Constitution, Bylaws & Resolutions

IAFC Constitution & Bylaws

IAFC Policy Manual

The Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions (CBR) Committee is a permanent committee of the IAFC. It consists of one representative from each IAFC division and three at-large members appointed by the President and Chairman of the Board. The committee initiates and/or reviews proposed changes to the IAFC Constitution and Bylaws and reports on the changes to the IAFC Board of Directors and to the IAFC membership.

The committee also receives and reviews all resolutions submitted by the membership and makes a recommendation on each resolution in a report to the membership. The committee then submits resolutions to the general membership for a vote at the general business meeting, held at Fire-Rescue International. Resolutions automatically expire after three years.

The IAFC Constitution & Bylaws is a living document that governs the activities of the association. It is reviewed annually by the CBR Committee. Members requesting changes to the IAFC Constitution & Bylaws must submit their proposal in writing to the CEO/executive director of the association by February 1 in a manner prescribed by the CBR Committee. Track-changed Microsoft Word document is preferred.

2024 Resolutions

None submitted in 2024.

2023 Resolutions

None submitted in 2023.

2022 Resolutions

None submitted in 2022.

2021 Resolutions

None submitted in 2021.

2020 Resolutions

None submitted in 2020.

2019 Resolutions

  1. Cancer Presumption Legislation (pdf)
  2. Rules of Engagement (pdf)

2018 Resolutions

None submitted in 2018.


Chief David Pennington
Springfield (MO) Fire Department

Chief Kevin Dean
Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (Nova Scotia)

Staff Liaison
Christine Booth

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