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Edge of Collapse #2

Edge of Madness

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A devastating EMP. No power. No communication. And no help...
On the five-year anniversary of his wife Hannah's disappearance, small-town deputy Noah Sheridan takes his young son Milo to a local ski resort for some much needed father-son time.
In a blink, the power grid goes out. So do the resort's brand new generators. Noah and Milo find themselves trapped on a chairlift thirty feet above the ground.
Help is not on the way. Night is coming, and with it the killing cold. Getting down before hypothermia sets in is only the beginning...
When an impending blizzard cuts off the town from the rest of civilization, it'll take everything Noah has to keep his family and friends alive. The only things more dangerous than mother nature's wrath are the desperate people willing to do anything to survive.
Don't miss the second book in the riveting post-apocalyptic EMP thriller series, Edge of Collapse. Preorder now!

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 17, 2020

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Kyla Stone

41 books1,386 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 725 reviews
Profile Image for Fred Barnes.
234 reviews17 followers
September 29, 2024


Edge of Madness: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller (Edge of Collapse Book 2) by Kyla Stone is a very well written story, with clear and believable characters, and plausible events which will hold your interest throughout.

In book two in this series, you are introduced to Hannah's husband Noah and her son Milo as the story dives into the life struggles that are thrust upon them five years after Hannah went missing on Christmas Eve. The EMP event comes during one of the worst winter storm hitting SW Michigan, catching many of the town's folks out of town enjoying their holidays with their loved ones. When the power goes, the holidays go out the window, and everyone is struggling just to say alive.

As the list of characters grows, and you will be challenged to determine who's the heroes and who are the villians, some will surprise you when they stand up for what's right and those they love and call them friends and neighbors who needed them just get through the moment, hour, and day. It's really amazing who among us steps up to help even at the chance that it may cost them their lives. At the same time, it's ashamed that the ugly side of people comes to the surface when times become a matter of life and death and their true character of being selfish and just plain evil surfaces.

I have enjoyed the first two books in this series and the prequel "Chaos Rising" and hope you will too.
Profile Image for Tanu.
141 reviews27 followers
August 22, 2024
Courage is not having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don’t have the strength.

I was expecting to read more of Hannah's story. The survivor, the woman who was kidnapped five years ago. She had to go through a lot and that's true. But what of the people that she left behind? Those who saw her walk out their home thinking she'll return but never did.
This is a story of Hannah's husband Noah and their kid Milo.
If the first couple books were heartbreaking, this one devastated me in more ways than i can count. 😭 This book was a perfect example of how humans are evil enough to destroy other humans. We don't need an EMP or a disaster. We are our own enemies.

Noah is just getting back to a semblance of normalcy after losing his wife without any closure. But just as he and his kid Milo are getting used this new life, everything turns upside down. There's politics at play in Falls creek, where people he considers to be his friends are actually the worst enemies he could ever have.

Milo was such a great kid. The level of understanding and maturity he shows even after going through the terror and ugliness of the world at an early age of 8 was unbelievable. He has that stubborn and survivor quality inherited by his mom. The level of anxiety I was going through in that massacre scene was 😭😭
I also loved Quinn. She's quirky, sarcastic and the amount of info she had on survival and how to turn around the worst of situations was impressive💗

This series keeps getting better and better with every book.
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,472 reviews10.3k followers
December 19, 2024
'E𝐃G𝐄 𝐎F M𝐀D𝐍E𝐒S' is the second book in the post apocalyptic series Edge of Collapse by Kyla Stone, and must be read in order.

This book centers around Noah, Milo & a brave teenager named Quinn. Noah is Hannah's husband who we met in the previous book, she went missing and he's been grieving her disappearance for 5 years, he thought that was the worst thing he'd ever have to go through, but he was wrong.

So so wrong..Because so much worse is yet to come..

When the world stopped Noah and his young son Milo are left high and dry with others in chair lifts at their local ski resort thirty feet above ground level when the power cut everything off, the new generators also ceased to kick in and work, Quinn is beside Noah and Milo's carriage sitting beside her elderly grandfather.

This was Noah's first step in trying to get everyone safely down to ground level.

This book lulled me into a false sense of security until yet again this author took me down a path I wasn’t prepared for, so before you jump into this series heed the trigger warnings because it does turn dark.

