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Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters to the editor are a forum for discussion, and reflect the broad views of Idaho State Journal readers.

We want our Opinion page to be a place where your perspectives are challenged. We hope you see things on the page that you cheer on, and other things that you disagree with.

We’ll prioritize letters that:

  • make a clear, informed argument
  • have a civil tone
  • provide insight on a local issue

Letters from subscribers that meet these requirements will receive highest priority. This is a small way to show our gratitude to readers who support the work we do. Without you, there would be no pages to print letters on in the first place. Thank you for valuing our work enough to pay for it.

We don’t want our Opinion page to become another Facebook comment section filled with name-calling, false claims, profanity and petty jabs. We run a professional business. If the letter isn’t up to our standards, we have no obligation to run it.

Each person is allowed one 175-word letter every 30 days. No title, salutation or signature is required with your submission. Entries will not be edited for grammar, punctuation or spelling; we reserve the right to make changes to avoid potential legal issues.

We try to run letters within two weeks of submission. During high-volume times, such as election cycles and staff vacations, publication may take longer.

Comment Policy

As above, we don’t want our Opinion page to become another Facebook comment section filled with name-calling, doxing, profanity and petty jabs. If your comments violate these rules, they will be removed.

Repeat offenders will have their commenting privileges revoked.

Whenever Dorothy Moon writes about truth (Ranked choice voting ‘truth’, ISJ, 7/13/24), I pat my pockets to make sure somebody hasn’t stolen my…

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April, 2023, NY District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted dj trump for grossly exaggerating the values of his NY properties in order to obtain lo…

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Wow! With all of the bad, evil, immoral, and illegal things that Donald Trump has done in his life and the damage he did to this country with …

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Record-breaking blasts of hot air are in the Southeast Idaho weather forecast. Paul Entrikin has just released his latest op-ed column. Coinci…

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Several of members Congress have come to the aid of poor “unfairly” convicted Trump. Speaker Johnson’s comment, “shameful day in American hist…

Trump’s own words and actions make him totally unfit to be president. He said he would be a dictator only on day one; another lie! He stated t…

Republicans are giving their full support to Trump since he has been convicted. They are “lip syncing” along with him calling his conviction a…

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I think it's time for Pocatello to return to a city manager form of government. Since the 80's when we changed to the mayoral system we have b…

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I understand that there are complaints about municipal band concerts moving to the new Lookout Point park in Old Town. I think some residents …

American Freedoms are on the line this next Presidential election. There’s a real fear that all Americans are in peril of losing our human rig…

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Whether you are a Jew, Catholic Protestant or even in- between, you have been created by the Creator. The challenge is to live accordingly and…

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Thanks to Brad Bugger and the Idaho State Journal for the wonderful article describing Layla's Journey and the Yard Sale fund raiser. We also …

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I would like to thank one of Bannock County's unsung heroes. Politicians make a career out of using tax dollars to undertake grandiose project…

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Should Trump loose in the upcoming election, he would again claim it was “rigged” and encourage his MAGA cult to commit violence because thing…

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As longtime residents of American Falls we are writing to express our sincere appreciation and steadfast support for Idaho District 38 Represe…

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Once again voting season requires the legal participation of registered citizens to save our freedoms and country from the attack by fractured…

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Across this great state of ours, Idahoans are considering who to vote for in the upcoming primary election on May 21; and the candidates are d…

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The Republican party under DJT was changed forever from the caring, conservative mainstream political juggernaut, to a dead water group of sta…

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Most of our friends and allies are holding their breath regarding the 2024 election with good reason. Many of them have, long ago, questioned …

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Republicans did some great things 60+ years ago but not much since then to preach about. What have they done in the last 60 years, specificall…

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If you accept the version of the 2020 election promoted by Trump and his fawning minions, then he has ALREADY been elected TWICE to the office…

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Rather than wasting time rebranding Pocatello, whatever that means, the city, council, citizen's, and mayor urgently need to deal with a real …

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The next Presidential election must save our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the freedom to be individuals in a united country of diverse Ame…

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By listing a criminal such as DJT as their nominee for president, the lack of respect that shows for American voters in Idaho, makes it appare…

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Holt Arena. I agree with the folks objecting to changing the name of Holt Arena to Idaho Central Credit Union Arena. It would be a slap in the…

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When deTocqueville visited our country as early as 1823, he noted how strong our individualism was.   

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You have undoubtedly heard how almost everybody, including congressional members on both sides of the aisle, particularly the right, have been…

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I have been greatly disturbed and angered by the recent botched execution effort by the State of Idaho and the Department of Corrections. The …

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Idaho state lawmakers, led by republicans, strike again, but in the wrong direction and place which is usually their norm. “Their” legislation…

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Why does anyone think Trump’s promise of a bloodbath, if he is not elected, is ok? That type of hateful rhetoric is how Hitler and his ilk tor…

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Not everyone who voted “no” on the NOV-23 bond was “just” seeking tax cuts. Expressing concerns about bonds should not automatically result in…

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Mr. Entrikin, you made a gross error in your article of 1-27-24. You put Joe Biden’s name nearly everywhere Trump’s name should have been inse…

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Rather than wasting time rebranding Pocatello, whatever that means, the city, council, citizen's, and mayor urgently need to deal with a real …

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The next Presidential election must save our Constitution, Bill of Rights and the freedom to be individuals in a united country of diverse Ame…

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By listing a criminal such as DJT as their nominee for president, the lack of respect that shows for American voters in Idaho, makes it appare…