Quotes For Writers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quotes-for-writers" Showing 1-30 of 30
Stephen        King
“This is a short book because most books about writing are filled with bullshit. Fiction writers, present company included, don't understand very much about what they do -- not why it works when it's good, not why it doesn't when it's bad. I figured the shorter the book, the less bullshit."
Stephen King, On Writing
Stephen King

Ray Bradbury
“A story should be like a river, flowing and never stopping, your readers passengers on a boat, whirling downstream through constantly refreshing and changing scemery.”
Ray Bradbury

“Although some popular religious texts such as the New Testament, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Tao Te Ching, or Tibetan Book of the Dead contain interesting insights and stories, it is the Jewish religious texts such as the Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) that contain valuable information on acquiring wealth.”
H.W. Charles, The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code

Jack Kerouac
“The innumerable worlds in the Milky Way, words.”
Jack Kerouac, The Dharma Bums

Stalina Goodwin
“You must remember that your story matters. What you write has the power to save a life, sometimes that life is your own.”
Stalina Goodwin, Make It Write!: Put Your Pain To Work Writing Journal

Claire Wingfield
“There's magic in the unknown; a brooding fertility in the unknowable that can work on the reader's imagination long after a book is finished.”
Claire Wingfield, 52 Dates for Writers - Ride a Tandem, Assume an Alias, and 50 Other Ways to Improve Your Novel Draft

“I never write the storyline ahead of the novel and stick to it like glue. I prefer my writing to be organic. It takes on a life of it's own.”

Rusty Blackwood
“No-one knows your mind better than you do.”
Rusty Blackwood

“We are writers, my love. We don't cry. We bleed on paper.”

Flannery O'Connor
“Tell The Reader To Go Jump In The Lake
The writer is only free when he can tell the reader to go jump in the lake.
You want, of course, to get what you have to show across to him, but whether he likes it or not is no concern of the writer.
~Flannery O'Connor”
Flannery O'Connor

“Yes the sex scenes are explicit but we all love the dirty bits!”

“My novels are written in first person so you can feel the emotion of the character.”

Rusty Blackwood
“The words that come out of your imagination are your own - just be sure they are.”
Rusty Blackwood

Jeanette LeBlanc
“You can choose a love and a life that does not break you. You can claim a softer beauty and a kinder want. Even your animal hunger can soften its rough edges and say a full-throated yes to what is good and kind and holy. Know that insanity is not a prerequisite for passion and that there is another pathway to your art, one that does not demand your pain as payment for its own becoming. Love, it doesn’t have to hurt anymore.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

“Write for the love of storytelling, not the acclaim.”

“I keep the description basic as it allows you to mould the story around your life.”

“When the author is not traveling, he works at an L-shaped desk, which affords a view north through a large sunny window. He writes everything on an electric typewriter because "it has to be a book from the first day," he explains. He has no daily routine because of all the traveling he does, but follows a very disciplined writing process. He writes each page six times, then places it in a three-ring binder with a DePauw University cover ("a talisman," he calls this memento from his alma mater). When he feels that he has gotten a page just right, he takes out another 20 words. "After a year, I've come to the end. Then I'll take this first chapter, and without rereading it, I'll throw it away and write the chapter that goes at the beginning. Because the first chapter is the last chapter in disguise." He always hands in a completed manuscript, and his editor is his first reader.”
Jennifer M. Brown

“You can sleep peacefully if you realize that you will never be able to wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.”
Nitin G Thomas

“God wants us to rise up and take our place as the one raised by God in a time such as this. I strongly believe there’s no better time that now that the families, organizations and nations of the world need leaders who will rise up because they believe they have been anointed for conquest.”
Benjamin Suulola

“A pen name is a nickname.”
Adrienne Posey

“Writing is where the soul speaks.”
Adrienne Posey

“Let me hear you write.”
Adrienne Posey

“Let me feel you write.”
Adrienne Posey

“Go into the writing.”
Adrienne Posey

Virginia Woolf
“Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written in his works.”
Virginia Woolf

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Dear Writer,
Sometimes we treat the negative voices in your head - the ones who say we can’t do this writing thing, we’re not as good as so-and-so, nobody will read what we write - as if they are voices that deserve respect.

As if they speak from some great authority & know what is true.

As if they don’t take our silence as tacit acceptance of their whispers to hammer away at our deepest insecurities.

To hell with that.

You tell that voice that she’s had her turn, it’s no longer her time. It’s time to shut the hell up & be quiet for once. Life is too short - & your art too precious - to waste it on bullies.

Make no mistake, she IS a bully. Ignoring bullies makes them louder, more insistent on getting in your face & shutting you down.

No more.

Fact. Bullies don’t speak truth from a place of power, but they are really good at convincing us that they do.

They actually just hone in on our weaknesses with extraordinary precision and speak lies from a place of false bravado.

They expect us not to talk back, gain their power by our acceptance of their words. When we don’t speak they take that as permission to get louder.

Not this time.

This time you stop & write down what the voice is saying. Then you cross that shit out with the biggest, blackest marker you can find and tell her she needs to listen.

This time, you talk back, draw yourself up to the fullness of your power. Root down into the depth of your truth. Coax that flame in your belly until you feel it fire up your whole being.
Then you tell her YOUR truth. In writing, so it won’t be forgotten.

Tell her she’s wasting time. That you’ve got art to make. That you’re done with her lies & attempts to undermine your power & silence the stories that live inside you. Tell her whatever the hell you want, but do it with all of you. Be willing to go past what you even believe and have your own back this time. Write exactly the words you need to say, which also happen to be exactly the words that you need to hear.

And then be done with it. And write. After all, that voice wouldn’t ever be this loud if she didn’t know you had something important to say.

So say it, writer. The world is waiting for you.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Create a new narrative.
Interrupt the pattern.
Take back the pen.
Reclaim ownership of the story.

You—and only you—get to decide how the next chapter is written.

Write it all down.
The mistakes and the blessings and the places you cracked in two.
Write the prayers and the tantrums.
The sacred and the profane.
The open roads and the closed doors.

Nothing is permanent.
Erase what does not fit.
Cross it out.
Write on top of the lines that no longer serve, fifty times over if you want.

Remember, the only one who can write the next part of your story is you.”
Jeanette LeBlanc