Captechu Quotes

Quotes tagged as "captechu" Showing 1-30 of 31
“Anyone starting out to research for a doctorate degree should remember that hours of self centered work has the ability to be the spark for others to progress. All research is potentially useful to open doors or show others that door does not lead anywhere useful. Advancements happen by building on others research.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“Navigating a complex system of cloud computing with an enterprise cybersecurity strategy is not an easy feat. A complex technological system works when designed correctly. However, adding the human factor as an element to this system is an ever-escalating paradox and a potential cyberthreat.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Cybersecurity is a new area where equality will exist to allow intelligence to succeed.

Cybersecurity needs women to be successful and without them it will not as the best talent a must.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“Quantum theory fascinates me. I find the underlying theoretical constructs intensely interesting and I am captured by how quantum theory is driving modern scientific discovery and delivering tangible, life-changing applications in the real world.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“In an open immeasurable non-linear System of Systems - the Quantum Realm; the Quantum Fields, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Engineering, Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Intelligence, Quantum Thinking, Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Chaos phenomena are a few of many (to be defined) interconnected elements of this Universal System.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“We are currently at the start of a second quantum revolution,” said Dr. Ian McAndrew, Dean of Doctorate Programs @ Capitol Technology University. “The first quantum revolution gave us new rules that govern physical reality. The second quantum revolution will take these rules and use them to develop new technologies and offer the next level of opportunities.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“Research can be both lonely and rewarding. I would encourage research in areas that are of interest to the researcher and not that which is currently popular. Any research of note is not going to happen overnight and your interest will keep you dedicated.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“Worldwide, the prospects of the fast-advancing quantum computing (r)evolution, will challenge the pre-quantum way of conducting scientific and industrial development by making digital transformation of societies, organizations, and financial markets fundamentally different.

Beyond the commercial research and development made possible by global corporations; universities; scientific communities; research laboratories… the nation states, we could presume, are interested the most in practical application of quantum technologies.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Widen your innovative frontiers by using the cutting-edge, market-leading technology solutions. Turn the sensitive information of your business into the ́information ́ of your successful digital journey.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“A systemic approach to the knowledge collected will help decision makers to construct resilient and proactive measures across these pathways:

Prominent partnerships of cooperation and interconnectedness as a new business model are needed to make the existing model of competition between companies obsolete.

Heal the broken links in cyber-security by creating cyber-resilient supply and value chains.

Leader-shift your business from the culture of fear and uncertainty to the business of trust.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Die Frage ist nicht mehr, ob man auf Cloud Computing setzt, sondern wann und wie. Die Cloud Infrastruktur- und Cloud Sicherheits-Strategie sollte immer mit der Unternehmensstrategie einhergehen. Denn die Implementierung von Cloud Computing könnte die treibende Kraft für eine Unternehmen oder eine Organisation werden. In einer auf das Geschäftsmodell abgestimmten Cloud-Strategie, ist Cloud Security oftmals der entscheidende Faktor im allumfassenden Sicherheitsmodell. Strategisch muss Cloud-Sicherheit daher eine gemeinsame Aufgabe des Cloud-Providers und des Kunden sein.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“The IoT market grows rapidly and it’s acceleration will continue in all major areas like Industrial Internet of Things; Digital Enterprise; Internet of Healthcare; Internet of Energy; Internet of Education; Digitalisation of global Supply Chains.

Security concerns add to the IoT complexity. Strategically, to assure the system’s reliability & data / knowledge engineering, it is important to insure data integrity, availability, traceability, and privacy. A complex problem of digital transformation globally.

The Internet of Things cybersecurity, therefore, is not a matter of device self-defence. What is needed is a systemic approach. Identify underlying patterns. Secure elements of a chain: from security of a device that creates, captures your data.. to the data storage.. to the back-end storage.. Create/ join IoT ecosystems, driven by protection with external monitoring, detection and reaction systems. It is a challenge - to secure systems.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“For an enterprise, the digital readiness in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business environment an accurate, reliable, and timely information flow along with the customer trust, play a fundamental role.

Destructive and demoralising, the financial impact of experiencing a data breach continues to increase year over year for businesses. A very complex situation of a data breach / ransomware / malware attack (to name a few cyberthreats) leads to even more complex and challenging reputational damage, making, potentially, a cyber-attack costs ongoing for years. As threat actors are innovating, cybersecurity experts assert their own unique interpretation of trust.

