Right Or Wrong Quotes

Quotes tagged as "right-or-wrong" Showing 1-30 of 41
Chelsea Sedoti
“Choices, by nature, are not right or wrong. They are only different paths, all ultimately leading to the same end.”
Chelsea Sedoti, As You Wish

Toba Beta
“At war, there's no right or wrong.
Winner's right while loser's wrong.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

“People only hate the same things they do to others , When it is done to them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“There is no such thing as good or evil. Only what is kind and what is not.”
Me, Amanda

Dragos Bratasanu
“People will always tell you what they think you should or should not do. But your life is only between you and God. If you have doubts whether what you’re doing is right or wrong, before you make any decision, look up and ask God. You will always know the answer.”
Dragos Bratasanu, Ph.D.

Steven Redhead
“Being right or wrong is often judged by who wins or who loses.”
Steven Redhead, Life Is a Dance

“People choose to solve the person, not to solve the problem, caused by the person. That is why cancel culture, doesn’t cancel wrong things ,but it cancels people. It is because themselves are doing the same things, for they see nothing wrong, but the person who did them ,being wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“People throwing tantrums and fake outrage. Knowing very well that their judgment is not based on whether what was done, being right or wrong, but it depends on who did it to make it right or wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Seeing your mistakes, while you are learning. It means you are on the right path and you understand what you are doing.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Dada Bhagwan
“There is no such thing as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the world whatsoever. It is just the impurity of the vision. It is indeed illusion [mithyatva]; it is indeed a poisoned vision.”
Dada Bhagwan

“The danger of supporting or standing behind a person who is wrong. They will take your support as a confirmation that they are right and whatever they are doing is right. They won't stop doing the bad things they do and they will think that nothing is wrong on what they are doing or saying. Until one day whatever they are doing . They will do it to you or to someone you know.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Those who benefit from apartheid , will defend apartheid.
Those who benefit from corruption, will defend people who commit corruption.
Those who benefit from racism, will defend people who are racist,
and those who benefit from crime, will defend criminals.
People will defend anything and anyone, when they are benefiting from that person or system. Regardless of whether the person is morally or by law right or wrong. Whether the person is doing right or wrong things. To them , because they are benefitting. The person will always be right.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Some people are enjoying doing bad things and don't mind when some bad things are done to them. They don't see anything wrong .If no one knows. Immediately when what they do is exposed. They start playing victims, while they were enjoying the benefits of their situation all along.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“People in Social Media don't give other people space to change, grow and learn. One mistake they persecute you, if no mistake, then they bring your past mistakes to pull you down. We all have done things that we are not proud of off. At some time in life. In order to become a society. We need to forgive those who see the wrongs they have done and are making efforts to change and do better.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Social Media outrage and activists are selective. They bash , cancel and fight whom they hate, but protect whom they like. It is not about right or wrong. Who is hurt , who is in pain. What the law says or what really happened. They don't care about facts. They only push their own agenda.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Essi Viding
“it is not enough to know what is right or wrong, it is also critically important to ‘feel it’. Feeling for other people’s distress, finding it upsetting, is what researchers think is a key motivator of moral behaviour.”
Essi Viding, Psychopathy: A Very Short Introduction

“Anger doesn't mean righteousness. When you are angry about something. It doesn't mean that you are right about it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The world Is messed up these days because, It is no longer about doing something right, but It Is about doing something everyone Is doing.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Suppose you found a valid reason why you did what you did. Either It is right or wrong. Good or bad . Chances are you will do it again.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“When someone points out something wrong. Instead of correcting it. We are choosing to compare it with other wrong things done before to justify it. That doesn’t make it right either. Instead, we are pointing two wrongs things that had been done that needs to be corrected. If something wrong was done by someone before and they got a way with it. It doesn’t justify you to do the wrong thing to. Choose to correct your mistakes rather than comparing it to others.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“In a country where those who are committing crime are supported, rewarded, applauded and promoted. In a country where no one is arrested for doing wrong or for breaking the law. No one is taking responsibility and accountability. It will make everyone in that country to voluntarily participate in committing crime. Everyone will eventually end up being corrupt or criminals including foreigners. It will be a competition or a dare for thieves on who steals more and who steals better. People everyday will ask themselves why should they bother being good and not committing a crime, when everyone is doing it. Crime stats will be so high and increasing everyday. It is a duty of the president and the cabinet ministers in making sure the law is followed .If not everyone in that country will commit crime and they will be ok with it. No one will see anything wrong. That includes the law enforcement or institution.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The problem with most people is that they first pick a side. Based on which side they are on. Then they decide what is right or wrong. They don't pick on what is right or wrong first. That is why they have double standards, bias and are hypocrites”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Some choose to follow a member .
Some choose to follow a party.
Some choose to follow what is right.
Out of all these things.
One will make you a spy.
One will make you a pawn.
and one will make you a revolutionist .”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Your bad actions have more impact & damage than your good ones. When you choose to do or say something good. Few people benefit. But when you choose to do or say something bad. More people suffer. Before trying to make more people suffer by your bad decision making or actions. Remember that your actions in life are a boomerang. Whatever you sent out there will come back to you. That is why it is always good to do good even thou few people might benefit from it.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“When you say or do something wrong to prove that you are right. It does not make you right. It makes you wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Opportunists who are scavengers, always take advantage of people who are vulnerable and gullible. They are wolves in sheep skin. They are selfish , self centered and always manipulate other people. They lie and fool people to think they care . They always think they are right and everyone is wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Racist people choose not to see the wrongs or right been done, but they choose to see skin color or the race of the person doing that. If an act, behavior, or crime is committed. Racist people want to see the color of the person who did it, then they can decide if what was done right or wrong. Some will complain and say how bad or how wrong what was done, until they see it is one of their own who did it. Then they choose to change the tone or goal posts, and they start to justify the wrongs or crime that was done. Some people protect each other and hide every wrong and bad thing they are doing. Then they lash out, exaggerate, throw tantrum, lie, and fake outrage for the bad things done by others, because they don’t look like them. Most people principles and morality are racial, or gender based these days. That is why there is much wrong things been done and there is no love.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“You should be ashamed and be embarrassed for going into another country and commit crime there, because your actions can cost your country.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“These days people want to know your gender or race before they can say what you did was right or wrong. Your race or gender can make you be spared or being judged.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“Stop entertaining people who want to be right by doing you wrong. Who don't want to see anything wrong or bad they are doing to you ,but want you to accept their behavior as if nothing is wrong.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

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