Teenagers from Outer Space (1959) Poster

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Anyone feel like going to Red Lobster
bensonmum221 February 2005
  • Aliens land on Earth to determine whether or not the planet is suitable for raising their Gargons (a creature raised by the aliens for consumption). It seems that these Gargons are quite ferocious and as big as a house when fully grown. Therefore, they require their own planet. But releasing the Gargons on Earth will wipe out all of humanity. One alien, Derek (David Love), has second thoughts about killing the inhabitants of Earth. He leaves the group to warn the citizens of Earth. What he doesn't know, however, is that one of the other aliens has been sent to stop him.

  • While I've seen worse, Teenagers from Outer Space is really not a very good movie. Most of the acting is terrible and the dialogue is even worse. The "teenagers" mentioned in the title appear to be mid-20s to early-30s in age. The flying saucer used by the aliens is about ten feet in diameter, yet can carry 6 or 7 human sized aliens. The Gargons are really just lobsters. The full-grown Gargon is a shadow of a lobster projected onto the film to make it look huge. Much of the movie is laughable at best.

  • But, Teenagers from Outer Space is not as bad as it could have been. Underneath the cheese is a nice little story just aching to get out. The two leads (David Love and Dawn Bender) do their best. There is a real chemistry between the two that comes through even the most hokey of scenes. Although they might have lacked real talent, they appeared to be trying. So many of these 50s sci-fi films have actors that just appear to be going through the motions.

  • The aliens use some sort of hand-held death ray weapon. And, for this kind of movie, the results are rather gruesome. In a lot of these movies, when someone is shot with a ray gun, they either fall down without a scratch to be seen or just disappear. Not here. When the human (and canine) victims are hit with these ray guns, all tissue disappears leaving only a (obviously plastic) skeleton. It's not a very pleasant way to go.

  • I watched the MST3K version of the movie. As usual, there were a few good laughs to be had. But this is one movie that I'm going to try on its own. I think it deserves to be judged that way.
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A rather campy teenage alien storyline punctuated with a screaming uncooked giant lobster.
cproberson124 May 2003
The Spacemen are Coming! The Spaceships Have Landed! The Fifties are highlighted with stunning sequences of cars with flatheads, chrome and stick shifts. Nifty neighborhoods and helpful, unwitting locals who point humanlike aliens to the heroine and local vistas. Plus a warm-voiced Grampa who always seems to be asleep, just awakened, yawning or giving detailed, correct directions to the villain who is seeking Grampa's granddaughter and friendly alien renter. Curiously, Grampa never asked for rent in advance? But what the heck this is the Fifties, right?

Derek who is the hero Martian is a bit stiff. However, Derek's nemesis, Thor is swift of foot, quick to ray gun anyone or thing (dog, tree, sideview mirror) in his way. However, Thor MUST hurry and scamper he does in this movie, as Derek needs to meet his Dad at the spaceship. Unfortunately, Derek had never previously met his Dad and that is a curious plot twist. The beard on Derek's dad is not to be believed as are most of the effects but this is the Fifties, right?

The skeleton/ ray gun/ defleshitizer twang is ahead of its time by about 10 laser years. So, one must give the movie a few points for a non-screaming manner of death and no need for blood capsules for the humans. Also, the alien costume is quite trendy and should be awarded an extra stitch in the rankings. The heroine is heard to comment plurally on her need to change clothes which means she had THREE costumes. Everyone else except Derek only had one costume. Actually , Derek's second costume was probably what he wore to the set. The reporter clicks a few bulbs on the all time low budget reporter meter for his hat which he never loses. The t.v. announcer rates a special mention as he continues to scare the woodangie out of the village populace with reports of invading, impending and impatient aliens with their shrilled-voiced uncooked mega lobster monsters who eat humans. A subtle message here seems to be that if you don't carry a gun near the monster, you probably will not be eaten. One could regard this as abstract pacifism with a dash of vegetarianism in this stretch of Cold War craziness. It certainly adds pepper to the stew of the lobster monster creation. Locals are warned to go to their basement or fallout shelters- this is the Fifties, right?

I have always regarded this movie as essential in the timeline of Fifties space invaders movies. Not a major league effort but a more than what you expected plot that intertwines invaders in nifty Mel's Drive-In costumes, exceptionally small space vehicles, stilted alien conversations and phrasing, Ozzie & Harriet neighborhoods, and an ending replete with a face in the sky reminding us that he will always be with us. "He" being Derek who looks a bit like Duane Eddy or a very young Michael Rennie. As I mentioned a curious mix of teenage love but only one kiss in the twilight, a bit of religious symbolism, real auto sounds and a screaming- no, make that shrieking crustacean given to weapon carrying villagers for appetizers. Never forget the light-emitting Ray Guns! What?! A movie that demands an imagination? No graphic violence? You gotta work with me here- this is the Fifties, right?
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Far Out
sol121827 June 2004
****SPOILERS**** With the explosion of youth-oriented movies mixed with science fiction coming out of Hollywood in the 1950's with movies like teenage Werewolves Frankensteins and Zombies a movie about teenagers from outer space couldn't be that far behind.

