Untamed Youth (1957)
John Russell: Russ Tropp
Russ Tropp : I hate tramps--male or female. Now, get outta here.
Russ Tropp : Now what was this catfight all about?
Jane Lowe : Don't call me a cat!
Russ Tropp : You got a wildcat's temper, I'd say. I asked a question.
Lillibet : It was over my bed.
Russ Tropp : Get your clothes and get out! You're back to pickin' cotton.
Lillibet : Oh, no, Russ. Please! I'm sorry, honey, I promise you I'll be good. Please, Russ! I've worked hard for you! I've done everything I could to make you happy.
Russ Tropp : And another thing, don't do any talking--or bragging.
Russ Tropp : Don't you see, honey, after this harvest I'll be rich. And next season, I'll be wealthy!
Judge Cecilia Steele Tropp : You mean, we'll be.
Russ Tropp : Of course, I meant we.
Russ Tropp : Labor's so scarce this season. The other ranchers are beginning to belly ache. It's only natural when they drive by my places and see I've got crews at work.
Judge Cecilia Steele Tropp : Well, maybe it's be only fair to certify some prisoners to them.
Russ Tropp : Fair? Fair! I'm not interested in what's fair. Now, listen, you know that I spent $2,000 in the right places to get those county ordinances changed so that we could put prisoners to work on farms. I chunked in a big wad of dough to get you elected too. Oh, no. This is my idea. I thought of it. I made it legal. And I'm taking the profits from it. All of 'em! Who else in the Valley's got cotton pickers at 75 cents a day?
Judge Cecilia Steele Tropp : Please stay for dinner, Russ.
Russ Tropp : Oh, I'm sorry, I can't.
Judge Cecilia Steele Tropp : At least a drink, then. Your favorite, lover boy. Gin and tonic!
Russ Tropp : You came and I heard you, and I promise to phone our station manager in the morning.
Penny Lowe : I'm very grateful, Mr. Tropp.
Russ Tropp : That's not enough, Penny. There's one basic fact you've got to learn, starting right now. Life is a matter of horse trading--of deals--of favors for favors.
Judge Cecilia Steele Tropp : What you mean is you wanted to talk about Bob. That's why you took me out tonight.
Russ Tropp : No, baby, of course not. I wanted to have some time with you alone. Look, believe me, kitten, I'm thinking about you. But Bob's no kid. He's inquisitive. He's been around. Now, he's gonna figure out our set-up.
Judge Cecilia Steele Tropp : Set-up? Don't use that term, Russ. That's a gangster's term. What we're doing is absolutely legal.
Russ Tropp : All right, Cecilia. Now, we saw to that. But your boy, my dear, is a do-gooder.
Russ Tropp : Get them in the car. I'll handle these monkeys.
Russ Tropp : They're good farmers and they've got a fat crop!
Russ Tropp : That's enough of this nonsense. Remember what I told you, Lillibet. You're half way back to the pokey right now.
Lillibet : Cotton-pickin' creep!
Jane Lowe : Oh, save your energy. He's all business.
Lillibet : Yeah, all kinds, including shady, fishy, funny, and monkey business.