Lifehack Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lifehack" Showing 1-17 of 17
Chris Guillebeau
“You don’t have to live your life the way
other people expect you to.”
Chris Guillebeau, A Brief Guide to World Domination

Germany Kent
“No one else knows exactly what the future holds for you, no one else knows what obstacles you've overcome to be where you are, so don't expect others to feel as passionate about your dreams as you do.”
Germany Kent

Germany Kent
“Tweet others the way you want to be tweeted.”
Germany Kent, You Are What You Tweet: Harness the Power of Twitter to Create a Happier, Healthier Life
tags: analytics, around-the-world, awareness, b2b, best-practices, bloggers, blogging, brand, brand-fit, brand-strategy, branding, brands, business, business-tips, content, content-tips, cyberspace, digital-citizen, digital-citizens, digital-citizenship, digital-footprint, digital-influencer, digital-life, digital-marketer, digital-nomad, digital-skills, discussion, ed-tech, ethics, ethics-and-moral-philosophy, ethics-mater, etiquette, etiquette-and-attitude, etiquette-rules, etiquette-tips, excellence, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, goals, hate-speech, inbound-marketing, influen-cer-marketing, influence, inspiration, internet-etiquette, kindness, leadership-motivation, lifehack, manners, marketing, marketing-automation, marketing-tips, media, media-literacy, media-tools, mlm-tips, motivational-speakers, netiquette-rule, network, network-marketing, no-excuses, on-trend, onine-marketing, online, online-communication, online-discussion, online-ethics, online-etiquette, optimization, peace-on-earth, peace-on-line, personal-branding, post, productivity, protocol, public-speakers, rebranding, responsible-posting, seo, smart-tech, social, social-education, social-intelligence, social-media, social-media-addiction, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-behaviour, social-media-branding, social-media-for-authors, social-media-marketing, social-media-mind, social-media-quotes, social-media-tips, social-media-tools, stop-bullying, strategic-marketing, take-charge, technology, the-hope-guru, think-before-you-click, think-before-you-post, trends, trendsetter, tweet, twitter, web-marketing, what-you-tweet, you-are-what-you-tweet

Germany Kent
“Freedom of Speech doesn't justify online bullying. Words have power, be careful how you use them.”
Germany Kent
tags: action, around-the-world, awareness, best-practices, biz-talk, bloggers, blogging-etiquette, brand-fit, brand-strategy, branding-marketing, branding-quotes, brands, bullying, business-etiquette, business-tip, business-tips, business-to-business, content, criteria, criteria-for-social-behavior, cyberspace, digital, digital-age, digital-citizenship, digital-culture, digital-etiquette, digital-footprint, digital-life, digital-marketing, digital-media, digital-mind, digital-skills, digital-thinking, direction, end-bullying, ethics, ethics-mater, etiquette-tips, facebook, facebook-addiction, facebook-quotes, fintech, freedom-of-speech, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, goals, golden-rule, golden-rules, good-manners, hate-speech, higher-ed, higher-education, hope-guru, ideas, influencer-marketing, internet-etiquette, issues-not-insults, join-in, kindness-counts, leadership, learning, life-hack, lifehack, marketers, marketing-101, media, media-literacy, millennials, motivation, motivational-speaker, need-to-know, netiquette, network-marketing, no-excuses, no-to-cyberbullying, on-trend, online, online-bullying, online-communication, online-discussion, online-ethics, online-etiquette, online-marketing, peace, peace-on-earth, personal-branding, personal-development, personal-growth, point-of-view, productivity, professional, protocol, rebranding, responsible-posting, self-help-authors, smart-tech, social-change, social-education, social-impact, social-influence, social-intelligence, social-justice, social-media-101, social-media-advice, social-media-audiences, social-media-authors, social-media-branding, social-media-for-authors, social-media-life, social-media-marketing, social-media-mind, social-media-quote, social-media-quotes, social-media-tools, social-networking, social-networking-virtual, stop-bullying, success, success-online, table-talk, take-charge-tweet-deck, teaching, teens, the-hope-guru, think-before-you-click, think-before-you-post, think-twice, tips-for-marketers, twitter, twitter-addiction, twitter-advice, twitter-audiences, twitter-nation, twitter-quotes, web-marketing, what-you-tweet, you-are-what-you-post, you-are-what-you-tweet, youth-youth-culture