Landing in the outskirts of town a spacecraft with a number of the crew looking like they just came off the set of a beach party movie plan to release a horde of deadly Gorgans, a crustacean-like creature, that will grow to enormous sizes and devour the entire human race. Later the aliens plan to use the Gorans as lobster soup lobster salad and about a dozen lobster main course dishes to supplement their planets dwindling food supply.

Derek a sensitive as well as rebellious youth, just like the teenagers in many movies made at that time, gets very upset when his fellow spaceman,Thor,shots Sparky, a cute little doggie,who was barking at him and turned the poor pup into a bag of bones. Derek is also secretly reading "The Book",that has been banned by the Leader of his planet, and "The Book" is putting bad ideas into Derek's head of how his planet is being run.

The movie tries to be a little more adult then most teenage movies released at that time with Derek more interested in saving the Earth from the deadly Gorgans then wanting to party around and drive fast sport cars and make out with the girls like you would expect him to do in most teenage movies like this one.

The story is ridicules as Derek is being persuaded by his fellow teenager from outer space Thor in order to either kill him or bring him back home to the Leader. The leader we later find out is Derek's father. The scenes when Thor uses his disintegration gun to turn people and animals into skeletons and the sight of the deadly Gorgans are hilarious instead of scary as the makers of "Teenagers from Outer Space" would have wanted them to be.

The ending of the movie with Derek tricking his father, the Leader, and fellow spacemen into destroying themselves with him included was all too predictable and didn't come off as good as it would have if Derek were to be left alive with his earthling girlfriend Betty and live happily ever after.

You would have hoped that the heartless aliens would have seen the light by getting influenced by the loving and family oriented earthlings and thus be able to see the errors of their ways. Then they would have converted to become members of the human race, like Derek tried to do and become. But that as we all saw in the movie was sadly not to be.
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Behind the scenes story was even better
cessna150512 January 2007
Tom Graeff's entire film career consisted of this one film and work editing another. He shot it for $5000, performed much of the work himself, and gave his boyfriend David Love (Charles Robert Kaltenthaler) the lead role. Graeff was 28 and Love 23 when the film was shot. Graeff died 12 years later after an apparent mental breakdown; no one seems to know what happened to Love. Amazingly, Warners paid $25,000 for distribution rights for this clunker at a time when teen audiences were eating up sci-fi movies. More bizarre details about the film, including props and locations used, are at the Daddy-O's Drive-In Dirt website.
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"You are not familiar with the focus and disintegrator ray?"
classicsoncall31 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OH...MY...GOD!!! "Teenagers From Outer Space" actually exists and I just finished watching it! Now don't get me wrong, it's not a worst movie ever candidate, it's too campy and oddly entertaining for that. This is "Father Knows Best" meets "The Outer Limits" with no pretense to be anything other than 1950's grade "Z" sci-fi. In fact, there are times when it's played just a bit too straight and could have used a bit more tongue in cheek, but the goofy dialog in the second half manages to pick up the pace.

Alien beings from another planet land on Earth in search of a world on which their Gargon livestock can graze. That the Gargons resemble lobsters is no surprise, since the aliens look just like human beings with perfect command of the English language. Fortunately, no pseudo scientific jargon is offered to explain how this could be, a welcome relief from more "sophisticated" science fiction.

Alien Derek (David Love, short for C.R. Kaltenthaler) tries to save Earth from lobster fest and divert the ship to another planet, but his peers will have none of that. While Thor (Bryan Grant) attempts to track him down, the viewer is treated to just a sampling of the invaders' awesome power; their ray guns reduce living beings to mere skeletal remains. So devastating is the effect that newspaper reporter Joe Rogers' (Tom Graeff) response to seeing teenager Alice's skeleton at the bottom of a pool is - "Holy Mackerel"!!!

I was impressed by the advanced design of the alien aircraft, when the hatch opens one is visually graced with the futuristic technology of space age hammer and nails. NASA could take a lesson here, since they had to rely on duct tape on their last space mission.

The hit of the film though has to be Grandpa Morgan (Harvey B. Dunn). With alien murder and mayhem abounding, Grandpa's afternoon nap won't be denied! Awakened by reporter Rogers' arrival, he surmises that granddaughter Betty (Dawn Bender) and Derek must be off to the cave of the captive Gargon - "... that's where they must have gone, those crazy kids!"

"Teenagers From Outer Space" is no "War of the Worlds", but that doesn't mean I wouldn't recommend it. At the very least, "surface readings register above minimum requirements". What truly moves the film into science fiction territory though is Dr. Brandt's first appearance on screen - he's about to make a house call!
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Awful, but also an awful lot of fun
planktonrules3 December 2006
This is a crappy movie--there is no doubt about it. The acting is abysmal, the special effects laughable and the story itself amazingly dopey. However, this bad film also falls into the category of 'it's so bad it's good'--providing you with a lot of laughs due to its complete ineptness.