And involves
Profile Image for Jennelle.
99 reviews181 followers
February 8, 2023
Noah, Milo and Quinn's story:

Surviving in a post EMP world is proving to be survival of the fittest ,so to speak.Food is becoming scarce and people's tensions are high. Noah,a police officer and Milo,his son are Hannah's family.All they have in this world are each other. Enter Quinn. A snarky sixteen year old. Resilient and brave. She's estranged from her Mother,a heroin addict and lives with her grand parents. She turns out to be quite the heroine and there for Milo in a big way.
Profile Image for RedRedtheycallmeRed.
1,859 reviews45 followers
September 30, 2020
It started strong, and ended with quite a bloodbath, but the in between dragged a bit. I was a little annoyed that the characters from the first book aren't in this one at all.

It's a little crazy how fast things fall apart after the EMP, literally less than a week and things are in utter chaos.

Noah was a "meh" character, I kept waiting for him to wake up and notice what was really going on around him. His priority is keeping his son Milo safe, but it seems to blind him to everything else. Several times he has a "prickle of unease" but he frustratingly ignores it.

Quinn was a much better character. Snarky and resourceful for a teenager, I enjoyed her character much more than Noah.

Profile Image for Daniel Ray.
293 reviews4 followers
August 10, 2024
I read the first book in the series and suffered through Hannah’s whining. The second book has different characters and a different location although it starts at ground zero as well. I really like these type of EMP stories. The story is pretty good. But, except for Quinn, the characters weren’t all that interesting to me. And there’s just something about the audiobook that just didn’t excite me. Maybe it’s too much of a weepy emotion in the reader. I’ll continue to book three though, back to Hannah and Liam. Just because I like this type of story.
Profile Image for Tapasya.
365 reviews
March 13, 2020
Awesome beginning but dragged later on.

Overall this book was nice as the previous book. But it was not the exact continuation of the previous book. It was about what was happening at other side.
I hope the next book will continue from the first book because I really want to know what happens next.
Profile Image for Deb.
415 reviews107 followers
November 22, 2024
This second book in this continuing apocalyptic series goes into Hannah's husband and son Milo. It's descriptive again, enough to feel the cold and the terror of the people of their town as you read.
Who is this mystery person causing the lawless and relentless gang to mass murder the citizens. I think I know, but there can always be a twist.
I recommend reading this series, starting with book one. On to the third.
Profile Image for Kira.
1,031 reviews33 followers
August 5, 2023
Edge of Madness is the second book in the post apocalyptic series Edge of Collapse by Kyla Stone.

This book follows the journey of Noah, Hannah's husband who was the protagonist of book 1 and their son Milo. A 16 year old girl Quinn who comes from a broken family also plays quite a significant role in the whole plot.

I must say, I liked it better than book 1 and this one checked all the boxes for a post apocalyptic thriller. There was a lot of panic and mayhem, Noah always in the thick of it being a cop. This one had a strong storyline with quite a lot of violence and bloodbath at some point which only added to the dismal reality of chaos and disorder once the EMP struck.

There are a few characters whom I still don't fully trust and something just felt off to me about them in this book and I am quite intrigued to find out in my suspiscions hold weight.

I wish Hannah and Liam were a part of this book as well and was quite disappointed to find out that I'd have to pick up the next book in order to find out their fate.

4 stars.
Profile Image for Tiffany Colclasure.
83 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2021
Truly Heart Wrenching!

She has a way of telling this story that really tugs at your heart. So very detailed! I love how she jumps from Hannah's point of view in the first book to her husband Noah's point view in the second book. Keeps the reader interested and wanting to continue reading!
Profile Image for Ronda  Tutt.
862 reviews53 followers
February 21, 2023
Shocking and thrilling

Wow, constant action and thrill after thrill kept my attention glued to each page. I thought the author did a great job catching the devastating environment, the desperation of everyone trying to just stay alive and keep from starving. I thought the author did an excellent job showing how human beings being in desperate situations change for the worse and are capable of doing unspeakable acts out of character. Constant Danger around every corner has become an everyday routine. Some of the scenes are brutal and horrific and not for the weak mind. Survival becomes challenging and full of sacrifices. This story was such a shocking and thrilling read. I'm totally hooked and looking forward to reading the next book in series. I want to see the bad guys taken down and the good citizens survive the cruelty of humanity. There is only one other thing worse than a desperate person trying to survive and forced to do unspeakable acts like killing others and that is a government or person of power setting their community up for failure just for their own personal gain and power over individuals they think are beneath them. Between the EMP, crazy murders, desperate citizens fighting to stay warm and having food to feed their children or themselves, and power hungry politicians full of greed that only look out for themselves, the idea that war or another country has attacked them is all forgotten and doesn't matter. No, the only thing that matters is surviving from day to day. Humanity has become sick and twisted.

