Eve Quotes

Quotes tagged as "eve" Showing 151-169 of 169
J.D. Robb
“Officer down. Officer down."

"I'm an officer now, am I? That's insult to injury.”
J.D. Robb, Fantasy in Death

J.D. Robb
“Maybe they're out doing the tango and drinking tequila shots." He sent Eve a grin. "As we will be when we reach their age. After which we'll come home and have mad sex."

"For God's sake. This is on the record."

"Yes, I know." He stepped off with her on Var's floor. "I wanted those future plans to be official as well.”
J.D. Robb, Fantasy in Death

J.D. Robb
“EVE: I have work to do.
ROARKE: I know but it can wait. I have something to show you.
EVE: In the bedroom? She looks Roarke up and down. I've seen it. It's nice I might take time to play with it later.
ROARKE: You're to good to me.”
J.D. Robb, Celebrity in Death

J.D. Robb
“Try to look like Peabody."


"Serious, official, yet approachable."

"You forgot adorable."

"Peabody is not adorable."

"She is from my perspective. Besides, I was talking about me.”
J.D. Robb, Fantasy in Death

J.D. Robb
“After they left the office, Peabody shoved her hands in her pockets. "These nicknames are pissing me off."
"But you're not I'm-Too-Good-to-Pee-Body. Harris is."
"It's my damn name. And now I have to pee. It's like my bladder has to prove something."
"Pee at the bank. Consider it a deposit.”
J.D. Robb, Celebrity in Death

Anna Carey
“Leif gripped Benny's shoulders to hold him back, but he broke free and chased the truck, pumping his tiny arms and legs with great furry.
"I love you!" he called out, when he was just ten feet away. I gripped the metal bars, my throat choked with emotion.
"I love you!" Silas cried, as he followed.
They both kept after us, sprinting wildly behind the cage. I watched their mouths moving, saying those words over and again, as the truck bounded through the woods and their small bodies disappeared, unreachable, behind the trees.”
Anna Carey, Eve

Michael  Grant
“You like blue eyes, huh?"
"Yes. I do. I like blue eyes.”
Michael Grant, Eve & Adam
tags: eve, solo

Debra Anastasia
“This is supposed to be a touch-feely conversation where we tell you, ‘Don’t worry, you’ll always have a family here with us.’ And then we may or may not have sappy music piped in.”
Ted rolled his eyes. “That was tactful, Eve. Wonderful.”
Debra Anastasia, Poughkeepsie
tags: eve

Roman Payne
“My Love wakes in a puddle of sunlight.
Her hands asleep beside her.
Her hair draped on the lawn
like a mantle of cloth.
I give her my troth, for our love is whole
I sing her beauty in my soul”
Roman Payne

Keary Taylor
“I love you," I whispered against his lips as he consumed me, body and soul. "It's you. It's always been you.”
Keary Taylor, Eden
tags: eve, love

Eve Langlais
“- Please God, Yahweh, Aslan, Buddha or whatever name you prefer, it's me, Penelope. I know we've never talked before probably because, according to science, you don't exist. But if, by chance, research is wrong and you are actually real, I don't suppose you'd find it in your heart, if you have a heart that is, to save me, somehow, I'd be ever so grateful.

- I am hear to answer your prayer, earthling. Concider yourself saved.

At the sound of the deep voice behind her and the hand that touched her shoulder, Penelope screamed, and in a very illogical move, especially for her, passed out.”
Eve Langlais

Keary Taylor
“It would be so much easier if I didnt have to make either choice. Picking neither and going back to the way I was just a few months previous would have been so much simpler. But something inside me had changed. There was no going back now. I couldnt live the same without them.”
Keary Taylor, Eden
tags: avian, eve, west

Anna Carey
“It does not in any way, shape, or form resemble Winnie the Pooh.”
Anna Carey, Eve
tags: eve

“Eve returned to her lip-gloss application. "Biology. Ms Whittier," she said, not bothering to look at Luke.

"Cool. Me too. Can I borrow that?" He reached around her and plucked her lip glaze out of her fingers. She still held the wand.

He held out his hand for it.

"What? No," Eve said.

"Come on, it's my first day. I want to make a good impression. And clearly biology can't be understood without lipstick," Luke joked.

"Funny." Eve grabbed the lip glaze back. "This stuff is really good for you."

Luke raised his eyebrows. They disappeared into his floppy blond hair. He didn't have expressive dark brows like Mal.

"It has green tea antioxidants," Eve continued. "And macadamia extract and aloe vera for healing."

"Oh. That's different then," Luke said. "Carry on.”
Amy Meredith, Shadows

Kentaro Yabuki
“People decide how to live their own lives! A scum bastard doesn't have the right to chain anyone down!" -Sven to Torneo”
Kentaro Yabuki, Black Cat, Volume 02

Debra Anastasia
“This is it, Beck. This is the hardest part of loving someone: not being with them when you want to be. It's so bad you can taste it.”
Debra Anastasia, Poughkeepsie

Keary Taylor
“You cant have both.

Avian was right. Even though I didnt know how to handle feeling like this, I knew what I had been doing was wrong. I couldn't have both. It was unfair to both of them. And it was tearing me into two people.

But how was I supposed to choose? I felt a tie to both of them, a tie so solid I wasnt sure that even I was strong enough to sever it.”
Keary Taylor, Eden
tags: avian, eve, west

Keary Taylor
“Avian was home and made me feel secure and right. Everything felt okay when I was with Avian. But at the same time, he was still so much older than I was. And he would be tied to Eden in such a permanent way.”
Keary Taylor, Eden
tags: avian, eve

Keary Taylor
“West had woken up something inside of me. I never felt more alive than I did when I was with West. West pushed me to be more. More human and yet more cybernetic at the same time. West could go anywhere with me. He could nearly match me step for step on scouting duties, could hunt with me.

But I still didnt fully trust him. West kept too many secrets, had lied to me too many times. And he almost seemed to like to make me angry.”
Keary Taylor, Eden
tags: eve, west

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