Dust Quotes

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Dust (Kay Scarpetta, #21) Dust by Patricia Cornwell
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Dust Quotes Showing 1-22 of 22
“You don’t get over it, I think. Some things you won’t get over, not ever, you can’t . . .”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“She can love one minute and feel nothing the next, not even anger or pain, because after a while those, too, will pass.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“Let's be honest, the world's always been a scary place with very little charm." I try to brush it off as I've brushed off the flu, as I brushed off the death of my father when I was young, as I've brushed off so much since Benton has known me.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“That’s one of the perks if you’re sick. You already feel bad enough and then people make you feel worse because they don’t want to bother you.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“Hate makes you stupid.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“When you dine with the devil use a long spoon, and I’ve repeatedly preached that to him, too.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“People fail, everything fails, the magic we’re born believing in and working for and then doubting and finally fearing eventually rusts, rots, fades, breaks down, withers, dies, and turns to dust, and for me the response is always the same. I clean up. It’s what I do and”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“When you dine with the devil use a long spoon,”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“both of us. “Who can keep track?”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“The word need is never good. I hope you never use it when you’re talking about me,”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“When what we believe we’ve mastered is no longer predictable we’re not fine. The world suddenly is a very scary place. It loses its charm.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“The abuse of power, Benton says. It all comes back to that. We want to be like God. If we can’t create, we’ll destroy, and once we’ve done it, once is not enough.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“There’s a penalty for trying to do what’s right. The dark forces don’t like it, and stress will make you sick.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“Then I will myself to feel nothing at all. It’s not helpful to react the way a normal person would. I banish what will interfere with my clinical discipline and reason, I run it off and far away from me. After all these years I’m good at emptying myself out.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“but those days of being too terrified to move or breathe were left behind in my childhood. I’ve been through too much and it has hardened some primal part of me that no longer panics.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“If my wish was my reality, Kay, I’d be sitting in the backyard in the sun, peeling an orange.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“You’ve been drawing from a well that you never knew was bottomless and you just found out the unlimited depth of inhumanity,”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“You know what Nietzsche said. Be careful who you pick as an enemy because that’s who you become most like.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“I will show you fear in a handful of dust. T. S. ELIOT, The Waste Land, 1922”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“some sort of psychopath, like a serial killer.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“A dramatic public display, Kay. The dam began to crumble with Columbine. It’s not new, just the classification is. People have become addicted to attention, to fame. Profoundly disturbed individuals will kill and die for it.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust
“People fail, everything fails, the magic we’re born believing in and working for and then doubting and finally fearing eventually rusts, rots, fades, breaks down, withers, dies, and turns to dust, and for me the response is always the same. I clean up.”
Patricia Cornwell, Dust