Excellent Read!
Profile Image for Endangered.
87 reviews
January 6, 2022
The first book was a little slow but had an interesting and unique plot. This book doesnt include any characters from the first one, but I understand that they are clearly setting up for book three in the series... which I will not be reading.

This was one of the most dull and predictable stories in I've ever read from this genere. I suppose those who deem it exciting probably haven't read dozens of EMP survival series. If that's the case, the carnage at the end is enough to lock you in for the next book. After 2 complete books, the story is only about 7 or 8 days into the EMP event.

1. EMP Event Begins.
2. Good guy established.
3. Bad guy established.
4. Good guy faces moral dilemma
5. Bad guy attacks.
6. People die.
7. Resources become thin.
8. Battle begins.

Had the author merged book 1 and 2, taken out all of the babble bullshit used to increase page count, and focused on the unique story line this could have been a phenomenal read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Michelle.
235 reviews
February 29, 2020
I was aware that this instalment was taking a slightly different direction and I was not sure whether I would like it or not. However, I loved it. The pace & atmosphere is different to the previous book. I loved that I learnt more about the characters mentioned in the first book, that there is more occurring.

At the beginning I needed to stop reading for a little while because I have a phobia of heights and the way in which the author described a situation was very real. I felt as unwell as I would if I was that situation. There also are truly heart breaking moments in this book.

I am looking forward to reading book 3. I’m interested to see what happens when all the characters combine. It will be epic. This isn’t a bog standard post apocalyptic book, there are elements of a thriller in the storyline ~there is a lot to be revealed!
Profile Image for Erin.
449 reviews180 followers
March 4, 2023
This book made me so nervous!


It follows the same time period as the first book, just different characters. Now we get to see Hannah's husband and son, Noah and Milo. Their journey in this post apocalyptic world also started off with a bang. Stuck on a snow lift when everything shut down.

This book was so hard to read sometimes. With the first book, Hannah had gone through horrible things, but she was free. I had hope. I saw her getting through this and defeating her enemy. In this second book everything is falling a part. There are so many moral dilemmas. And instead of feeling hope I just feel like things are going to get progressively worse. I am so nervous for the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Olivia.
743 reviews135 followers
October 13, 2020
Kyla Stone’s post-apocalyptic series is gripping and well worth a read for every fan of the genre looking for action, adventure and a terrifying psychopath.
Profile Image for Shernell Joseph.
736 reviews8 followers
September 9, 2024
And I thought Pike was the worst kind of human being. This book proves me wrong

Noah needs to get bigger balls. He kind of annoyed me. I think because he was surrounded by snakes but was so complacte, frustrated me.

I realize this author is playing the long game, so most villains roll over to the next book, which also frustrates me.

This book was brutal, especially in church scenes. The irony that the horrific experience happened at the church.

I am really frustrated with this looming feeling that they are too many villain. I understand humanity will be dangerous in the worst scenario, but I connected with characters. I want the characters to be safe. It breaks by heart when they are plunged into terrible situations.

P.s. Pike family is a piece of shit. I just know it.
Profile Image for John Brown.
428 reviews39 followers
April 10, 2024
Book 1 was about Hannah’s and Liam’s first week of EMP apocalypse and it was decent at best.

Book 1.5 was Liam’s life leading up to meeting Hannah and it had more character development and action then book 1.

Now we have a book covering Hannah’s husband and son’s life the first week of the EMP and it was so much better than book 1 but I’m ready for some plot progression instead of 2.5 books covering the same time frame. I would have preferred this have been another novella but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Profile Image for Kaye.
7,177 reviews67 followers
February 22, 2020
It's getting deep! Kyla rocks this baby to it's core as we witness the struggles and strife, heartache and defeat, pulling closer and supporting one another through thick and thin. A raging tempest of inexplicable circumstances and catastrophic events explodes with intense drama, spiraling intrigue, unnerving danger and electrifying suspense blasting this little fella to life spectacularly. Add turmoil, loss, anarchy, misgivings, massacre, desperation, torment and gut-wretching situations along with a boatload of sinister deeds, you have one chart topping, masterpiece. Forging ahead, throttle wide open, dodging petrifying twists and horrendous turns, propelling it into a tailspin with a mind-blowing culmination. The characters are authentic and original with qualities and traits that transforms into amazing personalities. The scenes are strikingly sharp with abundant details and descriptions, as to give you a full understanding and realism that flows smoothly. Remarkable job Kyla, thanks for sharing this little guy with us.
Profile Image for Maria Vargas.
413 reviews44 followers
March 18, 2024
Let me start with this book giving me whiplash, the author should had given us a warning. The cover got me confused that's not Hannah or Liam who the hell they are? Well, turns out that this book is a whole other storyline.