Let's start with the 'di-a-log'. Instead of just saying their lines, the aliens (most of which are NOT teenagers) speak in an absolutely silly staccato style--over-annunciating every syllable and sounding like a bunch of four year-olds who are pretending to be robots! Also, some of the extras (such as the doctor) are so painfully amateurish that they wouldn't have even been good enough to be in a high school production.

Now for the special effects. They weren't THAT bad during the first two-thirds of the film except when it came to the skeletons--this was pretty dumb. When the aliens used their ray guns, the hapless humans are instantly disintegrated and become skeletons. It you look carefully, you can see in some of these scenes that the top of the skull on the skeletons had been sawed off and there was a latch on the side of the skull--exactly what you'd find in a science supply catalog! Also, one time, the very top of the skull is seen and there's clearly a bolt on top--like a supply catalog skeleton! Also, every time someone is disintegrated, the skeleton is fully articulated--with all the bones connected--instead of being all disconnected like they really would be.

During the last half of the movie, the special effects hit real rock-bottom! In addition to the skeletons, they unleashed the 'most dangerous species' on the pitiful humans! You hear about it a lot and you don't see it until later. This horrible creature?! Yep, a giant lobster!! Yeah, they certainly spared no expenses here!!

Now as for the plot, as I mentioned above, the aliens were not teenagers. One or two might have been, but they looked like they were probably well into their twenties, but the rest were middle-aged. I really think the word 'teenager' was added to attract gullible and not exactly discerning teens to drive-ins. If you think about it, considering that many teens were probably more interested in getting to first or second-base (or more), the actual plot of the film was pretty irrelevant. I really couldn't see any adults or people with a working cerebral cortex actually paying to see this in the theater! Now as for me, I enjoy a bad film from time to time--and it's a great thing to watch and make fun of with friends. This film isn't quite as bad as PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, but it's awfully close!
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A film that is hard to watch yet hard to dislike
jamesrupert201412 July 2021
Aliens plan to seed our planet with their monstrous food animals (lobster-like "gargons") but sensitive space-lad Derek, conscious-stricken and in love with an Earth girl, rebels. Made on a negligible budget and starring Tom Graeff, the director/writer/editor, cinematographer, his boyfriend (David Love), and former child radio-star Dawn Bender, the film is well known amongst 'bad movie' fans, primarily for its amateurish acting and dismal special effects (especially the 'focusing disintegrator' ray-gun, the repeatedly seen articulated model skeleton, and the giant semi-transparent 'gargon'). None of the aliens look like teenagers (the actors were all in their mid-20s) but the film was released in the U. S. as 'Teenagers from Other Space', presumably to attract the teen 'drive-in' market and to cash in on the success of 1957's 'I was a Teenage Werewolf'. The core story, of alien exploiters who think nothing of exterminating all life on Earth for the benefit of their herds, is surprisingly sophisticated (and should resonate with today's 'colonialism-sensitivity'), which unfortunately only serves to highlight its dire telling. The cinematography (excluding the abysmal special effects) is quite effective and there is a certain poignancy to Derek's ultimate sacrifice. Despite the bottom-of-the-barrel production values contemporaneous reviews were surprisingly ambivalent - while acknowledging the film's abundant weaknesses, 'Ron' (writing in Variety, June 10,1959), comments that "while Graeff may not have made a good picture, he has made an interesting one that every now and then smacks of brilliance". Later reviews have been somewhat sympathetic, perhaps touched by the sad trajectory Graeff's life took after the film was released: in 'Keep Watching the Skies' Bill Warren describes 'Teenagers From Outer Space' as "earnest and awkward...occasionally shows glimmerings of intelligence". Likely the best known actor in the film was King Moody, captain the alien invasion, who for 16 years (1969-84), invaded our living-rooms as spokes-clown Ronald McDonald. All in all, like most classic 'bad movies', TFOS is awful but surprisingly watchable.
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This crazy stupid movie was out of this world hilarious!
ironhorse_iv6 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Originally titled, 'The Ray Gun Terror' and rereleased in the UK as 'The Gargon Terror'. This film original played on double-bill with 1955's 'Godzilla Raids Again' during its theatrical run. Directed, produced, & written, by Tom Graeff, the movie tells the story of humanoid alien named Derek (David Love), who abandons his crew, after he made a moral objection, to the idea of terraforming a planet of intelligent life to cultivate herds of lobster-like creatures. Having escape, Derek must make his way to the nearest town, to let the people know, of the oncoming threat. Without spoiling the movie, too much, while it's an alien invasion movie, it sadly doesn't have the funds, to portray that epic of a scale. Shot only with $14,000, a lot of cost-effective measures had to take place for this film to be made. According to some members of the filming crew, they had to employed many guerrilla tactics in order to cut costs. Some of them, kinda does works. Director Graeff's steady hand and framing kept most of the real locations of LA subdued, creating a convincing low-budget illusion of a small town. Yet, some numbers of tell-tale landmarks were a bit noticeable, gives away the film's otherwise realistic location. Other cost-cutting measures didn't work as well. About half of the film is supposed to take place at night, but instead film in the day. The reasons for this, was because filming in the dark, was a little too expensive. Another problem with the production is how the aliens' costumes were simple flight suits clearly decorated with masking tape, dress