Nature S Beauty Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nature-s-beauty" Showing 1-30 of 292
Amit Ray
“Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.”
Amit Ray, Meditation: Insights and Inspirations

“At last came the golden month of the wild folk-- honey-sweet May, when the birds come back, and the flowers come out, and the air is full of the sunrise scents and songs of the dawning year.”
Samuel Scoville Jr., Wild Folk

Kobayashi Issa
“Giddy grasshopper
Take not leap and crush
These pearls of dewdrop”
Issa, Japanese Haiku

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The landscape belongs to the person who looks at it..." -Ralph Waldo Emerson”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Willa Cather
“After that hard winter, one could not get enough of the nimble air. Every morning I wakened with a fresh consciousness that winter was over. There were none of the signs of spring for which I used to watch in Virginia, no budding woods or blooming gardens. There was only—spring itself; the throb of it, the light restlessness, the vital essence of it everywhere: in the sky, in the swift clouds, in the pale sunshine, and in the warm, high wind—rising suddenly, sinking suddenly, impulsive and playful like a big puppy that pawed you and then lay down to be petted. If I had been tossed down blindfold on that red prairie, I should have known that it was spring.”
Willa Cather, My Ántonia

Philip Yancey
“Nature was one of the key forces that brought me back to God, for I wanted to know the Artist responsible for beauty such as I saw on grand scale in photos from space telescopes or on minute scale such as in the intricate designs on a butterfly wing.”
Philip Yancey

“If you were silent
Flight of herons on dark sky...
Oh! Autumn snowflakes!”
Sokan, Japanese Haiku

Matsuo Bashō
“Seek on high bare trails
Sky-reflecting violets...
Mountain-top jewels”
Bashō, Japanese Haiku

Ana Claudia Antunes
“I'd rather be on the ground than under
To feel the heavy rain and the thunder.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, The Tao of Physical and Spiritual

Rick Riordan
“Also, I kept thinking about Alex Fierro. You know, maybe just a little. Alex was a force of nature, like the snow thunder. She struck when she felt like it, depending on temperature differentials and storm patterns I couldn't possibly predict. She shook my foundations in a way that was powerful but also weirdly soft and constrained, veiled in blizzard. I couldn't assign any motives to her. She just did what she wanted. At least, that's how it felt to me.”
Rick Riordan, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard

Du Fu
“At the edge of heaven, tatters of autumn
Cloud. After ten thousand miles of clear
Lovely morning, the west wind arrives. Here,
Long rains haven't slowed farmers. Frontier

Willows air thin kingfisher colors, and
Red fruit flecks mountain pears. As a flute's
Mongol song drifts from a tower, one
Goose climbs clear through vacant skies.”
Tu Fu, The Selected Poems of Tu Fu

Phar West Nagle
“Following dark winter's strife, a warm air rises, teemed with life. Birth, rebirth, as the waiting die. Old love, new love sprouts wings to fly.”
Phar West Nagle

William Golding
“The moon was through to the sunset side of the gap, but its light was hardly noticeable on the earth for the ruddy brilliance of the firelight.”
William Golding, The Inheritors

Jerome K. Jerome
“Nature was beautiful, even in her tears”
Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat: say nothing of the dog

Richelle E. Goodrich
My Floating Sea"

"Pastel colors reflect in my opening eyes and draw my gaze to a horizon where the waters both begin and end. This early in the day I can easily stare without blinking. The pale sea appears calm, but it is stormy just as often. I awe at the grandeur, how it expands beyond my sight to immeasurable depths. In every direction that I twist my neck, a beauteous blue is there to console me.

Flowing, floating ribbons of mist form on these pale waters. In harmony they pirouette, creating a stretch of attractive, soft swirls. Swoosh! The wind, its strength in eddies and twisters, smears the art of dancing clouds, and the white disperses like startled fairies fleeing into the forest. Suddenly all is brilliant blue.

The waters calm and clear. It warms me. Pleases me. Forces my eyes to close at such vast radiance. My day is spent surrounded by this ethereal sea, but soon enough the light in its belly subsides. Rich colors draw my gaze to the opposite horizon where the waters both begin and end. I watch the colors bleed and deepen. They fade into black.

Yawning, I cast my eyes at tiny gleams of life that drift within the darkened waters. I extend my reach as if I could will my arm to stretch the expanse between me and eons. How I would love to brush a finger over a ray of living light, but I know I cannot.

Distance deceives me.

