Richard Derus's Reviews > Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America

Demonic by Ann Coulter
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bookshelves: santa-d

This is one opportunistic, two-faced, idiot of a bitch.

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September 29, 2013 – Shelved as: santa-d
September 29, 2013 – Shelved
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October 5, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-38 of 38 (38 new)

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Nandakishore Mridula I've liked and flagged your review, Richard. Shame on you! Abusing a lady...? (BTW, I loved it!)

Richard Derus Nandakishore wrote: "I've liked and flagged your review, Richard. Shame on you! Abusing a lady...? (BTW, I loved it!)"

"Lady" is a term I'd apply sparingly to Coulter. "Female" is about as far as I think one should go.

message 3: by Becky (new)



I think I'll steal that for a future hate-review!

message 5: by Becky (new)

Becky It may or may not be her own... ;)

message 6: by Warwick (new)

Warwick I personally got a lot out of this careful analysis.

Richard Derus Warwick wrote: "I personally got a lot out of this careful analysis."

Ha! My closely-reasoned arguments brought light to the dark, roach-infested corners of Coulter's thought, eh?

message 8: by booksofthedead (new)

booksofthedead Wait... wait... isn't this an "author review" instead of a book review? *gasp* For shame, for shame! You're going to have the GR Censorship Mothership trailing you, now.

Richard Derus FREEBIRD wrote: "Wait... wait... isn't this an "author review" instead of a book review? *gasp* For shame, for shame! You're going to have the GR Censorship Mothership trailing you, now."

Oh dear. I've never been in trouble with Authority before. How ever shall I live?

message 10: by Sean (new)

Sean imagine being this triggered that you have to write a review trashing someone on a book you didn't even read. what a life!

Richard Derus Sean wrote: "imagine being this triggered that you have to write a review trashing someone on a book you didn't even read. what a life!"

Imagine being so triggered by someone else's ideas and opinions that you're compelled to comment on them disparagingly! What a life.

Richard Derus Edward wrote: "Richard, don't respond to this shitstain. Leave him screaming into the void where he belongs. He's really not worth your time. He's not worth the bones he's printed on. ;)"

When we get down to fat insults it's so not important to me that I can't even see it, Your Lornship. Thanks for being your usual class-act self, and remember the Alamo.

Richard Derus Edward wrote: "Yeah, you know you've won when their arguments devolve into making fun of your appearance. It's the tactic of the uneducated."

The low-class and iggermunt, the dead-above-the-neck, and generally the lowest of the low. So what's to worry about? :)

message 14: by Jayke (new)

Jayke Read this book then refer back to some of these comments.. Enough said
You don't wrestle with Pigs, You will get muddy.. And they love it.

Richard Derus Edward wrote: "Yet here you are Jayke lol"


message 16: by Jayke (new)

Jayke Excuse the divisive 2nd part.. That wasn't directed towards piglets ;)

Beth doesn't write  enough reviews Richard, Love the review! I am surprised though, you seem to think more highly of her than I do.

I do have a question, Isn't giving the book a rating and review acknowledging that she & the book actually exist? It's free advertising.

I'd prefer to pretend she is simply fantasy wank material for the Right Wing Nut Jobs that are so mentally and socially retarded they cannot get real women.

Richard Derus Beth doesn't write wrote: "Richard, Love the review! I am surprised though, you seem to think more highly of her than I do.

I do have a question, Isn't giving the book a rating and review acknowledging that she & the book ..."

I think making fun of risible, ignorant people is enough fun that I'll put up with that setback.

message 19: by Sean (new)

Sean Edward wrote: "My block list has grown a size this day. Thanks for outing yourself as a douchenozzle, Sean. Much appreciated."

no problem, fatty. nice jawline

oh wait

Beth doesn't write  enough reviews Sean wrote: "Edward wrote: "My block list has grown a size this day. Thanks for outing yourself as a douchenozzle, Sean. Much appreciated."

no problem, fatty. nice jawline

oh wait"

Exhibit A

message 21: by Sean (new)

Sean another glutton found

message 22: by Justin (new)

Justin aren't all the libtards supposed to be pro-woman?? Guess not if it doesn't line up with your ideology

message 23: by Jason (new)

Jason O'Bannon I would love to read your reviews of the books “Profiles in Corruption” and “Secret Empire”.

Richard Derus Jason wrote: "I would love to read your reviews of the books “Profiles in Corruption” and “Secret Empire”."
Probably not...the existence of a web of ugliness and greed in Washington is inarguable; that there are no rules for the Powerful is self-evident; and the only weapon the common person wields is the manipulable and fungible Public Opinion, while sad, is true.

So I choose whom I shout at and to what end: Conservatives need to shut up and go away, liberals need to listen to people not corporations, and radicals need to propose replacements for what they say they want to destroy before getting serious attention from anyone except law enforcement.

And that's a whole nother kettle of rotting fish....

message 25: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Isn't she Lyra's mother?

Richard Derus Stephen wrote: "Isn't she Lyra's mother?"

Lyra who? I'm confused.

message 27: by Anna (new)

Anna Kļaviņa Richard wrote: "Stephen wrote: "Isn't she Lyra's mother?"

Lyra who? I'm confused."

Lyra from The Golden Compass, I think.

message 28: by Anna (new)

Anna Kļaviņa Stephen wrote: "Isn't she Lyra's mother?"

: D

I think this comparison is offensive to fictional Mrs Coulter

Richard Derus OIC

Well, it went winging over my head entirely, sad to say.

message 30: by Stephen (new)

Stephen Anna wrote: "Stephen wrote: "Isn't she Lyra's mother?"

: D

I think this comparison is offensive to fictional Mrs Coulter"

Yep, probably.

message 31: by Nocturnalux (new)

Nocturnalux Coulter herself has disqualified herself from the debate of ideas when she claimed women should not be allowed to vote. Given that she is a woman herself, she shouldn't vote and thus her opinion is entirely irrelevant.

But I guess she's 'not like other women', oh not, women at large shouldn't vote but an exception must be made to Ann Coulter.

Richard Derus Nocturnalux wrote: "Coulter herself has disqualified herself from the debate of ideas when she claimed women should not be allowed to vote. Given that she is a woman herself, she shouldn't vote and thus her opinion is entirely irrelevant.

But I guess she's 'not like other women', oh not, women at large shouldn't vote but an exception must be made to Ann Coulter."

She's not even a good provocateuse.

message 33: by J (new)

J Sean must be a major dork. Most Shawns who spell their name wrong are dorks. Then he flings insults about other's looks while using a statue as a profile picture. Double down on the dorkery.

message 34: by Nocturnalux (new)

Nocturnalux Richard wrote: "She's not even a good provocateuse."

She is the female version of a shock jock.

Richard Derus Nocturnalux wrote: "Richard wrote: "She's not even a good provocateuse."

She is the female version of a shock jock."

...but pathetically bad at it.

Richard Derus J wrote: "Sean must be a major dork. Most Shawns who spell their name wrong are dorks. Then he flings insults about other's looks while using a statue as a profile picture. Double down on the dorkery."

Not really worth paying attention to, so I don't.

message 37: by Lisazj1 (new)

Lisazj1 Outstanding review Richard! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Richard Derus Lisazj1 wrote: "Outstanding review Richard! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻"

Thanks, Lisa!

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