shoes covered in socks, and surplus Air Force flight helmets. Also, the use of stock footage, in lieu of real special effects and "looking" shots that replaced actual visuals of the invading alien spaceships, seriously undercut the film's ending. Props included a single-bolted-joint suspended medical dummy skeleton re-used for every dead body seen on screen, a multi-channel sound mixer that was not camouflaged as a piece of alien equipment, and a dime store Hubley's "Atomic Disintegrator" toy as the aliens' disintegrator ray gun, were some of the film's biggest faults. However, the worst prop and effect, for me, has to be, how the film could not afford to construct a giant lobster, so they film, a normal-sized lobster and double its shadow size on screen. Other mistakes, this movie does, is how Graeff used pre-recorded dialogue for several scenes and had the actors lip-synchronize their dialogue with their scene actions. It made for an awkward watch, when the lips don't match up with the words that they are saying. The film score is also hard to listen to. The film used a lot stock music that been recycled in countless B-Movies. Because of the limited budget, this movie looks really, really cheap. Since most of the budget, was supplied, by mediocre actors in exchanged for roles in the film. A lot of the performances in here, seem underwhelming. Main lead, David Love AKA Chuck Roberts was boring and dull. His on-screen lover interest, Christina Ricci look-alike, Dawn Anderson/Bender was just as emotionless as Betty Morgan. It is funny how, well, Betty takes the death of her dog. Bryan Grant, AKA Bryan Pearson was horrible as the villainous Thor with his dry Vincent Prince impression. Another jarring thing about the movie, is how none of the main actors, seem to be teenagers. So, I don't get, why this movie has that titled. Anyways, the other supporting cast was alright for the most part. By far, better than the three leads. Still, it's weird to see original Ronald McDonald actor, Robert Moody as the Ship Captain & Harvey B. Dunn act so dumbfounded as Betty's grandpa. Others problems, this film has is the pacing. There is so much padding and awkward repetitive scenes. Movie also has way too much plot holes to count, like how Betty's dog got to the quarry or how you can hot-wire telephone wires, with getting electrocuted. Also, how in the 50's, even the least qualified were allowed to drive and how Derek is a popular alien named. Plus, the tone is all over the place. Extraordinarily high body count and bittersweet ending does not mixed with good natured teen movie. No wonder, why this film failed to perform at the box office. It indeed, placed further stress on the burdened director who was already getting sued by investors, and in the fall of 1959, he suffered a breakdown, proclaiming himself as the second coming of Christ & forced into residency at a mental institution. He was released in 1964, to start a mail order business. Sadly, this didn't last long, as on December 19, 1970, Graeff was found dead, having committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. The reasons for this tragic turn, is often disputed, but many people believe, it was caused by forced heterosexuality on homosexuals by society at the time. He was buried, without receiving so much as an obituary. Despite that, his movie lives on. In 1987, 'Teenagers from Outer Space' entered the public domain due to a failure to renew the film's copyright registration. As a result, anyone could duplicate and sell a copy of this film. However, since many of them, come from extremely poor quality, having been duped from second- or third-generation copies. Don't be surprised, that the copies available on the market are either severely or badly edited. While, in 1992 the film was featured on an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, not to mention, a 2010's episode of Elvira's Movie Macabre were fun to watch. They were somewhat cut, to fit with the hourly run-time of the show. Don't be surprised, if you can't find, a full made version of this film. Overall: If you like cheesy 1950 low budget sci-fi movies. Then, you'll definitely want to add this one to your collection. Full of unintended laughs and 1950 camp. It's a good bad movie that is worthy of the watch.
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"You're from another world, aren't you?"
richardchatten14 May 2022
A camp classic on account of it's title, it's really not that bad; especially considering creator Tom Graeff obviously created it for peanuts (although his tin ear is evident from the fact he named his hero 'Derek'). The rather mature aliens use expression's like "man of surgery" when they mean doctors, and the swift way one of them reduces a yapping dog to bones with a focussing disintegrator ray made me wish I'd got one too.
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This movie is the prime example of 50s B movie sci-fi.
ChuckStraub4 July 2004
This film is a prime example of the low budget 1950s B movie sci-fi. This movie is the 50s and that's the best reason of why you should see it. Anyone who is interested in 50s sci-fi, has to see Teenagers From Outer Space. The flaws are so numerous they can't be counted, and the acting is as bad as the script. The only monsters in the movie are the Gargons, which are lobsters. Apart from these flaws, Teenagers From Outer Space is a fun movie. I've watched it several times and find it very entertaining. The alien's death ray gun is quite impressive, as are the scenes in which it is used. View this movie remembering it is 1959. I would think this film would have been quite popular and very scary back then. Sit down, relax and get a bowl of popcorn. Pop in the DVD or VCR and have a good time watching this fun, exciting 1950s sci-fi thriller.
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Aliens See The USA In Their Chevrolet
Lechuguilla8 December 2004
Aliens eye Earth as a breeding ground for their favorite food: man-eating lobsters. But one of the aliens is not a team player. His rebellion is the crux of the story. The film's plot at least has internal consistency. However, the lighting is terrible; the music is nondescript; and the acting is amateurish. But what really makes this sci-fi film painful are the stodgy visuals combined with an insipid, sophomoric script.

