Immaturity Quotes
Quotes tagged as "immaturity"
Showing 1-30 of 135
“Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.”
“The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that is wants to live humbly for one.”
“Infantile love follows the principle: "I love because I am loved."
Mature love follows the principle: "I am loved because I love."
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."
Mature love says: "I need you because I love you.”
― The Art of Loving
Mature love follows the principle: "I am loved because I love."
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you."
Mature love says: "I need you because I love you.”
― The Art of Loving
“To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.”
“Young girls are like helpless children in the hands of amorous men, whatever is said to them is true and whatever manipulation on their bodies seems like love to them, sooner or later, they come back to their senses, but the scars are not dead inasmuch as her spoiler lives.”
― Scars Of Beauty
― Scars Of Beauty
“I, on the other hand, still might not be considered a proper adult. I had been very grown-up in primary school. But as I continued through secondary school, I in fact became less grown-up. And then as the years passed, I turned into quite a childlike person. I suppose I just wasn't able to ally myself with time.”
― The Briefcase
― The Briefcase
“The more you try to impress, the more you become depressed, and the more they get tired of your coercion. It doesn't make them love you, instead, they'll see you as a little child, trying to draw a senseless picture on a piece of paper, begging people to look at it and admire it by force. You can persuade someone to look at your face, but you can't persuade them to see the beauty therein.”
“The moment you have to recruit people to put another person down, in order to convince someone of your value is the day you dishonor your children, your parents and your God. If someone doesn't see your worth the problem is them, not people outside your relationship.”
“She had been a teenager once, and she knew that, despite the apparent contradictions, a person's teenage years lasted well into their fifties.”
― Mortal Coil
― Mortal Coil
“A sign of power in a man is not only when people follow what he suggests, but also when people make a conscious effort to do the exact opposite of what he suggests.”
― Killosophy
― Killosophy
“I would not wish to marry someone who had already been married. It would be,' she opined, 'like having someone else break in one's own pony.”
― Stardust
― Stardust
“The only people you have to look out for in life are the people that don't care about anything or anyone. These are the people that end up teaching your children.”
“You couldn't be old and still be wrong about as many things as she'd been wrong about, and it was a kind of immaturity to call yourself old before you were.”
― Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
― Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow
“Never take advice about never taking advice. That is an old vice of men - to dish it out without being able to take it - the blind leading the blind into more blindness.”
― Healology
― Healology
“In a general sense, I admit to valuing the worldviews of men under the age of 40 and women over the age of 30.”
― Killosophy
― Killosophy
“إن المرحلة المسماة عند المشتغلين بعلم النفس (عبادة الأبطال) هي مرحلة مرتبطة بالمراهقة، فهل تعكف المجتمعات غير الناضجة على عبادة أبطالها مثلما يفعل المراهقون، بدلا من مواجهة واقعها والتعامل معه وتطويره؟”
― كلمات: التقاط الألماس من كلام الناس
― كلمات: التقاط الألماس من كلام الناس
“[Silent Messages 2]
She sat to rearrange the contents of her disorganized handbag
At the crowded bus terminal
When she lifted her head for a short interval,
Her eyes caught a young couple kissing, touching, and hugging
In a performative and exaggerated manner...
When the couple noticed her,
The young woman gave her a mean and malicious look as if asking:
Are you jealous of all the love I am surrounded by?
She returned the look with a sly one as if responding:
The love that exaggerates in displaying itself in public
Is either immature, dead, or dying…
[Original poem published in Arabic on December 5, 2022 at]”
She sat to rearrange the contents of her disorganized handbag
At the crowded bus terminal
When she lifted her head for a short interval,
Her eyes caught a young couple kissing, touching, and hugging
In a performative and exaggerated manner...
When the couple noticed her,
The young woman gave her a mean and malicious look as if asking:
Are you jealous of all the love I am surrounded by?
She returned the look with a sly one as if responding:
The love that exaggerates in displaying itself in public
Is either immature, dead, or dying…
[Original poem published in Arabic on December 5, 2022 at]”
“I guess I’m only talking about my childhood. Things that become part of you when you’re a child and then you grow up and somehow they don’t—and that’s how you never get to be a mature person, an adult, with those naïve beliefs in you that never grew up . . .”
― The Gasp
― The Gasp
“everyone remembers things which never happened, and it’s common knowledge that people often forget things which did. either we are all fantasists and liars or the past has nothing definite in it. but i have heard people say we are shaped by our childhood, but which one?”
― Sexing the Cherry
― Sexing the Cherry
“When the spoiled child within us is bent on ranting until they get what they want, the best punishment might be to give it to them.”
“I should say that there is such a thing as arrested development in human things (and a very bad thing it is) when people refuse to think for themselves and look around for some human authority to tell them what to think. Such people are afraid of the responsibilities of growing up. They want to remain children for ever - like the loathsome Peter Pan. What is wrong with such people is that when they have an opportunity of thinking for themselves they refuse it and cling to their faith. They are offered a higher and more mature way of knowing, but they won't have it.
In divine things, however, this is not the situation. These are things that we cannot know any other way expect by having faith in the teacher, God, who tells us about them. They are not things we could find out for ourselves. They are not the kind of things we could naturally know. Our knowledge of them is super-natural. We are not refusing an offered opportunity, we are not avoiding a higher, more grown-up approach, because there is in this life no higher way available. The boy who refuses to have faith in the teacher may be acquiring a grown-up critical sense and beginning to think for himself, or he may be simply refusing to learn. I imagine it must be one of a teacher's most difficult jobs to decide which of these is happening.”
― Faith Within Reason
In divine things, however, this is not the situation. These are things that we cannot know any other way expect by having faith in the teacher, God, who tells us about them. They are not things we could find out for ourselves. They are not the kind of things we could naturally know. Our knowledge of them is super-natural. We are not refusing an offered opportunity, we are not avoiding a higher, more grown-up approach, because there is in this life no higher way available. The boy who refuses to have faith in the teacher may be acquiring a grown-up critical sense and beginning to think for himself, or he may be simply refusing to learn. I imagine it must be one of a teacher's most difficult jobs to decide which of these is happening.”
― Faith Within Reason
“At age forty, he had more employee name tags than girlfriends, and he just started liking mushrooms and zucchini. If they’re fried, and covered in ranch, that is.”
“Being immature is a gift. We have so much to learn, and we’re easily forgiven for annoying the more mature.”
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