Quarantine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quarantine" Showing 1-30 of 115
Nelou Keramati
“Ignorance does not make you fireproof when the world is burning.”
Nelou Keramati

Kristen Radtke
“Loneliness if often exacerbated by a perception that one is lonely while everyone else is connected. It's exaggerated by a sensation of being outside something that others seem to be in on: a family, a couple, a friendship, a joke.
Perhaps now we can learn how flawed that kind of thinking is, because loneliness is one of the most universal things any person can feel.”
Kristen Radtke, Seek You: A Journey Through American Loneliness

Louis Yako
“The AIDS pandemic forced humans to cover their genitals with condoms. The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing them to put on masks. It is as if many people weren’t already going through life putting on a million masks and changing them based on convenience and self-interest. It is as if countless humans on this planet weren’t already forced to keep their mouths shut and endure the misfortunes imposed on them by the ‘fortunate’ few. I wonder which body part we will be forced to cover next. I wonder if, in the first place, all of this is happening because our eyes were covered all along. Are we heading to a time when staying safe becomes akin to a death sentence with stay of execution?”
Louis Yako

Steve Maraboli
“2020… Many households went from, “It’s great to get this time together!” to, “Why are you chewing so loud?”
Steve Maraboli

Marieke Nijkamp
“Lockdown might be great if we all lived in a future with replicators and emergency medical holograms and shit, but we're not there yet.”
Marieke Nijkamp, At the End of Everything

Kristian Ventura
“You walk around your kitchen and bedroom looking for something to do. You can—no. You did that yesterday. What is there? It seems what is harder than a hard life is an easy one.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

Jasleen Kaur Gumber
“No one gets fridge magnets for the travel this summer,
because this season we have gone too far.
And for all the trips you make inwards,
there are no souvenirs and no postcards.”
Jasleen Kaur Gumber, Ginger and Honey: An unusual free verse poetry collection

“If you had two weeks to live. How would you treat people and will you speak to people? Government is preparing graveyard. Hospitals are preparing beds. You should be preparing yourself, wash your hands, use your masks, social distance yourself and set your record straight with you maker. Because no one knows the day nor the hour. Matthew 24:36”

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Sometimes, if only in your mind and regardless of what others think, you must live beyond the fence and know your shit is way too sick to ever be quarantined.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

James Hauenstein
“Department stores have come out with a new size for their clothing line that fits me perfectly. The label reads, XXL-LOL!”
James Hauenstein

Elena Greyrock
“Passion is contagious...”
Elena Greyrock, Six Feet Apart: Love in Quarantine

Anne Frank
“You couldn't do this and you couldn't do that, but life went on.”
Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Jasmin Darznik
“Live every day as if you might be struck blind--that was the rule I made for myself now. In those first few days after the quarantine was lifted, we went around marveling at the smallest things, as if the Spanish flu had rendered us all blind & we'd suddenly gained our sight again. Every detail seemed suddenly as sharp as if seen for the first time. Life returned to SF, and it had never been more precious.”
Jasmin Darznik, The Bohemians

Matthew McConaughey
“Both of these red lights forced us inward, literally quarantined us to search our souls for a better way forward. In doing so, we took inventory of our lives and who we are in them—what we care about, what our priorities are, what matters.”
Matthew McConaughey, Greenlights

Oscar Wilde
“I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person.”

“If we are going to die from Corona, It will be because of our ignorance and foolishness. We don’t take things serious. We don’t follow the rules on how to save ourselves from corona. We think Corona is a scam. We are doing the things that we were told not to do ,to avoid the spread of corona. We think we are right by doing wrong things.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Thomas Merton
“The whole business was so completely unthinkable that my mind, like almost all the other minds that were in the same situation, simply stopped trying to cope with it, and refixed its focus on the ordinary routine of life.”
Thomas Merton, The Seven Storey Mountain

Fernando Pessoa
“Quando se sente de mais, o Tejo é Atlântico sem número, e Cacilhas outro continente, ou até outro universo.”
Fernando Pessoa, Livro do Desassossego