I don't like most of the characters on this book, that small town of Fall Creek is horrible. My crossing fingers now that Hannah doesn't end up making it back.

❄️ Noah shouldn't even be a police officer; he would believe everything a person with authority tells him.
❄️ Milo is hilarious, he should be with his mom not Noah. Why we can't switch the story make Noah the one who was kidnapped? Also, points for the author to write a character with Addison's disease on this type of story.
❄️ Quinn is a badass, life put her with a shitty mom but always the grandparents take the spotlight. She will say things unfiltered and even though she is 16 years-old she thinks like an adult. I bet she can survive better than everyone else on that small crazy town.
❄️ The smalltown of Fall Creek is giving me ✨devoted Trump supporters✨ and surprisingly don't have their own militia groups.
❄️ The Sinclair family will take any chance to control things, EMP attack gives them the perfect opportunity. When the Township superintendent is a woman, Rosamond Sinclair, you know for sure she has ulterior motives. She doesn't care about the towns people at all.

I was bored 😩 but then a bloodbath happened out of nowhere, going to the next book.
Profile Image for Hunter.
11 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2025
At times some of the writing was a little mehhhh but I got so attached to these characters and can't wait to read the third one and see all of the plot lines connect!!!! Definitely a page turner for anyone who enjoys apocalyptic type shit (definitely had the walking dead type vibes, just not zombies)
Profile Image for Dinah Lynn.
108 reviews8 followers
May 28, 2023
As I see it Kyla Stone is a talented writer. Each book in this series drives me to read the next. Yes, there are horrific scenes but we are dealing with a fictional collapsing world where anything related to the power grid—does not work. So only old vehicles with no chips function, no internet, no cell phones, et cetera. And then people are losing it in the midst of a harsh winter. . . lack of food is just one.

Each book so far focuses on a different characters with different things happening to them, but they all tie into each others world —this works for me.

Quinn, the teenager, is a strong character. Noah, the Police Officer and father is dealing with a lot, not to mention the disappearance of his wife Hannah, five years earlier.

So yes, I’m ready to see what’s going on with Hannah, her rescuer, and the evil one, Gavin— in the next book Edge of Darkness #3.
Profile Image for Chris.
751 reviews15 followers
April 8, 2021
Book 2 of the series.

Here we meet Quinn, a feisty teenaged girl, who through the book turns out to be just as capable, if not more, than some adults. Quinn and Milo (Hannah and Noah’s son) become somewhat of a “team” looking out for each other throughout the book. Without each other, I don’t think either would have survived. She’s smart, honest, has been given hard knocks in life from birth. Her loving Gramps and Granny were currently taking care of her until Gramps had an incident in the ski lift after the EMF -electromagnetic malfunction. Which caused most everything electrical in the world to collapse. Some things can be jimmied to work, others not.

Unfortunately something catastrophic like this, causes people to panic. Sheer Chaos ensues. Some people come together for the greater good for self and others. Others lose their senses and panic and are out of control. They either don’t want direction or they need direction. And then there are the others who use incidents like this to take over and control in a predatory, manipulative fashion for their own selfish reasons.

As in the other books of this series, I learned of some new survival tips.
Profile Image for jboyg.
425 reviews4 followers
February 18, 2020
A Sockwalloper Of An EMP Series By Kyla Stone

Okay, I get it, my higher power has commanded me to become a Stone Clone and read everything Ms. Kyla writes. Message received, this gal has got her finger firmly on the EMpulse in this second book in this series. Real characters, real villains, realistic events, the feeling that this is the way things could really go. Where is number three?
Profile Image for Brian Deegan.
132 reviews21 followers
February 11, 2024
3.5+ Tough one to rate to be honest .. I rounded up to 4 stars but nearly gave it a 3. If it was a stand alone book it would have been a 4 BUT as I enjoyed book one, I was looking forward to seeing what happened to Hannah et al. and feel a little robbed :)

It was a nice read, Maybe dragged a little in parts but doesn't detract too much overall.
230 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2021
This was not a novel it was a screenplay and a really bad one at that. One dimensional characters lurching from action scene to action scene pretty much sums it up. And I didn’t realize it was #2 of a 7 book series until the final inconclusive paragraph. Utter waste of time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 725 reviews

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