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California Privacy Rights

Last updated: 25 March 2024 Version 1.2

This notice supplements the information contained in the IDC Research, Inc. (“IDC” and “we”) privacy policy and applies solely to California consumers, as defined in and in compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”), as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”). The terms “personal data” and “personal information” are used interchangeably.

Under the CCPA, among other rights, California consumers have the right to:

  • Request that a business that collects a consumer’s personal information disclose the categories and specific pieces of personal information that a business has collected about consumers.
  • Request that a business corrects consumer’s personal information that is inaccurate.
  • Request that a business delete any personal information about the consumer that a business has collected.
  • Request that a business that sells or shares a consumer’s personal information, not sell or share the consumer’s personal information.
  • Request that a business limits the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information collected about them.

Request categories and specific pieces of personal information we collect

The categories of personal information IDC has collected about consumers, the categories of sources from which personal information is collected, the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling (if applicable) personal information, the categories of third parties with whom IDC shares personal information, and the specific pieces of personal information IDC has collected about consumers, can be generally be found in IDC’s privacy policy. IDC does not collect sensitive personal information, as defined under the CCPA.

If you require additional information and/or to otherwise exercise your rights under the CCPA to request the categories and specific pieces of personal information IDC collects, please contact: [email protected] (or the mailing address below) and please put CCPA Request in the subject line.

Request correction of inaccurate personal information

Upon your request, IDC will correct your personal information that is inaccurate.

To request correction of your personal information, please contact: [email protected] (or the mailing address below) and please put CCPA Request in the subject line.

Request deletion

Upon your request, IDC will delete your personal information, and you will not receive any IDC products, content or services, unless you subsequently provide your personal information in connection with a new registration, or it is otherwise lawfully provided to IDC. Please note that your request may be denied if we need your personal information to fulfil our legal obligations and exercise or defend our legal claims.

To request that IDC delete the personal information it has collected from and about you, as described in the IDC privacy policy, please contact: [email protected] (or the mailing address below) and please put CCPA Request in the subject line.

Request to opt out of the sale and sharing of personal information

You have the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your personal information, as defined in the CCPA.

IDC does not sell personal information, as defined in the CCPA.

IDC may share your personal information collected by cookies with third parties for the purpose of personalized advertising. You can opt out of such sharing in our cookie banner when you first visit the IDC website. If you want to update your cookie preferences, please see our cookie policy.

Please note that IDC also accepts opt-out preference signals (“OPS”) as valid opt-out requests. Such OPS are respected for both known and unknown users by default in a frictionless manner (without requiring specific OPS implementation). For known users, IDC applies the OPS to users’ accounts, browsers, and devices. For unknown users, the OPS are applied to the users’ current browsers and/or devices.

How can we help?

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about Your California Privacy Rights, IDC’s personal information practices, its privacy policy or cookie policy, we encourage you to get in touch with our IDC’s Privacy Compliance Officer at [email protected].

Mailing address

Should you choose to notify us of any of the above preferences by postal service, here is our address:
IDC Research, Inc.
Attention: GDPR and Privacy
140 Kendrick Street, Building B
Needham, MA 02494

IDG Environmental Policy

International Data Group is committed to protecting the environment, the health and safety of our employees, and the community in which we conduct our business. It is our policy to seek continual improvement throughout our business operations to lessen our impact on the local and global environment. We are committed to environmental excellence, pollution prevention and to purchasing products that reduce the use of natural resources.

We fulfill this mission by a commitment to:

  • Encouraging all partners to share in our mission
  • Understanding environmental issues and sharing information with our partners
  • Recognizing that fiscal responsibility is essential to our environmental future
  • Instilling environmental responsibility as a corporate value
  • Developing innovative and flexible solutions to bring about change
  • Using our platforms and position in the IT industry to promote sustainability
  • Minimize air travel to help reduce our impact on the environment
  • Minimize use of materials and energy consumption in our offices
  • Create a working environment that efficiently uses our office space
  • Develop and maintain a hybrid working model that benefits both our employees and business partners
  • Encourage employees to measure, minimize and collaborate on reducing energy consumption at home and in the office
  • Engaging employees and promoting active participation in environmental and sustainability initiatives