Love And Loss Quotes

Quotes tagged as "love-and-loss" Showing 1-30 of 76
André Aciman
“And on that evening when we grow older still we'll speak about these two young men as though they were two strangers we met on the train and whom we admire and want to help along. And we'll want to call it envy, because to call it regret would break our hearts.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“Most of us can't help but live as though we've got two lives to live, one is the mockup, the other the finished version, and then there are all those versions in between. But there's only one, and before you know it, your heart is worn out, and, as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. Right now there's sorrow. I don't envy the pain. But I envy you the pain. (p. 225)”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the truth, maybe I didn't want things to turn abstract, but I felt I should say it, because this was the moment to say it, because it suddenly dawned on me that this was why I had come, to tell him 'You are the only person I'd like to say goodbye to when I die, because only then will this thing I call my life make any sense. And if I should hear that you died, my life as I know it, the me who is speaking with you now, will cease to exist.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“Everyone goes through a period of Traviamento - when we take, say, a different turn in life, the other via. Dante himself did. Some recover, some pretend to recover, some never come back, some chicken out before even starting, and some, for fear of taking any turns, find themselves leading the wrong life all life long.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

André Aciman
“Over the years I'd lodged him in the permanent past, my pluperfect lover, put him on ice, stuffed him with memories and mothballs like a hunted ornament confabulating with the ghost of all my evenings. I'd dust him off from time to time and then put him back on the mantelpiece. He no longer belonged to earth or to life. All I was likely to discover at this point wasn't just how distant were the paths we'd taken, it was the measure of loss that was going to strike me--a loss I didn't mind thinking about in abstract terms but which would hurt when stared at in the face, the way nostalgia hurts long after we've stopped thinking of things we lost and may never have cared for.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

Donna Lynn Hope
“I think anyone who opened their heart enough to love without restraint and subsequently were devastated by loss knows that in that moment you are forever changed; a apart of you is no longer whole. Some will never again love with that level of abandon where life is perceived as innocent and the threat of loss seems implausible. Love and loss, therefore, are linked.”
Donna Lynn Hope

André Aciman
“If there is pain, nurse it, and if there is a flame, don't snuff it out, don't be brutal with it. Withdrawal can be a terrible thing when it keeps us awake at night, and watching others forget us sooner than we'd want to be forgotten is no better. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything - what a waste! (p. 225)”
André Aciman

André Aciman
“What I wanted to preserve was the turbulent gasp in his voice which lingered with me for days afterward and told me that, if I could have him like this in my dreams every night of my life, I'd stake my entire life on dreams and be done with the rest. (p. 109)”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

Pablo Neruda

When I die, I want your hands on my eyes.
I want the light and wheat of your beloved hands to pass their freshness over me once more.
I want to feel the softness that changed my destiny.

I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep.
I want your ears still to hear the wind, I want you to sniff the sea's aroma that we loved together,
to continue to walk on the sand we walk on.

I want what I love to continue to live,
and you whom I love and sang above everything else.
to continue to flourish, full-flowered.

So that you can reach everything my love directs you to.
So that my shadow can travel along in your hair,
so that everything can learn the reason for my song.”
Pablo Neruda

Susan Abulhawa
“the reverse side of love is unbearable loss.”
Susan Abulhawa, Mornings in Jenin

John Ajvide Lindqvist
“It is impossible to say why we love something or someone. We can come up with reasons if we have to, but the important part happens in the dark, beyond our control. We just know when it is there. And when it goes away.”
John Ajvide Lindqvist, Little Star

Ginni Rometty
“Never love something so much that you can’t let go of it.”
Ginni Rometty

Corey Ann Haydu
“If you love someone and they vanish, you are left nodding like a zombie and throwing teacups at a wall.”
Corey Ann Haydu, The Careful Undressing of Love

“Well, because it can't all be sorrow, can it?
I've always been alone. So, I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I have never felt the loss because I've never had a loved one to lose but what is grief if not love persevering”
Marvel Wandavision

“Last night, I felt a depth of sadness that I haven't felt or allowed myself to feel in a while. I mourned for Mia, the loss of our friendship, and mostly for the loss of my history, the lost memory of who I once was.”
Heather Dark, excerpt from The Designer Wife

Tatjana   Ostojic
“Desiring the ending,
not trying to mend.
In this farewell hour
our love is
dying snow in someone else's hand.”
Tatjana Ostojic

