Angela Carmela

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Kafka on the Shore
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Tara Westover
“But I understood this one fact: that a thousand times I had been called Nigger, and laughed, and now I could not laugh.”
Tara Westover, Educated

Mitch Albom
“There was no one she wanted to see more. There was no one she wanted to see less.
"Why?" she whispered. "Why are you here?"
"The winds blew," he said.”
Mitch Albom, The Next Person You Meet in Heaven

“Working hard is important. But more effort does not necessarily yield more results. “Less but better” does.”
Greg McKeown, Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Tara Westover
“An education is not so much about making a living as making a person.”
Tara Westover, Educated

Tara Westover
“positive liberty is self-mastery—the rule of the self, by the self. To have positive liberty, he explained, is to take control of one’s own mind; to be liberated from irrational fears and beliefs, from addictions, superstitions and all other forms of self-coercion.”
Tara Westover, Educated

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Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
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