The Zero Trust approach therefore is a powerful and promising concept.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“It is essential to know that no single specific technology is associated with Zero Trust architecture. The Zero Trust is a security model based on the principle of maintaining strict access controls and not trusting anyone by default; a holistic approach to network security, that incorporates a number of different principles and technologies.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“With Cloud Computing, it is no longer a question of If, but rather When and How.”
Ludmila Morozova-Bussva

“Five interconnecting rings for the “Faster, higher, stronger” of Cloud Computing System.

The “Cloud Computing Rings” represent: Performance, Resilience, Data Sovereignty, Interoperability and Reversibility of a successfully integrated Cloud System.”
Ludmila Morozova-Bussva

“With Cloud Computing, it is no longer a question of If, but rather When and How.

Offering the transformative power of connected systems, cloud computing technologies - cloud systems - enable alignment of the digital transformation and cybersecurity ambitions with the corporate strategy of an enterprise.”
Ludmila Morozova-Bussva

“The global cloud computing market is expected to reach $623.3 billion by 2023. According to cloud computing growth stats, the industry will grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18% during the forecast period.

Global Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market is expected to grow with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.9% over the forecast period from 2020-2026.

Cloud computing holds great potential for organizations that choose to stay agile and empower rapid scaling-up through partnerships and access to flexible and accessible resources.

With the cloud, IT is no longer a product, it is a service. The pay-as-you-go model holds the promise of saving money using the cloud. Efficiency and savings can be achieved, given, the attention is paid to cloud cost optimization.

With inevitable rapid changes and challenges of an evolving digital landscape, recognizing the complexity of the organization, having a long-term focus and strategic objectives is vital.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“To achieve cost savings and strategic performance while innovating and taking decisions that will have serious consequences, apply the systems thinking approach and a knowledge-based vision.

Have a long-term focus and strategic objectives; acknowledge the complexity of an organization; recognise that scaling-up successful strategy requires (hyper)convergence of business objectives, data analytics, human-factors engineering, information and cyber security, regulatory compliance, cutting edge technologies…

Understand the process! Enjoy success!”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Work, how we work, and where we work are changing. The modern world is a dangerous cyber world for the innocent now and cyber experts are needed more than ever.

As the Covid-19 changes many things the opportunities for women are opening.

That is why the education of the next generation of Cyber experts must start now, include all those that have historically been limited to be part of this defense of our ways of life.

We need women in cyber at all levels and tasks.

University edification is one area we at Capitol want to assist and are here to help. Study, research, lead the sector with your skills.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“Education is the foundation for your future, STEM education is the leveller for all to be successful in the future needs of humanity. 

To achieve equality in STEM we need to remind all that education is the common focus and drive.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“Cybersecurity is a subject that requires logic, knowledge, thought and commitment.

It can be applied or research based. It is a true leveller for all to enter, be successful and lead the future of cybersecurity.

I see a future where women are the leaders a pushing the boundaries for the benefit for all.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“We are now at a critical mass as we plan the future with combined technology.
If we do not identify how separate technologies support or add problems we are just repeating the mistakes of the past.”
Ian R. McAndrew, PhD

“The Stellar Evolution of Cybersecurity. The evolutionary processes of stars depend upon their initial mass. The evolutionary processes of cybersecurity depend upon the hyperconvergence of Cyber Dependencies, People, Processes, and Technology.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Women have so much to contribute to the cybersecurity field. Breaking barriers is more than just populating the cybersecurity space with a female presence, but about contributing fresh and different perspectives to a dynamic landscape that requires agile and adaptable thinking.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“As sunlight is to the eyes, science is for the mind...”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“On The Brink Of The Future, Continuous Learning Is Your Heartbeat Of Success’ ~ Dr. Ian McAndrew”
Dr. Ian McAndrew

“From the dawn of industrialisation, till today and into the future, a Human Talent is the key aspect of enabling evolution and empowering humanity; whereas every so often with consequent environmental detriment, creating, therefore doubt as to the human ability to use and control its own creation.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Human Talent is the Beating Heart of Progress, and Understanding its Influence on Digital Innovation is Vital to Shaping a More Secure and Prosperous Digital Future.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

“Cybersecurity threats continue to grow and evolve in frequency, vector, and complexity. The evolving and sophisticated nature of cyber threats further emphasizes the significance of human resourcefulness in effectively combating these challenges. In the field of cybersecurity, skills such as critical thinking, attention to detail, effective communication, and the ability to simplify complex ideas are essential for success.”
Ludmila Morozova-Buss

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