The "aliens" are just humans in spiffy jumpsuits. They communicate, even among themselves, in --- English. One alien is a sensitive lad named "Derek". Another is a humorless delinquent named "Thor". The town folk include a pretty girl named "Betty" who has a brother named "Bud" (right out of "Father Knows Best"). Betty lives with "Gramps". There's also "Joe", a young news reporter who wears a cheap hat that stays glued to his head.

And those cars! It's hard to take seriously a sci-fi film in which the main mode of transportation for ET is a 1952 Chevy! In one scene, alien Thor, in a threatening voice, commands Gramps: "Take me there. You will pilot the vehicle (a '52 Chevy). Go. Be swift."

Throughout, we see beings from another world speaking English, and cruising up and down Main Street in junkie, old cars. Where is the creativity, the futuristic vision? Where is the science fiction?

The real message of this film is love and sacrifice, a credible enough storyline. If they had axed the sci-fi theme and told a story about youth angst in the 50's, the film "might" have worked. But as it is, "Teenagers From Outer Space" is merely unimaginative, a description that fits much of the decade in which the film was made.
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Have you seen Sparky?
TheAngryRobot18 February 2004
If you like unintentionally bad movies from the 50's, you will absolutely LOVE Teenagers From Outer Space. First of all, you pretty much know what you're getting with a movie that has "teenagers" and "outer space" in the title...this masterpiece offers some of the worst acting, plot, script and f/x you will ever see, and all rolled into one neat little package. There is enough action and stupidity to keep you interested all the way through. Notice the voiced-over (obviously human) barking of the dog Sparky (RIP) at the beginning, classic. Interesting too is the fact that the actor who played the ship's captain (the guy with, not one, but TWO v's on his astro suit) went on to become the original Ronald MacDonald. I'm lovin' it, and you will too.
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in defense of 'teenagers'
cthuluflakes24 February 2006
'teenagers from out of space' has grown on me a LOT since the first time i saw it. true, it isn't a very good movie, but considering how they used what little they had to work with (budget-wise, acing-wise, etc.) i'd say this movie deserves a bit more respect. the effects were cleverly planned (if not well-executed), the fairly inexperienced actors weren't terrible ( except for TORCHA! guy, but he's so bad he's great), and it had a decent plot with a fairly atypical ending. (okay, there's no excuse for the lobster. the lobster was just terrible.) it's no 'godfather' (heck, it's not even 'cannibal: the musical'), but, in the vein of 'night of the living dead', 'teenagers' takes very little and makes something decent with it.
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ah, the many uses of duct tape
Oosterhartbabe28 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
so-called 'aliens' come down to Earth to populate it with their form of dairy herds, ground dwelling lobsters. The teenagers mentioned in the title are at least in their late thirties, and the 'alien costumes' consist of auto garage jumpsuits striped with duct tape. Their fearsome hand weapons, which can destroy everything but the skeleton(why doesn't it consume bone, as well?) of a person or creature, appear to be hair dryers. The movie does have a lot of skeletons in it, so they must have raided a medical facility somewhere("Nurse, have you seen my anatomic skeleton?"). One of the 'teenagers', a kid named DEREK(an alien, mind you!), doesn't like the fact that the lobster.....err...Gargon herds are going to multiply and wipe out the native species of the planet, runs away from the spaceship with the intent of warning the humans of Earth about their peril. The Captain of the ship, who had already threatened Derek with "Tor-chuh" when they got back home, tells the other teenager(who's a total psychopath if I ever saw one) that they must find Derek and return him, because unbeknownst to him(they raise the kids in cubicles on their planet-that's Dilbert planet, by the way), Derek is the son of their great leader:dictator, cough:.

Derek, loose in some unnamed town or city in California, encounters a jolly but rather stupid old guy and his granddaughter, who looks like she just stepped off the set of the Munsters. They take him in and give him room and board, even though he could be a serial killer and most definitely doesn't have a job or any money. Something in the water, perhaps? Meanwhile, psycho boy is on the rampage, killing everyone in sight in his quest to track down the errant Derek.

