Terrorist Quotes

Quotes tagged as "terrorist" Showing 1-30 of 146
Karl Braungart
“I must tell you, however, that if you refuse us, you face death.”
Karl Braungart, Lost Identity

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“They were holding their weapons but could not risk opening a window or exiting the vehicle to return fire. Then they saw one of their attackers pull out a grenade.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Karl Braungart
“I am not familiar with your personal lives, except to know you are scientists representing Iran.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“If you think this Dr. Williams’ files contain what we want, you need to find a way to confiscate the entire file. You must go to a copy store, scan the documents, and save them to a USB. Can you arrange to get this information after hours, make the copies, and return it to where you found it?”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“They are the tracking devices we put into their suitcases. We’ll be there in less than a half-hour.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“   “I have good news. The plan is a go. We can begin the project to get the nuclear energy discovery.”
Karl Braungart, Fatal Identity

Karl Braungart
“Pistols went under the front seats, and she placed a diplomat certificate on the dashboard. They waited until the men went into the entrance, then trailed.”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“He remained quiet, his movements studied. He was still not certain the intruder had gone and, if an attack was coming, he was going to be ready.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Karl Braungart
“Luma, if you want to escape, I have a choice for you to make.”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

Karl Braungart
“While they sat, random noises came from the electronic transmitter inside the office. They heard a door open, followed by footsteps on the wood floor.”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

Karl Braungart
“The sirens were getting louder as Damino ran to him, handcuffing Khalizad from behind and putting her in the vehicle. Together they lifted the inert Afnan and his cart into the van’s cargo space.”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

“My non-existence shouldn’t be worth more than your existence.”
Abhaidev, The Gods Are Not Dead

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Treason is a judgment based wholly on perspective.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Reagan took a half step closer, until he was right in his face. “When the time comes, they’ll give you up like a bad habit. Just like your filthy little henchman turned on you. It’s the way of the world”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“Sometimes I think you rely too much on friendship, Reagan. For all of your cynicism, you tend to assume people have your sense of integrity, but I’m here to tell you they don’t.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Karl Braungart
“Gentlemen, how did the Tariq’Allah find out about the weapon? Was it from sources in the United States or Iraq?”
Karl Braungart, Triple Deception

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“The United States has taught the world how to outsource war, which in turn has created a new breed of fighter. Trained in the armed services, they become highly efficient and highly paid killers.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Jeffrey S.  Stephens
“If you want to debate the morality of war versus terrorism, let’s start with how these conflicts begin.”
Jeffrey S. Stephens, Enemies Among Us

Norman Schwarzkopf
“I will confess to you that, you know, one of the statements that’s been attributed to me that I’m sort of proud of is somebody said, you know, “What do we do about Osama bin Laden?” And they asked me, “Can we forgive him?” And I said, “Forgiveness is up to God. I just hope we hurry up the meeting.” And that’s the way I feel about him, really. [8 February 2003 show of Meet The Press, NBC News]”
Norman Schwarzkopf

M.J. Croan
“The flaw in being civilized is that it permit’s the uncivilized among us to perpetrate horrific crimes against us in the name of freedom and equality.

Foreword 'RHG”
M.J. Croan, Right Hand Up To God: No More Will Die

Martin Amis
“It’s possible to be flippant here, when Jihadists fly aircraft into buildings they shout God is Great, what do atheists shout when they do it?”
Martin Amis, The Second Plane: September 11, 2001-2007

John Irving
“A terrorist, I think, is simply another kind of pornographer. The pornographer pretends he is disgusted by his work; the terrorist pretends he is uninterested in the means. The ends, they say, are what they care about. But they are both lying. Ernst loved his pornography; Ernst worshiped the means. It is never the ends that matter -- it is only the means that matter. The terrorist and the pornographer are in it for the means. The means is everything to them. The blast of the bomb, the elephant position, the Schlagobers and blood -- they love it all. Their intellectual detachment is a fraud; their indifference is feigned. They both tell lies about having ‘higher purposes.’ A terrorist is a pornographer.”
John Irving, The Hotel New Hampshire

Michael              Parker
“Gentlemen,” he said. “I give you The Eagle’s Covenant.”
Michael Parker, The Eagle's Covenant

Abhijit Naskar
“There's a terrorist in all of us,
as well as a transformer.
Decision is totally yours,
Wreak havoc or rise a reformer.”
Abhijit Naskar, Insan Himalayanoğlu: It's Time to Defect

“Your head is filling up...”
Matthew Sawyer

Steven Magee
“The USA reminds me of the school bully. Their school is the international community.”
Steven Magee

Marcos Orowitz
“Science, in its search for light, has been eclipsed by powerful shadows: corporations, creeds, and the dance of politics, where hidden governments weave threads in the gloom, serving not the dawn, but the engulfing darkness.”
Marcos Orowitz, TALENT FOR HORROR 2: Special- Madame Jeanne Weber's shoes

Marcos Orowitz
“Religions have held back the development of consciousness in civilizations throughout history. Thus, over time, humanity has been condemned to follow the rules of a game that has only benefited governmental, financial, political and religious systems. However, the new generations are breaking with this gap, freeing themselves from the chains and shackles inherited from their ancestors. In short, they are waking up and opening their eyes to take the reins of the new millennium. It will not be an easy task, as the ancient group still submits to non-human governments that decide the future of our civilization. No one can predict what will happen. But believe me when I say that this is only the beginning and that, without suffering, there will be no reward... ever!" From the book The Devil's Writer (A Novel for God).”
Marcos Orowitz, THE LORD OF TALES: The masterpiece of deceit

“Every scarecrow has a secret ambition to terrorize.”

“Israel is often accused of applying a “disproportionate use of force” against people who publicly call for its annihilation. What could be disproportionate when faced against such an enemy? There is no middle ground. There is no room for negotiation. Such an enemy must be destroyed before it destroys. A more reasonable question is this: Why isn’t it considered a “disproportionate use of force” by so many in the international community when terrorists bomb teenagers eating in pizza parlors?”
David Naggar, The Case for a Larger Israel

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