These little breathing lights floating in blackness would truly reduce me to the tiniest size, like a mountain stands majestic over a single wild flower. I am overwhelmed by it all and stare up, in love with the floating sea above my head.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

“Remember to be conscious of what seeds you plant, as the garden of your mind is like the world. The longer seeds grow, the more likely they are to become trees. Trees often block the sun’s rays from reaching other seeds, allowing only plants that are acclimated to the shadow of the tree to grow—keeping you stuck with that one reality.”
Natasha Potter

Nick Lantz
“The rain believes the earth exists just to give it something to fall against.”
Nick Lantz

Laura Lafargue
“I wish the trees would go into leaf that I might find out what they are. In their present undress I cannot recognise them. It's true that I doubt if I should know my best friends--men or women--with their clothes off.”
Laura Lafargue, Correspondence, Volume 2: 1887 - 1890

Christian Cooper
“Only a fool bemoans lost beauty while still in beauty's embrace, just of another sort.”
Christian Cooper, Better Living Through Birding: Notes from a Black Man in the Natural World

Debatrayee Banerjee
“You know the feeling, when the morning breeze gushes onto you and makes you literally wonder how on Earth are you so fortunate to walk on this Beautiful planet, the feeling that the Mountains wave in your heart telling you nothing is too big to leave you in pain, while the waves find you the soothing monotony of Calm making you know that the Simplest of Life is the Purest of All.
That, precisely that is the feeling I am always running after, and in wandering along the woods I find them, in the Stillness of a long lost wind, in the restless air softly kissing away my eyes, and the galloping meandering murky redolence of Earth, who knows exactly how to find me a missing piece, somewhere stolen and quietly tucked in the time-worn fragments of a solitary Sunshine.”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Alice Tyszka
“Seeing Myself in a Season

Burgundy sweaters
Handwritten letters
If I were a season
I would be Fall

Brown curly hair
playing truth or dare
Adventures and change
Feelings all strange
If I were a season
I would be Fall

Messy notebooks filled with
All of my secrets
Looking out the windows
Like Mother Earth
I'd let out a breath and
The trees would shake

My blood would be an apricot color
I'd hide in the forest
Covered with bright yellow leaves
Branched out above two lovers
Because if I were a season
I would be Fall”
Alice Tyszka, Finding My Light

“El borbolleig de l'aigua recorrent la meva pell, el ball rítmic del corrent entrellaçant-se en els meus cabells, la claror del sol ballant entre les fulles dels arbres, tan llunyanes que semblen estels. Una música, mística i relaxant, tan integrada en el somni, que em convenç que és el so de la natura. Tan sincera, que no pertorba el cant dels ocells, sinó que l'acompanya. I en aquest paratge d'ensomni, aquí en mig, em trobo jo. Estirada cap per amunt, contemplant les copes dels arbres, abraçada pel riu, amb els cabells com els d'una sirena i la roba d'una fada. Conscient que és un somni, però sense la necessitat d'alterar-lo, conscient que és un somni, però segura que és important. He experimentat somnis de tota mena, però mai he sigut conscient d'estar-ne en un. He experimentat somnis de tota mena, però mai he sigut tant conscient com en aquest; mai he sentit tant com aquest.”

“I bet you trees can talk.”
Niedria Dionne Kenny

R.M. Alwyn
“Every day, he awakens to a tapestry of splendor, cast in the gentle morning glow, while the very essence of the untamed woods - fragrant and ethereal- dances upon the lips of a fresh mountain breeze.”
R.M. Alwyn, Raindrops of the Gods

“The World is a testament to the exquisite balance found within the harmonious embrace of both masculine and feminine energies.”

Avijeet Das
“I am as old as the mountains,
And as ugly as the rough terrain...”
Avijeet Das

Stewart Stafford
“A Magic Hour’s Dreaming by Stewart Stafford

Is there a sight more fair than wheaten fields,
Awaiting the sun's ambush to potently ignite?
Colour vibrates beyond the eye revealed,
To live, dance and breathe in honeyed light.

Nature’s palette, painted hues so bright,
Invites the bees to sip and man to dream,
Of engineered art, dazzling to the sight,
Authored lightning in a celestial seam.

The creator’s canvas, mint beyond decay,
Invites the inner child to replenish at source,
Where Nature’s staff casts shadows away,
Friendships bond as a trickling stream's course.

An eyeblink flash carved in history's tree,
Treasured riches pooled of those by our side.
For in sepia’s sunflower memory,
We court the hand of an agreeable bride.

Fading birdsong underscores this bottled time,
In butterfly hearts, the hourglass stilled sublime.
Autumn's leaves, ochre embers, curtsied fall,
Farewell Summer, until roused in New Year's call.

© 2024, Stewart Stafford. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“In your fragrance, I smell roses everywhere. In your light, every word on my lips weaves a poem. You live inside my depths and in your living, I become a giver of light.”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Avijeet Das
“I am the lone Wolf. The hills and the trees are my friends. They like my presence here amongst them, in the woods. They speak a language that I understand. I have begun to learn their language too. I understand the silence in which they speak to me. It is a symphony for me. I don't know what they like about me. But they welcome me amongst them. I am a part of them, and they are a part of me.”
Avijeet Das

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