Addressing the gender dimensions of clean energy transitions
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While clean energy transitions can create benefits and opportunities for women, a gender lens should be applied to all clean energy policies and programmes to prevent any risk of disproportionate or unintended consequences for women.
Clean energy transition policies present an opportunity to correct historical gender inequalities present in our societies such as gender gaps in the energy labour market and in entrepreneurship, in energy-related education or in energy access. Additionally, taking the needs of women from local communities into consideration and ensuring their engagement as decision makers helps create clean energy transition plans that are sustainable and inclusive.
At the same time, clean energy transition programmes and policies can impact men and women differently. For instance, integrating a gender lens in the design of public transport or appliance energy efficiency programmes can lead to better outcomes such as improving safety and accessibility for women users. On the other hand, in developing countries women are overrepresented in the informal economy of coal-dependent regions and thus do not have access to the same social protection programmes provided to formal workers in these communities in the context of clean energy transition plans.
This event, organised as part of the IEA’s people-centred clean energy transitions webinar series, will discuss the numerous gender dimensions and questions at the heart of the transition of our energy systems. Drawing on examples and lessons learned from around the world, it will explore the following questions:
- What is the state of the art of research about the gendered impacts of clean energy policies?
- What are the key policy levers to drive an inclusive and gender equitable energy transition?
- What are best practice examples of gender inclusive approaches that have led to better outcomes for clean energy policies?
- How can governments and development partners exploit the job creation potential of clean energy transitions to enhance gender parity in the labour force?
- Which key issues related to the informal economy should be taken into consideration when gender mainstreaming clean energy transition policies?
Opening Remarks by Mary Burce Warlick, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency
Proposed Expert Panel Discussion
Moderator: Dr Brian Motherway, Head of the Energy Efficiency Division, IEA
- Sheila Oparaocha, Director, ENERGIA Network
- Sjarah Soede, Deputy Director Inclusive Green Growth Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
- Irene Giner-Reichl, Co-founder and Senior Advisor, Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET)
- Cherop Soy, Analyst, Camco; Gender Thematic Focal Point at SDG7 Youth Constituency
- Mini Govindan, Senior Fellow, TERI