Desperation Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "desperation-quotes" Showing 1-15 of 15
“Desperate and dammed persons share an affinity for flirting with danger; an infectious case of erotic morbidity fetters them to self-destruction.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Extreme anxiety, fear, exhaustion, and lack of other viable options are what cause a person to surrender everything. Desperation is also the raw material of drastic change. Crisis spurs critical, dramatic shifts in a person’s psyche. Only a person who is willing to lose everything will transform himself or herself. Only by moving outside our comfort zone of the past – letting go of a former being – will a person expand their state of conscious awareness. Now that I am desperate, I am dangerous. I am also ripe for transformation.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Alia Joy
“Glory is revealed most clearly in desperation, dependance, and discomfort.”
Alia Joy, Glorious Weakness: Discovering God in All We Lack

Mohith Agadi
“Being desperate for something is not bad, but it is when you let your desperation be overly visible.”
Mohith Agadi

“I wasn’t old enough to remember the day Daddy sent her there. The way he told it, she was stealing crank and spent most of her time climbing around the peter tree. So he sent her to this place. Loved her too much to give her nothing, but giving her anything at all squared things so he’d never have to love her again.”
David Joy, Where All Light Tends to Go

“ছেড়ে যাওয়ার জন্য জড়িয়ে ধরাটা প্রয়োজন। যারা জড়ায়নি কখনো, তাদের একটা সময়ের পর ভুলে যাওয়াটা খুব সহজ, সাবানের গ্যাজার মতো। থিতিয়ে পড়লেই বুদবুদ শেষ, কিসসা খতম...

যে গাছের উদ্ভাবনী ক্ষমতা কমে আসে, সে গাছের ডালে চিরকাল কাঠুরিয়া ঘর করে...

আর যারা কসমসে জাপটে ধরে, তারা নির্মোহ ঘুমের ভেতর প্রচ্ছন্ন যন্ত্রনা হয়ে জেগে থাকে গোটা জীবন। যে ব্যথাটাকে তারিয়ে তারিয়ে উপভোগ করা যায়, অবসরে নখ দিয়ে খুঁটে ক্ষতটাকে গভীর করা যায়...

আউলবাউল প্রেমের নেশায় ডুবতে থাকে শরীর,
তোমরা ভাবো জ্বর,

বুকের পারদ গললে পরেই,
বুঝবে সবাই কেই বা আপন, কেই বা পর!

ঘাড়ের ঠিক দুই ইঞ্চি নীচে গুণে গুণে পাঁচ মিনিট ধরে ফেলা কয়েকটা মুহূর্তের উষ্ণ নিঃশ্বাস, এই মরে মরে বেঁচে থাকা তুচ্ছ বেকার লাইফটাকে চির শ্বাশত করে দিয়ে যায়...

কৃপা বসু”
Kripa Basu, দ্রাঘিমা ও প্রত্নবালিকা

J.R. Vaineo
“What if this is it? My chance to say goodbye to someone I hardly know, but long for a chance to get to know? Death and goodbyes . . . are they always this unfair?”
J.R. Vaineo, Kings of Muraine

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The biggest weapon of billions of people against the difficulties of life is 'the desperation solutions' that sadden humanity instead of 'real solutions' that suit human dignity!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Richard Bach
“Οι φτερούγες του ήταν κουρελιασμένες βέργες από μολύβι, αλλά ακόμα πιο βαρύ στις πλάτες του ήταν το φορτίο της αποτυχίας. Ευχήθηκε αδύναμα το βάρος να ήταν αρκετό ώστε να τον παρασύρει απαλά στο βυθό της θάλασσας κι έτσι να τελειώσουν όλα.”
Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Sima B. Moussavian
“He wore desperation like a comfy coat and, snuggled into it, he would feel relieved, because without hope you will never get disappointed again and won’t disappoint anyone else.”
Sima B. Moussavian, As the moon began to rust

“No matter how greatly we desire it, we can only see revival coming again when we begin to seek God to give us Burden+Vision=Passion for souls and awakening of the Lord’s people.”
Benjamin Suulola

“Sometimes some people might understand the respect you accord them as a message that you desperately need them in your life. No. Respect is just a basic human gesture; nothing more, maybe less.”

CJ pallister
“If we were able to travel back in time these moments will always exist even in a vanished timeline existence would have once occurred before eradication but in an infinite sea of possibilities the surface level of desperation arises to show it's ugly face.”
CJ pallister, Summer of 55: Unconditional friendship!

“He thought about the loss of humanity that was eating away at the world and the loss of the connection to the self that ate away at the consciousness which animated all into being. He thought about how the collective psyche was teetering on that knife’s edge between a desperation to live and a desperation to die. And here he was at the cusp of it himself.”
Casey Fisher, The Subtle Cause