Kamand Kojouri
“Clocks were invented to warn us. Tick (time is passing). Tock (time has passed).”
Kamand Kojouri

Chris Guillebeau
“1. "What do you really want to get out of life?"
2. "What can you offer the world that no one else can?”
Chris Guillebeau, A Brief Guide to World Domination

“they Whatever can make life truly happy is absolutely good in its own right because it cannot be warped into evil From whence then comes error In that while all men wish for a happy life they mistake the means for the thing itself and while they fancy themselves in pursuit of it they are flying from it for when the sum of happiness consists in solid tranquillity and an unembarrassed confidence therein they are ever collecting causes of disquiet and not only carry burthens but drag them painfully along through the rugged and deceitful path of life so that they still withdraw themselves from the good effect proposed the more pains they take the more business they have upon their hands instead of advancing they are retrograde and as it happens in a labyrinth their very speed puzzles and confounds them”
Seneca, Letters from a Stoic

Deyth Banger
“If you want to find something or somebody try to feel like you are he or the something try to do the stuff like it. Become one with the element..... and look you found it.”
Deyth Banger

Ryan Lilly
“20% of management theories are responsible for 80% of results. That’s assuming the Pareto Principle makes the cut.”
Ryan Lilly

Deyth Banger
“The Best moment in the TV, is when it come the break when the film stops and comes the advertises from which the program survives. This moment is the best..., WHY?
Because you can read a book, by turning of the sound of your TV!”
Deyth Banger

“К фасаду палатки подошла женщина и заговорила по-французски. Рудис ответил что-то, употребив слово "мадам". Мне нравится это слово. Мсье, мадам - что бы ты ни болтал, если вставляешь это слово, звучит уважительно и необидно.
- Вы тупая уродина, мадам, и я не хочу больше слышать от вас ни звука.
- Знаете, мсье, вы дебил и я не собираюсь тратить свое время на вас.
Эти словечки, эти знаки внимания превращают конструкцию грубой реплики в невинное "позвольте, но у меня иное мнение". Говори что хочешь, но если не забудешь вставить "мсье" или "мадам", тебе не станут бить морду.”
Bandy Sholtes, Фрики Европы, или Экспедиция за вином

Carlos Ruiz Zafón
“Man weiß nie, wann einem ein Lutschbonbon aus der Patsche helfen kann.”
Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Þórbergur Þórðarson
“Alle geistigen Extravaganzen wurden ermüdend, wenn sie zu lange abhielten. Jede Abwechslung forderte eine weitere Abwechslung, bis sie aufhörte, Abwechslung zu sein. Dann kam der Überdruss. Und dem Überdruss folgte der Wunsch nach Erlösung. Und die Erlösung war die Mutter des Glücks.”
Thórbergur Thórdarson, Islands Adel

Mark Manson
“Keep your “self” out of your decisions, because most likely, it’s not about “you.” Simply ask yourself, “Is this a good thing to do?” Yes? Then go do it.

Oh, you failed to do it? Is it still a good thing to do? Yes? Then go do it again. And if, at any point, you realize that it wasn’t as good as you thought, then don’t do it again.

End of story."

From Mark Manson's Article: "Stop Trying to Change Yourself”
Mark Manson

Joan Crawford
“My freezer was always filled with things for emergencies, things like pot roast, beef bourguignon, lobster Newburg, creamed chicken, and meat or chicken or seafood was completely covered when it was frozen. That’s important. I kept frozen aspics and, of course, those lovely homemade soups that I cooked in great quantities and froze in separate containers. Apart from the soups, which simmer for hours, things should always be a little under-cooked because they’ll cook a bit more in the thawing and warming-up process.”
Joan Crawford, My Way of Life

“Forgetting the fruits of your action is for getting the fruits when you truly deserve them.”
Jay Kumar Singh

Donna Leon
“Crime films always advised impostors ro select a name close enough to their own to allow them to respond to it automatically.”
Donna Leon, Suffer the Little Children