mysterious fall down a flight of stairs, and all of Europe believes the English queen engineered the tragedy. An attack of smallpox brings the queen near death, and her council laments that there is no viable heir to the throne. Elizabeth recovers, but her problem remains: if she remains childless, who will succeed her?

3. Shadow in the Sun - The episode opens as Elizabeth and her court react to the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, in which hundreds of French Huguenots (Protestants) died at the hands of the French king's troops. Ever the pragmatist, Elizabeth is willing to set aside her horror and open marriage negotiations with the French king's younger brother, the Duke of Alencon. A tender romance develops between the aging queen and the younger, impish Duke. Behind the scenes, Elizabeth's councillors Cecil, Sussex, and Walsingham bargain with the Duke's mother, the formidable Catherine de Medici. The queen undergoes an awkward physical examination to prove she can still bear children, while her favorite Dudley, now the Earl of Leicester, attempts to sabotage the marital plans. As the queen vacillates, Alencon drops a bombshell: Leicester has secretly married Elizabeth's cousin, the Countess of Essex. In the end, the queen cannot bring herself to marry. She bids farewell to her last chance at personal happiness, and her last chance of bearing children, and reveals her melancholy by composing a poem, "A Shadow in the Sun."

4. Horrible Conspiracies - In the mid 1580's attention turns to Elizabeth's closest relative and greatest enemy, Mary, Queen of Scots. Imprisoned by Elizabeth for many years, Mary is a focal point for Catholic unrest in England. Walsingham is concerned for Elizabeth's security but knows that the queen will never consent to Mary's execution without incontrovertible proof of her treachery. He engineers a meeting between the Scottish queen and Sir Anthony Babington, a leading Catholic aristocrat. A plot develops to overthrow Elizabeth and seize the throne, a plot followed step by step by Walsingham. Its revelation leads to Queen Mary's trial and conviction, but Elizabeth cannot bring herself to order the execution of an anointed queen. Ultimately, she signs the death warrant, only to disavow it later. But her recantation is too late; the Queen of Scots is executed.

5. The Enterprise of England - The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, at the order of Queen Elizabeth, shocks Europe, and encourages King Phillip of Spain to prepare to invade England in 1588. At Elizabeth's direction, Sir Francis Drake wages small piracies upon Spanish ships, which does nothing to deter Phillip's assembly of the mighty Spanish Armada. At the English court, debate rages over attempts to negotiate peace, while at the Spanish court, the king is urged to delay. Phillip, moved by God, launches his fleet, and Elizabeth, against the advice of her new favorite Essex, joins her troops to await the invasion. Though vastly outnumbered, the English fleet, with smaller, swifter ships, out-maneuvers the larger Spanish galleons. A terrible storm finishes the job: the Armada is defeated. Back in London, Elizabeth is in the mood to celebrate, until sad news reaches the court: the queen's one true love, the Earl of Leicester, has died.

6. Sweet England's Pride - At the end of her life, Elizabeth is a parody of her former glory. The ancient queen tolerates the insufferable egotism of her young favorite, the Earl of Essex, to the chagrin of Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Robert Cecil. Egged on by sycophantic friends and his mother Lady Leicester, Essex believes he can supplant Elizabeth and rule in her place. His hubris leads to his downfall, and he is arrested and executed. Elizabeth has outlived all her contemporaries, and with the son of her enemy Mary, Queen of Scots poised to inherit her throne, she takes her last breath.

If you don't know much about Queen Elizabeth before watching this series, spend a little time reading brief sketches on her father Henry VIII and her mother Ann Boleyn. Also, be sure to read about Elizabeth's younger brother Edward and older sister Mary, both of whom who preceeded her as England's King and Queen, respectively. Their biographies figure heavily into Elizabeth's reasonings and the choices she made, but there is not much detail given about their lives in this series. Much has been made recently about the 4 hour drama "Elizabeth I" starring Helen Mirren made just last year. That is definitely a good program on the subject, but this one is much better, since it shows the entirety of Elizabeth's adult life. Also, although Helen Mirren did a wonderful job, she doesn't seem to age a day over the length of the series even though over 20 years pass. Glenda Jackson's Elizabeth has you believing you are watching the queen mature from a giggling teenager to the 69 year old monarch she was at her death. Highly recommended.
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Still Stunning in Our Eyes
drednm21 March 2019
Nearly 50 years after this was televised, Glenda Jackson is about to storm Broadway as King Lear.