There's a silly scene where Derek tries to fight a giant Gargon with a non-functioning hair dryer....err...demolecularizer, and the girl enlists the help of the electricity company to divert all the power in town into the weapon. Yeah, right. If i called the power company and told them I needed all of their power to fight a giant lobster, I'd be in the booby hatch so fast it would make you head spin.

Derek thwarts the rest of the ships arriving with more mutated seafood aboard, after talking to his father the great leader( a man with a beard so fake it boggles the mind, who's wearing what looks like a bear skin rug over his duct tape jumpsuit. That's how you know he's the leader, right?). He gets blown up in the process, no bad thing really. Although the 'explosion' of the spaceships hitting the Earth is the corniest thing I've ever seen. It looked like stock footage of someone using dynamite to blast out some rock for the highway commission. The Munster girl walks away with her grandpa, and they never show you her emotions at this painful time for her. Maybe they ran out of filming budget just then? Wouldn't surprise me at all. Up in the clouds, Derek's face appears superimposed, making one wonder if he's now an alien angel. A teen angel, that is.
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Apparently there is juvenile delinquency on other planets too.
reptilicus31 July 2001
I first saw this film when I was only 7 and even then I knew there was something . . .well . . .different about it. For one thing those are the oldest looking teenagers I ever saw; then again all those JD movies offered actors who looked too old even for college in the roles of "kids" so we can't hold that fact against this film. The reason the aliens have come to our world is also atypical of 1950's films. They don't want to conquer the Earth, they don't want to re-populate a war devastated world. They are hungry and in need of a square meal and Earth is the perfect spot to breed the creatures they use as food! They call the creatures Gargans but they look a lot like lobsters. Of course since this is a science fiction picture, the atmosphere of Earth causes the Gargans to grow so large a single one could keep a Red Lobster in business for months! the effects budget was so low we never see the actual giant monster, just an empty travelling matte!

Most memorable are the ray guns used by the bad aliens . . .er . . .the intergalactic juvenile delinquents. As the original trailer said "They blast the flesh off humans!" and quite a few people get zapped into skeletons. There is one good alien, a sensitive fellow named Derek (David Love) who stands alone against his own people when he suggests they go raise their favourite meal on some other planet. Derek is unaware that he is the son of the leader of the planet, a fact which is not exploited nearly as much as it should be in this film.

The cast includes Harvey B. Dunn, best remembered as the police inspector in BRIDE OF THE MONSTER. Harvey was a professional clown and performed at parties with his trick bird (the bird appears in BRIDE also). Yes it's an offbeat film but worth a look. Get ready for a tearjerker ending that is telegraphed well in advance.
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LeonLouisRicci10 September 2021
Writer/Editor/Actor/Director Tom Graeff's One-Man-Show is an Easy Target for Arm-Chair Ghouls to Pick its Bones Clean.

But Like the Films of Ed Wood there is Something Here that Resonates. It seems to come from the Heart and is Honestly Earnest in its Intent to Entertain and Enlighten and all on the Budget of a 1960 Chevrolet Bel-Air.

The Look of the Movie Belies its Amateur Status. The Photography is Crisp and Clean, the Sets are Functionally Factored, and the Acting, well, the Acting cannot be Described as anything but On the Job Training.

The Film is Edited with a Fast Pace and a Feel for the Fearful Story of an Alien Takeover of Earth to Convert the Planet into a Grazing Globe for Their Food Source, Giant Lobsters.

The Nazi-Like Visitors are Dead-Panned Determined, but one of Them has "Read a Book" and Discovers the Evil of Their Ways.

The Highlight of the Movie is the Aliens "Disintegration Ray Guns" that Burns the Flesh from the Bones and there is a Lot of Bone Burning. That Special Effect is Effectively Efficient. The Landing of the Spacecraft SFX is also a Mysterious Effervescent Curiosity.

Overall, Entertaining and Endlessly Fascinating Combination of a Backyard Production that in the End is quite an Accomplishment.

A Ton of Fun.
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Well, with the right mind-altering substance....
jvance-566-2040314 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, it's bad, there's no questioning that, but as with the "so bad it's good" this film has a certain charm to it.

I saw this when it came out and it scared me pretty thoroughly. I was only 7 so maybe I had never seen a lobster before. Most certainly I had never seen so many skeletonized humans (the smoky one in the pool really creeped me out).

I look at it now and it's hard to see much value in spending the time watching. But with the ingestion of correct herbal or fermented substances and a crowd of like-minded friends it could serve for light entertainment.
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Random Thoughts on a Gee-Whiz NIFTY film
bok6027 June 2005
I saw this film -properly- for the first time on a finely remastered Triton DVD triple feature called Horrors From Space which also included Phantom From Space and Killers from Space (this last includes green tinted sequences, inserts and effects shots!).

I was impressed with the quality of the Triton print, amused by the poorly looped dialog, and laughed at the truly ludicrous acting -particularly Dawn Anderson.

