Financial Freedom Quotes

Quotes tagged as "financial-freedom" Showing 1-30 of 202
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
“As a woman you are better off in life earning your own money. You couldn't prevent your husband from leaving you or taking another wife, but you could have some of your dignity if you didn't have to beg him for financial support.”
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Infidel

T. Harv Eker
“Wealth File
1. Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people believe "Life happens to me."
2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.
3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.
4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.
6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich and successful people.
7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
12. Rich people think "both". Poor people think "either/or".
13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.
15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.
17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.”
T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Nathan W. Morris
“The speed of your success is limited only by your dedication and what you're willing to sacrifice”
Nathan W. Morris

T. Harv Eker
“Nothing has meaning except for the meaning you give it.”
T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

T. Harv Eker
“If you shoot for the stars, you'll at least hit the moon”
T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Nathan W. Morris
“I've found that the less stuff I own, the less my stuff owns me.”
Nathan W. Morris

Manoj Arora
“To achieve what 1% of the worlds population has (Financial Freedom), you must be willing to do what only 1% dare to do..hard work and perseverance of highest order.”
Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

Manoj Arora
“You can make EXCUSES and earn SYMPATHY,
You can make MONEY and earn ADMIRATION.
The choice is always yours...”
Manoj Arora, From the Rat Race to Financial Freedom

“If you are always spending a dollar here and a dollar there, you will never have enough dollars to invest and share.”
Linsey Mills, Currency of Conversations: The Talk You've Been Waiting For About Money

“Jumping from Opportunity to Opportunity is going to be a wild ride - There is nothing as volatile as the Crypto market. As a new investor, you need strategies NOT get-rich-quick schemes. Aside from watching out for RUG PULLS, you should Dollar Cost Average and buy Bitcoin — this means resisting any temptation to get into short-term hype and lose your hard earned money. In Bitcoin, a passive long play investment has a better chance of succeeding than an active trading company.”
Najah Roberts

Morgan Housel
“Money's greatest intrinsic value--and this can't be overstated--is its ability to give you control over your time. To obtain, bit by bit, a level of independence and autonomy.”
Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel & The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley 2 Books Collection Set

“Your imagination is the secret passage to a treasury of innovative solutions for monetary woes.”
Linsey Mills, Currency of Conversations: The Talk You've Been Waiting For About Money

“Children are like sponges, absorbing their parents' attitudes and behaviors towards money. It's crucial for parents to be mindful of their financial actions and lead by example.”
Linsey Mills, Currency of Conversations: The Talk You've Been Waiting For About Money

“When parents openly communicate about money matters, they empower their children to develop a healthy understanding of financial concepts, fostering a positive relationship with money.”
Linsey Mills, Teach Your Child About Money Through Play: 110+ Games/Activities, Tips, and Resources to Teach Kids Financial Literacy at an Early Age

“Children observe their parents' reactions during financial challenges. By demonstrating resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness, parents can inspire their children to overcome financial obstacles with confidence.”
Linsey Mills, Currency of Conversations: The Talk You've Been Waiting For About Money

“By instilling a sense of delayed gratification in their children, parents can teach them the importance of patience and long-term financial planning, preparing them for a prosperous future.”
Linsey Mills, Currency of Conversations: The Talk You've Been Waiting For About Money

Aiyaz Uddin
“We often seek immediate financial gratification through labor, unaware of the immense wealth-generating potential that lies in knowledge and informed decision-making. By cultivating their intellectual capacity and making conscious choices, they can unlock a pathway to greater financial prosperity and personal fulfillment.”
Aiyaz Uddin, Science Behind A Perfect Life

Thiago Zaupa
“As you gaze upon the elite—the symbols of power and influence—understand that they are not distant entities but reflections of archetypal energies within you. In the heart of influence, the mirror reveals that the external elite is an extension of your internal archetypes, and by transforming them, you reshape the very fabric of your outer reality.”
Thiago Zaupa, Ultimate Code: We Control the Elite

“Wealth creation starts with creativity not negativity.”
David Angway

“Being emotional within your finances today can kill your future income”
David Angway

Christopher Manske
“Don’t increase your lifestyle until your passive income surpasses your active income. You’ll know you can and should buy that luxury item when the cost of keeping it is totally covered by your passive income. The
things you own (such as dividend-paying stocks, oil partnerships, and real estate investment trusts) should pay for the things you enjoy and consume.”
Christopher Manske, Outsmart the Money Magicians: Maximize Your Net Worth by Seeing Through the Most Powerful Illusions Performed by Wall Street and the IRS

“The predisposition to mismanage finances creates the pathway for a perilous financial journey.”
Wayne Chirisa

Robin S. Baker
“A huge blockage that could be stopping you from experiencing abundance in your physical world, is the way that you view your worth. You are worthy of financial freedom, blessings, and support. You are deserving and it makes perfect sense for you to experience this.”
Robin S. Baker

“Want to know the secret to financial oneness? It begins with spiritually recognizing that everything is a gift from God.”
Greg Gorman & Julie Gorman

“Acknowledging that everything comes from God and belongs to God is the beginning of wisdom-it alleviates the pressure of ownership and positions us as stewards over God's property.”
Greg Gorman & Julie Gorman, Two Are Better Than One: Build Purpose and Unity in Your Marriage

“Maintaining a heart of stewardship evens the playing field, allowing couples to simply ask: God, what do You want to do with your provisions?”
Greg Gorman & Julie Gorman

“Millionaires don't waste their cash on frivolous splurges. Forget the flashy toys – they're all about the finer things in life: wisdom, adventure, and genuine connections. So, instead of blowing your paycheck on stuff you don't need, start investing in the things that truly matter. After all, the most valuable currency isn't money – it's the richness of your experiences and the depth of your relationships.”
Life is Positive

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