Alternative Quotes

Quotes tagged as "alternative" Showing 1-30 of 57
Gerard Way
“Im okay Im okay now.
But you really need to listen to me
'cause im telling you the truth
I mean this im okay
Trust me...
Im not okay
...Well okay im not okay.
Im not o-f cking-kay”
Gerard Way

Russell Means
“If I want my people to be free, Americans have to be free. ”
Russell Means, Where White Men Fear to Tread: The Autobiography of Russell Means

Peter O. Gray
“Schooling that children are forced to endure—in which the subject matter is imposed by others and the “learning” is motivated by extrinsic rewards and punishments rather than by the children’s true interests—turns learning from a joyful activity into a chore, to be avoided whenever possible. Coercive schooling, which tragically is the norm in our society, suppresses curiosity and overrides children’s natural ways of learning. It also promotes anxiety, depression and feelings of helplessness that all too often reach pathological levels.”
Peter O. Gray

Santosh Kalwar
“What I can give is not necessary what you will get but along our disagreements we will find some alternate ways.”
Santosh Kalwar

Solange nicole
“I’m ALL about the Alternative.”
Solange nicole

Gary L. Francione
“One of the main arguments that I make is that although almost everyone accepts that it is morally wrong to inflict “unnecessary” suffering and death on animals, 99% of the suffering and death that we inflict on animals can be justified only by our pleasure, amusement, or convenience. For example, the best justification that we have for killing the billions of nonhumans that we eat every year is that we enjoy the taste of animal flesh and animal products. This is not an acceptable justification if we take seriously, as we purport to, that it is wrong to inflict unnecessary suffering or death on animals, and it illustrates the confused thinking that I characterize as our “moral schizophrenia” when it comes to nonhumans.

A follow-up question that I often get is: “What about vivisection? Surely that use of animals is not merely for our pleasure, is it?”

Vivisection, Part One: The “Necessity” of Vivisection | Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach”

Ray Dalio
“Sincerely believe that you might not know the best possible path and recognize that your ability to deal well with “not knowing” is more important than whatever it is you do know. Most people make bad decisions because they are so certain that they’re right that they don’t allow themselves to see the better alternatives that exist. Radically open-minded people know that coming up with the right questions and asking other smart people what they think is as important as having all the answers. They understand that you can’t make a great decision without swimming for a while in a state of “not knowing.” That is because what exists within the area of “not knowing” is so much greater and more exciting than anything any one of us knows.”
Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

“Never be seduced by the sweet promises of a better path”
Sunday Adelaja

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you excessively concentrate on a closed door, you may miss the alternative easy entries!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

William Ury
“Your Plan B may seem like an imposed consequence since it is you who are the key actor. But remember what your Plan B is—your best alternative should the other refuse to respect your interests. It is not a punishment for the other, but simply the logical path for you to follow in pursuit of your legitimate needs. It is an alternative path to success. Let your Plan B speak for itself. Through your quiet tone and confidence, let the other know you are serious about carrying out your Plan B with its attendant logical consequences.”
William Ury, The Power of a Positive No: How to Say No and Still Get to Yes

G. Richard Shell
“Develop a specific alternative as a fallback if the negotiation fails. If you can’t walk away, you can’t say no. Too often, cooperative people leave themselves without choices at the bargaining table. They have no alternatives planned if negotiations fail. Coaching note: your preparation must always include plan B. Life will go on if there is no deal, so find out what your alternatives are, work on improving them, and bring a clear vision of them with you to the negotiation. Remember the lesson of Janie Rail in chapter 6. Build your own railroad if you have to. There is always an alternative.”
G. Richard Shell, Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People

“Nothing should lead you aside from your planned route”
Sunday Adelaja

Sanjo Jendayi
“She keeps telling
herself and others
that she doesn't want
a relationship to silence
the longing in her soul.
That alternative fact
feeds her insecurities
and starves her soul.”
Sanjo Jendayi

Zøe Haslie
“You are crazy," Misha said.
"I'd much rather the term 'alternative'.”
Zøe Haslie, Just For A While

Jason Medina
“She had imagined all kinds of hellish scenarios that made getting eaten by the zombies sound like a pleasant alternative.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Anurag Shrivastava
“I don't believe in these customs and rituals, as it's like manufacturing culture-fits on the graveyard of diversity. But then I haven't yet found any other alternative to this prevalent system, which doesn't have its fair share of drawbacks. So if following a custom means being courteous to someone, why not?”
Anurag Shrivastava, The Web of Karma

“Alternative False Life-Styles

Once saved always saved; Just a sinner saved by grace; Once an addict, always an addict; No sin can separate us from the love of God; God understands sin

All alternatives leading away from our responsibility of tuning away from sin!”
John M Sheehan

جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel
“العلم هو البديل لتفسير هذا العالم بشكل منطقي وعقلاني.”
جلجامش نبيل, Gilgamesh Nabeel, صراع الأقنعة

“Painting is an alternative when there is no more pages left in the journal.”
Alan Maiccon

Katherine McIntyre
“The alternative rolled out like a bleak winter’s morning, a gray day that stretched on forever.”
Katherine McIntyre, Forged Redemption

“Never promise something based on other people’s promises, if their promise is broken, so will be your confidence & image in front of others.
Never sleep on a confirmation before considering what if they don’t confirm. Believe them, but also work out an alternative.”
Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“How do I come to believe in God? Immerse yourself in the alternatives.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“I am exactly who I AM. Respect my choice. Respect me.”
Ginny Toole

“A positive attitude acts like a fork in the road and will effectively alter the course of your life for the better.”
Dee Waldeck

Amir Levine
“If you are avoidant—the surefire sign that you need to use effective communication is when you feel an irrepressible need to bolt. Use effective communication to explain to your partner that you need some space and that you’d like to find a way of doing so that is acceptable to him or her. Suggest a few alternatives, making sure that the other person’s needs are taken care of. By doing so, you’re more likely to get the breathing space you need.”
Amir Levine, Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find—and Keep—Love

“By considering the context of the negotiation, the relationships involved, and your alternatives away from the table, you will become adept at identifying when to negotiate, when to accept a deal without negotiating, and when to simply walk away.”
Deepak Malhotra, Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Ctrl Alt Del for humans would mean, ‘Take Control, Opt Alternatives, and Delete Fears.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, You By You

Sarah J. Maas
“Maybe it'd be easier to pretend that nothing had happened.

The alternative might be more than I could endure.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

“It takes a dedicated hand, to put it through the wall.”
Mother Mother

David Richo
“The ego is not dragged kicking and screaming to the feet of the higher self; it leaps for joy into its waiting arms. The ego is relieved to know there is an alternative to the pain it has known and its fear, attachment, and entitlement.”
David Richo, How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving

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