Feminist Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "feminist-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 262
Idowu Koyenikan
“I am a strong and powerful woman.
I am proud to be a woman and I celebrate the qualities that I have as a woman.
I am not defined by other people’s opinion of who I should be or what I should do as a woman. I determine that, not anyone else.
I am not passed up for a position, title, or promotion because I am a woman.
I fully deserve all the good things that comes my way.
Irrespective of what anyone might think, being a woman places no boundaries or limits on my abilities.
I can do anything I set my mind to.
I celebrate my womanhood and I am beautiful both inside and out.”
idowu koyenikan, Wealth for All: Living a Life of Success at the Edge of Your Ability

“Mothers are our world. Sisters are our sky. Daughters are our stars. Women are our universe.”
Matshona Dhliwayo

Aysha Taryam
“If we are to fight discrimination and injustice against women we must start from the home for if a woman cannot be safe in her own house then she cannot be expected to feel safe anywhere.”
Aysha Taryam

Maya Angelou
“The black mother perceives destruction at every door, ruination at each window, and even she herself is not beyond her own suspicion. She questions whether she loves her children enough- or more terribly, does she love them too much? Do her looks cause embarrassment- or even terrifying, is she so attractive her sons begin to desire her and her daughters begin to hate her. If she is unmarried, the challenges are increased. Her singleness indicates she has rejected or has been rejected by her mate. Yet she is raising children who will become mates. Beyond her door, all authority is in the hands of people who do not look or think or act like her children. Teachers, doctors, sales, clerks, policemen, welfare workers who are white and exert control over her family’s moods, conditions and personality, yet within the home, she must display a right to rule which at any moment, by a knock at the door, or a ring in the telephone, can be exposed as false. In the face of this contradictions she must provide a blanket of stability, which warms but does not suffocate, and she must tell her children the truth about the power of white power without suggesting that it cannot be challenged.”
Maya Angelou, The Heart of a Woman

Amy Leigh Mercree
“Women united can create movements. We can empower entire generations. We can build peace one action at a time. Together we rise. The time is now.”
Amy Leigh Mercree

Claire Hennessy
“I don't think you should shape yourself for a boy, or anyone else. I didn't. You need to know deep down, in your own truest self, that you are more powerful when you're not lugging around all that flab. You are in control. You are strong. You are glorious.”
Claire Hennessy, Nothing Tastes as Good

Erin Passons
“I voted for every woman who has to leave a baby too soon, who has to downgrade her career, or who is made to feel invisible in her role as a mother.”
Erin Passons, The Nasty Women Project: Voices from the Resistance

Rose S. White
“Who even had the right to place singlehood on the list of pathetic stuff in the Encyclopedia of life? I often feel much happier if I am alone, at least until I remember that it’s not very socially acceptable to be alone, single, and lonely. Sometimes I feel like even a harem would be more acceptable than a single person. Because something must be completely wrong with someone if nobody wants them. How stupid! Something is wrong with this person! She’s happy when she’s alone! She’s happy to be by herself. Handle that, if you can.”
Rose S. White, You - The World of Thoughts Matters

“Ah, patriarchy, where men are from Mars, and women are from 'don't you worry your pretty little head about it.”
Anubha Saxena

Tina Schermer Sellers
“When we do not fully and equally represent the masculine and the feminine in church and civic leadership, we cannot represent the human experience or Jesus.”
Tina Schermer Sellers, Sex, God, and the Conservative Church

“Patriarchy: Doing the same thing for centuries and expecting women to be grateful for the progress.”
Anubha Saxena

“Absolutely, women just love cleaning because it's in our 'female DNA'—right next to the 'loves pink' gene.”
Anubha Saxena

“Society believes that every man comes out of the womb with a PhD in 'Fixing Stuff 101”
Anubha Saxena

“In the world of data, women must be mythical creatures. That's the only explanation for why we're so often left out.”
Anubha Saxena

