His Forefathers and Mick Quotes
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His Forefathers and Mick Quotes
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“Von Trotha said, “The Wahehe are a tribe of about one quarter of a million people! On the 17th of August 1891, they defeated the German expedition against them which was led by Zeleski.”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Adrian von Trotha was thinking, “Soldiers must obey their officers and I shall enforce that! As well, the enemy will not obtain any leniency from me!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Adrian blew his whistle and shouted, “Attack and put too death all those who oppose the fatherland!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Kurt said, “I have always wanted to wipe that self-satisfied smug look from the face of thee Prussian Pickle!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Acting Rear Admiral Gillet said, “Captain Scultetus, please try to understand that Britain and Germany are at war! The HMS Armadale Castle has been ordered to wipe the Swakop River Radio station off the map!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Heinrich replied, “The fact that Kramer’s radio station has been wiped out by the British Navy in now classified information!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Kurt, could you please serve this invoice upon the Prussian Pickle, the Major General von Trotha for the disrupting the legitimate working of F..H. Schmidt Engineering Services?”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Fritz Kramer said, “I cannot see why my treatment of my Chinese workers as equals should cause any German, American or British person any concern.”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Captain Scultetus said, “Sir, I am the commander of the Swakopmund Coast Guard. My name and rank are Captain Oskar Scultetus! I respectfully beg you not to open fire upon my city!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick
“Oskar Scultetus said, “Two of my men have been ordered to cut two of the guy wires holding the transmission tower in place, and they are already doing so using oxy-acetylene torches. When they have done it, the tower will fall!”
― His Forefathers and Mick
― His Forefathers and Mick