Relationship Advice For Women Quotes

Quotes tagged as "relationship-advice-for-women" Showing 1-30 of 141
“Love is blind, and your blindness might have hidden red flags and glaring issues. No matter how wonderful you think he is, never rule out the possibility that there is someone else better than him.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got an Ex: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Getting an ex Back and Making him Realize What he’s Lost

“Yes, you have flaws, but you are also flawless. Yes, you have been hurt, but you are indestructible.
You’re a remarkable, phenomenal woman who is worthy of respect and love.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

Nitin Namdeo
“Relationships are built on love, respect, and honesty but they need communication to survive.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“No matter how intense your connection is, don’t hold back. Speak your mind and keep things real.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“When it comes to communicating with your partner, the most important word is: listening.”
Nitin Namdeo

“Although breakups are painful, falling to pieces also means that you can put yourself back together. This breakup can allow both of you to work on each of your issues. When you’re by yourself, you have the chance to make choices without outside influence from your partner. This will help you develop more insight into who you are as a woman and what you want from a man.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got an Ex: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Getting an ex Back and Making him Realize What he’s Lost

“A Girl with Game does not take classic revenge on her exes, we do not blast them on social media or destroy their prized possessions. Instead, we use our wit and charisma to make him suffer. It is true that the best revenge is loving yourself.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got an Ex: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Getting an ex Back and Making him Realize What he’s Lost

“Using your power as a woman is not about dominance or control over the man in your life. It’s about being observant and persuasive and nudging your man to be the best he can be for you. If you strip a man of his masculinity and opinions, he will lose respect for himself, you, and your relationship”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“A woman’s appeal deteriorates if she gives herself to a man before there is an emotional bond. However, once a true and deep bond is formed, a man’s affection for a woman is enhanced dramatically when sex is involved.
Playing hard to get correctly is the most effective way to make any guy desire you for the long term. It's not a secret. But very few girls have been able to master this skill. And the only difference between being pursued and being abandoned is understanding how to master it.”
Leandra De Andrade

“Dating is a game of poker. It's all about playing your cards intelligently, even if you must bluff about your hand. Playing hard to get is the bluff. Even if you want to throw all your chips in on the first hand, bluffing increases a man's interest in The Game. You keep the valuable cards close to test his ability to invest. It increases your demand in his eyes because he can't read your cards or your poker face. It also gives you a chance to see what he brings to the table.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“Confidence is the one quality you must master to increase your allure. And it all depends on how you think about yourself.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“Don’t waste your time with Mr. Wrong. There are many Mr. Rights out there who are real men who want a real relationship. They aren't focused on physical attraction alone and certainly are not interested in a woman sacrificing her physical health, comfort, values, beliefs, and self-respect to please someone else.
The right man is interested in a strong, confident woman because he knows she will bring value to his life. These are the only men whose opinions should matter to you.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“You must know your worth and acknowledge it. When you know your worth, a man must give you every bit of what you are worth. When a man knows that a woman values herself regardless of what others do or say, he wants her and he even wants to become a better man for her.”
Leandra De Andrade

“When you are dating someone, especially when the relationship is new, relying on him financially means relinquishing your independence. Single or married, no woman should be obligated to stay in a man pocket.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“The difference between the Huntress and the Girl with Game is distinct. A Girl with Game knows she provides something unique, while a Huntress doesn’t. Any girl can entice a man. But it takes true game to make him stay. A Girl with Game stands out from the Huntress who only attracts men with her sexuality.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“There’s no denying that men and women are different. But as gender equality increases, our awareness of important differences between the sexes decreases. Our way of life demands a woman to do it all and be it all. But I believe if women knew and understood the differences between men and women, we would have the upper hand in relationships.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“A Girl with Game knows that she must be a challenge from day one. She makes sure he is the one chasing her. She doesn’t ask for his number and she doesn’t sit by the phone waiting for his call. When the relationship is new, it’s fundamental for a man to prove himself worthy of a woman’s affection, but also for a woman to show a man that she is a woman of value.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“The upside is that every rejection you face will ultimately redirect you to someone better. If a man stops pursuing you after the first couple of dates, he’s saved you from more hurt and anger if you had made an investment.

When the shame of rejection passes, you will realize that being ignored was a lucky break. A Girl with Game doesn’t settle. She waits for a man to pursue her and sweep her off her feet.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

“You wanna know why it’s not changing with them? What you condone, by default, you empower.”
Zara Hairston

Nitin Namdeo
“The major cause of conflict in any relationship is not lack of communication but poor communication.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“The best relationships are ones in which communication is the lubricant, and the heart is the engine.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“The best thing you can do for your relationship is to communicate openly and honestly.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“A good relationship requires good communication. You’ll always find yourself in a fight if you don’t communicate properly.”
nitin namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Good communication with your partner is not just an exchange of information but an exchange of feelings.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Relationships are made up of communication, not just of words but also actions.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Nothing makes a relationship better than communication. So make sure you tell your significant other how much they mean to you, ALWAYS.”
Nitin Namdeo

“Chance encounters can bring two people together, but it is ultimately up to those individuals to maintain a relationship and make it work.”
Sanjeev Himachali

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