David Love is the lone standout among the cast, with his 1950's handsome good looks and 1950's wooden performance as the alien coming across as somehow heartfelt and sincere.

The lack of any real special effects is impressive (not forgetting the shots of the ONE spacecraft) because it actually makes the skeletal disintigrator ray effects seem all the more startling and effective.

And who could ever forget -or fail to succumb to- the towering image of ---the Gargon!!! Yes, the Gargon! The silhouetted image of a lobster stalking across the screen in all its crustacean terror...

Finally, alert listeners may also recognize music tracks later used as the main title from Night of the Living Dead
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"Find Derek!!!"
kidboots24 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Written, produced and directed by Tom Graeff (ahhh!!! another Ed Wood) - fortunately this fellow was restrained and "Teenagers From Outer Space" was one of only 4 he was involved in. Juvenile delinquency is the same - whatever planet you're from.

Small town America is invaded by some angry teenagers from outer space. Derek !!!(David Love, who apparently talked the same way in real life, sort of slow and precise) more compassionate than the others (he is the only one who feels sadness at the demise of a little dog, Sparky, who was barking around the space ship) wants to find a better way of life. Unknown to him, he is the son of the Planet Leader - that is why he wasn't killed instantly for his treasonous remarks. Life on their planet, where the old and sick are put to death and children are raised away from their parents, is breeding a race of unfeeling brutes without compassion or love. Derek escapes into the night and the others have their orders - "Find Derek!!!"

Derek has Sparky's tag and finds his way to the little dog's home - where there just happens to be a room for rent and a pretty girl, Betty, (the beautiful Dawn Anderson). She takes him swimming at her friend Alice's house (a mansion, that was once owned by Rudolph Valentino). They quickly leave when Betty realises that Sparky has been killed. Derek tries to explain where he comes from and Betty takes him to Professor Simpson. Hot on their trail is Thor (Bryan Grant) killing anyone that gets in his way. He has a ray gun that reduces people to a heap of bones. He takes Gramps (Harvey B. Dunn) hostage and, after a shoot out at city hall, is shot - so he forces Derek and Betty to take him to a doctor to remove the "silver pellets".

The chase is soon on again. The doctor has given him a drug to incapacitate him, but a kindly old nurse unknowingly gives him an antidote, so Thor stops short of using his ray gun on her, just knocks her on the head and throws her from the car!!! At one point Derek finds a ray gun under a rock and says that he will "give the Earth this weapon to fight off invaders"!!!

I didn't think this film was bad at all. I found it fascinating that the three main characters didn't do much else after this film - "Teenagers From Outer Space" effectively killed off their careers. Dawn Anderson was very beautiful, I thought. She looked like Caroline Jones and I'm surprised she didn't do anything else after this. She was pretty enough.

Highly Recommended.
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Not horrible for a 'B' movie. ...
randawg7214 August 2009
I searched out TFOS because I heard that a certain toy ray gun was used in the film (a Hubley Atomic Disintegrator). I also heard that it had a low budget and poorly done, but I still wanted to see it.

As it turns out, it wasn't half bad. The effects were a little weak (as expected) especially the monster (Giant lobster) could have been done better. But overall I think the acting was decent, the actors worked well together, and the story kept me interested till the end.

Sci-Fi movies in the 50's were typically done cheaply, and were rarely supported by the studios. I think this one is at least as good as most of the ones I've seen. Good performances by the leads, as well as Grandpa, and the woman playing the nurse. It was cool to see King Moody (Starker on Get Smart) as the alien commander.

Overall an interesting example of a 50's Sci-fi 'B' movie, and in my opinion worth a look.

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A Tasty Lobster Thermidor
bkoganbing19 December 2011
I've heard of some devilish and sinister schemes by aliens in various science fiction movies, but this one really takes the cake. It takes almost the whole film to see just what the Gargons are. But as it turns out they look like giant lobsters. And what the aliens want to do is use the whole planet as a giant lobster trap, to raise them because they are a delicacy on the home planet, but they get out of hand. So find a suitable home for them where they can be raised and then taken by the aliens for a tasty alien lobster thermidor.

In Teenagers From Outer Space a scout ship is sent with a baby Gargon to see if it likes the earth climate. But a young crewman rebels because this appears to be a civilized planet and we shouldn't go around taking over civilized planets just to raise our favorite food. He leaves the ship and one of the other crew starts hunting him and killing a lot of earth people with a disintegrating ray gun that leaves only skeletons.

It doesn't help that our hero also falls for an earth girl, a typical Eisenhower era teenager. I think you can see where this is all going.

I've seen better acting in my grade school plays, the giant lobster creature is pretty funny and the film looks like it was shot with an old Bell&Howell home movie camera. Not to mention the kids are some of the oldest teens on record this side of Richard Jaeckel and Dick Jones.