“I got angry on the book today; and the pen started crying.”
Wrushank Sorte

Jodi Picoult
“A sob folds him at the waist. "I love her. I love her to death."
"You love her through death, " I correct him gently. "you don't stop loving someone just because they're not physically with you.”
Jodi Picoult, The Book of Two Ways

“There is no better city than Paris in which to love. There is no worse city than Paris in which to love and to lose.”
Robert Wheeler

Suman Pokhrel
“Unseeing, even when seen
unfeeling, even when felt,
to those scattered loves
and the abashment that meet the eyes,
I had tried to brush them off
and indeed, had wiped them away.”
Suman Pokhrel

Heather  Dark
“Last night, I felt a depth of sadness that I haven't felt or allowed myself to feel in a while. I mourned for Mia, the loss of our friendship, and mostly for the loss of my history, the lost memory of who I once was.”
Heather Dark, The Designer Wife

“Don’t try to forget about her. It won’t work. But as time passes, her influence on your life will decrease. And you’re actually quite lucky. Whether or not she really exists, you’re fortunate to be in love.”
Cixin Liu, The Dark Forest

“...the way to deal with the painful problem of loss is not to pull back from loving the transient things, but to press further in. To love them freely for what they are: precious gifts of a Father who loves you, foretastes of glory divine.”
Matthew McCullough

“Loves seeds unseen a floating world... that fadeth not away
Carried by the wind on wings... every breath ever near always
Just like a precious memory... left behind... but not apart
In truth loves seeds live on anew... forever planted in the heart”
Toni Heirdsfield @AshRawArt

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“...sometimes, the heartbreak that comes with loving someone is worth it, even if loving that person means eventually saying goodbye to them.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire

Marc Levy
“De som styr har inte det mod som krävs, och jag hör dig säga att man måste ha vuxit upp som jag, i städer där man kan tänka allt och säga allt utan att frukta något, för att kunna avstå från att ta risker.”
Marc Levy, All Those Things We Never Said

“Think of the great moments and times we had. Treasure them. Feel blessed. To find genuine love is hallowed. I leave having you in my heart. No regrets, no tears.”
Jonathan Hern, The Painting

Stacia Stark
“The price of love was loss.

We all paid it eventually.”
Stacia Stark, A Crown This Cold and Heavy

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Sometimes, it's essential to take a moment to slow down and look at how far you've come. Like literally breathe in all the healing, all the changes that your Soul has embraced so far, the walk that once looked difficult and yet you went on with it, through it, only to come this far. It is essential to just remember how every small step you took led you to this moment, where some things that once bothered you do not find that trigger anymore, the places, the songs, the words, the elements of this material world that once brought you to your numbness have now lost its strong foothold on you, not that sometimes they won't leap in to make you feel a little vulnerable for the moment but essentially they've lost their ground. It's essential to appreciate that, to pat yourself on that.
While doing so, we would find the simplest understanding that in Life, we cannot have everything. Some things will get lost in the way, and some dreams will be left unfulfilled but the best part is, there is always going to be something to fill its place. All the things you've lost would lead you to all the things you will gain in the process. And maybe, just maybe if you take time to listen to your Soul, the things you would gain in the process of losing what you thought was necessary, are actually the real necessities of your Soul. It is when you literally Stop moving in your Mind and walk past its edges that you would know the truest meaning that was there all along, that in this Human Existence, we are not meant to have it all, to have all the dreams and yearnings accomplished, to have it all sorted, some things would always be left undone, and somewhere that holds the beauty of this Human Life, to know how far we've come and to find a sense of peace even in an insatiable mind, to know that We don't need to have it all figured out, but to hold space for Grace and Gratitude, to know Kindness for every passer by and most importantly for our own self. And to know, that Life is a Labyrinth of a winding Walk, and just like going ahead is necessary, taking a pause would actually replenish your will to keep taking the forward step in your journey. That Slowing Down doesn't actually leave you bereft of your Winning spirit, but lets you appreciate the Simplest Knowledge that Life is never about Winning or Losing but about Becoming the Core Self by unbecoming everything that this World soaked you in.

Love & Light, always
- Debatrayee”
Debatrayee Banerjee

“(my thoughts upon hearing Deborah’s death)

“This is going to take a long time
for me to get used to this
From the beginning to the end
I love her,
I was inconsolable
I sat and cried for two hours
half of my heart I cut out
and give to her
to take me with her
into the other invisible world
the other half I kept
it was broken and shattered
it leaked tears from time to time
painted in beautiful memories
we had made”
Kenan Hudaverdi

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