Partnerships Quotes

Quotes tagged as "partnerships" Showing 1-22 of 22
“A relationship that is truly genuine does not keep changing its colors. Real gold never rusts. If a relationship is really solid and golden, it will be unbreakable. Not even Time can destroy its shine.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Pooja Agnihotri
“Those days of autocratic leadership style are gone. It’s the age of partnerships where all your employees are your partners.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

Shannon L. Alder
“Sometimes, a person isn’t looking to increase their lifestyle, status or ego when they fall in love. Sometimes, they just want that special someone that is just like them. The one person that truly understands how they suffer because they have gone through it too. They want to wake up beside someone that knows their trials intimately. They want a teammate that doesn’t say they get it, but someone who knows it, lived it and survived it. They have been looking for that person their entire life because they feel alone and misunderstood. They are tired of people telling them not to care about other people, when that is not who God designed them to be. The depth of their soul can’t be reached by their partner standing at the top looking down. They want to come home to their “own kind”--the person that has run the same dark corridors they have traveled in their mind. They want to build a life with someone that would never break their heart, push them away or give up on them. They don’t want the person that has to win. They want the rescuer that has been to the fearful boundaries of their heart, but knows the way back to life. When they meet this person they will never forget them because they will come into their life with all the fire they possess and never leave their soul.”
Shannon L. Alder

Kevin Ansbro
“Always remember that love, much like our faith in God, is the kite we must fly, even on a windless day.”
Kevin Ansbro, In the Shadow of Time

Steven Magee
“You know that when your partner deletes their messages to a past lover after being accused of cheating, then it is likely that they were being unfaithful in some way.”
Steven Magee

Jeff Jarvis
“Your company is the company it keeps.”
Jeff Jarvis

Robert Vanleeuwen
“Your spouse is not a possession you attain, but a friend in which you trust & adore.”
Robert Vanleeuwen, Among Wolves'

Victoria L. White
“You can enter into the relationship whole and understand the value of why you are choosing to work in union with another. The relationship is a merger, not a buyout, meaning you wouldn’t come to another and desire to be in partnership to dominate and control the other person. You wouldn’t partner or merge with someone who you didn’t believe in their life’s work, or you don’t honor the work they’ve done to grow into who they currently are.”
Victoria L. White, Learning To Love: And The Power of Sacred Sexual Spiritual Partnerships

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“In successful relationships, perfection is the acceptance of imperfection.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman

Gail Godwin
“May their having each other make more of them both.”
Gail Godwin, Evensong

“We need more inclusion, partnerships over partisanships in politics to solve man-made problems to be better off and in order to change the world”
George Stamatis

Saidi Mdala
“We all, without exception, need relationships to achieve extraordinary things.”
Saidi Mdala, Know What Matters

“The choice of a partner is the single most important decision most people will ever make about their businesses. The essential elements of a successful partnership are: a good fit between the partners’ personalities, similar values, the ability to be a team player, compatible goals and clear expectations, and mutual trust and respect.”
David Gage, The Partnership Charter

“I strongly believe that the best partnerships aren't necessarily dependent on a mere common goal or religious belief but on a shared path to ecstasy.”
Lebo Grand

Assegid Habtewold
“In the long run, relationships/partnerships get falter and ultimately break when there are no shared values, or one or both parties fail to live by the shared values.”
Assegid Habtewold, Soft Skills That Make or Break Your Success: 12 soft skills to master yourself, become a team player, and lead your company to absolute success

“The best partnerships aren't dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path to ecstasy. Hence sensual love is the best partnership two people can ever have.”
Lebo Grand

Peter F. Drucker
“Alliances are difficult precisely because there is no 'boss' in them. They are partnership. And partners are equals, by definition. One cannot give orders to a partner. Hence the secret of a successful alliance is to manage it as a marketing relationship. In the traditional organization in which command and control are based on ownership, managers start out with the question "how do we get our people to accept what we think they should be doing?" In a partnership one considers the other partner as a customer. And the first question is not "what do we want to do," it is, "what are the partners' goals, the partners' objectives, what is value for the partner, how does the partner work and operate?" Once this is understood and accepted, the alliance will work.”
Peter Drucker

“A deep friendship can keep a partner from jumping to negative conclusions when another partner says or does something that sounds derogatory and hurtful. It may be a wellspring of trust, a key ingredient of successful partnerships. True friendship can help one partner to be understanding when another has family problems that wind up shortchanging the business for an extended period of time. A strong bond of friendship may be a sign of shared values and can be the glue that holds partners together when the business is under stress.”
David Gage, The Partnership Charter

Stewart O'Nan
“Who knew what happened in a marriage, what bargains and compromises people struck?”
Stewart O'Nan, Henry, Himself

Carla Laureano
“To say that Bittersweet Café was her happy place was perhaps an understatement. In the last two years, Rachel had left behind her high-pressure executive chef job and Melody her dead-end position in a chain bakery, then decided to open their dream restaurant together. The way all the details had come together was downright magical; nowhere in Denver's history had a functional café and bakery materialized in under four months. But Ana had no doubt there had been a healthy measure of divine intervention in the situation. She could feel it in the mood and the atmosphere of this place. Light, welcoming, refreshing. It was no wonder they'd quickly developed a devoted following. They were already in the middle of plans to take over the vacant space in the strip mall beside them and expand to meet their ever-growing demand.
Ana couldn't be prouder.
If she were truthful, she was also a little jealous. She might be good at her job, and she was certainly well paid, but there was an allure to the idea of working with her best friends, being surrounded by delicious food and baked goods. Too bad she had absolutely no culinary talent. Her mom had made sure she could cook rice properly and prepare Filipino dishes like adobong manok and kaldereta, but her skills stopped there. Considering the fat and calorie content of those foods, she'd left her childhood meals behind in favor of an endless stream of grilled chicken or fish over salad.”
Carla Laureano, The Solid Grounds Coffee Company

“You do not have a wife or a husband.
If that person you are with is not your best friend.”
Ricardo Derose