As Elizabeth I, Jackson gives one of the great performances of television. All of her intelligence and fierceness is channeled into making this Queen a person of flesh and blood, and not just a costume parade. Jackson is totally believable as the wary young princess and equally so as the weary old monarch. Her voice thunders through the ages as if it were the real voice of that ancient Queen.

Among the cast are several familiar faces. Robert Hardy as Dudley, Robin Ellis as Essex, Vivian Pickles as Mary Stuart, Angela Thorne as Lettice, Peter Jeffrey as Philip II, Michael Williams as Alencon, Rachel Kempson as Kat, Daphne Slater as Mary I, Rosalie Crutchley as Catherine Parr, John Nettleton as Francis Bacon, Ronald Hines as Burghley, Stephen Murray as Walsingham, John Woodvine as Francis Drake, James Laurenson as Simier, Jill Balcon as Lady Cobham, and Margaretta Scott as Catherine de Medici, and all are wonderful.

While the production values are rather modest, the series is very accurate in its historical facts and paints a properly dour picture of the religious wars that plagued Elizabeth as well as the constant and endless worries about the Succession to the Throne.

Elizabeth was one of the most remarkable women in history and is here played by one of the great actresses of our time: Glenda Jackson.
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lampic24 July 2015
I vaguely remember this cornerstone of BBC historical drama from my childhood (along with "The Six Wives of Henry VIII", "Onedin Line" and "I Claudius") and had some idea about main actress being celebrated for her über-realistic portrait of Virgin Queen. There were actresses before (notably Bette Davis) and after her (Helen Mirren, Cate Blanchett) but Glenda Jackson seems to stand as towering presence above them all, as simply perfect for that role. This is something I wanted to see again for a long time, even toyed with idea to order it from Internet and than to my biggest surprise found the complete DVD set on Amsterdam's second-hand record market (one of those things that I can't resist) for some ridiculously small price.

Last night I treated myself with a first episode - apparently the idea was that each episode has different scriptwriter - just as I expected, production back than was far less glamorous than what we got used to later. Most of the scenes were shot indoors and everything was kept very simple, without any bombastic special effects, visual gimmicks or breathless computer- animated swirls around the screen - this was early 1970s TV and it shows. It reminds me of my childhood when singers on TV performed in front of some plastic chair or ikebana and that was all. However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the story or acting - Glenda Jackson is simply stunning as young Elizabeth and we can almost see little wheels turning in her brain as she tries to get herself out of dangerous situations, political intrigues and potential death in prison, virtually alone while all those people plotted around her. If the men's roles were not so distinguishable from each other (so far), this very first episode has really good, strong moments for actresses - I missed the name of actress who played Mary Tudor, but she was darn excellent as well. I also noted the supporting role of Elizabeth's faithful nurse/servant Kat (just like every other character here, she is based on real historical person) who turned out, was played by Vanessa Redgrave's mother! This TV serial was also famous for make-up and prosthetics used to change Elizabeth's appearance but this would come later as here in first episode she was still very young and had not transformed into icy icon that she would became. Very interesting!
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Elizabeth the First's life before she came to the throne, during, and her death. Spot on accuracy and Glenda Jackson is a true marvel.
marisapando5 August 2016
This series is a dream come true. I don't understand why they didn't tell this story in the Cate Blanchette movie. Elizabeth's story as it happened is utterly fascinating without Hollywood embellishments. The scenes are true to the history books and it is lovely to have someone like Glenda Jackson playing in them. She BECOMES Elizabeth Rex, complete with certain faces she makes, expressions she uses, her mannerisms. I walk away feeling like I've actually been hanging out in 16th century England with Liz. I first saw this 5 years ago and I always come back to watch it through again and again. This is a rare jewel.
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