Collecting, Processing, Analysing and Storing Data/Information to Support Human Activities
Due to safety concerns as well as other restrictions preventing travel and gatherings, we will not hold an in-person, physical conference this year. IIWAS and MoMM will be held as virtual conferences in the timezone of Central Europe (UTC+1). The exact format and details will be posted on the website in the coming days. Various software tools will be utilized to make the event as engaging as possible.
The 22nd International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2020) is a leading international conference for researchers and industry practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all information integration and web-based applications & services related areas.
iiWAS2020 is endorsed by the International Organization for Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (@WAS), and will be held virtually from 30 November - 2 December 2020, in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2020).
The recorded keynotes and plenary sessions of the conference can be found on youtube.
The iiWAS 2020 conference proceedings are available here.
The conference program is now available for download here.
Program highlights
100 + presentations in more than 20 sessions from over 28 countries
Professor Liming (Luke) Chen from Ulster University, UK
Professor Dirk Draheim from Tallinn University, Estonia
Professor Schahram Dustdar from TU Wien, Austria
"Ask the president of ACM: What do we Expect from Future Computing Machinery" with Professor Gabriele Kotsis, the president of ACM
A fireside chat with Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK
The acceptance notifications have been sent to corresponding authors. Please contact [email protected] if you didn't receive it yet.
The regular paper submission deadline has passed, but you can still submit work-in-progress papers, posters and demos until September 20th. Please refer to the Show2020.
Submission Deadline is extended for full and short papers to 25 August, 2020 - 23:59 GMT (SHARP)