“Tell me again how I should smile more. I always forget to prioritize strangers' aesthetic needs over my own feelings.”
Anubha Saxena

“A woman’s place is in the house... and the Senate, and boardrooms, and space stations. Just a minor update.”
Anubha Saxena

Anna Rajmon
“The more men I met, the more I understood serial killers.”
Anna Rajmon, ELIS

“Oh sure, because my chromosomes totally dictate my ability to park a car.”
Anubha Saxena

“Feminism? Oh, it's totally unnecessary today. Just like seat belts and life jackets.”
Anubha Saxena

“Nothing says 'advanced society' like basing rights and opportunities on chromosomes.”
Anubha Saxena

“They laugh at feminism from the comfort of privilege, blind to the chains it seeks to break.”
Anubha Saxena

Hannah Mukhtar
“men never have to think about flowers.”
Hannah Mukhtar, Meadow of Whispers: A Floral Poetry Collection

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Have you ever wondered, maybe Witches are just fairies who shed off their wings, or maybe Society chopped off their wings (who knows) and they continued to fly anyway by a broomstick made with the scattered fragmented dust of their wings?”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Susan J. Morris
“Sam chose her next words carefully—“I hear she’s very clever.”

What she’d actually heard was that Dr. Helena Moriarty, when faced with a man who wouldn’t stop harassing her, had taken up beekeeping, distilled the queen bee’s scent, and slipped it into the offending man’s shaving cream. After that, bees had swarmed him—impossibly finding him no matter where he went, wriggling and squirming through cracks and keyholes, air vents, and chimneys. It was enough to drive a man mad.

They just want to be friends, Dr. Moriarty was said to have echoed back at him. For indeed, he was only stung two or three times.
Needless to say, he’d left her alone after that.”
Susan J. Morris, Strange Beasts

Olivie Blake
“For boys, sex is a part of life, a rite of passage. Boys look at porn when they’re twelve, thirteen! Boys get to have sex just as it is, just sex. Girls are taught fairy tales, they’re taught happily ever after , they’re taught sex as a consequence of marriage. Imagine seeing the world that way, as if sex isn’t a right but a rung on a ladder. We have to withhold it, can you imagine that? Because it’s so brainless and simple that if men get it too easily, they’ll just leave. Because really, how the fuck is my vagina different from any other woman’s? No, the thing that makes me different is somewhere else, literally anywhere else, but I can’t enjoy sex without some archaic sociological risk. And if you think about that it’s even worse, because look at the vagina, Aldo. It can have infinite orgasms. It doesn’t require any recovery time. It can come and come and come and what, maybe it gets dry? Lube it up again, easy. If any sexual organ is omnipotent it’s the fucking cunt but no, penises are the ones who get to decide whether a woman has value. Who let that happen? Really, Aldo, who? Maybe this is why men rule the world, because they were clever enough to convince women that virginity is precious, that sex itself should be secret, that being penetrated was sacrosanct. It’s idiotic, it’s even dumber than it is cruel and that’s the worst part. The idea that I should want sex less than you, why does that exist?”
Olivie Blake, Alone With You in the Ether

“Oh, I don’t know,” Karen groaned, feeling suddenly very feisty. “I just don’t think anyone with a loose appendage swinging between their legs—which we know corresponds to a loose screw in the brain—could ever be trusted with something as delicate as the well-being of someone not similarly encumbered.”
Casey Fisher, The Subtle Cause

“Engels did observe that the original division of labour was between man and women for the purposes of child-breeding; that within the family the husband was the owner, that the wife the means of production, the children the labour; and that reproduction of the human species was an important economic system distinct from the means of production.”
Shulasmith Firestone

Hélène Cixous
“By writing her self, woman will return to the body which has been more than confiscated from her, which has been turned into an uncanny stranger on display- the ailing or dead figure, which so often turns out to be the nasty companion, the cause and location of inhibitions.”
Hélène Cixous, The Laugh of the Medusa

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