N or M? Quotes

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N or M? (Tommy & Tuppence Mysteries, #3) N or M? by Agatha Christie
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N or M? Quotes Showing 1-7 of 7
“You know," said the young man with enthusiasm, "I think you're splendid, simply splendid."

"Cut out the compliments," said Tuppence. "I'm admiring myself a good deal, so there's no need for you to chime in.”
Agatha Christie, N or M?
“You do not know the force of the German propaganda. It appeals to something in man, some desire or lust for power. These people are ready to betray their country not for money, but in a kind of megalomaniacal pride in what they themselves, were going to achieve for that country. In every land it has been the same. It is the Cult of Lucifer- Lucifer, Son of the Morning. Pride and desire for personal glory!”
Agatha Christie, N or M?
“—Tampoco creo, por mi parte, que esté yo dispuesto a hacer tal cosa.
Tuppence y yo no hemos llegado todavía a ese extremo. Los asuntos los
emprendemos y los acabamos juntos.
Al decir aquello tenía fija en la mente una frase pronunciada hacia el final
de la Primera Guerra Mundial: «Una aventura común».
Así había sido su vida con Tuppence y así sería siempre… «Una aventura
Agatha Christie, N or M?
“—Tampoco creo, por mi parte, que esté yo dispuesto a hacer tal cosa.
Tuppence y yo no hemos llegado todavía a ese extremo. Los asuntos los emprendemos y los acabamos juntos.
Al decir aquello tenía fija en la mente una frase pronunciada hacia el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial: «Una aventura común».
Así había sido su vida con Tuppence y así sería siempre… «Una aventura común…»”
Agatha Christie, N or M?
“To know when to use the truth was the essence of successful deception.”
Agatha Christie, N or M?
“we can win the war—make no mistake about that—but only if we don’t lose it first. And the danger of losing it comes, not from outside—not from the might of Germany’s bombers, not from her seizure of neutral countries and fresh vantage points from which to attack—but from within.”
Agatha Christie, N or M?
“Do you remember after the last war—when we were hunting down Mr. Brown? Do you remember what fun it was? How excited we were?”

Tommy agreed, his face lighting up.


“Tommy—why isn’t it the same now?”

He considered the question, his quiet ugly face grave. Then he said:

“I suppose it’s really—a question of age.”

Tuppence said sharply:

“You don’t think—we’re too old?”
Agatha Christie, N or M?