Op Oloop Quotes
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Op Oloop Quotes
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“The man of method may channel all his spiritual currents towards productive ends, be relentless in his suppression of predilection and propensity, but when accident upsets the flow of his life, he finds himself drowning in a sea of tedium, hatred, and rage.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“As has already been stated: some people's brains border their anal regions. Thus, their senses are dulled, and the psychopathological pestilence is such that the intrepid scholar-explorer inevitably butts up against a dead end.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“Thus, being the only begotten son of method and resolve, Op Oloop was the most perfect of human machines, the most notable object of self-discipline that Buenos Aires had ever seen. When everything in life from the important universal phenomena to one's own trivial, individual failures has been recorded and anotated since puberty, it's fair to say that one's system of classification will have been honed, condensed to their most perfect quintessence. Or else deified into a great, overarching, methodological hierarchy. Method's very greatness, of course, is revealed in its sovereignty over the trivial!”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“Whenever the mind tries to ascend into realms of new and sublime abstraction, matter persists and confines it in the cellar of habit.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“Skepticism was a drug for him. Life's vicissitudes had taught him never to be caught without it. A most useful drug, it magically invigorated his heart, transforming opprobrium into piety and ignominy into tolerance.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“Each man must administer his hatred cautiously. Mine is equitable. I distribute it evenly among those who are frozen in the past and those who perspire in the present. Because while the former are hemorrhoidal in their sensibility, the latter are constipated in the brain. And they complement each other by both betraying the law of life that demands the immediate defecation of all useless detritus, be it antiquated illusion or contemporary cowardice.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“His leap was exact, mathematical. The initial arc - head tucked between taut arms that spread out gradually like wings - was as graceful as a swan dive.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“A sudden and unforseen swinging of his head alarmed all present. He seemed to be trying to scare off a flock of vampires biting into his brain.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop
“Erik choked back the insult he'd been on the verge of uttering. Judging by his expression, it was viler than a castor-oil purgative.”
― Op Oloop
― Op Oloop