It's a real hoot.
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lee_eisenberg15 May 2006
My 10/10 rating assumes that you're the type who's decided that you like "Teenagers from Outer Space" before watching it. It portrays an alien race coming to earth to let their lobster monsters grow and devour all humans. As an example of what these aliens are like, they have disintegrating guns that can turn you into a skeleton in the time that it takes to blink. But, one of the aliens named Derek (David Love) decides that he doesn't like their plans and escapes. Most of the rest of the movie has another alien looking for Derek while the latter hides out with human Betty Morgan (Dawn Anderson) and her grandfather.

Yeah, it sounds like your average '50s B-movie, but it's still really neat. One of the many movies that truly makes one nostalgic for the era when one could go to the drive-in and see these sorts of flicks, mainly because Betty was kinda hot (well, duh; it seems like all the women in these B-movies were). And I don't think that the aliens were actually teenagers.

Still, I can't quite figure out: why would an alien be named Derek?
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Good movie except for its special effects
ebiros217 August 2011
Obviously not a high budget production, but a good movie none the less.

I was surprised after seeing this movie how good it was. I expected lot worse after seeing the spaceship land at the beginning of the movie. Then a total surprise. The story is good, and acting was very good. Characters are fleshed out pretty good, and there's decency in people's behavior.

For a rumored $5000 budget to produce this movie, I can understand why there aren't any good special effects.

I came to see far advanced civilization from space, and found pinnacle of our civilization in this movie. Boy have we slid down the hill since this movie was made.

The producer obviously had talent, and I would have liked to see more movies from him.
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Rock Lobster and the Skeleton Crew.
hitchcockthelegend27 September 2015
An alien race come to earth with less than honourable motives in their genes...

Gargons Will Rule The Universe!

Ah, well, one needs to have a modicum of interest in the "Z" grade sci-fi schlocker craze of the 1950s to even watch this picture. To understand why it exists, with a knowledge of budget restrictions etc, allowances can be made. Yet it's so dreadfully performed and constructed it asks for giant leaps of faith even from the most hardened of cult schlock fans.

In truth there's only enough material here to have filled a half hour Twilight Zone episode, in fact thinking about the acting this would have made a good silent feature. There's some fun in the ray guns used, which reduce living beings to skeletons, and the flying saucer is funky, hell there's even the notion that aliens get horny as well. But come the time when the rock lobster puts in a show, you wont know whether to laugh or cry... 3/10
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danr5131 January 2000
What is it about this no-budget film that gets my interest? Sure it was produced for a mere $3,000 and the effects are laughable, but there is something that's actually engrossing about its storyline: Aliens come to Earth for the purpose of breeding their man-eating lobsters called Gargons. Derek, the young,idealistic black sheep, with James Dean pretentions, disapproves of his comrades lack of compassion towards the fate of the earth people, and goes AWOL to warn the unsuspecting citizens of our world.

Derek ends up in a suburban utopia, where everyone is sincerely kind and caring of one another (this must be an alien planet). He rents a room and falls in love with the local teen queen (who is surprisingly as UN-prima-donna as they come). Unknown to the hapless pair, one of Derek's cronies, Thor, is hot on his trail, blasting everyone in sight with his focusing disintegrater (which turns the victim into a skeleton). The aliens plan to return soon with a full shipment of gargons, and our heroes only have a short time to thwart their trecherous plans.

Ridiculous? Sure. Engrosssing? Definitely. In some ways the plot is reminiscent of TERMINATOR (I wonder if Cameron saw this in his younger years). As little more than a home movie, it's not really that bad. You could tell that filmmaker Graeff (who plays Joe the reporter under the name of Tom Lockyear) compensated for an inadequate budget, with heart, imagination and soul, and has produced a picture that has some surprising moments of brilliance. It would have been curious to have seen how this production would have turned out if Graeff had had a decent budget. This film doesn't lack creative inspiration or intelligence (you can rank it above Ed Wood or Larry Buchanan), but simply money. When it comes to the mega-budget likes of INDEPENDENCE DAY or GODZILLA - money isn't everything!

The performances here are pretty poor, but I came to really care about the characters. Figure that. The film also takes on a certain hallucinatory quality that actually makes it memorable.

This also has the significance of being one of the first independently produced films to be released by a major studio, long before Indies became a tired trend (I'm not much of a Sundance freak). Graeff originally entitled this THE GARGON TERROR and managed to sell it to Warner Brothers (no small feat, believe me). The studio, in turn, changed its title to the more drive-in exploitative TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE. One could tell, if they drop their prejudices and pay close attention, that Graeff was sincerely trying to produce a worthy effort. The man deserves to be congratulated for his attitude, even if the results fall short, due to lack of funds. He was desperately trying promote a stronger understanding between the adults and the kids, hoping for a less troubled world. How can one be faulted for that?

Naturally, MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 had a field day lampooning it, but I sometimes wonder what its producers and fans criteria really is? Is it all just superficial budget and effects with no regard for content? Sounds pretty shallow to me.

I won't recommend this to most, but if you put aside high-tech, you may want to trip back to a different era for curiousity sake if nothing else.
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