Garbage Quotes
Quotes tagged as "garbage"
Showing 1-30 of 64
“It starts so young, and I'm angry about that. The garbage we're taught. About love, about what's "romantic." Look at so many of the so-called romantic figures in books and movies. Do we ever stop and think how many of them would cause serious and drastic unhappiness after The End? Why are sick and dangerous personality types so often shown a passionate and tragic and something to be longed for when those are the very ones you should run for your life from? Think about it. Heathcliff. Romeo. Don Juan. Jay Gatsby. Rochester. Mr. Darcy. From the rigid control freak in The Sound of Music to all the bad boys some woman goes running to the airport to catch in the last minute of every romantic comedy. She should let him leave. Your time is so valuable, and look at these guys--depressive and moody and violent and immature and self-centered. And what about the big daddy of them all, Prince Charming? What was his secret life? We dont know anything about him, other then he looks good and comes to the rescue.”
― The Secret Life of Prince Charming
― The Secret Life of Prince Charming
“The floor is solid metal in some places and metal grating in others. Everything smells like rotting garbage and fire.
"Don't say I never took you anywhere nice," Peter says.
"Wouldn't dream of it," I say.”
― Insurgent
"Don't say I never took you anywhere nice," Peter says.
"Wouldn't dream of it," I say.”
― Insurgent
“I was starting to see that what looks like garbage from one angle might be art from another. Maybe it did take a crisis to get to know yourself; maybe you needed to get whacked hard by life before you understood what you wanted out of it.”
― Handle with Care
― Handle with Care
“[We] saw products as garbage even when they sat gleaming on store shelves, yet unbought. We didn't say, What kind of casserole will that make? We said, What kind of garbage will that make?”
― Underworld
― Underworld
“Americans make more trash than anyone else on the planet, throwing away about 7.1 pounds per person per day, 365 days a year. Across a lifetime that rate means, on average, we are each on track to generate 102 tons of trash. Each of our bodies may occupy only one cemetery plot when we’re done with this world, but a single person’s 102-ton trash legacy will require the equivalent of 1,100 graves. Much of that refuse will outlast any grave marker, pharaoh’s pyramid or modern skyscraper: One of the few relics of our civilization guaranteed to be recognizable twenty thousand years from now is the potato chip bag.”
― Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash
― Garbology: Our Dirty Love Affair with Trash
“Once when I was young-maybe more than once-when I was extremely disrespectful to my mother, my father angrily called me "garbage" in our native Hokkien dialect. It worked really well. I felt terrible and deeply ashamed of what I had done. But it didn't damage my self esteem or anything like that. I knew exactly how highly he thought of me. I didn't actually think I was worthless or feel like a piece of garbage.
As an adult, I once did the same thing to Sophie, calling her garbage in English when she acted extremely disrespectful toward me. When I mentioned I had done this at a dinner party, I was immediately ostracized. One guest named Marcy got so upset she broke down in tears and had to leave early. My friend Susan, the host, tried to rehabilitate me with the remaining guests.
"Oh dear, it's just a misunderstanding. Amy was speaking metaphorically-right, Amy? you didn't actually call Sophie 'garbage.'"
"Um, yes I did. But it's all in the context," I tried to explain. "It's a Chinese immigrant thing.”
― Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
As an adult, I once did the same thing to Sophie, calling her garbage in English when she acted extremely disrespectful toward me. When I mentioned I had done this at a dinner party, I was immediately ostracized. One guest named Marcy got so upset she broke down in tears and had to leave early. My friend Susan, the host, tried to rehabilitate me with the remaining guests.
"Oh dear, it's just a misunderstanding. Amy was speaking metaphorically-right, Amy? you didn't actually call Sophie 'garbage.'"
"Um, yes I did. But it's all in the context," I tried to explain. "It's a Chinese immigrant thing.”
― Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
“GEOLOGY, n. The science of the earth's crust --to which, doubtless, will be added that of its interior whenever a man shall come up garrulous out of a well. The geological formations of the globe already noted are catalogued thus: The Primary, or lower one, consists of rocks, bones or mired mules, gas-pipes, miners' tools, antique statues minus the nose, Spanish doubloons and ancestors. The Secondary is largely made up of red worms and moles. The Tertiary comprises railway tracks, patent pavements, grass, snakes, mouldy boots, beer bottles, tomato cans, intoxicated citizens, garbage, anarchists, snap-dogs and fools.”
“The scale of the mess we leave behind is proportionate to the level of respect we have for others.”
“Don't think you can watch all the romantic movies, soap operas, TV shows and read all the romantic books out there and not be affected. Ninety-nine percent of the romantic stuff out there is garbage... and what you put in always comes out... UGLIER!”
― Impossible Is Stupid
― Impossible Is Stupid
“I caught him by the collar and dumped him into the nearest bin.
"That's where people like YOU belong!" I spat at him as his legs wiggled in the air. "In the garbage!" - Chapter 2: Miserable Torture”
― Lavinia
"That's where people like YOU belong!" I spat at him as his legs wiggled in the air. "In the garbage!" - Chapter 2: Miserable Torture”
― Lavinia
“The human body, like computers, works on GIGO principle - garbage in, garbage out. The health of your body and mind depends on what you eat, drink and think.”
― You By You
― You By You
“A person or organization’s garbage reflects their economic footprint.”
― Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics
― Conscious Cures: Soulutions to 21st Century Pandemics
“Hence that state of mind at once gloomy and euphoric which one associates with carrying out the rubbish; and the way we see the men who go by emptying the bins into their pulping truck not just as emissaries for the chthonic world, gravediggers of the inanimate, Charons of a beyond of greasy paper and rusty tin, but as angels too, as indispensable mediators between ourselves and the heaven of ideas in which we undeservedly soar (or imagine we soar) and which can exist only in so far as we are not overwhelmed by the waste which every act of living incessantly produces (even the act of thinking: these thoughts of mine that you are reading being all that been salvaged from the scores of sheets of paper now crumpled up in the bin), heralds of a possible salvation beyond the destruction inherent in all production and consumption, liberators from the weight of time’s detritus, ponderous dark angels of lightness and clarity.”
― The Road to San Giovanni
― The Road to San Giovanni
“Only Bob Dylan knows which of his songs belong in the trash and which belong in the garbage. I’m so ignorant, I’d say either one works.”
― The Lewis and Clark of The Ozarks
― The Lewis and Clark of The Ozarks
“А тепер ми підходимо до теорії розбитих вікон, яка стосується злочинності. Її сформулювали Джеймс Вілсон і Джордж Келлінг. Вони припустили, що з дрібних ознак міського безладу — сміття, графіті, розбитих вікон, пияків у громадських місцях — формується слизький схил, що веде до більших ознак безладу і підвищення рівня злочинності. Чому? Бо сміття й графіті як норма означають, що людям байдуже або вони безсилі цьому протистояти, а це вже пряме запрошення смітити чи робити щось гірше.”
― Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
― Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst
“It is through the actions of the USA government that I have concluded I have the secret status of ‘Garbage’.”
“Jasper made gagging noises. “Don’t tell me this darling child is used to eating garbage.”
― Strength Check
― Strength Check
“I get it. Who wants to contribute more to the buildup of the world's "trash mountains" than necessary?... The undeniable fact is that every object in your home already exists. The resources have already been pulled out of the earth and manufactured into something. If you can't recycle it, presumably it's never going to become usable raw materials again... It is already taking up space... namely inside your home. If you send it to the landfill, it will be taking up an equal amount of space in a location...designated for disposal protect the public well-being.
Let your regret about how much you have to throw away reinforce your determination not to buy so much in the future.”
― The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life
Let your regret about how much you have to throw away reinforce your determination not to buy so much in the future.”
― The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life
“There are surreal ghosts of the night: Cleaners who silently sweep the dark streets while you sleep, homeless people lying on cold stones, tired workers who collect garbage until the break of dawn. If you are still looking for the ghosts of the night when these people are around, you are blind, very blind!”
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