Personality Development Quotes

Quotes tagged as "personality-development" Showing 1-30 of 134
“Sometimes it is very difficult to keep in mind the fact that the parents, too, have reasons for what they do-- have reasons, locked in the depths of their personalities, for their inability to love, to understand, to give of themselves to their children.”
Virginia M. Axline, Dibs in Search of Self

Lisa Firestone
“People must come to the understanding that they do not have a fixed identity. They have the power to identify and alter features of their personalities that they find negative or unpleasant.”
Lisa Firestone, The Self Under Siege

Susan C. Young
“The challenge of being authentic for people pleasers is that we really want people to like and accept us. Being vulnerable, however, requires that we come to terms with the fact that not everyone is going to like us, and that it is okay. Not everyone needs to like us.”
Susan C. Young, The Art of Being: 8 Ways to Optimize Your Presence & Essence for Positive Impact

“Confidence walks into a room differently.”
Melissa Bolton

“Serve a niche, not a nation.”
Melissa Bolton

“Make authenticity part of your growth strategy.”
Melissa Bolton

“The most memorable people are the ones who don't remind me of anyone else.”
Melissa Bolton

“Your right people will hear you differently.”
Melissa Bolton

“Don't be something for everyone. Be everything for someone.”
Melissa Bolton

“Your purpose: Find something more important than you are, and dedicate your life to it.”
Melissa Bolton

“Don't seek popularity, seek integrity and authenticity. Everything else will follow.”
Melissa Bolton

“Maybe that person you don't understand is just a lesson you haven't learned yet.”
Melissa Bolton

“When you're true to yourself you're going to lose some people. Let them go.”
Melissa Bolton

“Don't borrow lessons you haven't learned or experiences you haven't had, and try to write them into your own success story. It doesn't work.”
Melissa Bolton

“If you find yourself explaining your worth, you've already forgotten your value.”
Melissa Bolton

“To truly succeed, one must first be distinctive.”
Melissa Bolton

“The place you're used to isn't necessarily the place you belong.”
Melissa Bolton

“The sky's the limit? How very claustrophobic.”
Melissa Bolton

“Be a game changer. The world has enough followers.”
Melissa Bolton

“Too busy focusing on my grass to worry about whether yours is greener.”
Melissa Bolton

“In your hesitation, I found my answer.”
Melissa Bolton

“If you aren't intentional, you'll turn out ordinary.”
Melissa Bolton

Aiyaz Uddin
“we are what we choose to be so choose wise and choose right who you want to be in this world”
Aiyaz Uddin, The Inward Journey

Aiyaz Uddin
“Our personality is shaped by all of our experiences, both good and bad, as well as our knowledge and wisdom. It is not static but rather constantly evolving.”
Aiyaz Uddin, Science Behind A Perfect Life

Aiyaz Uddin
“Dreaming about a million dollars in your account without investing a thousand dollars in yourself or your business is a sign of a fool.”
Aiyaz Uddin

“Each conversation provides an opportunity to
strengthen relationships and achieve better outcomes.
Information exchange can influence a person's mental state, so
it's crucial to use communication in a way that promotes
positive change in others and yourself.”
Dr. Shitalkumar R. Sukhdeve, Whole-Self Prosperity: Stepping up on a Transformative Journey to Manifest Abundance and Wholeness

“Lord Buddha Said "A strong mind is not affected by the dualities of praise and
blame. It does not seek validation or approval from others, nor
does it allow criticism to undermine its confidence. Instead, it
remains grounded in its own inherent strength and wisdom.”
Dr. Shitalkumar R. Sukhdeve, Whole-Self Prosperity: Stepping up on a Transformative Journey to Manifest Abundance and Wholeness

“You can not shed your past mistakes, albeit, they are in self-denial to your present sentient, but they made you who you are and what you have become”
Husam Wafaei, Honourable Defection

“Releasing what no longer serves us isn't a sign of weakness, it's a courageous step towards embracing our own happiness and fulfillment.”
Ahtisham Ullah

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