Jean Baudrillard
“One of the signs of this [screen] promiscuity is the compulsion of confinement which we see flourishing everywhere - whether it is like the confinement seen in Loft Story or that of an island, a gated community, a luxury ghetto, or any space where people recreate in an experimental nest or privileged zone - some sort of equivalent space of initiation where the laws of open society are abolished. It is no longer about protecting a symbolic territory but of closing oneself off with one’s own self-image, to live promiscuously with it as in a nest, in an incestuous complicity with it and with all the effects of transparency and feedback images which are those of a total screen, no longer having anything to do with others but via the relationship of image-to-image.”
Jean Baudrillard, Telemorphosis

Eric Overby
“Buy the toilet paper;
Bye to the life you knew before;
By tomorrow,
The storefronts will be closed down.”
Eric Overby, Legacy

Clarice Lispector
“Diga-me por favor que horas são para
eu saber que estou vivendo nesta hora. A criatividade é desencadeada por um germe e eu não tenho hoje esse germe mas tenho incipiente a loucura que em si mesma é criação
válida. Nada mais tenho a ver com a validez das coisas. Estou liberta ou perdida.”
Clarice Lispector, Onde Estivestes de Noite

Clarice Lispector
“Diga-me por favor que horas são para eu saber que estou vivendo nesta hora. A criatividade é desencadeada por um germe e eu não tenho hoje esse germe mas tenho incipiente a loucura que em si mesma é criação válida. Nada mais tenho a ver com a validez das coisas. Estou liberta ou perdida.”
Clarice Lispector, Onde Estivestes de Noite

Susan Kraus
“In the last two months, Mike had seen her at her worst. They’d ‘Zoomed’ through her snot-dripping crying jags of hopeless angst, and post-paper-writing-all-nighters when she hadn't taken a shower in two days and was sure she smelled all the way to Florida.”
Susan Kraus, When We Lost Touch

Susan Kraus
“If they want me to work remotely,' Molly had said after just one week of the new system, 'they damn well better come up with a remote location. Like, maybe, the roof? And send over a homework fairy while they’re at it.”
Susan Kraus, When We Lost Touch

Susan Kraus
“Grace told her to stock up on toilet paper, that she’d read there might be a shortage. Toilet paper? Seriously? Sometimes her mother was so over the-top in the worry department.”
Susan Kraus, When We Lost Touch

Chris von Csefalvay
“The small town of Gunnison, Colorado, lies at the bottom of the valley carved by the Gunnison River into the Rocky Mountains. It is now crossed by the Colorado stretch of U.S. Highway 50, but in 1918, the town was mainly supplied by train and two at best mediocre roads. When the 1918–19 influenza pandemic reached Colorado as an unwelcome stowaway on a train carrying servicemen from Montana to Boulder, the town of Gunnison took decisive action. As the November 1, 1918, edition of the Gunnison News-Champion documents, a Dr. Rockefeller from the nearby town of Crested Butte was "given entire charge of both towns and county to enforce a quarantine against all the world".

He instituted a strict reverse quarantine regime that almost entirely isolated Gunnison from the rest of the world. Gunnison became one of the few communities that largely escaped the ravages of the influenza pandemic, at least in the beginning – in an instructive example of the limited human patience for the social, psychological and economic disruption of quarantine, adherence eventually waned and the front page of the Gunnison News-Champion's March 14, 1919, issue reports that the influenza pandemic got to Gunnison, too. Nevertheless, Gunnison had a very lucky escape – of a population of over 6,900 (including the county), there were only a few cases and a single death.”
Chris von Csefalvay, Computational Modeling of Infectious Disease: With Applications in Python

Alan E. Nourse
“An upsurge in new cases, the highest number for one twenty-four-hour period yet, and an alarming rise in the contact curve. People who hadn’t been hit were getting bold. They were getting bored, going next door to talk to the neighbors, thinking things weren’t really that bad, gravitating back toward normalcy. Several shopkeepers opened their stores, defied the police to send them home, claiming the whole thing was blown out of proportion. They found out, soon enough, but by then other cases were breaking discipline. Another day, another big rise in new cases and a doubling of contacts.”
Alan E. Nourse, The Fourth Horseman

Curtis Sittenfeld
“I sometimes used to wish I could hit pause for six months or a year and now it’s like the universe called my bluff.”
Curtis Sittenfeld

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