Climate Change Denial Quotes

Quotes tagged as "climate-change-denial" Showing 1-30 of 36
David Wallace-Wells
“A state of half-ignorance and half-indifference is a much more pervasive climate sickness than true denial or true fatalism.”
David Wallace-Wells, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming

Michio Kaku
“Science, however, is never conducted as a popularity contest, but instead advances through testable, reproducible, and falsifiable theories.”
Michio Kaku

Greta Thunberg
“Adults keep saying: "We owe it to the young people to give them hope."
But I don't want your hope.
I don't want you to be hopeful.
I want you to panic.
I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.
And then I want you to act.
I want you to act as you would in a crisis.
I want you to act as if our house is on fire.
Because it is.”
Greta Thunberg, No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference

John Green
“I am insulated from the weather by my house and its conditioned air. I eat strawberries in January. When it is raining, I can go inside. When it is dark, I can turn on the lights. It is easy for me to feel like climate is mostly an outside phenomenon, whereas I am mostly an inside phenomenon.”
John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed: Essays on a Human-Centered Planet

“Climate change is like my head: it’s not visible in every instance, but I’m pretty darn sure it’s there.”
Kevin Focke

“Republicanism is a corrupt ideology that celebrates extreme selfishness and greed. It's all about me me me.

Trump's MAGA minions simply don't care that global warming is real, as long as it doesn't affect them personally. Why should they care if the planet burns after they're dead?”
Oliver Markus Malloy, How to Defeat the Trump Cult: Want to Save Democracy? Share This Book

“Despite the clear scientific consensus, a veritable brigade of self-proclaimed, underinformed armchair experts lurk on comment threads the world over, eager to pour scorn on climate science. Barrages of ad hominem attacks all too often await both the scientists working in climate research and journalists who communicate the research findings.”
David Robert Grimes

“The problem with Trump voters is, they're so dumb, they don't even know how much stuff they don't know. They just assume nobody else knows more about evolution or global warming than they do. If they don't understand how it works, they think nobody understands how it works.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Bad Choices Make Good Stories - Finding Happiness in Los Angeles

Abhijit Naskar
“You have been obsessed with entertainment for so long, that you have almost gone blind to the obvious signs of distress that Mother Earth has been sending for decades.”
Abhijit Naskar

William T. Vollmann
“As long as Death keeps himself out of sight in our hot dark future, we need not face facts.”
William T. Vollmann, No Good Alternative: Volume Two of Carbon Ideologies

Bill McKibben
“So: global warming is the ultimate problem of oil companies because oil causes it, and it's the ultimate problem for government haters because without government intervention, you can't solve it. Those twin existential threats, to cash and to worldview, meant that there was never any shortage of resources for the task of denying climate change.”
Bill McKibben, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out?

A.E. Samaan
“The Earth is nothing but phlegm spat out by the Sun, and our immediate solar system a whirlwind of boulders. There is no "delicate balance".”
A.E. Samaan, From a "Race of Masters" to a "Master Race": 1948 to 1848

Donald Firesmith
“Woe to any climate denier who called climate change a hoax when she was nearby.”
Donald G. Firesmith, What Lurks Below

“You're confusing weather with climate. When it's cold in the winter, that's weather. When it's cold in Alaska, that's climate.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Bad Choices Make Good Stories - Finding Happiness in Los Angeles

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The human mind can solve the problem of climate change, but the world is ruled by the mind of politicians, and this low mind always produce problems, let alone solve a problem!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Environmental protection has become an arena for bitter partisan battles, leading to inaction on critical agenda items including reframing the nation’s energy strategy and confronting the existential threat of climate change. What is going on? Why has a policy area that once enjoyed broad bipartisan support become a source of deep division?”
Daniel C Esty, A Better Planet: Forty Big Ideas for a Sustainable Future

Abhijit Naskar
“Take action to cool your planet or the planet will take action and cool your life forever.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“I beg you my dear sibling – please act – don’t stay silent and indifferent any more, to the agonies of Nature, because the agonies of Nature are getting worse and they’ll destroy the very elements of wellness and joy in the life of your own children and grandchildren.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“As the planet gets warmer, we are going to have more intense and frequent heat waves, which would in turn increase the rate of death from illnesses as well, like heart attack, heat stroke, organ failure, and others.”
Abhijit Naskar

Abhijit Naskar
“Providing food, shelter, clothing and education is not enough any more, because all of this would have no meaning in the end, if your children do not have a planet to live on with health and prosperity.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

A.E. Samaan
“There is not a single ecosystem in the Universe that is "sustainable". The planets are not "sustainable". Our solar system is sustained chaos. The best Humanity can do is learn to ride the waves of uncertainty.”
A.E. Samaan

Abhijit Naskar
“Climate change is a human rights infringement - also it is a criminal offence, because by not taking action to fix it, a citizen would be essentially committing homicide of countless citizens of the future.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Constitution of The United Peoples of Earth

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Some rich people think that they can handle climate change by using their money: Well, but if the world sinks, you won't have the chance to leave the ship with a lifeboat! Where will you go? To the space, stupid rich? Let's remember that people don't have a colony in the cosmos yet!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Climate Change

No matter whether you are loaded,
All the world's money won't save your child.
As our climate gets further compromised,
The rich and poor will suffer and die alike.
Industry gave us affluence and advancement,
But at the expense of our planet's wellbeing.
Our ancestors couldn't fathom it back then,
We don't have their luxury to be greedy fiend.
We barely have a decade to reduce emission,
After that all the prayers won't rescue humanity.
You think things have been hard in your life,
Wait till you hear in grave your children's agony.
Enough with this bickering over phony regulation.
Discard all luxury and reduce individual emission.”
Abhijit Naskar, Gente Mente Adelante: Prejudice Conquered is World Conquered

Quentin R. Bufogle
“Those hippie, potheads over at NASA CLAIM that 2021 was the hottest year on record ... Excuse me, I have to put the cat out (he's on fire again).”
Quentin R. Bufogle

Jessie Greengrass
“Somehow, while we had all been busy, while we had been doing those small things that added up to living, the future had slipped into the present—and despite the fact that we had known that it would come, the overwhelming feeling now that it was here, was of surprise, like waking up one morning to find that you had been young, and now all at once you weren’t.”
Jessie Greengrass, The High House

Quentin R. Bufogle
“We don't need to build a wall. We need to build a fucking drain! Climate Change is real!”
Quentin R. Bufogle

“President Donald Trump was applauded by his party when he withdrew the US from the latest attempt at a UN climate accord. Deniers riddled his appointments to federal agencies. A fair portion of Americans believe there are scientific "sides" to the issue, when science isn't about "sides" at all--it's about evidence. Dismissal of climate change has become so entrenched in conservative ideology and identity that the greatest predictor of whether someone trusts the conclusions of climate science is not their science literacy, but their political affiliation. (From Miseducation: How Climate Change is Taught in America (2021))”
Katie Worth

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