Prince of Fools Quotes
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Prince of Fools Quotes
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“I’m a liar and a cheat and a coward, but I will never, ever, let a friend down. Unless of course not letting them down requires honesty, fair play, or bravery.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Humanity can be divided into madmen and cowards. My personal tragedy is in being born into a world where sanity is held to be a character flaw.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“We all practice self-deception to a degree; no man can handle complete honesty without being cut at each turn. There's not enough room in a man's head for sanity alongside each grief, each worry, each terror that he owns. I’m well used to burying such things in a dark cellar and moving on.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“With Snorri troubles were always put front and centre and dealt with. My style was more to shove them under the rug until the floor got too uneven to navigate, and then to move house.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“I've always felt that the placement of a man's testicles is an eloquent argument against intelligent design.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“I was more ass than assassin.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Bravery may be observed when a person tramples one fear whilst in secret flight from a greater terror. And those whose greatest terror is being thought a coward are always brave. I, on the other hand, am a coward.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Life has ways of getting under your skin, spoiling your fun with too much information. Youth is truly the happiest time where we roll in the bliss of ignorance.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“To err is human, to forgive is divine... but I’m only a cardinal and cardinals are human, so rather than forgiving you I’m going to err towards beating you with this stick.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Battles are all about strategy, and strategy pivots on priorities. Since my priorities were Prince Jalan, Prince Jalan, and Prince Jalan, with “looking good” a distant fourth, I took the opportunity to resume running away. I find that the main thing about success is the ability to act in the moment. A hero attacks in the moment; a good coward runs in it. The rest of the world waits for the next moment and ends up as crow food.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Mountains are pretty at a distance, but my advice is to never let them get to be more than scenery.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Bravery is just a different kind of broken.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“You would think it best to save your breath for running, but I often find screaming helps.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“When you become a father, it changes you." Snorri spoke towards the fire’s glow. "You see the world in new ways. Those who are not changed were not properly men to begin with.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“I’ve always found hitting a man from behind to be the best way to go about things. This can sometimes be accomplished by dint of a simple ruse. Classics such as, “What’s that over there?” work surprisingly often, but for truly optimal results it’s best if the person doesn’t ever know you were there.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“And that’s how it is in this world, boy. Start a tale, just a little tale that should fade and die—take your eye off it for just a moment and when you turn back it’s grown big enough to grab you up in its teeth and shake you. That’s how it is. All our lives are tales. Some spread, and grow in the telling. Others are just told between us and the gods, muttered back and forth behind our days, but those tales grow too and shake us just as fierce.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“No man should go to Valhalla with brothel rash.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“We’ll have to get you a sword,” I said. “When funds allow.”
Snorri shook his head. “An axe for me. Swords trick you into thinking you can defend. With an axe all you can do is attack. That’s what my father named me. Snorri. It means ‘attack.’” He lifted the axe above his head. “Men think they can defend against me—but when I knock, they open.”
― Prince of Fools
Snorri shook his head. “An axe for me. Swords trick you into thinking you can defend. With an axe all you can do is attack. That’s what my father named me. Snorri. It means ‘attack.’” He lifted the axe above his head. “Men think they can defend against me—but when I knock, they open.”
― Prince of Fools
“A warrior fears the battle he missed. More than any fight he can make his own, he fears the fight that’s gone, that ended without him, that no feat of arms can change.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Dropping into a thorn bush can lead to no end of grief.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“It's good to steer a man in the direction he intended to go. It blurs the line between what he wants and what you want.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Part of the art of survival as a coward is not letting things get to the point where that cowardice is exposed.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“I always knew you'd try this Viking shit on me.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“It’s often said that cowards make the best torturers. Cowards have good imaginations, imaginations that torment them with all the worst stuff of nightmare, all the horrors that could befall them. This provides an excellent arsenal when it comes to inflicting misery on others. And their final qualification is that they understand the fears of their victim better than the victim does himself.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Cleverness builds ever more elaborate structures of self-justification.... But in the end you know what is and what is not right. All men do, though they may spend their years trying to bury that knowing, burying it beneath words, hatred, lusts, sorrow, or any of the other bricks from which they build their lives... When the time comes, you'll know. But knowing is never enough.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Snow makes a soft bed, but no man wakes from it. That was the wisdom of the North.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Yes, I should grow up, and yes, I will, but there’s time for that tomorrow. Today is for living.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Maeres’s companion, though, he looked like the sort of man who would drown kittens recreationally.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Enjoy the world while you can I say. A shallow enough philosophy by which to live, but shallow is what I've got. Besides deep is apt to drown you.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools
“Cold has its own taste. It tastes of a bitten tongue. It coils around you, a living thing, a beast that means to kill you, not with wrath, not with tooth nor claw, but with the mercy of surrender, with the kindness of letting you go gentle into the long night after such a burden of pain and misery.”
― Prince of Fools
― Prince of Fools