Mad About Humans Quotes

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Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac by Abhijit Naskar
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Mad About Humans Quotes Showing 1-30 of 82
“World in Peril (The Sonnet)

The world is in peril and security is out of the window.
If now we don't be humans, what's the point of us!
Humankind is in turmoil and anxiety is running amok.
If now we don’t be responsible what's the point of us!
Neighborhoods are wailing in fear and desperation.
If now we don’t lend a hand what's the point of us!
Communities are struggling in crippling uncertainty.
If now we don't break narrowness what's the point of us!
Nations are panting to sustain health and sanity.
If now we don't rush to rescue what's the point of us!
Nature is revolting to reclaim her kingdom.
If now we don't make peace with her what's the point of us!
Now is not the time for theorizing and criticizing.
Forgetting argumentation we must stand as one people unbending.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Awake and Arise my sisters and brothers to slogan for all of humankind. We are the light and we are the might that's needed during this ominous tide.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“One person's sacrifice makes millions wake up from their sleep of indifference.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Beautiful is not the one with an attractive body, but the one with a kind heart.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Only when the individual develops the capacity to look at the beauty of the mind instead of the beauty of the body, can the world develop the capacity to do the same.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“A nation falls not because of governmental atrocity, but because of the citizens' indifference to that atrocity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Du kan inte upptäcka nya vägar med gamla kartor.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Slogan For Humanity (The Sonnet)

Let's slogan for humanity above the cacophony of politics.
Let's slogan all together for the people and not bookish morality.
Let's slogan for humanity above the drumbeats of bigotry.
Let's slogan for the souls in misery and not nationality.
Let's slogan for humanity above the foghorn of policies.
Let's slogan cause we are responsible, not cause we’re aggressive.
Let's slogan for humanity above the siren of world peace.
Let's slogan being peace incarnate beyond all doctrines illusive.
Let's slogan for humanity above the noise of traditions.
Let's slogan all together trumping all worship of sects.
Let's slogan for humanity above the gunshots of authoritarianism.
Let’s slogan as just, free and brave beings, not loyal subjects.
Awake and Arise my sisters and brothers to slogan for all of humankind.
We are the light and we are the might that's needed during this ominous tide.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“The problem is not capitalism, the real problem is human greed.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Forgetting argumentation we must stand as one people unbending.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“The power of the universe is in your veins. So, when you are at your wits' end, for once let go of your troubles, and say out loud - "give me strength". It doesn't matter whatsoever to whom you say it. Just say it, because regardless of whether someone is listening to your cry for help, the universe inside your mind is always listening. And when it’s made aware of your desperation, it'll rush to your aid and fill you with vigor from inside.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Live Torch (The Sonnet)

Be a live torch amidst the darkest night.
If not you, who else will light up the society!
Be a living weapon to defend the meek in fright.
If not you, who else will guard humanity!
Be a breathing sword to scare away inhumanities.
If not you, who else will draw the righteous line!
Be a valiant shield to stand against atrocities.
If not you, who else will call that duty mine!
Be a daring drum announcing the beats of acceptance.
If not you, who else will be the emblem of inclusion!
Be a fierce arrow to penetrate the clouds of conformity.
If not you, who else will free people from segregation!
Be the liberating nuke that demolishes all dogmatic shell.
If not you, who else will burn delivering the humanizing kernel!”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“People are stupid at times, but guess what - so are you - so am I. So, let's accept each other's stupidity and fill in for each other's weaknesses - let's stand next to each other and become the strength to each other.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“You cannot discover new roads with old maps.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Be the liberating nuke that demolishes all dogmatic shell.
If not you, who else will burn delivering the humanizing kernel!”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“There is no greater beauty than that of the mind that runs to help those in misery.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Be a valiant shield to stand against atrocities.
If not you, who else will call that duty mine”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Secularism can no longer be seen as a mere philosophical word or ideology of the books. Let me give you a simple example. If you are thirsty and you drink a glass of water, is that act of drinking water a philosophy, or is it a plain, ordinary, necessary act of preservation? Likewise, secularism is no more a philosophy, than drinking water is. Secularism is an act of preserving humanity in the humans.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Sacrifice is infectious - one person's sacrifice makes millions wake up from their sleep of indifference - and in a handful of brave and responsible beings it is bound to spark the urge to sacrifice their own lifeforce for the good of others.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Debemos asegurarnos de que todos nos apoyamos mutuamente y que todos superemos esta catástrofe juntos, sin dejar a nadie atrás.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Nature is revolting to reclaim her kingdom. If now we don't make peace with her what's the point of us!”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Life stops not when breathing stops, life stops when action stops.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“The question is not, do you have conflicts? The real question is, are you aware of your conflicts?”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“We are the source of humaneness, as well as the vessel of humaneness.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Those who call you mad will one day worship you,
For no great achievement is possible without madness.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Those Who Call You Mad (The Sonnet)

Those who call you mad will one day worship you,
For no great achievement is possible without madness.
Those who laugh at you will one day learn from you,
For working through the laugh is a criteria for greatness.
Those who know not you exist will one day seek your guidance,
For your endless sacrifice will make you a beacon.
Those who find you absurd will one day bow in veneration,
For the absurd ideas take us to the most breathtaking destination.
Those who look down on you will one day look up to you,
For your sacrifice will place you on a pedestal of glory.
Those who are deaf to you will one day cross limits for you,
For your voice will echo in the hearts as a purifying symphony.
Those who see you inconsequential will one day pay you homage.
Breathe your mission, live your mission and your acts will forge fate's foliage.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“Whatever you do, do it with your whole being. Become one with that act. Forget thirst, hunger, sleep, sex, and give your whole existence to one idea - an idea to which you can boldly and unhesitantly point and say "this idea is me". You and your idea must become one, for that idea to become a reality.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac
“When the eyes are teary and lips are dreary, never consider sitting still.
Obliterate loyalty to atrocities of the norm waking up to liberationville.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mad About Humans: World Maker's Almanac

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