Linda asked Naomi Novik:

Could you’ll please write a sequel to “Uprooted?” I know you are busy with other stories at the present time but I notice you did allow the evil Woodqueen to escape. That would breed all types of storylines. Also what happens next to our two lovers? The world, and especially me, wants to know. Maybe you could call it Enraptured.

Naomi Novik I would be glad to write a sequel if a story idea comes to me, but I've actually taken a few stabs at it, and nothing so far has really taken hold. It's definitely not something that I would deliberately avoid, but I also don't want to force it. When and if the story comes along, that's when I'll do it. But I will if it does!

Until then, Spinning Silver, while it's not a sequel, is a sort of sister-book that has a similar feel, so if you enjoyed Uprooted, you might like that one. It comes out in July. But that said, I too have had the experience of wishing that an author would stick with the characters I first fell in love with, so I sympathize with the desire for a sequel instead! I just can't write it until I can write it. :)
Naomi Novik

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